RISKED IT ALL With STORAGE UNIT BUY! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit

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welcome back to treasure hunting with Jesus guys against what we risked it all today we paid a 160 dollars for this unit yeah we cannot see anything of value in there all you see is a ton of boxes a ton of totes all stacked up really high so we really want Bing on this one let's hope they're full of treasures and without further ado let's get into it [Music] all right guys let's get into it let me tell you the reason I stopped $160 right now boom don't tell me that's not where the hunter safety this is worth $1,000 easily maybe a million I don't know but everyone knows that I don't know why they invented this it really only served one purpose but we're not gonna talk about that this needs to be full of files and things like that so that's paperwork but once a home get this out really quick nice boxes this time yeah everything's put together nicely as one of the reasons I wanted to go on if you look at this I mean all the boxes are nicely stacked and tapes up easy hopefully it makes it easy more files don't necessarily mean bad take one random thing out what is this study abroad okay so maybe school stuff might be joking but whatever I'm gonna do it off once we get home it's from 1994 is I'm in that hole this is made of old envelopes not really the personal stuff will give back like a photo albums things like that'll go back let's go this way resolution council the District of Columbia oh it's a whole certificate I don't want to put their name out there quartz and constant it looks full of arts and crafts stuff popsicle stick stickers books all kind of little things like that these some textbooks what is this though let's talk about that oh it's a graduation gown I think that'll probably go back and then their captors - in there that stuff will go back look at these textbooks and see how old they are they look in good condition and let's go see it date 2010 there's an ISBN if any wants to google it right now look it up we're gonna look it up when we get home for sure but textbooks I mean if they're all good textbooks they can pay for the unit century 21 entrepreneurship learning with computers computer connections and keyboarding connections we'll definitely check out those eyes begins on the Amazon you know what's in this box looks interesting what would happen here full of money right well the hundreds under our bills fan oh nothing that's nice little organized there something to take it a flea market no let's try to rip this block open and see what else is in here another one of the same thing it looks like you know this one has paperwork in it floppy disk that's what you know this units been there for a long time probably has not been touched in a while there's some CDs look like it came out of somebody's car they're all real ones it looks like not burnt probably not nothing I'd listen to personally but as inside more CDs in there yeah a couple burn ones in there but still see these are cool what we have here my passport essential a portable hard drive it's not in here find a gig portable hard that I would have been nice hoping that somewhere else in the Union there could I'd be really cool more arts and crafts stuff envelopes cars things like that which is even here for me yeah nothing we got lunch I see you wallet the CD holder actually I think that's a CD holder and we'll let you know like we do before if anything random or crazy comes up let's look in here anything that's not really a wall I just like a little address book type thing so nothing too crazy there take this box out what's in this I see a candle a few candles do they still smell they do after all the time who knows how long they've been in there and I still smell pretty good I don't think these are expensive one is it still love handles anything no random stuff that's in there nothing nothing - interesting ooh purses for days what are we got in here nothing nothing come on I can't all be empty bueno that a good brand anybody know does that don't stuff something in here when is it probably tampons oh come on how do you funny there's tampons in there just beautiful they have been used so there might be a little piece in the stuff left behind randomly there's another wallet let's see any cash doesn't look like it there's a lot in here that's gonna take a lot to go if they look at all these and look at all this person definitely gonna have to take these home and go through them all cuz that would take a while I'll sit there and do so that's definitely interesting what are we got in here car oil or something motor oil 5w30 that would have fit that gold car let's see calculator flash drives nothing interesting let's get this right here files are interesting everybody else I see you go through these all you kids are like files like me you just don't know how you just like file if there's like money in there you never know give me the straight cash but a bunch of files and all things like that so finding money in the second unit was the coolest thing ever ever probably also a curse cuz now every time I see files I get psyched in we're pretty sure ninety-nine out of a hundred times it's just gonna be files but it's still fun definitely wrapped up bubble wrap is always a good thing enjoy hands-free communication she looks like speakers hey Yamaha Yamaha speakers this is hands-free communication of those car speakers I don't know I think you're just another speaker looks like what I know it's a whole serious though look at that it looks modern now it doesn't look old so maybe something there and I'll share another box or two we're not gonna be able to do that too much today because they do close soon one the oxygen kind of late so let's keep searching really quick maybe I shouldn't drop that well the way I mentioned I'm a winner I got a trophy or something I don't know what if they're picking a good unit I hope let's dig what do we have what is that purse please leave to you some cash it's made in France I feel like anything made over there is usually good quality France Italy places like that always seems to be hot and always we always get mail always just get tons of me I don't know why storage people that always lose there you didn't to always keep all the mail it's like a bathroom bag when they say miscellaneous think think Matthew that's the hex in the sock what is this I'm all think it opening the other is what is this I never seen that good zip I thought it was a sock at first what are we got in here have I guess it's like a heating thing or something like that I guess I don't know watch a random these are nice lace club or does that list wait list clade 1 is that a good brand I don't know let's hope we want a life saver yes all worth it I don't see nothing in there but hopefully that's a good grin I don't know what did this one lots of person though I don't only have so many purses every don't get it another purse is the same one yeah yeah I'm stupid well guys I think that's all gonna be able to go through today because we got to take all this to the car anyone will take it to the car let you know if we find anything interesting and we'll be back next time to finish going through it so see you then alright guys so we're back up here again we took all at home and right now it's not looking too great what we have is a stack from a bunch of purses in the stereo system we really didn't look into so that could be valuable no but other than that a couple of dollar fifty simply mark glass so I'm kind of worried this is literally full of a bunch of copies of the same exact book go under this one I don't got I see the wire what is that a car skin this uh no no let me tell me what this is and we'll definitely have it looked up and stuff but I don't know right now as I was going through this I am completely unsure please in here money money so what is that I like how its wrapped up I don't know what it is I don't really want to rip the yeah I don't want to rip it apart looking at it when we get home but it's definitely something to wrap it up that looks like a flower pot this looks like a glass that looks like a jar so I need a couple face falling down here just a little leak come on it's just me one side my babe Ruth stick not more files water DDD files [Music] oh boy I mean sometimes they're exciting because you don't know what you're fine but they stopped yesterday we went through three or four huge boxes of files and didn't find a single thing not really to say about that there's some Randolph's that move that looks like a Mac that looks like an Apple keyboard to me I hate Apple but I know anything with the dang Happel are going it's worth money so maybe the whole computer I'll be in here somewhere there's a Mac or a MacBook in here I think you're doing good maybe you know the Pinterest not really but somebody that's an Apple user talking with that keyboard where the minutes $20 keyboard I mean it looks to be in good shape at this point or penny-pinching so $20 that maybe pennies gonna count thousand dollars I'm gonna start being like pawn stars and now father they're gonna cost over toward guys look at this piece of white foam I could easily get three $7000 with ease on this where are you selling this stuff this box it's taped up no joy get any more books isn't it is it even worth ripping open of course it is yeah that wasn't annoying no just rip tape cooperate think of bring a knife with nope oh here we go oh joy just more freakin book yeah it is not looking good right now oh my gosh he's all there's more professor but hopefully some of them will wear something but based off the ones we found like yesterday I don't have much faith no I don't want your books oh man guys I guess we've done really good lately I think we were due for a bust eventually not done yet though maybe something in there some berries yay storage very very oh my god all files and again oh my gosh oh files why do you people take money to store files there's just for anything a computer any internet it lets you store something on eclis crap what do we got yeah anything of interest some shirts for cards come on can you leave the money in the cards for me doesn't look like you guys looks like gold in here some shirts some business cards and some cops and oh boy single digit multiplication cards look at that [Music] stewey oh but still you on a white boy that's actually pretty good you're on I'll give him that another oldie to vacuum cleaner oh my gosh speaking of old hmm I wonder that has any value to it it's taped shut I don't want to rip it open well you see it's taped shut right here but ya know typewriter maybe junk may be valuable I don't know put any more on this mountain no not what do we got clothes and pictures and other stuff it has no value and does not look good in here they are all these don't even know there's like fabric in them I'm gonna do just paper ah this is not going well something's in it come on come on open you watch it what's something really just trying to guess right now what something really stupid cheap that a teacher could have it's gonna be like I don't know it's full of stockings seriously hey there's some other stuff I mean nothing yeah nothing of any value guys look shampooer thing oh they're cheap are they a little green turbo brush I mean this might be old but gotta do our something a solid liquid into gotta have some type of value in it this crate all the way that you paint why are you stopping these poppy discs no gross these are all floppy discs this stuff has not been touched in a long time a little ceramic jack-in-the-box I'm hoping then once we got to all these envelopes later we'll come back with some good news but I would not count on a guy that would not count on it I'll leave that there for now it's in this blue tote Christmas stuff again does not look like much Christmas decorations close office Obama all right stuff in here clear plus much stuff and storage whole bunch of freaking table right there an old camera down there tell me what that is an old camera we should get one of these develop do they still develop those just see what's in it some pictures and things like that what's a cards I mean never know again we'll definitely still go do everything what it looks like a bunch of just paperwork again joy did another box down here in his office does not look like anything valuable either there's some DVDs or the three games no other DVDs now oh that thing I have something but no I don't think so all pictures their jewelry Knox let's call a business cards guys literally one of the things we found was a whole book just full of business cards like you know phones of context that are nowadays these are all cards look at this I mean there's just wallets full of nothing with business cards I don't think business card to so much I really don't another one business cards business card business card looks like other than that it's another huge thing full of files there's something personal I'm trying to get returned but I don't know if oh there we go this looks like it belonged to the school I don't know what you guys when I was in school all the lights I've used to have this thing right here on it so maybe there's a school computer it's old of course it's uh probably Windows be stuff I take a guess or XP you make even I don't know study hard guys it's Windows Vista you gonna cut on probably not right now that's got a charger in there too if that works at least I mean it's gotta have some type of value hopefully what else do we have in here an old camera a cannon what is that FF 35 probably no value but interesting in an old CD player well at least we have something is looking somewhat positive now the laptop I was hoping to be a MacBook even though I don't use them I just know they're worth a ridiculous amount of money for some reason but we got a laptop and I think we got about all we're gonna be able to take in the car today so we're gonna go ahead and load the car up and then we'll do that tomorrow and finish this thing up so I'll see you then all right guys so let's do a recap of everything we did end up keeping it did not end up being as bad in the bus that daughter was gonna be but still not a huge moneymaker so before we get into it at all the books we went through his skin every single book about maybe what was it 20 something and 21 22 of them were able to be traded in we got about 47 dollars and some change on what's that thing called de-clutter so that's the first thing 47 dollars from declutter remember how I said we check the cards always check all the cards and files cuz in one of the cards $30 cash so not a whole lot but I puts it at 70 something now 70 some dollars right there I mean we did pay 160 for the Union plus fees after everything was said I done probably closer to 180 dollars so right there steers 70 some of that back this is the speaker said I want to take it out the box now surprisingly with shipping included this thing sells for about a hundred bucks on eBay a shipment probably calls like 40 so I'm gonna guess this thing's worth about 50 bucks and it is complete and everything so that's to me about $50 right there so that should put us at about 120 I was scared of all the electronics now because let me show you what I found in there first thing first an old-school iPod right here 8 gig well look at that screen that thing is smashed I don't know if it works I don't think I have this charger it's pretty big charge I mean you'd think I would have charging for all the charges we find but I don't think we have one that fits that but anyway with that screen I don't think it's gonna work that wasn't it though nice iPhone 3 - it looks great right until you turn it around I don't know what these people do with their electronics but an iPhone 3 that is completely smashed in the back so I doubt this thing's gonna work I'm pretty sure it's not gonna work I mean I'm almost willing to bet lots of money on it but some of the Eco trading things still except broken ones because they use it for certain pieces I don't know how that works for the Apple but with androids I know you can still trade in broken phones lastly a little I think these are my pot shuffles really small one here I don't know if this works either I don't even see a charging port on this one I really don't know somebody that's owned this let me know all I see is an aux cord I don't even see somewhere to charge this thing so no idea if that works either but you random broken electronics this thing to my surprise sells for about $70 new 70 to 80 depending on website you're on so we're hoping to list this there's somewhere between 30 probably listed at 50 probably end up getting about 30 $40 for that so that was cool the Apple keyboard is complete and it actually also had an Apple Mouse in there there's some sticker residue on there so we'll have to scrape this off but once we do I'm pretty sure that keyboard in the mouse together I'll probably get another 20 to 30 dollars so that's not bad this things about really blew my mind this was complete and it had the piece with it the other there was a couple other pieces missing the word with this but this is complete this retails for four to five hundred dollars but this piece alone is worth about on eBay I've seen it going for between 50 and 75 dollars so there's a few things left in the unit we didn't completely clean yeah but it looked like all trash that's why I didn't go back and do it record for the residents just want to finish the video but if the rest of this is in there that could be a couple of hundred dollars and actually mean we made you money in the end on this unit but I don't think I saw anything like that I think all those left there's a couple close boxes in a whiteboard so I don't think it's gonna be in there but still we can get 50 bucks for that at least put just a little bit in the green lastly I was scared with all those broken electronics but we plugged it up a little charge the laptop does work the only unfortunate problem is is it's locked out I don't have the password for it I don't know how to get into it I mean I know I can download like a password thing on a flash drive I put it in there but I've seen them sell locked out like this they sell for like forty fifty dollars in unlock now they sell for like 60 so I mean it's not that big of a different it's like a ten fifteen dollar difference I don't know if it's really worth the time so we might just try to sell this locally say it's locked down our soul locked out computers before they still sell for me a good amount cuz people don't know how to do it they have all the software on flash drives I just plug it in it's no problem to them and they could still use it so the laptop we're hoping like 40 50 dollars this thing you're hoping like 40 or 50 dollars this thing 30 to 40 this probably about 30 this probably about 40 50 $30 cash and 47 dollars in books so we actually still ended up making it out good I thought for sure this was gonna be a complete total boss but still we made it out in the green not by very much but we didn't lose money and that's the most important thing and it was still a ton of fun to do but anyway that's gonna be it for this video thank you guys so much for watching the video if you did enjoy make sure you leave it a big fat thumbs up but if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome dumpster-diving storage units thrift stores all kinds of treasure hunting videos every single day of the week and if you want to follow us on our social media links make sure you do that there'll be on screen there also be down in the description below follow us on whatever you had cuz we post updates and all kinds of things that we're doing all the time thank you so much for watching and until next time peace out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 164,289
Rating: 4.7459197 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit jelly, abandoned storage locker, abandoned storage units, abandoned storage units itsyeboi, storage locker finds, taco stacks storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auction locker, storage lockers, storage unit, american pickers, pawn shop, taco stacks, treasure hunting
Id: 0F2g-RZ8QvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 20sec (1700 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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