I Paid Japanese Anime Artists to Draw Western Cartoons

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I quite like the Rick and Morty OVAs, especially the vs Genocider one, which is surpisingly wholesome considering how cynical the show usually is

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/WeebGamerTrash947 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
yeah how's going everyone this is the anime man so skeb have you heard of it if you don't know skype it is a japanese website where you can commission japanese artists to draw you whatever the hell you want for a price think of it like fiverr but if the quality was a lot higher in general or think of it like patreon if patreon actually gave a [ __ ] about their artists and i've done a couple of videos over on fiverr in the past and they were all hilarious and fun and cool and a great way to spend my hard-earned money to support some good artists but you know this is the anime man channel and i think naturally you guys who come to my channel and like things like anime just naturally have a really big obsession with anime art as do i i love the anime aesthetic and i want to support independent japanese artists as well because i think there is just so much talent out there that really goes undeserved so today i figured we would go on to skeb to commission some artists to draw some fun stuff for a video but this is the anime man channel and we're not gonna let them off scot-free by drawing their favorite anime characters or manga characters no we're gonna give them a real creative challenge because if there's one big argument that people all over the anime and manga and just the internet in general have been debating on for decades now is which is better anime or cartoons is anime just another form of cartoon or is it different are western cartoons superior to anime or is anime more superior to western cartoons well we're gonna put that to the test by commissioning some japanese artists to draw western cartoons in an anime style so the first things first we're gonna have to scroll down on skype right here this is the website by the way and uh find some good artists to commission as you can see here's just some of the newer works there is so much art out here by the way uh i have turned off the nsfw tag just for the sake of this video but i had it on just regularly uh when i was scanning through and looking for some artists and uh holy crap there is so much porn on this website so depending on how much you guys like this video i might do a second video where i hire some henty artists here on skype to draw some real cursed stuff so if you want that hey smash like on this video right now but let's scroll through and try and find some artists to commission okay this artist is pretty cute i mean look at that it's it's drawing like some furry stuff right here oh it only goes for about 4 000 yen too which is like 40 bucks not bad at all you know what let's send our first request hello there can you draw this image in anime style all right now we've got to decide on a western cartoon character what what western cartoon could we get them to join in anime style you know let's start off strong and go with the highly contested avatar the last airbender sometimes people say this is anime sometimes it's they say it's not anime to be honest it doesn't really matter it's just a great [ __ ] show in general i really like this image of anka tara and soccer so uh you know what let's go with the trifecta let's see what this looks like in a true anime style oh wow look at this artist oh my god this is such cute artwork dude look at this oh my god this is so cute what the hell 8 500 yen you know what this is some talent right here i want to see a western cartoon character in this kind of like cute bubbly kind of style anime style so you know what let's commission hello you know what would be perfect for a cute adorable style like this the most adorable family in all of america the samsons look at this adorable picture of everybody hell yeah let's go with that all right let's pray and hope for a cute simpsons picture send oh this one is also cute as well look at that i really like this kind of style as well kind of like the street weary style oh very nice yeah you know what time for another commission what should we go with this time hmm maybe something from the nickelodeon era like maybe fairly oddparents you know what how about a little bit of timmy turner my boy timmy turner look at him look at him just chilling right there let's see how it goes [Music] 90 bucks for anime timmy turner mighty well spam sand yo look at this artist dude holy crap okay this is actually such a sick style i love this dude oh my god it's like so dark oh hell yeah and seven thousand seventy bucks for this hell yeah dude let's go request time what's a cartoon that is just totally not that style like something that's like really goofy that would look really ridiculous in like a dark style like this maybe some rick and morty could you imagine this in like a style like that oh my god that'd be ridiculous dude look at this image of rick with like a gun pointing out dude this in the style of this bro i want to see that please say yes to this request i beg of you praying to the gods send oh look at this adorable style again oh look at that so cute so wholesome yeah you know what let's let's bring back some wholesomeness into this video let's let's send a request how about a classic let's go back to some some classic western cartoons maybe some tom and jerry now that is a wholesome picture of tom and jerry right there look at them adorable it's like they were never fighting at all 9000 yen hell yeah send all right you know what let's do one more because i have one perfect western cartoon in mind to turn into an anime style but i'm looking for a very specific style for this yes this is the kind of style and energy that i am looking for to turn this into a masterpiece you bet your sweet ass we're going for some spongebob and squidward kihuna itaru if you say yes to this request you are about to be a legend on this channel alright there we go all of the requests are sent to the six artists now of course they might deny and if that's the case then you're about to find out which one's denied and which one's delivered but i guess we will see if any of these artists come back with some legendary pieces of artwork because i am absolutely looking forward to it i literally just spent 300 on six pieces of anime [ __ ] posts worth it all right it has been roughly four days since i saw you guys last and we've had some updates for one all six of the artists that we have asked commissions for have responded in one way or another because it seems that two of them have accepted our offer so we're just waiting on those the problem is four of them straight up cancelled so i guess we can say with certainty that unlike a lot of fiverr artists scam artists actually have some bar of quality so now it is up to me to fill in or i guess find some artists that will be replacing the spot of the four artists that have cancelled and i don't want to bore you guys to death with me endlessly trying to find four artists to draw a [ __ ] post for me so let's just skip to when we have six pieces that are presentable i just really hope it doesn't take that long of a time two months two months it's only been about a couple of seconds for you but for me it has been roughly 63 days god i didn't realize it was gonna take this long to get a couple of illustrations but artists be on that grind so luckily we managed to have none of the artists back out of this and i can finally show off to you guys what some japanese professional anime artists are capable of when it comes to turning western cartoons into an anime style i have to say that to myself because for me again it's been two months i almost forgot what this video was even about but i haven't looked at any of them yet so we're all gonna check it out and uh see if these artists have turned our western cartoon friends into a distinctive anime look or not so the first one we got back only three days after i asked was uh this artist called kam nashizuku who i asked to turn timmy turner from the fairly oddparents into an anime style and this is what we got oh my god oh that's cast i didn't even mean for this to be like a cursed anime thing but there you go that's uh that's a real artwork that i i i mean really did you have to put my name on it there's almost a part of me that doesn't want to be associated with this cursed artwork but there you go i'm trying to figure out though why does festada's timmy have like a fish bone in his mouth maybe i just don't remember enough about fairly oddparents but it makes it oddly sensual why did i say that that's so gross and my god look at those eyes man look at those begging eyes also i really could have gone my entire life uh not seeing what timmy turner's [ __ ] crotch looks like yeah this is like grade a curse thank you connor she's good all right next up uh a week later we got from an actual nsfw artist by the name of vikku who i asked to turn this beautiful uh spongebob and spongebob and squidward picture into an anime format and uh this is what we got no oh no that's so bad i mean first of all they are absolutely gorgeous man god look at them spongebob's got like eyelashes for some real well we can definitely see who's the bottom in this relationship and uh second of all my god they are built like absolute brick [ __ ] houses look at those muscles man my god talk about strong hugs between strong boys so for one i'm i am glad that you know uh deku decided to get a little bit creative with this you know rather than just turning them into the anthropomorphized animals i mean for one they've turned spongebob into like an actual like bushy boy with with the tie and everything of course but i also love them that squidward for one is wearing a beret a beanie i don't know what that is but it looks oddly fleshy and that's just kind of gross to be honest but i think you know the the worst thing about this that i just feel really bad about i mean you know i probably paid all of these artists don't get me wrong but the one thing i feel really bad about saying even though this is a fantastic artwork uh is the fact that if you go on to riku's page on skep uh yeah this is the only picture they have in their portfolio i may have possibly just ruined the future of a rather talented artist or i might have made that artist's career who knows maybe from next time i shouldn't put like the fact that i need to be like tagged or like credited in it because i i don't i don't want my name to this man it's already in video format i know but i don't want my name plastered all over this [ __ ] hey this video is sponsored by raikon look i love listening to music all the time especially when i'm out and about and i've had my raycon earbuds for a very very long time now ever since i was first sponsored by them way back in the day and they still work perfectly fine and they sound absolutely amazing in my ears the new everyday earbuds offers an improved rubber oil look and feel with optimized gel tips for the perfect in-ear fit with eight hours of playtime a 32-hour battery life an inbuilt mic that lets you 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we got oh yeah okay that's actually kind of [ __ ] adorable not gonna lie like that actually looks legit like i'm not even i'm not even i'm not even capping with you like if you told me that these were like some like actual visuals to like a tom and jerry anime i would believe you this looks like it could easily play on like the nhk or some other like you know japanese like kids cartoon television network because that's that's freaking adorable kind of reminds me a little bit of like shimajiro in a sense with like the body proportions and just like the eyes especially it is kind of hilarious though when you put uh the western variant and this variant side by side it's uh it really is night and day you know i actually would kind of want like maybe a figurine of this or yeah [ __ ] japan can you like turn can you hire this artist to like do like some concept artwork for like a tom and jerry anime because it's look it's proven to work look how adorable this is i think everyone who's watching this video can agree this is freaking adorable if i had a kid i would show them this anime wait no doubt all right but next up the fourth one uh this one came in again another week later uh from a creator called sucky this one the touch is a little bit different this one is uh black and white and they mostly focus on like a bunch of like helsing stuff i believe i mean at least that's what it says on their profile they don't actually have any uh like helsing artwork but again another potential artist career ruined or made depending on how you want to look at it and this time around i asked them to draw a anime-fight version of what one might actually classify as already being an anime nay the discussion of whether this western cartoon is in fact an anime or is an anime inspired cartoon it's probably the most heated debate in all of the internet so i figured i would settle that discussion by just getting a japanese artist getting a japanese anime artist to just straight up turn it into an anime style so that we can all discussing about this dumb argument i am of course talking about avatar the last airbender oh my god dude okay for one that looks sick like if this was sold at like a con as like in a poster form i think a bunch of avatar last airbender fans would buy this because first of all wow look at that i think this is all hand drawn as well this doesn't look digital it looks like they hand drew it and then like photo scanned it in because these touches are very very hand-drawn looking but still look at that that's so cool there's like an insane amount of detail and like the clothes and everything and look at like look at katara's water bending thing that dude if they managed to do that hand drawn that's like [ __ ] impressive and the most amazing thing about uh sucky is that she actually drew two pictures for me i don't know why i only asked for one but this artist was so awesome they decided to give me another one it's the squad let's go look at the squad rocking up dude that is actually so sick look i think we can all agree now right it doesn't matter how you personally want to label avatar last and better you can call it an anime you can call it a cartoon at the end of the day in either anime format or cartoon format avatar the airbender characters just look dope as [ __ ] all right oh and they made like a third little picture look at this thank you for your request joey with gratitude sucky693 september 2021 that's so cute see i i love when artists like put in that like add that little bit of of a thank you know like sh like they didn't have to do this at all that's so freaking adorable look at these chibi variants of look at these gp variants of ankitar and soccer that's so [ __ ] cute dude that might have been my favorite one so far that was freaking awesome it worth every penny to support a great and humble artist alright second to last uh this one came in uh at the beginning of october and uh it is done by an artist called chobi now chobi is an interesting one because they are known as a nsfwb artist you know i kind of wanted to spice it up a little bit we had a super wholesome cute artist we had an nsfw artist you know what let's let's cover all bases so i figured for one of these i would get a bl artist to draw it in their own distinctive style because i've noticed personally that bl artists tend to have some of the most like distinctive art styles so i figured you know cover all bases of anime aesthetic we would go with a bl route as well and uh this one was a very hard choice but i figured we would give the bl artist a shot at drawing the simpsons the entire family and uh this is what they made wow wow first of all i don't know if this is cursed or if it's wholesome it's like in a very weird valley of uncanniness between the two okay for one uh lisa looks really cute lisa is quite adorable uh and so is santa's little helper as well i mean he's just literally a dog bart doesn't look like bart he just looks like a dude you know if you were gonna put uh lisa's hair as blonde i don't know why you couldn't have done the same with bart's hair maggie just straight up looks like a baby and i guess they decided to turn marge's hair into a more realistic one i i respect that but i'm this [ __ ] face dude holy [ __ ] yo anime style homer simpson might be one of the most cursed things i've ever seen on the internet i do like that the little touches that they decided to add to like kind of real like like let people know who are just stumbling into this picture on skype to know that this is a anime fight version of the simpsons so i like the creative touches there because i don't think the original uh photo i gave them has anything to do with like the stuff that they were wearing so you know they got a little bit creative with it i respect that yeah i don't know what do you guys think this is like again such an uncanny valley between cursed and wholesome i i don't know which side it depending on my mood of the day this can easily fall into oh god what the hell is this and oh my god this is adorable either way though great art i i love how that at the end of the day they decided to stick to the anime versions the the anime aesthetic but also give it a nice little twist you know that's what that's what i wanted to see so ggs toby alright and last but certainly not least and this is the artist that took the absolute longest uh this is done by an artist called popo who i actually uh have been following online for quite a while now because their art is like very dark and like very like the edgy is not the right word but you know very like cyber punky if that makes sense and popo's facial expressions then the characters that they draw is just absolutely freaking awesome so i figured why not get one of the most badass characters be turned into an anime style by a badass artist and of course when we think of badass western anime characters we can only think of rick from rick and morty bit of a curveball but uh you know i was really looking forward to this one and uh there's probably a reason why this took two months to make so let's see the final one what does anime rick from rick and morty look like whoa okay okay popo i [ __ ] see you my boy holy [ __ ] that's actually so cool like i'm i'm not even capping guys like that is actually so [ __ ] cool you know i was only joking when i said that uh rick from rick and morty is the most badass western cartoon character ever made but you know what i might have to retract my statements this actually might have just made rick one of the coolest western anime characters or just western character yeah western anime character i guess i mean [ __ ] if they were to make a rick and morty anime let's do it in this style dude let's let's go a little bit more of like the the the cyberpunk aesthetic because holy crap how do they manage to turn something as so goofy western anime shin style looking character into just like a really [ __ ] badass anime dude how how did how the [ __ ] did they do that i mean you know it might have been because of the picture i gave them as well uh you know being one that i tried to find is a little more of like a cooler version of rick from rick and morty but uh my god jesus christ popo you you blew this out the goddamn park you know what this is one that i'm not mad to have my name on i'm actually pretty proud of this discovery if if ever rick and morty gets successful enough especially in japan that they want to make an anime out of it hey man you know the artist to contact they are available on scam i'm trying to figure out which anime this reminds me of there's like a little bit of psychopass in here as well as like a like a tiny bit of uh like ergo proxy thrown into the mix as well it's a really unique style but i absolutely love it this is actually so [ __ ] cool wow money well spent dude with this one holy [ __ ] i can see why this took two months to make well there you go guys uh if this video has proven anything it's that uh turning western cartoon characters into a japanese anime style is not impossible all you need is enough time uh the right artists and enough money to spend on those artists to be honest though i did spend like a lot of money to to make this video but you know what i ain't even mad that i spent this money because for one i got to support some great upcoming talented artists and b i got to you know make this video and show you guys that hey you know what at the end of the day both at the anime aesthetic and the western cartoon aesthetic are both just as dope as one another but if you'd like to check out any of the artists that i showed off in this video and hey maybe give them your commission you know help support the artist then i've left the link to all of the artists down in the description below so please please please go and check them out also if you enjoyed this video and you like to see me do more of these like skept videos then uh leave a like on this video to let me know i might do some more like a little more patreon worthy type of content with some scape artists because there's a lot of nsfw [ __ ] on skep trust me so if you'd like to see that make sure to like this video and subscribe if you are new and if you like to support your boy as always go over to my patreon patreon.com the anime man links in the description below anyways guys thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next one like favorite if you enjoy subscribe for an hour banter keep watching anime daddy [Music] you
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 1,364,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, thean1meman, Paid, Artists, to, Draw, Western, Cartoons, skeb, top 10 anime, new anime, best anime
Id: eHriTiBQgmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 50sec (1430 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 16 2021
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