So I made Kenshi 100X more chaotic...

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[Music] okay well we're in a little bit of trouble beep our arms are severely crippled so we can't fight these cannibals but I don't know how long we can really no root or run away from them we need to find a town maybe get some help heal up a little bit you know well we can just get eaten alive I guess oh look the holy AMI that's lucky we we won't stop to thank them though because they don't like bug people people I'm so sorry we also might have a bounty from their nation for freeing in sex slaves or something don't worry about it unless you want to be a slave beep you're not really good at anything maybe you'd be good at being a slave babe huh oh look luckily there's a town ahead well no route are run into there will heal up and look for some stronger recruits yes wowee what kind of the two weakest losses in the world you know a slave insect and some kind of monstrous abomination we are definitely gonna die unless we expand our squads we need to look for strong squad members yes wowee Oh God what is happening here some kind of giant beetle what on earth what on earth is this e up more cannibals run run heading to her to run Gowri we've brought some kind of AA me my arms are messed up please is anybody nearby here we go Caius respite some kind of house let's go any hopefully someone will save us Oh ninjas and what the hell is this thing trimmer a sweep non - oh no no bye no we don't we don't want to recruit this weaboo where's everyone going meet come back in here Naruto run back in here before you die you need to rest ok heal up and let's just wait for one of the more normal ninjas I think it'd make a far better recruit up some kind of countable he's dead somehow you're ok babe let me just heal you up mom's I messed up okay we're in a little bit of trouble well it looks like we're gonna have to recruit this weird guy just so just so beep doesn't die you know I'm trimmer Swede would you like to join my squad none - or would you like to join my elite squad sir hi so dis okay we're just gonna go - well let's just wait for the chaos to settle a little bit all right beep is healed up jawed is resting um we could probably have a little look around the town you know take advantage of the chaos see if we can scavenge you know make a little bread make a little revenue because it doesn't really matter if we've dies no one loves him he's unlovable and we're broke look at this some kind of crazy robots wearing crazy skeleton outlaw wearing human skin little bit creepy but he's very powerful but he'll die soon enough and hopefully we can scavenge from his body okay go he's so anime well whilst this epic anime war is happening let's maybe help some people what about those ninjas he is one kiyah that's the leader that's whose house we're just staying in let's pick her up and we'll take her back will heal her up and we'll take her back to her I'm frozen there we go take it back to a place and she might have something for us maybe we can recruit it you know um put dad there you go oh she's okay oh girl just kill this countable crazy countable [ __ ] scream gnar gnar you don't speed up time I'm struggling a little bit tremors Wiebe is taking some damage joy this kind of healed so he could probably ran to combat in fact joy get up you're gonna fight pull out your crossbow and you're gonna fight this there we go nice okay um why don't you heal trimmer sweep look at this guy's we're doing so well and let's close the door we'll let all that chaos unfold out there and tremor sway probably needs a little more healing but yeah look at our team we're doing pretty amazing look at her stats start playing dead if we can get this girl to him welp don't steal from her Jesus give her a little first aid you know give her a little assistance and then when she gets up we'll talk to her if we can get her to enlist with us we should be a little bit stronger we don't have to run from everybody trimmer sweep whilst everyone's recovering I think it's finally time to scavenge maybe find a mosque to hide your face from the world ah look at this the big bad robot is unconscious playing dead weekend maybe steal from him let's get sneaky oh look at this human skin we want that caught stealing Norrell good and I'm gonna take your sword no crap attack targets thank God okay all good ha ha ha all right and look at that katana skeleton Smith's very powerful and there we go trimmer sweep now has an anime saw it and I think this guy has a bounty yeah playing dead though so I don't know if we'll trip can we pick him up can we kidnap him up again excellent yeah as much as we need that 5000 cats from his bounty I don't know if we can hand him in because I don't know where the nearest town is so let's just lock him in here and we'll chuck on the lawsuit will ever wear oh that's a girl that's a good look for us yes kya you're awake okay joy two-factor later time hello welcome to hell thanks for the help out that stranger no worries what is this place this is one sit-down within the United cities now it's disputed territory between three nations bond upon bloody feud wowee why stay here take a look around these people need someone okay whatever don't waste your time come join us join our elite squad twenty thousand cuts serious yes I'm dated yet I can't afford that okay well it looks like we can't afford strong fighting men yet the only place where strength comes cheap is the great desert those conditions sprayed the toughest warriors thanks look east for your fighting man stranger okay so this is all like disputed territory and the Empire's along the coast here so I think we'll go east to the desert we can't go west because it's holy nation territory and beep will be probably forced into slavery so we're going east across the desert at level one beep needs a weapon as well maybe for now nothing should we give this to beep yeah there you go beeps got a big anime sword now and Shermer sweep can just die [Music] [Applause] [Music] god we've been running for hours I'm bored Oh who are these guys let's uh let's murder them here we go let's see if we can take on two empire peasants surely we can do this we biz damn okay we need to cut them here we go look at this that's it Shanno Lyanna anime insect boy how's he going he's always dead yes beep wins Bieber is the strongest warrior I wouldn't go that far be you know but you didn't die which is good old beeps enemies will be destroyed there will be changes yes I don't know about that yeah yeah um you pick up this guy please pick up plank we're gonna hand him in you know for the fur is bouncy I think and you two we're gonna this is how we're gonna make money you know the problem is though we might have to leave one of them because true Merce Wiebe is dead on the ground oh these are gay he's alright you're alright buddy I'm sure he's fine ok a little save and we'll be on our merry way god this game is so big discovered stone camp what the hell is that we'll have a little look maybe it's uh might be a slave camp we can sell these guys into slavery excellent stop please go all this of course there's some kind of battle happening here what the heck what is happening here auntie slavers ok well hopefully the anti slave is don't mind that we're just gonna sell these guys into slavery the monsters down I'm free it lost the boss is dead ok there's some kind of slave up uprising happening we'll just leave him be [Music] I'm gonna have to wait till morning hunter here we go alright babe in here please I'm gonna sell these trimmer sweep you just wait outside sell these guys into slavery alright is it this guy slave traders here we go what you got there do slave foreigner cats no I want the bounty no thanks I want the bounty can we put him in a cage are they free cages here we go but in yes 2000 reward excellence look at this we got some cash now Wow look at these slaves look at this big boy this is who we want what's his name big ray wow he seems impressive he's missing an arm though but uh see if we can purchase him from the slave trader see how much he wants ignore this chaos eeeh tumors wave why don't you do the negotiating foot for us we just get totally ignored oh look at this panty slay but look how strong he is these we need a robot the robots are repaid the skeletons what am i doing this is nerd let's just take advantage of the chaos I'm gonna break him out we're gonna break out be great we talk to him Bree okay oh my god please join us there we go reaccept the joy screaming is in a cage though alright once BRE is free we'll get out of here well we wou what is that okay mythical beasts all right look at look at its health look at it stats should we try fight it get in there Joel I'm sure you'll be fine forget it three sir glitchy I love this game all right trimmer sweet time to break out via great success set free be greedy wowie okay pass short doing jokes dying no George okay we're in trouble we're in big big big big big big big trouble everyone they're trying to escape get out of here we're just gonna pick him up we're not gonna try and revive him oh my going oh my god this is the nightmare is a nightmare oh my god run you weep quickly save jaws I don't have a medkit oh my god oh my god be quick 180/100 beep Jonah's dead jorts dead jots dead oh no oh no George this is actually a nightmare this is pure nightmare run to this town no I'm still shackled you idiots okay God oh I'm like you're shackled you so if beep dies we load everybody else can die I don't care but if beep dies we will load know how to open a cage god what a dick um we're gonna trail the slaves and then we'll bail we're a good guy unlock shackles not a [ __ ] nutter we'll let him free you did it yes so interesting how this insect wants to stay a slave such interesting AI now we sneak for our lives I'll follow your lead yes we need to free all the slaves though is there anybody left nope that's it everybody else is dead okay let's get out of here I think we have nuts off alarm raced we've got a runner come on guys come on boys not our we're getting a D oh my god I forgot this is insane come on nutter look at this team there look at this team yes are we safe should we say if I could kiss you please don't reverse wave uh how are we team up nutter then lay it on me now how about we team up sounds like a good plan would be safer together there we go we've got Nutter on our team who's I think kind of useless but that's okay escaped slave ten ow is seen so we have to we have to wait ten hours until we can head to some city is this thing dying this thing's dying should we try and kill it should we try and have some epic anime battle with it let's just wait around town we're gonna head back to slave town nutter sorry look it's dying what the hell okay Joe it why don't you try and kill it it's I think it's glitched it's actually glitch oh my god it's dying holy hell well is it alive okay it's kind of glitching it's frozen it's fine um let's loot its body let's loot its body what's a gut please don't get up please you [Music]
Channel: Wilburgur
Views: 393,127
Rating: 4.9541116 out of 5
Keywords: funny, wilburgur, wilburger, willburger, gaming, gamer, pewdiepie, glitch, glitches, funniest, best, kenshi, meme, memes, kenshi meme, kenshi memes, ssethTzeentach, sseth, highlights, gameplay, anime
Id: h20rKGsFY4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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