Kenshi but I am the worst fecker in the land

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hey there friends how's it going my name is Kevin and today we are playing some kimchi apparently this allows me to be whatever I want to be which is great even though you could say I could do that in real life but I'm kind of lazy so we're just gonna do it in a game so this is like a post-apocalyptic survival kind of game but it allows you to be a bit of a fecker to be honest with you and I'm excited to do that oh my idle stance can be slab squatting great pretty sure this is set in like a desert wasteland so I'll make up as pale as me so will die from sunburn immediately oh my god what the hell what the hell is that just bust Jesus Christ it's almost as bad as mine I like this I think I accidentally opened Spore oh no no one on stand I'm not ready look at him oh the poor guy I'm gonna leave him I want to change him more I'm sure he'll be fine he'll survive out there there we go all right we got pretzel boy back oh my god his feet are huge everything else is small but his feet are just massive perfect sake this may be one of my best characters yet I'm giving this game ten out of ten just because of the character creation alone this is freaking amazing you go to the club and the guy across the bag gives you this look what do you do oh I'll take the long and crappy please I'm gonna ask for that next time I go for a haircut they think we are done can i export this can I save him as like a preset he'll be almost downloaded thing on the workshop there you go let's go look at that he's beautiful and look at those arms he's flexing on us okay so this is the town we stared off in and we basically start with nothing so we're gonna have to try and earn a bit of a living oh my god his run is terrifying Jesus Christ he'd be a good thief though I think that's what we're gonna start doing just stealing [ __ ] let's go to the back have to be a guy just sitting there with a pint and just like I think I've had enough he'll put it down and go home so I can steal stuff like looking in here stealing chance 31% it's not that high but there's also a lot of people watching me including this guy right next to me it's trying to teach me how to steal immediately it knows me alright looks let's take a look outside can I do anything there some legit work I want to mine some rocks ah you're just gonna have to run quite away but I think it's alright he's got pretty Hinch leg look at him gone he's the scariest character I've ever made okay I think I got some iron let's let's go down the road I see a little house maybe I can steal from them or something wait is that a bear that is a bear why does he keep running out go in where are you going I'm gonna try and take that did I get it yes oh [ __ ] he saw me he said give it back run away run away run no one will catch you come on oh god he's been chased he's being chased [ __ ] no we can't die like this not like this okay good I think he got away thank God I'm not that recognizable let's do business well you will you buy this fuel off me fencing chance 20% I guess cuz I stole it from the guy just down the road it's probably not a great idea to try and sell him this I'm gonna try it anyway 20% isn't that bad I think I did it nice I'm really good at this game there was a weapon here earlier I really wanted do you think I could steal this answer me [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] don't run run run run dude get out of there oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh I think I'm dying I'm dead well he was good while it lasted he's never looked better to be fair let's just download the game I don't think he's making a backache maybe we should try stealing from somewhere not as good it's that would be a good idea look this homeless person there's a lot of stuff there all just empty cans okay that's not that useful for me god damn it small emperor statue yeah I want that I assume it's of me this has taken me a long time to laugh picked I hope no one comes home it just keeps trying over and over again yes took long enough huh great look at all this I mean it loads of stuff another little emperors that to hell is this place these people gonna be friendly you were under attack no no no run oh Jesus Christ why didn't you tell me earlier oh he's never gonna get out of this is he offer facts sake be chased all across the desert he has like a two-foot lead on them and he's going much slower oh this is not good they knocked me out just leave me here like at least eat me or something don't just kill me for fun now I feel like I've gone to waste wait you're under attack what how I just started again where is he or maybe that was from the last game thank God he's had some bad luck oh Jesus Christ I don't like to look at this either he's just like ducks down and hides his head in the sand he's an ostrich is what he is and they're gonna attack me or am I good they don't look hostile or maybe they've not seen me I'm very good at hiding surprisingly I don't think they're gonna attack me like I look like such a weird creature I thought they just attacked me anyway because I'm different story of my life oh what a lovely little place this doesn't look suspicious at all I'm sure they'll welcome me with open air if anyone's even here a ninja blade take that now I'm unstoppable oh my god look at all this stuff where do we get up there are they gonna be mean to me they look like they might [ __ ] I'm being attacked oh [ __ ] every time I go anywhere god damn it I'm gonna have to load it again this game is [ __ ] hard for a guy like me just cuz I look different they don't accept different people back then okay I made it and I didn't get attacked by bandits this time how is everyone thank you for not attacking me feel like the only people who didn't come in have a browser that's more like it be accepting of different people who just like sniffing the floorboards here look I found all of these you can have them I don't think I even need weapons I'm useless I can pay these people to be my friends but I don't have enough money oh this guy gives me bodyguards one day we're gonna go attack someone come on come with me follow me into the desert the little gremlin I was looking at a guide earlier and it told me a good spot where I can get some money so I'm gonna go there and it sits up here there's a guy I can take as like a bounty and now I've got men who will fight for me they are loyal to the Goblin oh my God look at him too rude or runny no wonder he's so fast oh my god he's flying what the [ __ ] he was flying oh my god he's a superhero don't judge a book by it's cover after all aha here here let's go in let's go in come on these guys are only loyal to me for a day so we got a hurry why are you walking around just fly up there I guess I gotta wait for my mercenaries they can't fly after all oh oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh no I think they're okay I'm just you're so used to getting attacked by everyone because I'm different no other reason I'm not like a bad person who's just different picklock yeah go for it eight percent chance we might be here a while and just picking the lock this massive gate they're all just standing outside like they'd see me picking this lock AHA I got it alright open the gates and go inside right boys come on charge oh wait I paused a lot okay Jerry hey guys I'm here they don't seem to care about me [ __ ] run away I'm still charging guys I'm just charging the other direction there's so many outside that we need to defeat out there too so I'll do that I really hope my guys can actually fight which are my guys wait wait wait did my guys lose the gates locked again my kids try to pick the lock to get back in I don't know who are my guys and who are the bad guys well actually I think that's one in the same I think I'm the bad guys come on and get the lock ok some [ __ ] eejit I got it dust bandits ok they're my guys yes ok give me your weapon actually you know what give me feckin everything I want your head and everything your boots and your pants your armor Wow I'll never look greater I'm taking their weapons it's just in case I don't know if they're gonna get backed up oh my god how did they the same size feet I don't believe in this game anymore my immersion is ruined and how did the helmet fit is the body cut off oh no wait the guy cut off his actual clothes that's really impressive actually where is the dust king that's the guy I'm here for is that a prisoner can I free him it's so excited when I have visitors to talk to her I'm able to I can try picking a lock 0% ok you strength I'm not strong enough to do that I'm not surprised got caught stealing why do I care I killed them all murder is fine but stealing is where I draw the line ok they're just catching me every time I don't understand oh god they got backup I found the dust king can I had weight what do I do with him look at that bounty 35,000 he's dying though is gonna I can I heal you in Hell's name Ryu wait who's that got some guys in the floor out there what are you crawling out from he's living under the stairs that's Harry Potter ha first aid yeah healing I don't have a med kit ok well then just pick him up oh my god how is this even possible like I guess my guy isn't possible in general but Jesus Christ look at the state of him ok we gotta go somewhere to turn them into the God who is this oh Jesus Christ I mean charged already maybe we could just close the gate but then I'll be trapped in here I'm gonna leave my mercenaries take care of them what'll I do for my mercenaries leave me I only hired them for the day guys you gonna protect me guys Jesus Christ they just had no interest there for a second god I'm so slow how am I supposed to hold him across the whole desert that could still trying to crawl by the way I'm willing to attack him I think I can fight him I want at least one kill on my k/d you know even going on how does the game even figure this all out and actually make it work like my guy's a disaster I still can't beat him this is the equivalent of swatting a fly here and I cannot kill him my mercenaries won't even look at me they're embarrassed alright guys I did it yay I'm one of you now okay I gotta get to two here there's no way my bursary so you couldn't follow me the whole way they're gonna abandon me no they are loyal you gotta give it to them they hold up their end of the bargain like they didn't get paid a lot 500 each to do all of this with me what the hell is that oh god a pack of dogs yep they're dogs all right come on like I hired you can you not oh my god you're in the ground but could you not help me carry this guy what am I paying you for I've got a bad back oh this is the original town they started in this isn't what I need to go but I'm like should I sell my stuff I don't know you know I don't want to keep going I want these mercenaries for as long as I can I honestly thought their day was over by now honestly I don't know how he's carried him this fair like it's been like a whole 24 hours of carrying another human who's quite a bit bigger than me I might add I'm very impressed especially for a guy with legs like toothpicks I guess the strength is all in the feet after all ah the contract is in job finished time to go I brought them all the way out here right I am almost there anyway I'm right outside the town surely I've pretty much made it I'm looking for the police I'm guessing them I don't know please don't attack me I know I'm odd looking but just please hmm the podgy flat skin amuses me how do I look pudgy smuggling checks remove your gear flat skin sure I found something I'm smuggling hashish I don't even know what that is no mercy for sneaking weaklings oh god damn it after all this they're gonna kill me okay after all that I get done for feckin smuggling I murdered a whole tower of people and I get done for smuggling that's about right that's the equivalent of Al Capone getting caught for tax evasion well I tried my best but I guess I'm not cut out for this world or any world but I hope you guys enjoyed this game seems really cool it's like one of those games it's super complicated but I I imagine when you get into it it could be quite addictive but I hope you did enjoy I appreciate you watching as always and I hope to see you next time bye for now shout out to Patriots Katy and Kyle calicos jinx kerala zero 511 Casey bolt as Casey Nachman charlie pre Dane's Chris Christian Glueck dares ur story Colin David Cross Haven entertainment crow DC direwolf DJ crispy smooth dropped please drew shandler eccentric electric Russell Eric shwayne er s to Sokol ova eatin peasant fables fluffy beetle and Gabriel Morel
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 536,038
Rating: 4.9668231 out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, kenshi funny, kenshi funny moments, kenshi callmekevin, kenshi lets play, kenshi gameplay, kenshi ep1, kenshi beginner, kenshi game, kenshi noob, kenshi character creator, kenshi character creation
Id: -m1AXy16bto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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