Huge Problem in Season of Discovery | WoW Classic

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huge problem in season of Discovery I'm actually going to go back and play sod whenever the uh the experience buff drops it drops in like 3 days right this is what I mean I was in trade chat for the longest time and I was trying to get into uh no I was spamming I was like I have epic gun from BFD I have six out of six experience I raid lead it blah blah blah blah blah and at some point there was one guy H he was considering taking me he's like have you cleared it on your main I I like yes he's like what's your man's name I like number two he's like uhhuh you're a mage he's like do you pump I was like well I did it as a Healer but I pump yes he's like mhm okay um what spec are you going to play uhhuh is the nomon raid even hard enough that this is required no yeah sorry we can't take you you know like it was like a like a job interview kind of thing naturally uh so at that point I just got fed up and I was like you know what Chad let's just make our own group cuz I saw spamming in trade as well that they were looking for they were playing Rog and Warrior that way you can the you know it's just like you change the loot rules in the middle of the raid after trying to get into too many groups where yeah show me your logs show me gear score show me this show me your you know your bank account um so we made our own group yeah and I made a group with the garbage I'm telling you guys the worst of the worst the scum of Azeroth the outcasts the people that no one wants to play with all the people in trade chat who are I I I know how the ending of this goes they ones shot every boss and everything was fine and it was no problem because it's classic wow day in and day out and getting zero responses my people yeah I decided I'm going to make a group with them I'm going to make a group with them and we're not going to go on Discord and I'm not going to ask for gear score and we're not going to check their logs and I'm not going to ask them if they have six out of six and all this other [ __ ] requirements and we're just going to go in and blast B yeah and that's what we did there's so much spam bro it's insane like how do you filter through this bro if you don't have add-ons uh 6 out of six XP they need to just like I'm going to give an unpopular opinion and obviously I'm not really playing the game a lot so like maybe this is from an outside perspective but I wish that they would have just notice board that retail wow has like not lfd or LFR but like a place where you can list your group and other people can join your group I think it's stupid that they don't have that like really just just have just have the system that that retail wow has it's so simple it's so easy you just do that and that way you don't have trade chat fill up with all this spam it's an add-on well like that's again like you know what I'm saying like that's another example Quest board it yeah and I think that in classic wow you should have to interact with a quest board in order to use it I know this might be an unpopular opinion but I think that giving people the reason to be in town and be in the city is very important and you should have different Quest boards maybe in different cities and different areas that you can interact with to find groups like a bounty board yeah and that's all you need to do I like that idea yeah I talked to s fan about it and that's what he thought and I thought he had a good idea with that Hunter full B consume and World buff we get into a good group in leech man like this it's just everyone's just looking for healers bro I'm spamming everyone dude Milkman come on Milkman bro come on he's got to be Jes man he just Spam that sucks no more XP six out of six did it twice as raid lead on my character number two I'm ranged [ __ ] man this guy's asking a lot of questions I'm BM spec come on bro BM is good he's not going to take us bro he wants a melee hunter that pumps man oh my God God I just bro is it really this bad you can't even play the game oh my God people are scared to be locked out why don't they just make it to where like you can just be loot locked so are you locked to like a raid ID or are you locked to a boss why are there raid IDs like we have healing Mages I I don't want to hear about oh cuz it's classic wow there's mes to heal warlocks tank they're needed science isn't there yet yeah they people complaining go to retail instead people complaining go to classic instead go to era instead you understand you can make the exact same argument I I I don't I I just I don't get like why why why is it like this like it's just so what the [ __ ] he want some [ __ ] BM Hunter man what that's so stupid checking my LS and [ __ ] man remember what I said before about how every bad system in the video every bad player behavior is the fault of the developers every single bad I I I firmly believe that every bad player behavior and every bad Trend that players have is the developer's fault when you punish players for making mistakes players will work harder to avoid being punished and if you are punished for making a mistake by inviting the wrong person then players will be even more restrictive in who they invite so this entire system that ziko is dealing with right now is completely engineered and created by blizzard they have made this problem blizzard created this problem this isn't the community's fault the community is adapting and responding to the incentives and rewards that blizzard has created within their own game dude what is this a job interview man how hard is it to get into a group man honestly retail isn't even sweaty dude this is insane I cannot get in it's impossible back in the day I would always message people with literally almost nothing I would be like invite it's me you know or invite I've got all the gear I'm B and like I would get invited all the time and this is before I was a streamer it's impossible to get in chat he says no sorry he says good luck finding group okay the Milkman is not taking us boys dude I cannot believe we we can't get in yeah I'm not like the other girls our own group but then we need to find tank and heer and if we don't find tank and healer it's GG make to make our own group and invite this guy for example yeah that's what you need to do generator look at this guy LG N Out of n Mythic retail radar look at the dude they're not inviting him because of like discrimination holy [ __ ] man he's probably a scal there's no no happening I'm telling you Chad if we don't make our own group there's no way we get in I'm making a no that's so sad that's actually so sad all right this guy says lfg no more Rogue DPS World buff consume six out of six which so he's not even inviting out of his stream he's just inviting randoms this is going to be interesting maybe he invited some out of his stream probably half and half this is trade chats this is this is the biggest rejects in the entire game right now we are the rejects of trade chat nobody wanted us and from the sewers we emerged where's my DPS 200 is not bad this is going to be a complete [ __ ] show by the way why are they oh I see okay we did it wait we killed the boss good job tanks pumping yeah my tank is actually owning wait but I thought no that's what you want to hear but yeah he's definitely farming yeah I'm focusing the boss dude so this is just a random group good job ooh we got the dagger zero is on fire toxic Revenger holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] boys this is crazy so like there it is yeah yeah so you guys can see the item holy [ __ ] got the tank deserves it they should give it what if we actually get items what if we like we actually get an item wait we got we got an item we got just the Epic dagger this could be but this could be first class run this could be like the run where everything drops ooh that does not look good that does not look IDE what an idiot you see him just get knocked off see see if ziko had checked his uh his LinkedIn his his ancestry report to make sure that he doesn't have you know like any Dumbo in like his in his uh you know family tree uh make sure that you know like this guy's been playing the game since like actually vanilla wow like that he probably wouldn't have gotten knocked off uh oh they're spinning the 5 years of experience raiding this raid that's been out for two months never seen this two weeks this is there an enrage timer is everyone just getting yeated look at my DPS did holy [ __ ] I almost got yeated uh oh H my pets my CS are up my Solo's this that's it come on something good something good holy [ __ ] that's really good bro this raid has been so clean so far man so they're just clearing all the bosses without struggling at all even though they brought in random people I forgot to put Hunter's Mark on this boss that's crazy just move away from the stuff it's not hard full randoms from trade jot uh oh move away from me man holy hell I B oh God come closer bro he [ __ ] himself bro stack on your mark like what where's he the DPS is mid at least still clearing DC I mean if you're like this is my perspective like I view doing the raid like this is a big problem that a lot of people have with like their mindset for doing raids is that like they don't calculate in the amount of time that it takes to make the raid and if you can make a raid really fast with people that you're going to wipe a couple of times with you will probably at the end of the day spend less time in the process of doing the raid that's why usually I'll just invite the first person he especially if it's something like this why not just have a group finder thank God give that little explosive trap here for the yeah this is my first time actually seeing the new raid explosive trap dude holy seems like a lot going on here I'm assuming this is probably the uh second to last boss seems like I don't know know it's like a a council fight LFR mechanics yeah new raid's a lot of fun I'll try it out I've been thinking about playing wow again recently people are way too obsessed with Warcraft logs it's so dumb best on sh I think the best thing that blizzard could do for the game is disable every add-on in the game completely with no restriction on that like literally disable every single add-on and every API reader in the game I think that they've completely ruined the game but quality of life good expect blizzard to do it literally disable every single add-on damage meters um healing meters uh like buff like you know allocation disable everything more on Dragon they'll never do that uh why not they should you know what they should do they should announce that they're doing it after the next expansion they should be like hey this is the last expansion you're going to do with add-ons after that no no more they should announce it like a year ahead a year ahead of time what about macros severely limit the amount of interactions that macros can have like massively limited last dragon car dragon car Dragon cheap CH I think that basically like um what ends up examples uh examples what like add-ons that are like too powerful I think peekaboo made a video recently about that come on oh I guess they have to dial at the same time or something like that well played there's no way dude yeah whatever we had a good run though we got we we killed five all right we're going with the shadow priest healing the game of RT to whoever dies gets kicked I'll explain at the end of this why Wow is this this way cuz it's actually very simple why the game works this way yeah sure why not yeah it's easy to understand why it happens once you once you look at like how the system 25 DPS yeah that's the biggest problem the biggest problem is that we don't do any damage honestly guys I just wanted to get to level 40 and enter ner and try to get like you know try to like leech an item or two and I feel like we've done you know we did pretty good we got shoulders that's good we got the weapon which is nice but I don't think we're getting more I don't think we're killing this boss which is a [ __ ] shame this animal is getting added to the uh why not just kill him why didn't he just kill the boss definitely going to end to the [ __ ] list this the boss we needed man yeah I actually kind of want to see the fight I really wanted to try to get the the the crossbow oh but yeah apparently we're trying to n man this now without a Healer so we have a mage soloing this with a shadow priest and as you can see our Rogue tank is taking the biggest [ __ ] of his career so the Warlock tank has to like absorb those bombs or something honestly the strog tank is not bad ooh oh is this like um a nuon like you can with it you know Hunter DPS dude yeah four bosses are a joke more or less yeah just look at the state of our DPS dude look how [ __ ] bad we are I mean it doesn't matter like you just do the mechanics right [ __ ] there some gray logs right now okay this doesn't really seem that bad at all actually yeah they think we making it to face two man DPS doesn't matter as much in this fight we just get out of the fire that's a lot of bombs to be fair that is a lot of bombs Jesus it's a lot of bombs that's an [ __ ] good boys it was uh last minute run I think we had the last boss with a few more tries yeah yeah for what this the beginning of the video he's like people are way too sweaty and restrictive and then they end up being unable to finish finish the raid this is why people are selective yeah oh I'll explain why nice yeah I had a good time good job guys GG's and also by the way I'm sure some of the sweaty raids also don't kill all the bosses even on coms we should all feel great thanks for letting me get the last minute raid lock out then yeah let's be honest people are bad to exactly good run can't they just go again yeah but they probably been in there for like hours yeah at least we got some XP good night there it is all right it was a fun time honestly it was nice such nice guys at least they're not mad now it dragged on a little bit late and we didn't have enough time to uh uh get more than what like two pulls on the last boss or three pulls or whatever but um we we cleared Menagerie on what like second or third try it was like good uh and in general like we had a good time and in general even if even if we killed three bosses or one boss even the fact that people respond like this when you're done it's like it's a shame we had it if he didn't leave well they're probably just happy that they're there it was good thank you for coming it was incredibly nice yeah they're just happy they got invited we should feel great thanks for letting me get my last minute raid look out thanks for being Noob friendly you know like people just actually uh getting to play the [ __ ] game and uh the red leader not being anal about you know your Rogue like your main tank being a rogue or whatever it's just like yeah it's just nice it's just nice I I rather do that honestly I rather do that is Milkman still online what the [ __ ] how many people are naming their characters milk yeah he's in noron they're probably all Toren too should I link him the Epic gun should I link him the Epic gun and pretend we got it [ __ ] BM it should we old school MMO gaming dang guess uh it was lucky I didn't join your group no I guess it was lucky you didn't invite me oh bro are you guys still not done of course they're [ __ ] petting us dude no he's just trying to ask he's just asking but they're still a number dude we're done long time ago I made a group cleared it got all the loot and got out of there these guys are still in there these uh log checking Andes all right all right boys so I I got to I got to talk about this right because I actually think that so number one if I was in Zik's group I would have considered that group a failure because I didn't kill the last boss because I would be there to get the loot from the last boss and if I didn't kill the last boss I would be [ __ ] furious like that's number one like I would be [ __ ] mad we didn't kill it and now I'm stuck so let me go ahead let me explain to you guys why season of Discovery has these problems uh that's all the other ones let me just open up a new one um okay um why sod has problems with uh what do you call it why has with with making ra like uh why sod raiding has problems okay there we go number one raid IDs uh why do they exist uh number two do you have to run back to the instance yeah like do you have to run back to the instance whenever you go and um will AC oops I never accepted the quest I'm an idiot yes yes you do it's close it's a very short run yeah but you do have to run all the way back okay so it's not as bad but it's still there okay um so run backs probably aren't that bad uh like well in general wipe recovery uh wipe recovery takes longer to uh come back it's very very simple right you you you have to do teleporters but you still have to do all of those things you have to re buff you uh use an Elixir and you die now you have to use another Elixir that's it and so like yet there's all these all these things that are happening at the same time every wipe is a minus 10 minutes yes exactly um people leave um can you summon inside of dungeons in season of Discovery there are a few of these things I'm not sure [Music] of you can can't summon inside dungeon uh making inviting new players more annoying harder so there's that um let's see here and so raid buff yeah raid World buff loss yeah you actually can summon a nomer let me see here it's difficult not all groups have a warlock exactly I think that they should give another class summoning abilities in season of discover I think only having warlocks that can summon it is such a massive quality of life that not having it is just extremely annoying and they should at least give it to one more class I personally think that Warriors should be able to put down a war banner and summon I think Warriors should be able to summon that's my opinion you know summon through a war Banner uh like I I could be wrong you know that that that's that's just what I think I'm biased I'm very biased but that's it so basically like what I'm saying is that the reason why season of Discovery has these problems is because blizzard has designed the game in a way that creates these problems so blizzard has allowed players to use Warcraft logs and have API readers and these DPS meters in the game and what these meters do is they tell players that you have to play the game in a certain way because if you're not playing the game in that certain way then you're massively putting yourself at a disadvantage because the truth is ziko didn't clear the raid and if you look at the amount of time that he spent inside of the raid right it was a 2hour raid oh wait longer it was a 2 and one half hour raate like whenever you look at the last boss attempt because it says 1013 and then the last B it's a 2 and 1 half hour raid and that's not including the other one so why would somebody want to join a 2 and 1 half hour raid if they're geared enough to join a raid that's going to clear C in 1 hour and they're going to kill the last boss why would they want to do that so that's really what happens is that and also another reason oh sorry I forgot to add this one uh no um group finder have to rely on trade friends uh add-on and I think that relying on Friends is fine but having to spam trade at or using an add-on is [ __ ] stupid so yeah and uh what's this here you can't change the human condition is number one raid IDs why do they exist people would just leave after the kill they needed they have to restart the recruiting process over again you can't change Human Condition in number one raid IDs why do they exist people would just leave after they get the kill they kill the boss they need well why wouldn't wa wait a second so I'm not sure if I understand this why wouldn't they just do that with raid IDs how do raid IDs prevent this because like for example if if like let's say there's a six boss raid and the fourth boss drops an item I need and I don't need the fifth and the sixth boss why wouldn't I just leave after the fourth boss how does that stop me from leaving hold on let me explain it better sure didn't you say that group finder hurt the social aspect of L in the first place I said lfd and LFR did not the group finder so like uh looking for Dungeon and looking for raid is different than a manual group finder a manual group finder is good an automatic group finder is bad pretty simple need a better design in raid lockouts yeah well let me let me let him explain himself it needs to be harder uh to rag tag guilds after your initial raid or nobody want to full clear the initial one not nobody well let me see what what the rest of this is right and uh raid finder like Wrath of L King yeah yeah that was that's what was bad classic W incentivizes you to play with the same people um yes it does that's true is that bad or is that good like I I I'm not sure what so in retail wow there are people that are locked into a boss in retail wow people are locked into a boss true okay gdkp incentivizes you to play till the end THD lock with another hot take that is completely true and absolutely accurate you are 100% right and that's one of the best things about gdkp remember back when we didn't have gdkp back in Wrath and like the moment that the twin Valkyries would die and dral of the Crusader everybody would leave because nobody wanted to do a new Barack and they were just waiting for the trinket and and then as soon as gdkp happened everybody stayed and killed the last boss like all the melee left and all the casters got mad because the casters needed the next boss hold on I'm still explaining it's long that's fine don't worry about it gdkp also incentivizes people to join pugs Midway through though yeah exactly so like again the reason why season of Discovery has so many problems is because of the design of the game and the fundamental uh decisions that blizzard has made such as making people have raid lockouts such as making uh run backs and recovery from bosses and wipes take longer such as uh making the fights hard uh the harder you make the fights the more people are going to be gatekeeping that's just what happens um let's see besides that um well I think those are the main things that's why you need raid participation points I don't know about that I mean that that's something that like guilds can figure out are you suggesting The Raid ID change to an individual personal boss lockout um um now once they kill the boss they needed a person would just leave then the whole recruiting process of finding another person happens again how do raid lockouts solve that problem so what they should do this is how I think that they should handle raid lockouts they should handle raid lockouts that you can only join a raid at the equivalent or Advanced progress than bosses that you've already killed so for example if you if you've killed two bosses in a raid and like cuz the bosses are are are um this this makes it more complicated whenever the bosses are not uh you know like one after another and you can do them at like whatever order you want but assuming that they are all chronological right you have to do one then two then three linear yeah better it's linear that that's the word I'm thinking of so you should only be able to join raids that have the exact same progression as you or further progression as you you should not be able to join a raid that you're not that you're that you've already killed the boss that week so like you should never be able to kill the same boss two times in the week but you should be able to join another raid and kill bosses that you haven't killed he said something okay let me explain it raid lockouts do not solve the problem my understanding is that you said earlier there should be loot lockouts am I correct no so you're thinking of two different things okay so you have raid IDs you have raid lockouts and then you have loot lockouts okay so all three of these things are the same or sorry are different excuse me so a raid ID is you are locked to a specific raid uh uh specific raid group ID um this one is you are locked to a specific um boss uh kill uh to two specific bosses actually and then loot lockouts you are locked from receiving loot from specific boss you have already killed so all three of these things are separate so a raid ID is where you are locked to a specific boss with a specific group a raid lockout is where you are only locked to a specific boss and a loot lockout is where you are not locked to any boss but you can only receive loot from from a boss that you have not killed so right now this is what classic wow is doing I don't think that they should go to this I think they should go to this the reason why loot lockouts are problematic is because I do think people will start doing like carry runs why I I think people just like spam carry runs and it will just [ __ ] up retail it will [ __ ] up classic wow in the same way that retail W has been [ __ ] up and uh I think it will have a negative effect on the community of the game yeah uh now I could be wrong I could be wrong that's fine but I think that this is where they should start and if they feel like loot lockouts would be better then maybe they should experiment with that the same as they're experimenting with gdkp however I do think that they should start with this there's still going to be gatekeeping like in Lost AR there will be a lot less gatekeeping the less that you get punished there was a lot less gatekeeping whenever vikus came out in Lost Arc how many of you guys had the same experience that whenever vikus came out the amount of like uh uh like that was whenever they really started like expecting you to have light of Salvation that's whenever they really started to like Grill you in terms of like your experience and [ __ ] because people would invite almost anyone to uh to to vaulton right if you had the item level for it or Argos but the reason why vikus did the reason why vikus was different is because vikus was super [ __ ] punishing and if you had one person make a mistake with one mechanic everybody in the raid died that's the reason why it happened everyone wanted to make perfect comps for vikus yeah that's the way the game works so does that make sense with like the the way I wanted I wanted to have it happen yeah just OG do you see kind of like where my perspective is do you not think that 14 had a good system Farm The Raid as much as you want but you can only receive one item from one boss per lockout uh I don't know like I I think that like there's different advantages to each system but this is what I want to see them do that's basically what it comes down to yeah it that's that's literally it I want to see them do this and all I'm saying my point that I'm making with this whole this whole topic is that every single problem understand make think about number three does not work for sure well it does work for retail well it does it does work but it causes other problems but yeah I think that they should do number two raid IDs are Antiquated vikus was easier than vaulton the mechanics were easy to understand vaulton could just throw you out of the Arena sometimes without any pattern volon could throw you out of the Arena sometimes without any pattern that is not true if that if that was true then nobody would have that yeah that that's probably the most not true thing I've ever heard vaon has no group wi mechanics yeah exactly and so anyway uh this is really the way that I see it and the reason why season of Discovery has this many problems is because blizzard has engineered it to have this many problems I don't know why I'm not sub to ziko make sure to give the video a like if you liked it yeah it was so good
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 571,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: R5o9nIiOFTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 55sec (2035 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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