So I made an "Apocalypse" Difficulty in Minecraft...

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what if the sun just like exploded ah so yeah the uh the sun is gone the sun has exploded i mean honestly listen why do we even need the sun right like it's it's just a glorified light bulb we we don't really need a sun um other than the fact that um the entire world has now gone into an ice apocalypse wasteland other than that we don't really need the sun right like before i show you the crazy stuff that is about to happen in this video according to youtube some people can randomly be unsubscribed from channels so if you do end up enjoying this video please do consider subscribing it's free and you can always change your mind later even if you think you are subscribed please just check because youtube might have messed with it anyway enjoy the video as you can see um the entire world without the sun has now turned into this i don't know what what even is this place it's just completely ice everything is frozen because you know the sun provides heat without heat or without you know any photosynthesis we don't have any trees when i have flowers we don't even have grass the entire world is now made up of a biome that is just dirt and and gravel and all that kind of even the even the oceans and and lakes are turned into ice and even if there's a lava lake i don't i don't know if there's anyone nearby but even if there's a lava lake that lava lake will now have turned into obsidian that is how cold it is and uh yeah i'll talk about this tiny thing in the bottom right uh later okay i'll i'll tell you about that in a second but you're probably wondering fundy where are the mobs where is my favorite chicken where's my cow and sheep and pig well that's a good question um they're dead all of them are dead they're extinct every single passive mob every single living mob is dead uh yeah so that means cows pigs chickens fish squid anything that dude they're all not here anymore there is not a single alive mob in the world it's just a wasteland now even for you as a player it is incredibly cold to live on this planet and that's where this little thing comes in place as soon as you spawn um basically your temperature is already dropping massively like you have literally no time to do anything as you can see i'm already like halfway through it i'm starting to take damage and honestly it is incredibly ruthless you have just about no time at all to get preparation and uh within seconds you get slowness you start to walk slower you take more and more damage and at some point i mean you just freeze to death so yeah no have fun speedrunners i really hope speedrunners are going to enjoy this one oh man dream huh dream that's gonna be oh man you're gonna have so yeah no speed running and stuff illumina speed running now obviously you need a way to stay warm and i mean there's multiple things that can do that don't worry there's multiple things as example one of the things is campfires but you know getting campfires a little bit tough lava would be another way uh but you know what's even better than that you know what's even better than than using lava to stay warm my new merch drop baby oh yeah we got three amazing new hoodies and they're different vibrant colors look at that with embroidered design oh my god i mean no but with all honesty uh these hooties are actually really really good i i really enjoy wearing i actually probably wear them a little bit too much so i'm extremely sad to say that they only last for seven days you can only get them for seven days after seven days they are gone forever all right oh also there's this thing so yeah uh link is in the description if you want one now is the time to get it because they will be gone forever after this and uh yeah enjoy the video alright so as i just explained uh you can stay warm with campfires or lava but the problem is lava on the surface that generates turns instantly into obsidian as i told earlier and campfires don't you know they don't really naturally spawn in the world let me demonstrate what you would do when you spawn in survival it is pretty simple and actually not that difficult oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go what am i doing what am i doing go go go go go go go all right so it's pretty common for you to uh maybe maybe die uh once or twice or a few times before you actually get yourself a campfire but uh the premise is yeah you want to get yourself a campfire as quick as you can so to do that obviously you need wood and then you need to smelt the wood so you can get charcoal and then you need more wood because i actually don't know how to make a campfire myself uh so i think you need more wood but as you may have already noticed as well it seems that the snow is accumulating how do you make a campfire you make it oh god uh i need okay i need one more of these and i need more planks so i probably need two more logs yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah turn it into sticks now i need campfire there it is and boom stay near oh did i forget that campfire is just like you know slowly uh just just burn out yeah i probably forgot to uh i probably forgot to say that one one two more quick quick quick quick quick bam bam heat up heat up please survive please survive please survive please survive please survive please please please come on come on please please heat up heat up heat up please don't come on what okay all right um that would be how you do it so i made myself a little area so that i can you know just chill and and actually talk to you guys about what exactly you need to do at this point well here's the thing you're probably wondering bundy how do i get my beef how do i get my nice medium rare steak you know you're probably wondering that right um well there is no food there is absolutely no food in this game there's zero there's no food you can't get food except there's only one type of food and that food you see the little you see the little plant over there um please please give me a seed give me a wheat seed i would really really like a wheat seed i would really really like a wheat seed i'm screwed i'm going back i can't i'm not going to make it i'm sad but i'm i'm dead now you may or may not have noticed um that the snow is actually kind of behaving differently you see how the snow is like doing its little weird thing where it's like starting to accumulate and normally you would only have you know one layer of snow well here's the thing um i thought it was a lot funnier if um if you started to just you know do your thing you got your little base and you did some mining and you made a cave you get some iron and then you go back outside and then um let me just let me just actually simulate what would happen i think you um i think you understand where i'm going with this i think you see the the problem here when you stay underneath the ground for a very long time yeah i think you i think you i think you see the problem here hey buddy hey buddy hey buddy i oh oh i i didn't pause it did i i um i went downstairs to uh to feed my oh okay uh to feed my cat uh oh all right okay i'm gonna be real with you guys i um i did not test this out yet so uh i don't i can't really estimate how high this went oh you really really no wait what what what i'm freezing i'm freezing or i'm not up now no way no this is not okay this is not a oh oh don't tell me i'm gonna die because of this all right um okay it seems that we're in a little bit of a pickle um i mean the longer i wait the worse it's gonna get but i don't have wood to relocate this thing how high is it oh my god oh okay yeah all right oh oh oh boy oh i start oh oh boy look at how fast it goes too it's it's so quick oh man that is that is actually oh man so yeah i i had to write something that allows for custom snow accumulation snow cl a custom the snow grows uh it it grows really quickly um really quickly yeah over time wherever you are really uh snow just starts to accumulate near you and further away from you it's a lot slower as you can see over there it's a lot lower compared to uh why do i always make things that are like incredibly impossible to beat why do i do that am i having fun yeah i know i'm i'm kind of having fun i'm i'm i'm i've actually have a lot of fun and i mean at this point once this happens like good luck getting a wheat seed i mean oh there's hold on hold on nope nope oh okay okay all right all right all right let's uh yeah i can't really get back okay you know what you know i'm just i'm just gonna i'm just gonna cheat i can't i'm just gonna cheat all right so you finally get yourself you know one seed basically you're gonna somehow manage to get iron and with that iron you make a bucket you start you know tilling some some farmland and you wait for uh for a little are we a little wheat seed and actually you know what because the environment is so cold the seeds that exist are very not used to you know warm environments meaning it's basically growing 60 times as fast which is well it is growing 60 times as fast and yes all right it doesn't have to be 100 realistic i gotta make it somehow survivable like how how else you know what do don't judge me for this all right i felt like this was realistic so i make it realistic all right this is it is realistic to me hey remember how i said that uh that no mob spawn and stuff and that you know no animals and no living thing would would be alive in this world i wasn't i wasn't lying to you you know no living thing exists on this world um so um there there's another mob that uh that likes to spawn around these is it gonna is it gonna freeze is it wait what's gonna oh i did not think that through did i oh i really didn't oh i oh i oh i see well i mean they still spawn underground basically the only mob that ever spawns in the entire world is uh is this little guy the uh the stray now i did revamp the stray a little bit uh they may or may not be twice as strong they may or may not be uh twice as uh tough they may or may not also be able to spawn with i don't know something like a sword maybe um i'm just i'm just saying random things here like may or may not right may or may not yeah this is uh this is the only mod that spawns and uh you know what's really fun about these guys um they're considered you know a frost mob uh which means if they hit you uh i just all right uh next to the fact that i just died there um you saw you saw the other thing that that happened down you you probably saw it i need heat and i mean other than this there isn't really any major new goal you can still go to you know the nether you can still get the end of pearls and blaze rods everything in another is just gonna be normal it wouldn't really make sense if the nether was cold so you can still go to the nether everything here is still normal and once you get you know your ender pros and blaze rods you can start making your way towards a stronghold as you would normally i see you still i still have um incredibly fast snow on so you know don't don't pay attention to that obviously this is a lot faster than it would actually be in game right this is this is incredibly ridiculous at the moment but yeah other than that you can still complete the game and everything else should just work as normal once you finally get to the end you can start fighting the ender dragon nothing really should be out of the ordinary once you're here uh it's you basically have one there's literally nothing absolutely nothing definitely nothing to be scared of nope once you are here it is basically you basically won there is nothing to be scared of anyway that's probably gonna be it for now um there's still actually a ton of new features that i have not shown you like how the wind works and how clothing can actually affect you know the temperature and stuff but i have something really cool in mind for another video so i'm keeping some you know original ideas for that so yeah if you did end up enjoying the video please do consider subscribing it helps me out a ton it's free and you can always change your mind later whenever you want but without further ado take care stay awesome thank you for watching and see ya man that was a nice video huh nice nice is it like an ice cube i called it's um it's it's a it's a joke it's
Channel: Fundy
Views: 4,163,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fundage, fundy, itsfundy, fundy minecraft, minecraft fundy, wilbursoot, minecraft 1.17, minecraft difficulty, custom difficulty, impossible difficulty, babymode difficulty, fundy difficulty, fundy ice difficulty, ice difficulty, apocalypse difficulty, fundy apocalypse difficulty, sun exploded, sun exploded difficulty, sun difficulty, fundy sun, fundy twitch, fundy vods, fundy mcc, fundy dream smp, dream, custom minecraft mod, fundy modding, fundy mods, fundy cursed difficulty
Id: 3jb45xnERog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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