Dream Minecraft Manhunt EPIC MOMENTS (Tier List)

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so we're gonna start with the two hunters video so we'll throw it on defaultly right now we'll just throw it on b but we're gonna go ahead and watch it this uh you know this manhunt you know kind of hits home a little bit it's the first manhunt that really was manhunt we'll watch this in full this little this little nether escape because why not and then we'll rate it i don't know this is when this is when we were using swords and i was trash at pvp [Music] that's pretty much it i mean i think it's good i think it's cool i thought i'd include it because i don't know i feel like it's one of the first moments in manhunt where there was a couple plans in a row where like that tunnel was dug by me like i dug it in anticipation that maybe they'll be waiting by the portal and so i'll have to if i run out i'll have to run out and place blocks behind me and stuff so i think that's a cool the pearl was cool it wasn't the best pearl we're not gonna rate these just on skill we're gonna rate these on kind of like epicness along with skill and like situation so i'm gonna put this i'm gonna put this at c i think this is a c tier play i think in terms of skill the pearl was decent the plan to block the tunnel was pretty good you know we were getting combo'd by george that instantly makes it a c like maybe even a d but we'll put we'll keep it at c what's the next one the next one is the oh this one the snap nap blocks me on the right there's enderman chasing me so i place water to stop the enderman so i can fight them enderman hits me i'm trying george hits me off yes i broke the water yes my dreams yes my dream you're so bad yes yes wait what george he survived i almost fell there that's just epic that's so epic but the thing is on this play a lot of people didn't realize that i caught the pearls i think if it wasn't for catching the pro let's say i had the pearls that'd be like a c-tier play but the pearls drop i i'm dead i have no pearls i have nothing i'm i'm literally dead and then there's the pearls i personally think in terms of skill it's not super impressive it's a very lucky play i would be dead if it wasn't for george killing sapnap like an idiot but in terms of awareness i moved towards the pearls i realized i caught the pearls i threw them i think it's an s i think it's an s so now we're moving on from two hunters we're going to the first three hunters on the trees yes are you joking now a lot of people think this play is very cool i think i think it's cool but i think personally i think it's a b-tier play that you know if they had reacted a little bit faster they could have landed in the water but i think it's b because of the fact that the awareness i think that i was in a five mode i checked the water i was able to jump and land in it and then i was able to place the blocks now we're gonna go to three hunters and this is the bed trap on come on let's play what is this it's a yes yes okay that was pretty cool i i think this is an a i think this is an a play and the reason i think that's an a is because knowing how i set that up i was testing as if they're walking and i wanted to kill all of them i didn't just want to kill one or two of them and so i set it up in a way where you can't see it until like the last second and i was walking down up and down the corridor testing like okay can you see it here it's obviously not that complicated it's just a bed trap but it killed all of them it's not like one of those super skillful plays or anything but i think that it's an a in terms of just factoring in the situation and the fact that it was very effective and everything so i think the reason it's above this one even though they both killed them i feel like this one had more luck involved with killing them than this one did alright we're still on three hunters we get to go to a hunter play there's three eyes in the portal too i took a risk when i brewed the potion what no please please please so first first of all okay that was loud i was screaming there first of all i cringe because this is a funny story i don't think i ever told this i was on amazon one day this is so long ago and i bought gatorade cans like i didn't even know gatorade cam in cans but i bought gatorade cans and in this clip i was like grabbing my gatorade can and my hand wasn't on my mouse and i tried to like flick my hand back on my mouse and put my hand on my keyboard really quickly i went in f5 mode and like move my mouse and i'm just like it looks like i'm just like looking at the lava so that's why i cringe every time i watch that clip because that could have been avoided the trap was very good it was very clever what makes this for me what makes this an a tier play for me is the context behind it so i'm in i feel it i get hit and then bad accidentally goes in and then bad sets up a trap in the end and then apparently bad becomes an a-list actor because he dies to the ender dragon and is like freaking out about how he's like out of the game and stuff i don't even know where does he die there he goes he dies to the end of dragon he's like no no and it's like freaking out so to me that makes it an a tier because that was very well played by bad i'll put it above i'll put it above the bed trap i think that's i think that's a better play than the bed trap they played that well now we're moving on from three hunters we're on to the three hunters rematch come here george come here guys he's going to escape come on what is he doing it's decently decently skilled but it's drinking a fire resin jumping into lava so it's not it's not it's not too impressive but i think it is higher than in skill than a lot of these that are here but in terms of all the situational awareness and the cool factor and all of that i think it's b but i think it's ahead of this one all right now let's go to the next one now this one i think you you need the context too in the three hunters video i was i was very frequently using strength potions here i'm fighting them and i'm drinking strength and they're running don't leave me alone with this psychopath so i'm using strength potions so this this whole fight and they all run i killed them all like twice because of the fact that i had strength with that it was like so appealing strength is extremely overpowered oh my god he's like a one shot come on just click it one more time kill him oh my goodness did you get a potion he's drinking he's drinking what does he have so that wasn't a strength potion that was a fire rest potion i think that that's pretty cool and i was on one heart obviously with behind the tree i think ars air s i i think i i honestly think that's an a or an s i think that's an s here in terms of cleverness but i think in terms of comparing it to everything else which includes skill and this one doesn't necessarily include skill i think this is an a so i'm gonna put at the top of a here all right now we're moving on to the next one it's in the same manhunt what so yes he's got full diamonds yes wait check his compass so they had totally trapped the portal i don't know i guess i guess if you're counting game knowledge and skill then it is pretty skillful play because pretty much everybody knows now or a lot of people know now but i think a lot of people in the general populace of like minecraft didn't know that at the time i think it's a c tier play i think this is a fair order i think this is a fair order i think this is a c tour play i think it's ahead of this one though next one and this is the last one from the three hunters rematch so obviously it's mostly just the the flick around i think it's a i think it's an a tier play it's one of those plays where it probably wouldn't be an a if it was just like oh turning around and i mean obviously it wouldn't be an af is just turning around and through the dragon i think i think that dying right out it's just like it's such a cool play we're not just talking about skill here if we were just talking about skill this would be like a c-tier player or something if i missed the shot i was dead so i think i think that it's an eight-year play i think this is fair i think at the bottom of a i think below these plays now we're moving on from the three hunters rematch i don't think this is one that a lot of people would include on a list like this but i thought i'd include it because i think it's i think it was a really good play so they they like put lava like everywhere like they just like drowned the portal and lava this was like the most aggravating frustrating thing that that probably still has been done to me like i just couldn't i i couldn't do anything i kept almost dying [Music] don't stay you guys built like a like a lava pool under the stupid portal yeah to keep you from getting out oh no no no no oh yeah so they just they just filled the portal with lava i i ran out i completely had food i started with like 30 bread or something and i got all the way down to three by the time i even got into the portal i think it's b-tier i think i think it's it's smart and it took them a while to set up because they had to get all that lava they had to dig out below the portal and it worked i mean it didn't kill me but it nearly did and they weren't even there like the thing is that gave them so much time like that stalled them so much that they were able to do better than they would have if i just got out the portal go ahead the next one okay this one's your team this one stream this one stream wait that's pretty cool i like that play a lot i think it was it was really funny that had so many memes like there was so many of the spider-man memes everyone like pointing at each other like who's who i think this is an a play um and the the reason i think it's in a plays i think there's there's a little too much luck we all had diamond swords and i don't know the odds of us having this basically the same stuff and that actually working so i think i think it's an a i'm going to put it below the fire res all right the end crystal trap there you go george come on [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i think that this one is probably an s i think this is a low s but i think it is an s if i didn't kill them there i had no chance i had no shot they all had like prot armor there was you know it was near the end i didn't have enough pearls to get in the portal i think that's lois all right now this is another hunter play oh my god i was snow yes yes yes yes yes yes yes that's bad so bad was hiding in the end he ran up and he killed me with his fist he had no armor or anything and ran up and killed me with his fist i again i think there's there's a lot of luck involved there but i think that's a i think that's a low a again i think bad can be a good actor like because in that case again i think he just i guess he wasn't really acting he was just being quiet i think that's bottom of a all right now we're moving on going to the three hunters finale rematch hey wait a minute you can't have my skin so this one is just me wearing bad skin that's all it is i think this is a deep play but but it was pretty helpful once i had armor on it didn't really help me i don't think it was that impressive our first d and we'll move on to the next one the first time yikes so this is the first time we played on the nether update i believe this is the first time i ever went on a strike jumped onto a strider i think this is an f i i think this is an f i think that the reason this is an f is because i just totally like screwed it like i didn't i didn't know i didn't know what i was doing it was i was new to the nether update yeah it was kind of cool but like i missed i had to get on and then i got off and then i got back on and then i lived on half a heart like look like it was like the last fire tick or something i should have died there that's the worst play we've seen so far now here we go we got an epic one how did he survive the horse clutch i think this is an s tier play i don't think that clutching on a horse is is too skillful i think it's hard i think that there's a lot of people that can't do it but i think that a lot like most good players can but i think if you factor in everything together the reaction time going through the portal you know having my water stolen the fact you know i was kind of scanning the area i saw the horse i think situationally it's a low s i think that skill wise it's probably a low b but i think all that stuff combined it's an s it's got to be all right now we have another play from the three hunters finale rematch oh yes yes yes this is it this is [Laughter] that's a very very good play i think in terms of like skill again situational awareness all of that i think that's a very very skilled play i think this it's gotta be top of a it's gotta be top of a i think it's better than the the bluff just because it was so important it won me the game all right now we're moving on to the three hunters grand finale my most viewed video on youtube oh you guys are right by him stay on him yes god join us joining up what's he doing he's cornering is he actually going up what oh he's dead bye dream this is the hey bill clutch from the beginning of the three hunters grand finale i'm gonna throw this in seat here i think this is better than this one though it's good it's just a hay bale clutch but the situation was really cool and hay bale clutches are one of the harder kinds of clutches because the full block and i think situationally it makes it a c now probably the most famous or maybe now the second most famous but probably the most famous and the most famous for a long time manhunt play he's so done i just want to see him die come on oh he's on the edge of a lava pool oh my god get him what what are you doing oh my god what how this play is so iconic i think and it's one of those things where it's like i didn't come up with this play i saw it on reddit but that was probably the first time it was ever used in like a pvp situation i guess maybe not maybe not but i'm guessing it was because it wasn't too long before the video when i think it was posted on reddit it's gotta be us i think situationally probably the first time used in a pvp situation okay i'm moving the horse clutch up actually i don't know why the horse clutch is there i think that the reaction time makes it better than than this one for sure but i think i think the boat's gonna be higher than this too i think it's below the horse clutch and i think the reasoning for that is that like this was this was more planned i had i had the boats obviously for a reason like i wanted to do this like i had practiced it i think the horse clutch is more impressive and cooler because it's spur of the moment whereas in this situation i did have to react because i was kind of cornered but in the back of my mind i already knew all right there's another s here now we have another play from the same manhunt he's going down he's going now he's going down what stay with him what what mine down where'd he go i think it was very very cool because of the fact that it was reactionary again and it was very like you know how can i get out of the situation i'm being chased i'm low i have nowhere to go i'm putting a high c for now and i think i might reevaluate later on depending on where everything else falls now we have the last one from this manhunt the 300's grand finale george no that play i think i'm putting it s here i think that the reason this plays zest here one obviously it's the grand finale it's to win the match you know it's an epic play in general super skill but also i came up with this like this is something that i don't think i mean maybe i'm wrong but again i don't think that this had been done before in minecraft i think that the reason this hadn't been done before in minecraft because there's not really any reason to like why would you drop tnt through the end portal like it doesn't make any it doesn't make much sense but in a manhunt you would um so i think that makes it instantly better now where would it go i'm tempted to put it top of s because that's the winning play of the three hunters grand finale my most viewed video i came up with it it killed them all it exploded them it was epic i think i'm putting it high yes all right now we're moving on to the first four hunter's video [Music] i think that plays really cool i think that again this is the reason i included this is the first time that fishing rods were used in a manhunt like fishing rods were used like that in a manhunt i think it's top of b i think i think i'll put it second i think it's second on b i think this one's just slightly more skilled i think it's second all right now the next one just stay on himself i think it's b i think it's very cool but i think in terms of as compared to all these other plays what makes a lot of these plays impressive is that they're just done in the heat at the moment it's the situation that makes it interesting i'm going to put it just below this one all right he jumped what what yes frostwalker had the enchantment tricked them went up in the tower jumped into the lake froze the lake over they fell on the lake i think this is a nature i think it's high a i think this one was a really really good trap i think it was clever i think it's like midday midday all right now we have a hunter play [Music] oh dream who's hitting me oh it's an enderman what [Music] you're healing the dragon they had multiple they had a bunch of crystals so the hunters they healed the dragon with the crystal it was about to die they healed it i think this was really impressive and it ended up winning them the manhunt because i was gonna kill the dragon and then i almost did kill the dragon anyway even after healing it so if they hadn't healed it obviously i would have killed the dragon and won so to me this is a very good play for them i think it's very clever i think it's an a-tier e-tier play this one goes here i think it's just below their trap right there yeah i think it's bet i think it's better than than these probably ah actually i'm gonna put it here i'm gonna put it here i think it's lower i think it's lower than i think it's lower than these two probably all right here we go the same manhunt [Music] this is epic to be fair this is epic but it's a loss it's a loss i died before the dragon died it is a loss i think again i think this is gonna be controversial i think in terms of a manhunt moment top of s like that's one of the most that's one of the coolest things in one of the videos but i'm putting an f here i'll tell you why in terms of like a play that was really stupid it just lost me the game now we're on to the four hunters rematch he is there he is get him oh my god go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go get the show everybody has a shield here oh my god so tnt minecart fruit berries actually showed me this so i i think me and fruit were in a call a week or so before this manhunt was recorded and fruit was showing me like a clip of a manhunt he did with a friend of his and he did the exact same thing so shout out to fruit for that that was that was a fruit berries certified play i think that it was good play killed two of them it was clever i think it's beats here i think i'm for lobby i think it's fair because i stole it from fruit putting it low b all right next play we have a hunter play [Music] we don't need these oh my god the hunters got prot 4 armor they traded at a village it didn't end up helping them but to be fair that is op they got prot 4 armor i think that this is lubey i think that it's it's a really op play the fact that they're able to pull it off and so i think that's a that's a low b all right now we go on the next play which is right after this leave me alone [Music] how are we like getting out of it it's going back to the board stop just stop them [Music] [Music] i think that clip is really really cool i think it's very creative i think getting on top of the nether trapping them on there the tnt it was very well executed that was something that i had thought of before i think that is an s-tier play i think that the execution was great i think that it went just about as well as it could have again some luck involved because they didn't have a flint and steel i think it's bottom s actually i'll move this bottom s i think that i think it's i think it's second to last s and then we have the final one from this oh my gosh [Music] go back [Music] oh so one cycled the dragon it took like 10 beds and an axe for some reason and it's because on servers it's very hard to one cycle but i still don't think that it's that good i'm putting at high b it won me the manhunt which i think gets it at high b i could have done better at it high b now we move on to the four hunters finale [Music] so i don't think it's that impressive i think in terms of skill wise fairly impressive i think it's a b we'll put that in low b all right here we go thank you come on get it so this one is the is that they had ant go in mine ant came and gave them all armor i'm gonna go ahead and put it in c i think top of c i think strategy wise it was pretty good and did a really great job he got them diamonds later on he got them lots of iron they were able to be on my tail all the time so he's here all right come to the edge and drop me some dirt please this is the first time that in a manhunt the boat flying happened um but it had been done already in the hitman video i think this is cool though i mean i think this is a i think this is an is this is an easier easier play i'm gonna i'm gonna put this in put the top of d i think that it was a good play uh it's not that complicated to your play and we have the cobweb traps so cobweb trap tnt pretty good i think that it's lowered because i messed it up and i almost killed myself i'm gonna put it c tier i'll put it here i think it's above a hay bale clutch because you're killing them below the second stronghold i think i think this is fair mid c all right we have another one from this manhunt you're so done dream i'm gonna be able to tan like there's no tomorrow with this efficiency one eye in trouble there's literally nothing you can do like he's not done ow loud keep your eyes peeled by the way guys keep your eyes peeled oh my goodness i love this i love this i like this song a lot i don't think i haven't used it since this manhunt but i really like this so i snuck through the portal i think it's pretty good they had diamond armor and everything i was on the brew potion i think it's i think it's beats here i think it's here i think that this i think i think it's right here i think it's worse than the water blockage i think it's better than the fishing rod strider i think i think it's right here now we have dream are you afk no i'm here i'm just smelting he's right here what killing oh my god i'm dying what happened what so entity cramming um i think the trap is really clever the setup was really good um i don't think it's s here i think it's a tier i think it's an a-tier play it got me you know there's not many ways to kill people that are like in you know enchanted diamond armor i'm gonna put it here above the invis play but below the frost walker all right now we're on the next one [Music] [Applause] oh my gosh that was just so it's just so epic come on like in terms of just like a basic emoji water that has to be the most natural clutch that to me that has to be ester it has to be like it's the thing is it's not it's one of those where it's just like it's not as it's not as like clever as any of these like all these up here are super clever like this is these are all clever all these are three colors this isn't even this isn't clever at all but it is damn epic it's gotta be a low s i'm putting it i'm putting it lowest on the s it's not clever at all but in terms of like situation that is just so it's just so cool now we move on to the finale rematch [Music] he's right now get out this one it's just the it's just the one heart bluff i think this is very very cool i think this is a very good play i think that i think blood you know in that case it was just it was the only way out of that i was dead if i didn't i had one heart i had no food i had no sprint so with that in mind i think i will put this at b tier yeah i mean i'll put it i'll put it here but i think i think it's very close to a lot of these plays here but but i think yeah i'll put it mid-b there all right here we have a hunter strat hey phil amlg water that's not the clip get him get him get him go go go go what a dream yes what yes dude you're dead you're dead he's trapped he's strapped to the corner keep going but he's actually trapped in the corner just keep it wait keep him there this one is their strategy of getting arrows trading arrows for the from the fletcher and getting like a billion arrows shooting me they broke my entire shield which has never happened i don't think in a manhunt other than that they very well could have killed me but they didn't i think the strategy was worth putting on here just because of that i'm gonna put it as a c tier i think it's a c tier play but i do think it's it was worthy of being on this list i'm gonna put it here i think it's here now we move on this is just i'm in the nether for a very long time on half a heart with no food and i get all my blaze rods i traverse the fortress and all of that with half a heart so i think this is a this is an epic play enough to include it i think this is an a tier i think it's the lowest on a i think it's really impressive i think it was very difficult that's it's very very skillful you go and watch the uncut it's very skillful i could have died at any moment i think i'll put it literally all right now we have the next one which is this one oh he's gonna fire wrist careful sound out step up oh my gosh oh my gosh you're fighting under the lava i'm hitting me sitting there with you oh my god i'm here you're good you guys okay i'm gonna trap you guys i dropped the boundary obsidian [Music] [Music] this is [Music] [Music] [Music] can you even see what's happening [Music] he's going closer he's coming closer come here [Music] [Music] oh he's going down he's going down you're going down with me dream damn if you're a legend come on stop mom oh please come on no no no no no no no no no no zap now i think that this this is worth putting on here because that that to me is just one of the most epic fights that's ever happened in a manhunt it wasn't again neither of us were like super clever or anything but it was just an under lava with encased obsidian top fight in a lava ravine like it doesn't get much more epic than that in terms of minecraft fights ester has to be asked here that even though it's you know again it's not it's it's an s here for both of us me and sapnap i think that's an s tier play i think that you know that fight is just so cool i think it's below these plays because these are epic plays est here now the next one we have is one that a lot of people don't even know about leave me alone so they grew a mushroom which deleted the end portal i don't think i ever said it in the video or anything i just kind of showed it and then i left so they deleted the entire end portal by growing a mushroom which was you know then banned after this in manhunt because all i did was i just went to another stronghold i think it's a b-tier play i think it's b-tier because it's something that a lot of people know about so i think i think i'll put it here on b-tier all right come on this is it this is it let's go let's go let's go let's go he's just standing still oh my god oh my god what just happened oh my god so i think i think it's a good play it's something that's been done before it's clever though i think it's c tier then go to the top of seats here and then we have the final one which this is a hunter one the final one for this video god damn it aunt frost killing me in a 1v1 i think it's the only time in a manhunt that i've lost a 1v1 that's got to give it some you know that's that's definitely got to ramp it up i'm getting at the very top of beats here i think it was skillful because ant led me into the desert temple and he got me in a place where he just couldn't miss the insta damage i think that it worked effectively it was a plan they all had together you know what i'm actually i'm moving into eight here i'm moving it low eights here i'm putting it here i'm putting it low eights here just above this i was thinking with the with the healing the dragon it was actually more effective than healing the dragon or the same effectiveness because he killed him but it was also that it was just instant death i'm gonna put it here now we're moving on to the four hunters grand finale we're nearing the end what what it's scaffolding i was jumping on the scaffolding i think it's really cool i think it's clever i think it's harder to do than you would think i think this definitely this is definitely an a tier mid-eight here i think just above the kind of traps that are here high mid-a then we have the next one from the same manhunt which is fairly similar oh my gosh it's shooting and handling wait how is he getting dead oh my god he jumped down with a with a scaffolding i think again it's not incredibly impressive or anything i think it's just an epic situation half a heart jumping down s tier music for sure s cheer music but i think it's a b-tier play i think it's about the same as like the ladder clutch but i think the ladder clutch because this is much later than the lighter clutch so there's more pressure i think it's i think it's a solid b tier all right and then we have the final play of this one at the side of my breast back up back up right back up oh my god oh my god my god let's go let's go incredibly awesome at the end of the video i think it's s here killed all of them the preparation the explosion it was like an action movie coming in through the wall of the explosion i think these are all pretty close but i'm leaving it below the lava fight cool and now we are on to five hunters [Music] that's kind of both of them um i think this is going to be i think this here is going to be lower tier but i do think that you know landing the clutch on the wall pretty good i think it's a cool play i don't think it's super impressive or anything but i think it's cool i'm gonna put it in d i think it's i think it's just below this one actually i think at the end of c and then we have the next one which is the moment you've been waiting for i don't think we need to deliberate on this one i think we can not deliberate i think we can go ahead and throw it up there right here this is the top of ester it's got to be has all the aspects it has the luck of there being crafting table there it has the skill probably it's definitely the highest skilled moment out of all of these top of s i think this is high above the rest and then we have uh wait what what what what yes it's the fishing of the axe i think it's cool i think it's pretty cool i think it's a detail it was very clever and i thought of that i was like oh crap i'll just they're throwing it but sapnap you know he was dancing around and stuff i think if he wasn't trolling then it wouldn't have happened so top of d all right oh my goodness he's gonna go through we gotta he's gonna make it so he's gonna make it through we gotta go fast come on run everyone everyone go through the same time come on come on yeah george hurry up all right let's all get together ready three wait wait wait wait ready go go go go go go go keep your eyes peeled all right where is he where is he where is he where is he where is he he's a compass he's on board his compass compass he's down he's like blow blow blow blow i think that this one is going to be a little bit higher just because of the fact that it was there was a lot of thought that went into it um obviously i had to make the ant frost's skin on top of my skin as a layer i think it was very well executed i think it's an a tier i think it's just below the invis it gets mid a mid a and then we have the last this is a hunter play i'm doing it [Music] what what wait what what what what is this what's happening wait what the dragon wasn't would i kill the dragon no the dragon wasn't dead no he didn't die he didn't get the achievement it doesn't it doesn't that's not how it works what [Music] so that was they revived the dragon esther music obviously this isn't something that should have happened they revived the dragon it was like so close to dead and because of that they won i think i'm gonna put at the top of a and the only reason i'm gonna put at the top of a is because it was a glitch i think it's gotta be top of a we move on to the five hundreds rematch there will be spoilers if you have not seen the most recent manhunt click off now do not watch this go watch the manhunt there will be spoilers for that manhunt this is the water drop off of spawn first of all in terms of like skill i think that this is a very this is very high skilled but i also do recognize that um it's off the beginning things like this off the beginning will happen if i let's say i had died there i'm not gonna upload a one minute video where i have literally nothing and i get punched off a cliff and die so you're not gonna see the one where i would have died in that situation right so on that same seed if i had just died there then you wouldn't see that and seeds are scouted so callahan scouts a bunch of seeds and then we play them and this was a cd scouted he put us on top of the mountain and again i think i said it in the extra scenes but there's something tommy suggested was putting us on the top of a mountain now in terms of like the actual like water drop obviously there's a lot of luck involved in that i got boosted otherwise i wouldn't have made it but i could go and do this probably like not not on this particular like situation like seat or whatever but jumping into one but i think i've done it on stream before i feel like i am one of probably one of the best players in minecraft that like water drop so that's not something that you know a lot of people would go and try and be like oh it's so ridiculous i'm falling into a one by one hole it's like well it's not that hard if you've done it a billion times since you started playing minecraft i'm gonna put it the same with the ladder clutch and yeah low b all right [Music] hey bell clutch i think that it's better than this hail haybill clutch so i think i'm going to put it i think right here i think i'll move these down to d there we go i think these are d i think this is this is our new tier here i think these will be moved down to d all right now we have again boilers if you have not watched the manhunt please go watch it you go right i go left stop go off okay god i don't think he's gonna make it i think this one's epic there's a little bit of recency bias but i think it's something that again no one's ever really seen before i think that even after landing on the ghast that this is like i mean this isn't an easy jump i think that's a nest here it's one it's one of the coolest things i think that's happened in a manhunt before it did take skill with the boat riding but also takes skill with recognizing that that's even possible i think that it's just above the horse clutch i think it's here there we go and then we have oh my god dismantling the hunter's trap yeah dismantling the hunters trap blowing them up with their own tnt i think i think that that's really good i think recognizing the trip wire i think that a lot of people just would have ran over the tripwire and gotten killed i think that this is an a tier play actually i'll say b i think it's b i think i think it's right here i think it goes b and then here we have the last one of our tier list entirely i'm sure there'll be more of in the future but we have our last one which is the flying machine end city elytra he's not destroying anything can we kill these andaman oh my god it has to be come on it's a nest here i think that going to the end city the flying machine build the fact that awesome was the one who taught me how to do it et cetera et cetera ester it's got to be asked here it's above the lava above this middle of vest here all right well there we go there is my tier list of the manhunt moments i guess lots of epic plays here by the hunters and by me i think that if i had to pick my number one favorite play someone asked in the chat i think the gas right now even though it's just that's recency bias i think that'd be my favorite like right now but i think that's just because of recency bias i i honestly think this one i mean i think i think that the mlg where i got yida by the dragon like that's one of my favorite plays i just remember like watching that back after and being like oh that's so cool so there's my tier list i'm gonna post the link in the description of this video subscribe
Channel: DreamXD
Views: 4,636,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Manhunt, Dream, Dream Minecraft, Dream High IQ, Dream Best Plays, Minecraft Manhunt Clutch, Boat Clutch, Minecraft Speedrunner VS Hunter
Id: XQs-ChSPrro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 29sec (2549 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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