So I made an "RNG" Difficulty in Minecraft...

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hello fundy here do you like it when games are purely based on luck and no skill whatsoever no well too bad i did it anyway [Music] alright so the first thing you would do in a minecraft world would just be punching on a tree that would be the normal standard thing to do and it should be going just fine but in my difficulty it's ever so slightly different that is not all right so a lot of things just happened um i put myself in creator to survive and i'll explain everything in a bit uh but before i do i just want to give you guys a quick heads up there's a youtube bug going around that has been going on for quite a long time now where it randomly can unsubscribe you from any channel even if you think you are subscribed please do give it a check because you know youtube might have messed with it and on that though these videos take me really long to make um i'll show you everything that i've done in a second but if you do enjoy the video subscribing is completely free and it really does mean a lot to me if you subscribed you know it is free so you know okay so let me explain what exactly happened there because it was a lot of things now there was a number that came up on the screen and basically that tried to simulate a d20 which is basically a dice with 20 signs depending on the role that you do you can either get really lucky or you can get really unlucky now depending on the okay all right now that's fine depending on the number uh as you might have seen twice in a row now different things can happen they can either be lucky or unlucky or anywhere in between so the lower number you're gonna get um in one of these actions the worse things can happen but the higher your number can get the better things can happen so as example in this case because i chopped it down and i rolled an 18 which is very high the highest is 20 it made gold appear from the tree oh also you might have noticed that whenever you break a tree it doesn't actually break um that might lead you to realize that uh placing down logs of any sort is um is not really the smartest idea well you can get gold but you know you can also get that all right so let's say you got yourself some wood you turned it into oak planks you place it down and you start crafting stop stop and you start crafting some tools now as soon as you start crafting some tools no matter what type they are whether they're wood or diamond um an event will trigger and once again you'll roll your little dice and the outcome is gonna depend how much durability your tool has now we roll 10 which means it should be around the middle but depending on how high and low you roll all of your tools will depend on this so let's say we craft a pickaxe let's see what we get a seven all right so it's it's slightly less than ten and as you can see it's a little bit less durability than this one yeah you basically want really high rolls otherwise um now let's say you do end up rolling something really high as example a net 20 something special happens not only will no durability be gone but at the same time you also get some default enchantments these enchantments are obviously based on what tool it is and you know armor would get on breaking and protection tools get efficiency and a sword as example gets sharpness and that's pretty nice but then again rolling in that 20 is only a 1 in 20 chance doing anything else is not necessarily gonna give you that i just did it nine times just to show you what it would be like ish um you can see it here it's uh it's not always that great now once you got your tools and you started mining um there's a random chance as example right here there's a random [ __ ] okay all right no that's fine no that's great thank you thank you oh come on no are you no you really really really really you're still here okay yeah no that's fine like i said before whenever you go mining there's a random chance for whenever you mine uh let me just see if i can get it there we go there's a random chance for this to happen and okay as you can see there's a few things that can happen um some are nice and some are not some of these things can actually include things like spawning oars uh some of them can be spawning silverfish behind the block that you mine basically it can only happen whenever the block behind the oreo mine isn't visible so as example whenever you mine something that is visible you know only this one would work because behind it is you know stuff that wasn't visible before and now i could have changed those into coal as you can see right there i spent a lot of time writing this code okay please please like applaud me or something i'm very i'm very proud of this now let's say you actually decide to get lucky and you roll a net 20 um this can spawn now that should hopefully compensate for um certain things no no no no no let's say you died a couple times due to very unlucky mining you give up you get some food and you start to get hungry now once you start eating food obviously it's gonna trigger again now whenever you eat food it's randomly gonna give you any bonus effect okay this can be something very good such as absorption or strength but also something very bad as example poison or hunger once again depends a lot on what your role is now i i rigged it to be 20 right now and as you can see i get a bunch of buffs now these buffs are very good okay i'm very fast look at me go look at me go look at this then again obviously there's gonna be also you know a negative to it so if you were to roll i don't know something like a um a net one um uh uh now another way to actually trigger the event is obviously by sleeping sleeping is a very common thing to do in real life and in you know in game you can have good sleeps and why you wake up really nice you feel well rested and you can have nightmares so to say whenever we go to bed and whenever we essentially wake up it's gonna roll and depending on your role i guess you know you can skip the night so we rolled the 19 which is pretty damn high it's it's only one away from 20. and uh we got luck from that you know we got a nice little luck bonus also if we had any damage taken or anything like that we would have also reject that and we got some saturation if you were to not get that lucky um something else happens okay so um whenever you roll a very low such as a one um these these guys spawn uh now the group size of these mobs is dependent obviously on how much you roll and um they are randomly named so in this case they're a group of goblins and they're called goblin zombos and uh goblin skeletons they also got their unique gear so they all got their own you know little nice shades of green they got their own wooden and stone swords they're they're pretty you know different so to say if i were to sleep again once again these mobs will spawn in this case they're actually called thieves now you're probably wondering fundy do they steal items no are they exactly the same as other mobs and have no special function maybe now there's actually something else that can happen whenever you fight these guys and that is actually whenever you kill a mob it's not necessarily these guys it's actually any mob in general but whenever you do once again the event can happen and depending on what you roll they can either give something good uh which didn't happen they can give something mediocre such as you know an extra drop which is coal which did happen and it can also do something not that good yo let's go that's good no that's not good [Applause] oh are you kidding me really really really okay that's fine do you notice how okay yeah no ghost of ghost of the okay all right yeah no that's um that's not so whenever you kill a mob and you know you roll something bad um their ghost can spawn as example we killed a thief zombo and a ghost of thieves zombo spawned but then you got these guys which are ghosts of ghosts now the last way to trigger a role is to actually just normally walk it really rarely happens but i upped the chances just so i could show it and hopefully i can keep on talking until it happens please there we go okay so uh i oh oh oh oh i just realized okay um uh i may have made it happen very many times oh just walk walk walk okay yeah there's a random chance whenever you walk for uh treasure to spawn near you but also enemies so oh my god okay all right all right hey how are you guys doing okay what's going on guys this is not safe now there's only one thing left and that is probably my best creation ever i completely revamped the entire end fight and i'll just let it speak for itself [Music] so [Music] oh no no ah and once you finally kill the dragon [Laughter] i'm dead good job well done smile you once up subscribe to fundy okay nice ball bye [Laughter] oh man what a fight that is man i really really made the dragon incredible i listen alright i don't like to i don't like to give myself compliments that much but hey you gotta hand it to me that is pretty impressive all right i made custom dragon ai all right this is revolutionary mojang you can you can hire me now all right you can hire me all right that's basically it um i showed everything i can because there's a few other things that i haven't shown but that's purely because i want to keep some things you know secret for if you download it for yourself and yeah i just really hope you enjoyed the video if you did enjoy you know subscribing is free uh it really helps me out a lot and you know that you can just you know unsubscribe whenever you want to but yeah i really hope you guys enjoyed take care stay awesome and see ya [Music]
Channel: Fundy
Views: 6,211,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fundage, fundy, itsfundy, fundy minecraft, minecraft fundy, i made every block slippery, i made every mob like a creeper, I made an RNG Difficulty in Minecraft..., impossible difficulty, difficulty fundy, fundy difficulty, impossible minecraft, nightmare difficulty, babymode difficulty, cursed difficulty, minecraft cursed, cursed fundy, fundy cursed difficulty, fundy difficulty impossible, fundy difficulty random, random difficulty, rng difficulty, fundy rng, fundy random
Id: 9q1VAyTK3tU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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