So I made a "nightmare" Difficulty in Minecraft...

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
i've made two custom difficulties that make minecraft incredibly tough to beat and i called them impossible but this is where it ends i've combined everything i know everything i could to make the most impossible difficulty of all time now to quickly recap of what i've already done in previous difficulties and what is included in this one i've made it so lava instantly kills you whenever you step on eyes it it does this this is what it does torches will automatically turn off after about 20 seconds whenever you place them down any sort of warm biome is absolutely not fun when you're wearing armor that includes the nether skeletons have crazy aimbot and incendiary arrows that deal twice the damage and fire never goes out on its own enderman and zombie pigman are always going to be angry when you're close by you don't even need to do anything to them anymore and just to pick a random one pigs will turn into signs because why not now those were just a few of the things that were already included but here is how i made things much much worse and believe me what i'm about to show you is really bad this is not okay so to start things off one of the main things that you got to do in minecraft is survive now you got this little food bar down here and if it hits all the way to the end you start taking damage and all of that now to fix that you obviously need to eat some food and the main ways to eat some food is by eating some beef the thing is though you're now vegetarian which means any sort of meat oh my am i gonna die from no okay which means any sort of meat any sort like pigs cows chickens even fish even rotten flesh from zombies no matter what if it's meat you're going to take damage from it so that's already out of the question you don't want to eat it anymore and to make things even worse a common way of getting quick cooked food is by cooking an animal and then killing it while it's on fire but instead you get this which is burnt meat now you would say funny but that's dried kelp i can obviously read it if you eat it you won't take damage nope so we got a little staircase here which is four blocks tall now normally if you fall off a staircase that is four blocks tall or high or any drop really you would take half a heart of damage and depending on how high it is you would take more damage now i changed 4 damage ever so slightly um quick tiny interruption youtube still managed to mess some things up that causes people to unsubscribe so please do check if that's the case because it does help out a lot i don't really want people to randomly be unsubscribed when they don't want to be all right that's it let's continue so to start things off uh my inventory is half full of cobblestone what this means is that in my version or my difficulty i now weigh more which means if i fall down the stairs or fall down a four block high thing you obviously start taking more damage right so normally a four block tall drop would only deal about half a heart of damage but my entire inventory is now full of cobblestone which means it now does a lot more damage now it doesn't seem as that much you know three and a half hearts doesn't seem that bad but do keep in mind it would have been half a heart which means if we do a full heart of damage that's seven hearts we would die if we jump down as example [Laughter] this is so unfair it is so unfair now a side effect of all of this is that if you take damage from more than two hearts you also will like be completely blinded slow down mining fatigue and all of that so yeah that that that also happens because um why not i want you to memorize my inventory perfectly okay memorize everything that's going on every order every item and i'll pay very close attention to what's about to happen no it uh it sorts your inventory in a much better and um more efficient way oh my i didn't even i turned i just turned i so normally whenever it's about to turn nighttime which is right now um a very smart thing to do would be to you know sleep away tonight because then you can skip all the mobs that spawn and all of that which is good but a little bit too good so uh i changed it ever so slightly if you sleep here's what happens everything looks like normal everything works but when you wake up you have a nightmare now nothing really happens it's all safe because obviously it's a nightmare and it's not real however you do wake up a little bit before the night ends now what that means is that mobs can spawn because of this you're always going to experience at least part of the night regardless of when you go to bed either the start of it or the end also it would be incredibly unrealistic you know having mobs despawn or burn during the daytime that doesn't happen in real life i've never seen a zombie burn in real life and neither have you i can guarantee that so uh yeah i fixed both of that also when you kill them a little vex boy spawns so uh you know it's just just to make it a tiny bit worse same thing for skeletons but you know like it's supposed to be a ghost with baby zombies it makes sense because it's like the same size skeletons not so much but yeah just just ignore that part one thing that steph actually is that target the wrong way colored i think it's is it simple wait huh so whenever you try and use a bow i've used an advanced algorithm to generate wind levels that define i'm just kidding arrows just randomly go wonky whenever they want to i mean yeah there you go it uh it just takes a little bit i think this is ah you know four out of um four out of uh uh four out of five probably four four to six hit nice hey remember portals how they look like this yeah that's pretty cool right um i fixed it these don't work anymore basically um i figured this was a little bit small you know i wasn't really a fan of these small portals i like the portals to be a little bit bigger let's just uh let's just try three by three see if that works oh no it doesn't maybe four by three nope still not working all right how about how about four by four let's check that ah there it is four by four well i guess you need a little bit more obsidian now don't ya isn't this fun aren't you gonna have fun oh this is so much fun right yeah we're gonna have a lot of fun mining even more obsidian now oh cause that's a fun thing to do in minecraft oh boy don't you love now i've also completely revamped the nether and by that i mean i made the blazes incredibly overpowered um first of all you know how blazers normally shoot fireballs and you can dodge them yeah uh you can't anymore also uh water in cauldrons goes away incredibly fast so you really want to be quick now a second thing is i've made water buckets whenever you take damage randomly no stop stop no no no no no oh my god give me water please stop stop no oh my god this is not fun this is not fun why did i make this why did i think this was a good idea how much i'm i am literally cheating and it's giving me stress how is that it's not supposed to be this evil there's now a five percent chance well supposedly five but i upped it a tiny bit to demonstrate as example right here it should happen there you go spilled some water because believe me if you're carrying some water with you and you get slapped in the face i'm quite sure you're gonna spill some water buddy now if you manage to make your way through all of that and somehow end up in the stronghold this is where it gets really bad now first of all i want to remind you that whenever you enter the end all of the endermen if they're within range are always going to be aggro no matter what they're always going to be angry you don't even need to look at them anymore they're always going to be angry unless you have an invisibility potion now the catch is if you use an invisibility potion you can't wear armor anymore if they see one piece of armor on you they are still going to be extremely mad let me demonstrate oh why why why is this hap this is not supposed so we have one piece of armor on and you can immediately also tell this is another effect that i've added i've tried to simulate then the end is now the moon so you have moon gravity you walk incredibly slow mining blocks is really annoying and uh out running an enderman is not really an option anymore so yeah have fun dealing with that you really don't want to wear armor stop no no so here's the thing whenever you go to the end you know how there's always these crystals that will fully heal the ender dragon no matter what you do oh my god yeah my aim my aim is on point right now oh man why am i hitting this tower when i'm aiming over here you know how the ender dragon has these crystals that heal him up whenever he wants to if you actually manage to break these crystals like that these guys will spawn now if you're not invisible um these guys will not and i repeat will not like you at all so uh you definitely want to take care of these guys as well because they will stick around the towers no matter what so if all of these crystals die yeah you uh you get the point um this would not be fun this would not be fun now one of the main things that you could do obviously is putting down water which i guess helps against the enderman but these guys ah probably not no probably not they're always gonna no no no no no no no no no no no no no no now if you somehow still manage to beat the game with all of this going on let me just try and slap him real quick there we go if you manage to beat the entire game with all of this um something in chat will happen there's gonna be a little bit of dialogue and it's gonna reveal a little secret a little trophy but of course it would be a shame if i showed you without you actually beating it right no no no you're gonna actually beat the game for yourself if you want to see what that is yeah jokes aside though this entire project with all of the impossible difficulties and everything together has probably taken over a month to make so i really hope you guys enjoyed this one and you're definitely missing out if you're not following me on twitch or twitter yet because i stream exclusive videos there that are not shown on youtube uh that is a lie but do consider checking it out though because there's some cool stuff up there anyways i really hope you enjoyed the video and if you did please do consider subscribing as you know it does help out a lot like a lot of line worst case scenario you can just unsubscribe whenever you want to but without further ado i hope you enjoyed take care stay awesome and see ya yeah outro it really makes me want to click on that link in the description to go to my twitch where i stream like three times a week and i do minecraft stuff that you know is like really cool and it's it's actually really cool please come by i'm pretty lonely there
Channel: Fundy
Views: 7,956,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fundy, itsfundy, fundy minecraft, minecraft fundy, nightmare difficulty in minecraft, impossible++ in minecraft, impossible++ difficulty, fundy impossible, impossible difficulty, imposssible++ minecraft, nightmare difficulty, nightmare difficulty fundy, nightmare difficulty minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft impossible, minecraft impossible++, wadzee impossible++, wadzee impossible, fundy impossible mode, impossible mode, nightmare mode, wadzee nightmare, wadzee fundy
Id: 94A5W1ChK8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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