So I made my microphone control Minecraft...

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YusufYedek 📅︎︎ Aug 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
okay so um we can't move at the moment uh basically my keyboard and mouse will absolutely never be used to control minecraft at any point throughout this entire video everything today will be done via my microphone i will not touch my keyboard or mouse when it comes down to minecraft but first we gotta set this all up so right now it's already listening to my voice but the program does not know what triggers anything yet so let's get that fixed wonk as you can hear i'm still clapping and it's walking stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop off oh no oh stop stop stop okay actually this is fine we're we're in a corner right now um um okay uh idea uh uh i gotta fix i gotta fix not walk not walk walk not walk yeah we can walk and not walk whoa okay next jumping jump walk jump yes uh not walk not walk not walk not walk jump walk not walk oh my god i'm a genius hey so uh sorry for interrupting but youtube still has a bug going on that is causing people to be unsubscribed so please do check if that's the case because i don't want it to randomly happen to people and um it also helps me out a lot if you do subscribe all right that's all now i would say the next thing is to actually have turning be a thing because obviously we're only looking at one direction we're gonna be able to move left and right and do all of that stuff right so i'm gonna do a little a little drawing that's gonna portray what we have going on right now so this is supposed to be our little character right so these are its eyes it's looking that way and to walk we have walk and then to stop walk we have not walked jump is jump now we gotta be able to turn so we gotta be able to go you know like that and like that so i was thinking for going to the left we would have left and going to the right we would have not left great left left left left left left not left left not left go walk walk stop walk uh not walk not walk oh my okay so it does work it's just all right hold on left left left left left left left oh left yes oh left left okay okay right right right right right right right right right right right right right right not left not left not left not left oh my god okay okay right no not left not left not left not left not left not left okay here comes the big one guys walk jump left left left left left left left left left left left left left leg okay i'm tired we need bigger swings now instead of actually making left you know swing more here's what i'm thinking what if we just have multiple left so we have more of a you know a specific angle of how much we can do it so what if we do it like left but more and then not left but more yeah that that seems that seems yeah not left but more not left but more not left but more not left but more okay i don't like my wording big not left big not left okay now we're just gonna now we're just gonna do this but like a lot a lot a lot big left big left big left big left walk jump no walk oh my god we are playing minecraft we are playing minecraft now remember how i said i wasn't going to use my keyboard and mouse yeah i i lied i used it to make this um i want to actually test my skill with this so i made a tiny parkour which involves in some tight turns it involves a jump and some really narrow walking and i want to try and complete this with just my voice i'm not excited for this walk walk walk not walk big left big left big left left walk not walk big right uh uh big not left big not left big not left uh not left walk not walk oh my god not left okay this is gonna be very tough so i gotta okay let's just think about it right so i gotta go forward i i'm trying not to say the word that triggers it i'm going forward i shall elevate myself in the air and immediately stop going forward that's the plan at the moment okay so we got this we got this walk jump [Music] no it just walks off oh my good okay not walk not walk walk big left walk big left left walk jump what do you mean big not left uh wonk jump oh my god walk jump no walk not left walk jump not walk uh uh a big left big left big left walk not walk no walk jump jump not walk walk jump not walk what do you mean why do you stop right there walk jump not walk we're back okay walk not walk big left big left big left left walk not walk all right so we made it um this is very cool and i think we can move on to the next step but first we're gonna need some names for actually looking up and down here's my idea um what if we instead of using up we use sky and instead of looking down we can use rim so now with this logic if we say skyrim we will nod sky rim there you go now to mind you actually get a hold down your mouse button for a certain amount of time because as example mining wood is a lot faster than mining obsidian so we're gonna need two commands basically one to hold down the mouse and want to let go of the mass mine craft i've been thinking about this for a few minutes now um i'm actually not entirely sure what i should call attack because i can do attack or i can do fight or defeat or die but i don't know it sounds so rude and mean so i'm i'm thinking we can do the exact opposite flowers okay flowers jump not wonk big not left no big left not left flowers big not left ah don't walk away big not left jump uh flowers oh flowers wonk not walk not left not left place no run run oh okay okay so the whole thing is i don't want you to ever use your keyboard or mask for this all right so i just don't touch it no matter what try and say command and see what happens walk stop walking stop stand still it's night it's not wonk not walk jump jump jump jump jump jump jump swim swim swim swim swim i'm drowning fondue just careful jump just jump jump jump walk jump jump jump jump big left big left big left big left big left big left big left sky walk not walk not big left not big left not big left no big left not big left not big left not big left not big left oh wait whoa it's big not left actually [ __ ] you big not left big not left now i'm looking you in the eyes yeah no uh uh uh not left big not left hey flowers all right we now have a tremendous amount of strength basically the first person that heads to one another just dies okay three two one go walk [Laughter] big left big left big left big left big left big big left big left big left big left leg big left i hate this i hate this i hate this where are you flowers big left flowers big left shirts no i have to admit something i did move my mouse a couple times i was getting infuriated i was getting infuriated walk jump nope walk jump [Laughter] walk jump oh there's no you can't even sprint how am i gonna i actually have a word for it though wait do you what is it yeah it's um uh it's it's parkour parkour you walk up to what you gotta walk up to first walk parkour you you idiot you actually thought i had a [ __ ] you man you silly mine craft jump jump you've been dominated i guess you did it all right so that's basically all i have to show for this video i don't really well there's a bunch more but like it i don't want the video to be 30 minutes long there's probably one final question that you're wondering one final big question that you want answered is it possible to beat the game with just your microphone maybe but [ __ ] that hey i i didn't get a chance to say you should subscribe so i'm doing it now you should subscribe it really helps me out a lot it's free uh you can always unsubscribe whenever you want to this is the outro it's about to end uh please do just subscribe or something
Channel: Fundy
Views: 3,790,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fundage, fundy, itsfundy, fundy minecraft, minecraft fundy, So I made my microphone control Minecraft, minecraft but voice, minecraft microphone, microphone game, playing minecraft with microphone, minecraft with microphone, microphone control, fundy microphone, fundy minecraft in minecraft, minecraft in minecraft, fundy difficulty, minecraft difficulty, impossible difficulty, babymode difficulty, nightmare difficulty, microphone control minecraft, tubbo, twitch, fundylive, So I, mc
Id: XP6BCJFa8io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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