Hearts Of Iron 4: What IF Germany WASN'T BAD?!

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if Germany won World War one what if Germany lost World War one what if Tesco won World War one what if everybody just shut the [ __ ] up all right just shut up and we just played the World War one not so I haven't actually played this mud that much and I'm pretty sure last time I checked it was abandoned and hasn't been developed and worked on for quite a while now which is just a real big shame because the original World War my dad darkstar and how it's fine too is actually pretty well done hey boys we've all been building these big fuck-off ships these big old sucking machine guns and we've got gigantic balls to throw at each other what should we do what dig holes and sitting them for four years that does that doesn't sound like fat guys we are here in World War one and of course as I remember it the combat was incredibly soggy in this modest it should be because it is World War one so I'm interested to see just exactly what's changed since the last time I've played it are hundreds of thousands of men stretched many many miles dug in for the winter moving one inch at a time of course it's me describing the current state of British Rail politics but of course if there's any nation we are going to play it as we've definitely got it to Germany and see if we can recreate that whole Kaiser Reich mud with my best friend Wilhelm spaghetti yarn the second thought I remember I'm pretty sure most of this mod is somewhat similar to the game of than a few editions few new resources few new tech stuff like that and oh my [ __ ] god lumber do I look like I've got [ __ ] what around here my history bone has not even begun to be cure you expect me to get word already was there ever a time in history when the Mexicans weren't shooting each other because honestly I'm starting to get a bit fed up of all these [ __ ] revolutions ah France offers Cameroon concession now do we do that or do we just not do that now I could be historical but I also kinda just want to see what happen if I go to war with [ __ ] France yeah we're gonna do it no I think we need to edit this life and plan just a little so we're also going to be declaring war on the Netherlands because I think Germany at the time didn't declare war on enough people at once well invading the Netherlands has proven once and for all but Hitler who's right sorry that's really bad [Music] I've been militarily ok Hitler was wrong about everything except invading the Netherlands may or may not have completely forgot that Russia was in the on top there but don't worry I'm sure everything else go fine on the Western Front not we haven't totally been stalled and nothing could make it nothing else can be worse than this honestly yeah oh well there's my Christmas rune well this is a very historically accurate I'm actually managing to do really well on the Eastern Front and the Western Front at the same time I'm not getting socked down I'm dull jum's capitulated there's there's nothing stopping the German warmish knows boys will be home by Christmas any day oh that gives me 100 manpower that's that's really [ __ ] generous of year there game thanks for that hundred men bit confused because Paris just fell I'm really really not getting slugged out I've been waiting for quite a while for me to get slugged down it's just not happening that I don't I don't know how the German struggled so much of real life how did you [ __ ] this up mr. Wilhelm I mean it couldn't possibly be that this is just a computer game and doesn't really accurately represent the whole trench warfare thing but come on come on this is so easy well home you're a [ __ ] idiot yeah France has also lost a million men so [ __ ] knows what's happening got an event where I got some troops down here in South Africa from a boar revolt or some ink and I'm just gonna set them and they could just explore Africa all on their [ __ ] own I'm gonna forget about them for the rest of the game wow it's 1939 definitely gonna accept the prize for the fastest capitulation of France because it's 1913 for God's sake the war didn't even start till 1940 I'm like so I've got minus time I'm [ __ ] speedrunning God Hey look I'm walking into Petrograd with my troops that don't even have helmets isn't this matter we've had walking into TRUCKING into Moscow now we've got limping into Petrograd new memes lets us all collectively shoot ourselves right now also can we all talk about the fact that all of my [ __ ] troops after invading France are now veteran of course if you're new to hardstyle you don't know what that means it's really [ __ ] incredible ah the Communists are cooked me outta Petrograd just once a [ __ ] care what the hell also we got our peace treaty with the Soviet Union of course this is all historical so they didn't let me take all a rusher with but what's most interesting is now than after beating Russia they want to send some [ __ ] volunteers chuffing Lenin okay apparently Lenin's volunteers decided to turn up here why the [ __ ] did they go there our locus just [ __ ] happened I bet you're all [ __ ] waiting for it weren't ya I literally turned away for a second and austria-hungary has already beaten them back to [ __ ] Rome so I need to get involved here before the [ __ ] austro-hungarians take all the [ __ ] land yeah Italy that wasn't a smart move was a invading me whilst I already capitulated France and England's on its way that's right Germans are landing in Hull ah the Germans are in Hull that's weird I thought they lived down there in London in that big fancy palace I feel like I I've done I've done something bad and really [ __ ] dirty here cuz I'm I'm pretty sure this wasn't supposed to happen I'm pretty sure I suppose have a much harder fight than just capitulating France and England by Oh 1914 oh there's [ __ ] Mars I haven't even done anything I've literally done nothing I would changed my unit's no fig yeah the [ __ ] is happening oh yeah this whole communism think don't actually like it so all this part of Russia's just revolted and now their fascist apparently that's a good point I should prepare for war really I mean I just don't feel like I'm a hundred percent prepared for war I feel like I could prepare a bit you know what all doing this peace treaty maybe we should prepare just a little bit for some Lord's Prayer well I've got no [ __ ] idea what to actually do now I've absolutely decimated in every sense of the word all of anything that was World War one sigh I don't even know what do I do do I should probably kill Russia actually yes we'll just go go Google the [ __ ] Soviets maybe I don't know no [ __ ] it I've already got troops over in Asia we're going to war with the Republic of China a day ago just grind up against my troops of oh oh well that is quite the predicament so the Chinese are just endlessly endlessly attacking me even our mountain provinces and I think this is the fastest I've ever seen a kill count to go up ever yeah that's still going I feel like I should interrupt them at some point I make push but they have just piled up 1.2 million dead Chinese people on the border I should should I do something about that no I'm going to invade the US instead because you know why the [ __ ] now I've already ruined history yeah that was a bit of a disappointing invasion there was actually more Mexicans defending than Americans usually when I record a game it's upwards of five hours I've been playing this game for two hours and I've conquered half the [ __ ] world oh boy that's quite a few Mexicans I've just encircled they're trying to cross the border into German occupied America Oh another one bites the [ __ ] dust and I just can't stop invading I'm invading basically everyone and of course there is someone I've yet to invade well that you already made it guess who invented tanks that's right it's me and I need to put these 1241 factories to you somehow right well let's go have a [ __ ] party at Russia we invaded you once we only took the small portion of lands but this time I'm willing to take at least all of it I'm gonna take all of the land I look 90 days after the war and Russians are trying to beat the Chinese Speedrunner just how many thousands of men you can lose in under a month for warfare boy that sir that's quite the KD it's going a faster than the Chinese one now is this is this the Deaf simulator speedrun game cuz I think it might be well I think we've killed just enough Russians and I think it's time we do a cheeky little invasion and finally get that Petrograd we've all been waiting for oh I like pitch light pretty quickly actually I didn't even oh that's my bad I wasn't expecting them to die like way well overall I have to say that this game probably has world war 1 down to at ER just how historically accurate the game is the Central Powers brawl over most of the world that people actually care about sorry I ran you just not that important but I don't understand exactly how I did so well I I didn't do anything special I'm sure saw in the comments can explain down below exactly why it did so well but hey it's probably cuz I slide the war early but then again I didn't even push until the French already murdered half their treats on my line ah weird who knows [ __ ] knows I don't know well you enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like it the subscribe and I think I'll do another one on the Great War might I'll probably try out Japan or something weird I don't know if we'll see and hey leave a like here to subscribe and whatever you do don't go into this smart expecting some historical accuracy [Music]
Channel: iSorrowproductions
Views: 628,225
Rating: 4.9283142 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron, gameplay, walkthrough, playthrough, waking, the, dragon, family, happy, fun, time, mods, cool mod, funny, funny mods, strategy, grand strategy, poland, mengukuo
Id: JIDpfB_xMVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2017
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