Skyrim but the skooma is 100X more powerful

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"Welcome to the Thalmor Embassy." "Your invitation, please." *Draugr x Khajiit intro* *music* I'd like a drink please. Thank you. You ok Brelas? I think you've had enough. Where's Elenwen? Ooh. (lol) [Laughing] Oh yes. My name is Bone-boy. Pleased to meet you. Yes. The hell is that... ungodly sound? Um. Someone's supposed to distract you, talk to you. Well, I'm just here to enjoy the party, you know, have a little bit of drink... with my friend Inigo. How you doing? [Laughing] Inigo, you're a little angry. Inigo, don't worry. Everything's okay Inigo. Everything's alright. Oh I am, I hope you're enjoying yourself. [Laughing] Okay Inigo, let's get started. I'm ready. Okay. Think everyone's pretty distracted. Brelas, you okay? Oh look. Grilled Chicken Breast. Red Apple and a Sweet Roll. Thanks. Alright. Well. I think I've... absolutely fucked the game. Oh! AH! [Laughing] Oh no! Hang on. Razelan. Here I brought you a drink. "One generous soul amongst a gathering of pinch pennies and li--" (lol) I'm ready. Fus everybody over there, we're fine. Let's go! Before anyone notices us! Quickly! Oh. Inigo. He'll be ok. Ok time to be very sneaky. (lol) Excellent. Okay. Yep, one sec. Okay, all good. Inigo! Hi there. Where'd you come from? Look! Tsavani. Okay. Let's hope they don't notice. Oh look I've got 500 gold, lockpick, Minor Healing, and 100 skooma. Excellent. We'll be drinking that soon Inigo, won't we? Yes yes yes. Thanks Malborn. Out of the way Inigo. Okay. You get back. Oop. Oop. Okay, we don't wanna get noticed, Inigo. We're the essence of stealth, Inigo. No one knows we're here, we're not causing a scene... with the Thalmor. He earned it. Silence! Little save just in case we fuck shit up. Damn it Gissur. Oh look, Sweet Roll. We're just gonna take all the sweet rolls. Oh what's this a Drum. A Flute, Potion of Health. Wowee. Oop. What was that? Damn it Inigo. Supposed to be sneaking. Fuckin' hell. Exceptionally glitchy start to today's episode. That's how you know- that's how you know you're gonna get some good footage. *weird noises* Can we search this guy? What's he got? A Torch, I'll take that. We should probably take that Elven Armor, but... you hang in there Inigo, you're doing well. I'm just waiting for my magicka to recharge, in fact... Ah, no, we don't have any-- Sweet Roll. 5 points of health. Just waiting for my magicka to recharge Inigo. Hang in there, you'll be fine. There we go. Alright, here we go. Got 'em. Oh good Inigo, you okay? [Laughing] Fuckin' hell. Rulindil. Uh, ice spike, we have one. Minor Destruction, that's pretty good. Very sneaky. Okay. What do we got? Esbern. Interesting, interesting. See if uh... [Laughing] Yeah I know, where's the skooma? God damn. Um. Etienne. Uh... I'm not here to torture you. What? Yeah, ok. Let's go. [Laughing] *weird hairball noise* Okay, I think we've broken him. We'll just leave him there, he'll be fi-- he'll be fine! Look, he's okay. Okay. Alright. Dragging bodies where? Oh look at this. Reeking Cave. We need a keyr. Reer. Just because we've broken the game we're gonna have to unlock this one, I'm sorry guys. Little bit of-- Little bit of console cheating today. Just cause we've absolutely fuckin' broken the game. Alright, let's go. Through here. Let's just get the hell out of here. Nice and quick. That's creepy-- Oh Frost Troll! Jesus. Are we-- we a little bit overpowered maybe? He's weak against fire. Oh here we go. Some kind of Novice Conjurer. Unusual Gem! Before the Ages of Man. We'll take that. that seems like an interesting... Five gold. Look at all this stuff. Look at all... this stuff. Coin Purse. Some kind of skull. Wowee. I don't know where that guy went, I think we... exploded him by accident. But anyway, let's go back to Delphine. We got some kind of dossier on Esbern and we can show to her. Um. So what's our quest? Diplomatic Immunity, search for information about the dragons returning. Don't I have that? Uh... Thalmor dossier Esbern. Escape the Thalmor embassy. Oh look, I've done that. I've escaped. Inigo you okay? You hang in there. Completed escape the Thalmor embassy. Oh, there he is! You okay, buddy? Hey! Stop running away from me. Hey! Hey! Okay, let's get out of here. Oh Jesus, what the hell? [Laughing] Little bit-- He's got a little bit of depression. Well, we're gonna do a save. And I think we're gonna absolutely consume our ungodly amount of skooma, Inigo. I think it's about time. You know, beautiful... aurora borealis. Um, it's a great way to end a party as well, you know. A little kick on a little afterparty. And we'll go find Delphine who is way over there. In Riverwood. Alright, little save. K Inigo, I think it-- whoa! I think it's time to drink some skooma. I'm getting out of here. Skooma time. We got a lot of distance to cover. Singed fur, I'm off! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Oop. There we go, we've finally slowed down. Oh, who's this? Alduin! You naughty boy! God, the sky was beautiful. Why'd you change the sky, ree! Oh who's this gonna be? It's another big b-- What the hell was that? It's another big bad dragon. Kitty! Inigo is that you, who's that? Yeah? Uh. What are you talking about? Oh! At a fair price? Well that sounds great! Um. That doesn't seem legal. No no no no no. That doesn't seem legal. No! No, I wanted to buy it from him, I wanted to support his business! No! Stop it! Ahaha, why! Inigo. Where were you. Fuck. Why does this happen to me? Why does this happen to me? Oh now what? THANKS GAME! REEEEEE! Okay, we're back. Alduina. Look, the sky's on fire! My god. That's the craziest... Uh. Aurora borealis I've ever seen. Alright, let's just... try and get him. Dammit Alduin. Alduina. Who's this? Why is this happening to me now? Ugh. Walk away right now. Trouble has found us. Yes, no shit. Goddammit. Look at this shitty weather! Alduina is-- where's the skooma guy? Oh, he's gone. Ree, I wanted to buy some skooma! Okay. Let's quickly... kill... this thing. Look it's some kind of red dragon. Maybe it's a fire dragon. Let's see if this does anything. Firesage. Okay. Normally that insta kills but it didn't insta kill him. And we've used all our magic, shit! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. *music noises* Okay, we just need to hit him with some *burp* some ice. Should be okay. Ree ree ree. Okay here we go Inigo, let's get him. Let's do some damage. Oop. [Laughing] Sky. Ree ree! Here we go! Agh, he's too fast! We need to slow him down! Ugh. Ah, easy. That was easy. Never mind. Oh my god! What a beautiful evening! Where's Inigo? Oh look who it is! It's my buddy. How you do-- How you doing? Yeah. I agree. What do you mean dressed up? I'm naked as always, Inigo. Oh, wowee. What a lovely little episode. You know? Things worked out well. Talk to Inigo. I mean, Delphine. See what she wants. Play with chicken. Here you go, here's your friend. Delphine, it's me! Your secret room's kind of out in the open you know. Yes. Ok. Yeah, the Thalmor knows nothing about the dragons. Yeah I'm sure. But they're looking for someone named Esbern. You do know him. Right. Um, would the Thalmor want with Esbern? Ok. Okay. Ok. Okay. Um, they seem to think he's hiding in Riften. Okay I'm off. Ok. Okay. Ok. Alright. See ya. Okay Inigo, we need to be sneaky again. We're looking for this Esbern guy. Who might be... hiding out in this Ratway. Again, we need to be... super sneaky. Uh, keep a lookout for... Esbern. Uh, a prisoner around here. There doesn't seem to be many prisoners down here. A lot of empty cells though, which is strange. Steal? Interesting, interesting. Some kind of shovel. And wha-- What the hell? Is that a kid? Uh, Inigo? What's going on in there? Let's investigate this. See if we can talk to this... insane child. Is this an Apprentice Lock or not, ree! Let me open! There we go. Ree! Why are these so difficult. I swear to God like sometimes you get the expert ones on your first go. There we go. Uh, kid. You okay? You doin' alright buddy? You alright? Yes, of course. The Black Sacrament. What? Uh-huh. Mhmmm. Ok, I'll murder her. Ok. Okay. Okay, well we'll do that! We're in Riften. You know, we may as well. But first we need to find this Esbern guy, hopefully he's around. Should we lock that kid in here Inigo? I don't know if I trust him. We'll just close this door. We'll leave that kid in there. There's probably a reason why he's down there. Um, hopefully we come across Esbern soon. Esbern! I'm a friend. I'm not Esbern! How old is Max von Sydow here? It's okay, Delphiney. Yes. Um. Delphine need help to stop dragon. No, it's not a trick. Dammit! Ree! Delphine said remember the 30th of... yeah. Okay. Ok. Open the door. Okay. God, this guy's depressed. Uh. You're talking about literal end of world. Oh, yes. Okay. Okay. Only Dragonborn. Well guess what? It's not hopeless. I'm Dragonree. Yup. Yep. Okay. Let's go. Yes. I... REE. Let's go. Hurry up. Oop. Esbern? Shit. I think I launched him into the next dimension Inigo. Oh no, I reed him across time and space! Crap. You alright kid? I'll come back. I'll go kill the bitch and come back. K Inigo, I don't know where is Esbo-- Esborom, Gorom too he probably dead. Let's get into the Honorhall... Orphanage. Esbern, hello. Alright. All good? Yea. There you go kids. Happy to help. Happy to help, kids. Excellent. Job well done. Esbern you doing ok? Ok, hang in there. Alright then. Well, everything just kind of has a way of working out, doesn't it? Oh, Aventus. Grelod? Yup. Grelod's dead. AND SO AM I. Alright. I'm not gonna talk to Aventus. We're gonna talk to this... guard first. Yup, pay... Pay it off. All good. Aventus! He's gliding away. Aventus. She's dead. [Laughing] Who's-- Ok. That's not a problem. Hey kid did-- Why isn't this working? Ok, we had a little bit of a technical difficulty there. Oh. What happened to his hair? I could adopt you if you want. [Laughing] Yes. Whiterun. Uh, yeah, okay. Before I change my-- Yes, I'm sure... son! Wow. Oh, I'm sure you won't be. *Draugr x Khajiit outro*
Channel: Wilburgur
Views: 679,439
Rating: 4.9417639 out of 5
Keywords: funny, wilburgur, wilburger, willburger, gaming, gamer, commentary, playthrough, walkthrough, pewdiepie, edited, glitch, glitches, funniest, best, Skyrim, Skyrim meme, meme, memes, Elder Scrolls, highlights, gameplay, Khajiit, Skooma
Id: 2YTlBPIg7mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2019
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