Is Enshrouded Fun Solo? - First Look Review

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oh welcome on in my name is Zen bad and I want to give you my thoughts on enshrouded as a single player experience there is up to 16 player multiplayer but I won't be covering that in this video also thank you to Keen games and the lovely Folks at terminal. for the key making this video possible so first off character customization decent but I'd personally like to see more options especially considering this is a third person game I'm looking at my character a lot so I want to look good not a big complaint here though the options available aren't bad an intro cut scene sets up the backstory explaining the Shroud and the state of the world the Shroud is the fog covering large parts of the map which you can only survive in for a limited time timer runs out you're done for you can extend your time in the Shroud with consumables skills within the skill Tre tree and certain items found within the Shroud itself I think the mechanic is pretty interesting it adds additional pressure to adventuring in certain areas Beyond just the enemies you'll run into on to combat I had a tough time at first with combat because I wasn't using a major feature of the game Buffs through different foods and drinks you can have three Buffs active at a time or if you choose to upgrade that via the skill tree let me tell you they make all the difference cook some meat bring some water and bring berries or bandages with you the difference is night and day as for combat Styles you've got your typical melee Archer and Mage Trio I went Mage because well I do in most games and I was honestly not loving it at first for Mages early on you're solely relying on your wand which to be fair is the best weapon type in the game it feels like to me so far anyway however I was thinking Mage so I'd get to cast fancy spells and whatnot well you need a staff for that and you consume spells like ammo one Fireball costs one cast you run out sucks for you later on you can learn to craft them and also you can find spells with infinite casts but in the beginning I was thinking I'd want to resp to melee until I learned all that combat itself is fun just make sure you plan your approach on an area so you don't get caught off guard and swarmed you can pick enemies off one by one and even if you die and need to come back it seems it takes a few days in game for enemies to respawn which is nice that you can slowly work your way through an area if you're struggling as for bosses I've only found one so far in the world which was in an ether well an ether well is an underground Cavern housing shroud routs which which you can destroy to earn skill points the boss I encountered I actually cheesed which I found hilarious so I can't really tell you how tough it will be in a fair fight I would have thought I'd find more bosses within 9 hours of playing but maybe I just didn't go to the right areas I will say referencing skill points one minor gripe I had was the speed that you level it felt very slow that I was still at level two nearly 3 hours in but with gaining skill points through other means like destroying the Shroud routs I suppose it's not the end of the world I just prefer games that let me level a bit faster to start working on a build personal preference on to questing and exploration one of the highlights of my time in the game was exploring the world and seeing what's out there the game does a pretty good job of giving you quests to find fellow survivors for your base they'll help you craft new things later on through going out in search of these people you'll stumble across plenty of interesting things out there especially if you're reading the lore found throughout the world another big highlight for me was the ancient spires devoid of enemies but full of puzzles and loot I absolutely loved working my way to the tops of these towers they also make for a fun point to Glide from once you have the glider crafted as a side note the map is is massive as of the launch of the game the map is blocked off so maybe a third of it is playable not sure exactly but the current playable area is still huge and the rest of the map will be added later as the game progresses through Early Access into full release now a little warning for crafting there is no crafting directly from your bases chest storage at first it was a huge turnoff for me when I found out you can later in the game through upgraded storage but for the first several hours at least you've got to dig through each chest individually and pull out whatever you need to make that new item you want very frustrating and honestly my least favorite design Choice by the devs that is my only major problem with the game though and it is solved later on it's just a must-have feature for me in games like this so the intentional inconvenience kind of struck a nerve with me now let's talk building as the game is voxal based the building options are so good I'd say building shines is one of the big selling points for the game there are tons of options for building shapes with the construction hammer or you can build block by block if you want to get even more creative the cool thing with that is connected textures so if you make a wall out of little tiny blocks and they're all the same shape the textures will connect and it doesn't look like a mosaic basically it'll actually look like a proper wall it's awesome you can terraform the land to your heart's content which could mean an underground base if you really wanted totally up to you also as you upgrade your flame alter at your base the construction area available to you will increase so my final verdict on enshrouded is that if you like survival sandboxes odds are you'll like this one it was slow to start for me but once I learned the game systems and found out my inconvenience es would be solved later it really grew on me there's a lot to do and see and while I do think the game could be even better with a small group of friends solo play is totally viable and you can get plenty of hours of fun out of the game by yourself but that being said if the video helped you out please leave a like And subscribe if you'd like to see more games see you next time bye-bye
Channel: ZenbadTV
Views: 570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded review, enshrouded, enshrouded game, enshrouded solo, enshrouded building, enshrouded tips, Enshrouded Preview, Enshrouded Let's Play, Enshrouded Alpha, Enshrouded Beta, Enshrouded Demo, Enshrouded English, Enshrouded Ep 1, Enshrouded Quick Look, Enshrouded Letsplay, Enshrouded Part 1, Enshrouded Playthrough, Enshrouded Walkthrough, Enshrouded Guide, Enshrouded Early Access
Id: 8wDy4fThXEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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