So I made the world fall apart... ft. Dream and George

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know what's going on funding uh why'd you jinx it so for this video I made a custom mod that breaks the world apart right below our feet it will remove every single block up until there's nothing left leaving just the void can we beat the game before the world gets destroyed you're about to find out but before the challenge starts this video features dream and George and if you don't know about these two yet they make similar challenges like these that are definitely worth checking out subscribing is free after all enjoy the video there we go you did it okay I did it what's the game plan we're gonna get we're gonna get underground or something I honestly have no clue like nowhere is safe I'm just getting us those of wood I'll go look for food actually hey you can have some of my word and I'll go get food others cows huh oh my god there's so many holes already no I mean oh actually no water oh god yeah no there is like we can't fold-down them right like the deep holes right now it's gonna be so annoying scout them I'm just worried when it's gonna be the nether I feel like we'll be Suns dangerous the nether oh god there's actually love a book it's in a nether - lava pockets oh I don't see any iron oh oh the desire no how you felt there's iron down that this it reveals some iron this I'm about to make furnaces I've I have a lot of cobble I feel like it's kind of dangerous in huh yeah I'm getting up oh this is a very deep hole all this iron down huh get it we need it all it's so much iron here what oh my god it's like made a little cave it's a it's like a tiny ravine that is made it's made up here it's there's so much iron you guys just it's just making a whole mineshaft down to like tons of iron yeah it destroys bedrock remember so watch out I hear a witch yeah I was about to say that I don't know do I I love how my where's the wig I don't know oh it's oh I see like creepers and everything down there oh no our smokers are gone oh yeah and one of our furnaces is gone as well oh my god there's so many holes everywhere okay this is ruined it's actually ruined up there it is yeah oh well okay the IRA died tried to mind just vanished in front of me this whole area is just decayed let me in my back it is so we want to move moving the coffee table just one do you need food anyone ah not good okay well you can have some anyway oh he's trying to steal again this cow he's like down here oh it's oh he's asking to just die oh no actually go down maybe I can see kind of like light maybe there's lava down there we could use it to make a life yeah I see it too but it's very dangerous to be that long the longer we wait the more dangerous it's gonna get to get that's true that's true should we do it I'm like kind of falling down the water but oh no oh yeah we should all get a bucket of water that's what we should do okay George do you have one iron then I can make one I don't have any right we can smell I have 21 I know I think we should get buckets of water and then I have a bucket of water I have one bucket of water we don't all will have a bucket of water oh my god on four hurts okay there's diamonds they revealed diamonds do you even have an idea we have four hard some I'm healing I'm good enough I'm getting them right now I'm getting the diamond oh my god always love a right over here as well I don't like that oh whoa George your blocks are getting like okay let's see his nametag like all the way down there Oh oh my god the coop it's so bad this is definitely getting a lot more dangerous oh my god I'm trying to get up it's surrounding me all right coming up I'm using like oh my God look at I had a lot and I have like none so yeah if we run away is it gonna be safer all right it's gonna be safer yeah but not safe oh and now it's nighttime run off okay I mean where to even like set up the furnaces already pushed me we need to go we need to go like right now you know what I made shears I'm getting leaves for blocks I know that's pretty smart oh this ocean biome or is a swamp we go over there oh there's a little baby slime all right yeah ah you guys it water bucket it's not it's way too happy you guys have water buckets now for damage I make a diamond pickaxe oh I have like I don't have enough cobble to make another furnace oh my god to smoke a debt so I'm just gonna be selfish and make myself a chess-playing so don't mind me all right taking a chest plate too because I'm also selfish now what iron do you have if you have any okay oh no even if I want to be selfish I can't I'm just getting thrown around by this water yeah the water is very annoying I don't want it oh my god it is destroyed yeah everything is tornado came through we could make boats but doesn't know how dad's gonna go oh yeah I don't know oh my god yeah it works didn't expect that one the water is making this look not as bad as it is we need to get out of there because yeah this is actually pretty damn bad ah nice oh no no no no try to break the boat he kind of be detrimental to the game okay and you don't need to do that mind you guys what are you doing leave us alone he's just he's causing problems I'm gonna go to the nether all by myself I need food I mean what I need lava we were always all the way down there well how did you wanna serves of Beehive here but what happens if I break it I'm breaking it what I'm buying we're just gonna go down reading Ginny lover oh this is bad oh my gosh there's so much destroyed here oh there's a forward look out there's void where there's a void everywhere I have like no blocks wait how did he get here I just came down here Kassem how many leaves you have wait why is that light I would see what's watch I just almost deleted meat into the void guys let's get wheat no I see mama I see Laura is it one it's like over here I think it's more than one come over here I don't have a mini blog scream oh go over there okay swim in the water swim in the water the water Donati fur I might show you one I have no idea oh it's gone anyway it's more like a lovable there's lava pull over this way hmm I have obtained here there's a lot of upset I see I see I see it in the water it is moves a lot of this tons as time I just eating really quickly wait did you use the diamonds I did yeah for what Jerian my thing I think you made an axe what happened oh my god okay okay no okay I got it again okay oh that's my water here here here take a ticketing oh my god I'm gonna run I'm gonna run if there's water here just warning order any water right here able to place it place it place it I got it okay we need to my love my water just went please make the Portland or I'm placing the law but I'm running to get more because there or Slava's deleting just I have another bucket exit wait fix what what do you mean the portal you'll see what I'm talking about when you get there no you can come back come back I'm coming back all my stuff's in the void do you need your DISA okay you've water okay here's the oza his lover oh my god let me up let me up oh my god what are the chords I'm running back six reports born I got one I got one on you place another one placing a one on top No it just broke I go come back I have to be rights hold on Jeanne food I got food wait where did the water at the lava go it you want to be placed it and that I have removed it because it went down okay good wait you put it back I need we need one more I'm here I've got it please okay we did it break no oh there's a log do it go 320 - wait why am i typing I can't hide my key doesn't work right 322 be intact what are we so lucky we spot right next to fortress right next to it and it's already there destroying we need to go right now Oh diamonds is two diamonds huh oh there's Agosta that's is a dead end how did he died you're him I believe you a block underneath me and then I felt it just drops right into lava and because I had earlier we me and funding emerged our water together I didn't have a water bucket oh yeah that's not gonna be good I'm just running around looking here one night you're with me oh wait I'm trapped I don't know where you went to do you find a sport huh no I didn't find a spawn if I did I hear one of them uses one place you're joking oh my god you should see where our portal is it just completely lava everywhere it's like falling from everywhere from every home oh I'm falling I don't know where you went I'm completely lost should we help dream you need to just get the blaze rods and get out I'll be fine I got one blazer but I tend to find a spawning okay that's better than nobody died we basically lose the challenge so you need to survive I just I'm dead meat what I'm on half a heart I'm burning you know what you do I don't know I actually don't know what happened oh that's fun we do we can get to him okay why almost I almost just lost everything okay let's try okay dream okay dream here let's just run back to the puzzle and just go in really yeah we knew that's not gonna help him there's no lava underneath we motive me sky you need you to clutch the challenge for us oh do I collect you this I can't even find a spot oh alright see I see one more blaze but this is not gonna cut it yeah we're gonna need a bit more than two I think I got two you think the portals just gonna have fully filled in it's over - I mean I'm not over genius by what this area is so destroyed we're not that Gorge to get to it we're gonna have to go through the areas we already destroyed yeah you know this is that's where I am I am your kid make a second you could make a second portal thingy also spawn in another where it's not bad that's true honestly I have no clue why I'm still alive there is zero reason for me to still be alive right now maybe just like try get out you know where the postal is I'm yeah I might I might I put the quote I put the chords in the chat of right now I see a boat this is gonna be the most unsafe journey Oh God then you kind of have some stuff no I'm following know what's going on Fundy ah why'd you jinx it one heart one heart one heart regen come on I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive I'm okay just do not die it whatever you do wait I'm not a jinx it oh my god be on the lookout for lava Yoshi here's someone stopping at trees well before we get into the desert okay I'm getting wood we have this hey Bill we can get food we get bread like infinite bread okay good get the bread all right next village if we go near it it's gonna destroy it right that's true so we should probably lack going into the lava for now this cobble hair is this yours or if there's a spawner oh it's all right thing really it is this one Wow okay it's such a lucky start oh this is I think a speedrunners speedrun a stream I got lots of a bells for potential bread or otherwise the potential bread bread oh yeah we did you got a fun still cuz there's tons of sheep up there and stuff we could use you need tools yeah I don't have anything all right I'll trade tools with you for a stucco bread okay I'll trade nothing we do first uh Cobra sees a better negotiator than you drew oh there's a whatever you call it a okay I'm falling okay are you dead I almost just wait his diamonds here oh hold on let me make em pickaxe huh no miss Carson down here with me okay pick up these furnaces mm oh did you know no get deleted yeah or do they get deleted I haven't found out yeah wait I don't remember they were just you just like left them oh I found them oh yeah that stole her and there's anyone here one diamond there's only two diamonds he's like stuck on a block I don't think he can reach me oh okay I got the pearl nice oh my god I would have just died I got so lucky I'm pillar ring my pillar just got remote it's cool you are no longer pillar what are you oh oh my god I almost just died so scary I got a bunch of iron how much I have 11 the desert is so dangerous yeah the desert is really dangerous alright I'm know where anyone is look towards the desert yeah oh I see yeah I see I see I see I'm gonna do this okay well you can have my I am what's up thank you we're in it right next to spawn so okay I got all your stuff fine trying to make my way back in not far all right we have destroy my water I got it I picked it up there's your chest plate I don't know what else you had you can have this yes my my word I'm just going to drop the diamonds very hair because I don't want to be responsible for the decision yeah drink it dude I don't want the diamonds fine you know what I'll take the diamonds was about to say pick them up so we can have the achievement ah give you some there you go I made a diamond axe and so yeah we have five yeah all right we can make either two shovels or a hole let's make a hole that's a good idea I agree I think a sword is a good idea the place that wants it let me know all right we good yeah let's go really super quick I mean okay all right now let's see no fortress yep okay I don't know what we're gonna do here oh it's like deleting and there's like a big ledge hmm Oh oh no I don't like this I'm not falling I'm just really getting go we should get a girl real quick it is go just go go go go oh my gosh I'm Dean down a bet okay there's a massive whole hair just go down it okay is this safe all right it's correct okay wait where's the fortress this right here Oh George hi why are you going low I don't know oh I see it I see it I'm gonna follow dream what George goes I'm gonna head look at this I'm here I'm already here well this is one over here I think I'm pretty sure this is a spawner thing Oh No is it just really need to go quick okay we're in you did 110 minus 5000 run I don't have a pickax or anything like that oh no I I'm separated we're here clear I made a path I made a path you should have followed me but it's okay here I have a pickaxe for you a mini one just take this it's you know did I know I said it okay where George was right here what are you where's the portal oh my god it just deleted underneath me I thought of it I don't have a sword I gonna smack him with a wooden axe oh my god I have won a blaze rod - do you get my - blaze rod no you didn't get your stuff I don't know where it went is it were you at the same place as me no maybe not probably not here he's not funny be down here I'm gonna go check I was like here I'm getting it Oh whoo I'm burning I got like none of your good stuff I got like Chicken George you have my life and then I look up I check my inventory and it's just chicken I was like no good I don't even remember having chicken I'm just backing away oh my god yeah dying oh my god we're gonna fill in the same place again it's too hard no no no no no we got more blaze rods we can actually do this where is the desert okay I'm at 77 150 and I'm in a desert okay I'm on one heart one heart just if you die she's the coolest remember the cords I'm trying I'm surrounded by tons of blazes read your cords I'll type them in chats we go 81 negative 44 8 0 24 okay okay I found the portal I see the portal okay which way did we go I think I see funny stuff Oh funny stuff is down there yeah hurry up get it I guess I get it I get it it was this much next way yeah don't don't look down oh no I jumped down to get his stuff I'm dead I can't get through are you oh no oh my god if we can get there before my stuff's these phones we still have a chance I don't know through oh my god you just fall again at the beginning I think in total then we have like four blaze runs getting close burned oh this is so bad I can't this so much wood lover everyone just my stuff's like way down though icon all I can see is lava just a massive oh I want to see it I'm near the portal I'll wait for you although is it still destroying whilst we're not in there no no no I'd only destroy your players okay alright let's go I don't have many blocks but nothing I have three dirt that's all it's not gonna be enough it's not gonna be enough you don't understand like it's okay wait we went this way yeah maybe you just come back para bit more because naturally my stuff will be gone because when it's when the blocks are deteriorating the lava goes on it I'm telling that is so much lava you're not gonna go to get through with three blocks you actually only have three yeah [Music] these gems are not safe oh my god this is why I fell I'm still it just broke below me okay I see I got my stuff what well I didn't but I'm right by it [Music] oh my god oh hello I'm trying to heal I'm trying to you do you have to blaze roots um I do how many okay I had two as well but we can get more my stuff is probably going I actually didn't get all of it okay wait did I is that the rest I'm towering up because we can go back I reckon we get enough blocks we can power our way over to the spawner because the spawner doesn't destroy right yeah why do you have food room I have some not much skill are you still alive I'm killing blades I just got another blaze rod I just I can get two more than then I'm gonna have trouble getting out but I can try we might see you I see you George I'm behind you okay nice the more you entered the worse it gets okay I have a lot of blogs don't look down oh I fell but I'm alive you're alive how are you still alive dream ooh yeah that definitely no no dream don't die we nearly died just survive until we get that and you can die I don't care after that will your culture um the exact words I said before it's still the same oh it is only lava wall I cannot pass hair plugs if you want GF blocks a few no didn't drop one come on I've seen one more there's no passage oh I had a blaze what what no take my I'm gonna die okay I'm gonna collect your stuff [Laughter] six six six all right what should I just leave shell break them should I break it I'm breaking it braking braking it there's another one okay you following me stop I am I think it's this way one surrender over oldest a lot easier oh my gosh everything is deleting please don't die oh you fool we fall we're dead yeah he falling it's like just over this way I'm gonna run oh my god no god I should have been recording that perspective would have been great I'm gonna die skeletons Jerian don't tell me oh my god keep your coordinates up so we can go find it though if you do die I'm on one heart right now oh my god why are you about to to 9/100 save me George the skeleton is backing up actually to help my shields gonna break actually I can't if I put my shield up this year the skeletons shooting so quick how was I I see yeah yeah okay okay you're so far I don't know how I can be the smarter like I spawned right there you know the other things like way over there okay so we have the blaze roads so we just need Enderman now yo-ho three-day time oh it was a cow here and now it's gone oh okay I almost died I need I need like a rescue mission I have no pickaxe blocks or deleting around me I don't know I got Hubble to make a pickaxe I got water where yeah I need that I mean it's um negative 100 and then 50 oh okay oh my god I would have died I have no blocks I'm stuck yet where are you I'm coming oh there's so much to structure I I feel like I'm gonna die 9050 negative 90 didn't like back in the same place pretty much I have some blocks I can drop them down to you oh I see you dream catch dream I just dropped my dream bucket I think go back up up that stone oh my god what are you doing sure I just well I had to cuz my waters gonna push me off I didn't I'm nearly apart I'm a tuna heart do I do I can't get down that this blokes on a break for oh boy I bought my block I'm saying I was gonna break and I have no water my water I placed in it delete and then I dropped my bucket okay you know what no drink you idiot you idiot what happened you idiot you just you just killed me if I die now I'm gonna be so mad he didn't broke the blog below me and I will shut up - just follow me I'm not you getting blocked I'm just building my way out look okay fine just follow me I'm following your dream follow me it's following me but not directly on me dream oh my god don't die with those blazer odds please you take you take them I don't trust myself then I'm gonna die and I'm good you keep to get them I might be able to get them the block below me literally just deleted I'm going on a rescue mission I'm pretty sure I saw my god I see your stuff I think yeah but I saw like half of it fall on the void they found the blaze rods gone no but lucky I have dreams diamond axe oh my god yeah no that's great how did you how are you so bad at this dream first of all I'm the only reason the were in this in the first place because I watched a second of all I wanted blocks a tower up you're like I didn't have any he said I'm making a path and he was like dumb path that's and then one block deletes below me I just fall to my death because you I have any bugs you know I would have just I wouldn't have just how it up if I had blocks you don't know you're like act like Indiana Jones you didn't describe what you were doing that's like you follow me and you just like going up and you destroyed the blaze boner for no reason oh god you did you're right well no there's two bleep owners those twos place winners anyway but it doesn't matter because we lose we lose we're not spending another hour trying to get blazes just to die because that hold nethers we lose we suck we're all other than one VI because this his channel he's the greatest subscribed to him but unsubscribe I say we could and ask for a light goal a 50,000 Zota gets 50,000 likes then George and I will sing Fundy a lullaby for his intro song hold on hold on hold on 50,000 likes and dream will sing a lullaby song for the next attempt so not only will you get a second part but dream will also sing now that sounds like a win-win to me so uh you know what to do
Channel: Fundy
Views: 3,973,543
Rating: 4.9768419 out of 5
Keywords: fundage, fundy, itsfundy, fundy minecraft, minecraft fundy, dream, dream minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft but dream, dream and george, georgenotfound, itsfundy minecraft, minecraft itsfundy, minecraft dream, minecraft but challenge, minecraft giant mobs, skeppy, challenge, minecraft challenge, minecraft manhunt, dream minecraft but, fundy dream, fundy dream george, minecraft george, george minecraft, minecraft but the world decays, minecraft but the world is falling apart
Id: K62rvmYI5Fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 17sec (1877 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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