This FAKE Blindfold Speedrun Fooled Everyone | Asmongold Reacts

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the fake blindfold speedrun that fooled everyone including me people have wanted me to watch this for a while it's time here we go hello you absolute Legends last month the streamer known as Queen ponel lot pretended to be the dragon Alat Tron wearing a blindfold this garnered her quite a lot of attention but when people experienced with the game she was playing and those experienced in blindfold speed running saw her video they realized immediately it was fake unfortunately Queen ponel lot's effort of Faking a blindfolded run was was extremely poor Not only was she using strategies that are just flat out impossible to use while blind but the blindfold she was using was so thin and obviously fake even yeah you can see like you know like right there or you can see through it yeah even we the viewers could see straight through it soon enough people were making videos calling out her fake run and queen pelot was beginning to get quite a lot of negative attention as it turns out the public doesn't appreciate liars and people who try to fake gaming accomplishments for clout after receiving backlash Queen pelot fought back announcing that she was going to do another blindfolded run of the Dragon Alat Tron but this time with more proof on the 14th of February she went live and she was stacked to the gills with Ironclad anti-che measurements this time she wore a genuine blindfold she had a hand cam she had input display she had paper covering up her monitors and she was live surely there was absolutely no way she could cheat that's certainly what I thought but the video is one minute in surely all of this in place she did it again she beat the dragon Alat Tron in front of hundreds of people she was so convincing that it seemed like everyone now believed she was legit but anyway yeah it looks like Theon blindfold kill was actually real it did actually happen maybe we got it wrong maybe Queen kelot was just more gifted than everyone else and she could really do things blindfolded that no one else could or maybe just maybe she just cheated again and we don't know how honestly when I first saw her new successful attempt I didn't know how she did it but I did know two things one her gameplay was impossible to do blind and two people always underestimate the autistic power of speedrunners I was committed to finding out how this work that's true like I've watched Mario 64 speedrun videos that's definitely true was done I envisioned sophisticated cheating methods that would be impossible to detect I figured that whatever Queen ponel lot did must be pretty genius to fool everyone so easily for 3 Days meticulously studied her video I worked with experts to clarify game mechanics I spoke with programmers to see if we could replicate her run using Advanced software but I was getting nowhere and then after 72 hours of running into dead ends I finally saw it I noticed that Queen pelot did something that gave everything away the curtain was lifted and the mag magician had exposed her Secrets I had the Smoking Gun and within 20 minutes of seeing Queen pelot do this one thing we knew exactly how she did it and we had the proof as it turns out I was on the wrong track the entire time I thought the method she used must have been smart because no one detected it but in the end it turned out to be the simplest and dumbest method I could have imagined in this video I'm going to tell you exactly how Queen pelot faked her most recent blindfolded takedown of the dragon alron and I guarantee that you'll be shocked at just how many things she did to try and fool you I as I said dude I am now more impressed that she faked it than she did it am I crazy really hope you enjoy yeah Legend let's be honest if you're watching my channel is because you are a gigantic nerd I'm a huge nerd you're a huge nerd that's just the way it is and as nerds there is nothing more important or fulfilling than having a really good gaming PC which is why you should invest in a 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Queen ponel lot's earlier blindfolded runs where she used a really thin transparent sheet of material to cover her eyes and pretended that she couldn't see in this case it was so easy to debunk because everyone can just use their own eyes and see that her blindfold was fake as far as her gameplay was concerned it's also really obvious that she can see as well she claims to use the audio to know exactly where the monster is but years of blindfolded competition tells us that this is impossible I also highlighted that Beyond knowing where the monster is it's also impossible to detect whether you are looking up or down so if you see a blindfolded player using their Mouse to look up or down you know they can see in her latest attempt we see all of those impossible gameplay mechanics in action once again and in some cases it's even worse she will access the menu in order to use items and mess up with the camera and then immediately and perfectly fix it she even does this when the dragon is not making any sounds at all so there is quite literally no audio que like in this example uh-huh Beyond The Impossible vertical Movement we also see crazy head tracking in real time that is just laughable I mean just look at this game play that's true yeah in the last clip she is rolling underneath the dragon keeping the camera on its head perfectly as she does it it's hilarious and remember looking up does nothing it doesn't let her hit any higher so there is literally no point in doing this this other than to see I mean but like couldn't she just hear the dragon above her I mean I don't know the head which makes no sense if you're blindfolded all of this seems very confusing because she appears to be wearing a proper blindfold and as I mentioned before her monitors are even covered up with paper meaning that she can't see them anyway this led me to consider other ways she might be playing without seeing one way would be some kind of Aimbot aimbots are common in many games so it's possible if she had some kind of sophisticated software the this would solve the problem of loc the Dragon and also solve the vertical aiming issue however this wouldn't solve all of the problems like being able to dodge attacks that don't have sound cues in one instance she accidentally hooks onto Alat tron's leg instead of its head and immediately releases before targeting the head again but there is no audible difference between hooking onto the leg or the head so there is no way she should have known that's a very very good point as a very he brings up Carl brings up a very good point in order to solve issues like this I theorized that maybe someone was talking to her and giving her instructions through Discord with someone in her ear and some aim assist software you might be able to play like this without sight I reached out to Monster Hunter World expert TSC who actually developed the first known Aimbot of the game according to him if she was using an Aimbot to achieve this effect it would require software far more sophisticated than anyone in the community currently possesses it seems unlikely that this was the method the most common theory I saw online was that she was using pre-recorded gameplay maybe she beat Al Tron earlier and just played that gameplay footage during her live stream something like this has been done before I even made a video about a speedrunner who cheated by using a pre-recorded run during a Live charity Marathon I believe this was the case Queen pelot had two cameras and they were both completely in sync I studied her Mouse movements and they always seemed to match what was going on the game and so did her keyboard inputs her mouse sensitivity was very high so a lot of movements are hard to see but I couldn't see any discrepancies yeah see like that's what I was looking for whenever I first watched this and it's like it it's the the buttons were about the exact same right the W and and the D right there the W and the D like I feel like it was very very close yeah that was the first thing I thought she was actually playing in my opinion this also ruled out the idea that someone else was playing instead of her perhaps by using remote assistance this is an idea that the YouTuber abis soft spent sometime investigating to see if it could work but aside from her Mouse movements matching her gameplay latency issues would also be a huge problem sure some people suggested that she was using a magician's blindfold and she could see through it but this is extremely unlikely her blindfold doesn't look like any fake blindfold I could find and we know what blindfold she has because it was recommended to her blindfolded expert mric has the exact same one and it looks exactly the same one other thing people noticed and trust me we noticed this immediately too is that after Queen pelot killed Al Tron and lifted the paper up there was something on her screen and it seemed like she noticed this and moved the paper back down to try and hide it I pause it what is on the screen and what is on the thing is Monster Hunter on her screen and then Watch What Happens she puts it back down to cover she's quickly trying to hide it and then the game comes back up on screen this is the Windows start menu and the reason it appeared is because she hit the Windows key in fact she hits the Windows key multiple times throughout her blindfolded attempts this bugged the hell out of us and we had no idea why she was doing it could this have something to do with how she was faking her gaml the Windows key how would that have anything to do yeah what the [ __ ] at seemingly random times she would hit the Windows key which would tap her out of the game this caused her inputs to stop working she would then need to hit the Escape key to try and get back into the game watch this clip where she hits the Windows key and then spends 10 seconds trying to get the game to work again this is bizar barar and she does this multiple times without ever mentioning it she acts as if this really weird thing that she is doing isn't happening which is obviously really suspicious ultimately it seems like this is some kind of unrelated Tech issue that she was having with her eye tracker multiple times before she even started her blindfolded attempts we can see her hitting the Windows key in order to fix something she even mentioned it earlier in her stream we needed to fix the Toby I think this Tech issue has nothing to do with her blindfolded attempts but an important question to ask is how did she know there was a problem she was blindfolded and couldn't see but knew there was some kind of technical issue and always tried to fix it and she did all of this without looking and without saying anything to her audience it's all really bizarre in the end however after discovering the truth I realized this was a giant sound um well no you don't because like if you lose sound no no because you can have the setting on like if you lose sound then I'm pretty sure that well I don't know about this then the audio would stop broadcasting to OBS as well if you had the sound and broadcast setting yeah it wouldn't show an OBS either red herring after several days of brainstorming I was beginning to run out of ideas not true you think then in the middle of the night I Revisited a question I had from day one there was something that Queen PES a lot did that was really strange and I couldn't figure it out and I also want to say like so far I am not convinced that it's fake I'm just convinced that it's very sus immediately after she covers her main monitor with paper while she is attempting to distract her viewers she hold m button for 10 seconds this was actually one of the very first things I noticed when investigating her run but I never had an answer as to why she did it normally when you hold a button down for a few seconds it activates something and this was one of the reasons I thought she was using some kind of software but I had overlooked something that was so obvious and so simple I can't believe I didn't see it immediately once I understood what she was doing it was Game Over holding her Mouse button down for 10 seconds told me everything I needed to know it unlocked all of her Secrets it revealed to me that there was in fact a third hidden monitor why would that matter if she's wearing a blindfold though Queen ponel lot wants us to believe that she only has two monitors when she covers them up she makes sure to verbally state that her monitor on the left has all of her other stuff on it yeah to the main attraction as we get our duct tape for our main monitor because is yeah there's the other one so you guys know there it is it's all my other stuff on it boom this is a lie in truth she has a third monitor to her right off camera before she covers it with paper we can see that her main monitor has her OBS streaming software on it this shows her gameplay and it also has her twitch chat docked into it as well one thing that struck me as odd is how she decided to wait until her monitor were covered with paper before setting everything up this makes no logical sense and she even tries to act like this wasn't on purpose no problem all right uh all right cool now all right oh God I'm sorry I didn't think this yeah sure but the reason she did this is because she had to ensure that what she did was hidden from the camera this is where the beauty of the input display comes in because we can still I see so she so he's saying that she put the paper up in order to obscure the chat's vision of the monitor at the exact same time because she was using a capture device for only the game and not for her entire PC so if she tabbed out of the game it would not display on OBS he'll see everything she's doing but it's obvious she is trying to hide it what she does next is very sneaky she lifts up the paper on her main monitor which has her OBS on it she clicks on her OBS window and holds down the mouse key then while she is holding down the mouse button she how do we know she clicked on her OBS window her audience with verbal diarrhea where is that's why we go through what we go through right you know and it's the way that it has to be and uh next is the key that I should have seen immediately what is the most common thing you do when you hold down your mouse button you drag Windows while talking she drags her OBS to her hidden monitor on the right we can confirm this with the input display we can see her hand move it to the right and she even looks at her hidden monitor on the right when she does this that's why we go through what we go through right you know and it's the way that it has to be and uhit she did she really did we use her OBS on the hidden monitor to see the but the hidden monitor like she's still using the blindfold though game immediately after this she pretends to move the OBS to her left monitor yeah all right uh just wait I know I get it I get it okay I'm sorry she moves her Mouse to the left she looks to the left and she even says that she's moving something however we can see on the input display she doesn't even click her Mouse move that over okay now despite the fact her monitor on the right is supposed to be a secret she cannot help but stare at constantly she even responds to this exact message in chat while looking at it however mids sentence she realizes how stupid this is and stops talking all right oh yeah everything well and she also like clearly like she turned at her camera and she was trying to fix her hair too and girls do that whenever they're looking in the mirror everything will be unedited after panicking and thinking for 10 seconds she tries to fix this mistake and pretends she read the message from the monitor on the left oh yeah everything everything will be unedited was the last thing you said unedited the funny thing about Queen pones a lot reading chat from her hidden monitor is that it's completely unnecessary there is yeah it's like I almost don't believe that because of how dumb it is like there's no way like really no need to have chat there in the place and it just causes her to constantly look at it making it obvious it's there and it also causes her to screw up by responding to it I'm guessing she just couldn't help herself and she really wanted to see all of her fans talking about her as she was playing 100% so we know that she has a monitor to her right but how does she see it well the secret is in how she's wearing her blindfold she's wearing it very very Loosely it's barely able to stay on her face and on top of that she wears it very high this is not how you're supposed to wear a blindfold anyone who owns a blindfold like this knows you don't wear them loose you wear them tight if you wear them loose light gets in by wearing her blindfold loose she can see through a small gap between her nose and the blindfold the gamer Jazzy has already replicated her exact setup in his case he showed his two monitors which he turned off he wore a proper blindfold he used the exact same input display and he had a hand cam with all of this he also killed Al Tron in expert fashion he did I'm going to be honest whenever I saw this I I thought that he had some like sort of thing that was inside of the blindfold you know some like [ __ ] like Google Glass or like apple thing or apple Vision Pro that's what I thought it was here he explains how he did it okay as you can see now my monitors are off and I'm blindfolded but um despite my short sidedness without glosses I can clearly see these tets and shoot at them uh-huh and why is that it's because there's a secret here right now I'm wearing the blindfold right but I can see out the gaps between my nose and my blindfold and if I were even looser I'd be able to see out the sides left and right in my peripheral vision then the next step to the trick is the fact that another thing you guys noticed there's two monitors here right but they're not the only ones there a third monitor my left on top of wearing her blindfold very Loosely Queen ponel lot also sits back in her chair and looks up in an unnatural way this is to get a better viewing angle before her attempt with the new blindfold she had spent around 1 hour playing with her old blindfold over multiple days and for that entire time she always sat like this she was leaning forward and looking directly in front of her this is because while her blindfold was partially obscuring her sight she could see straight through it and was looking at the monitor directly in front of her with the new blindfold she can't see through the front of it which is why she has now completely changed her sitting position so she and you can see even with like compared to the other guy hers is even farther up stay down and to the side this is not a normal way to sit and world class blindfold speedrunner bubser confirms that when you see someone sitting in this position it's a giant red flag they're trying to look up that way and uh if I curve up even more but that's already looking very sus I guess if you if you sit there like your neck breaking yeah if I sit like this for example I can see half of my monitor um I can I can see OBS right now literally I can see the volume meters going up I can see the picture if I turn a bit I can see the other monitor and it's as simple as that there a hidden monitor on the right and she is playing through her OBS which she discreetly moved to it I can't believe I spent so much time researching aimbots when the solution was so stupidly basic and while it's so easy just to say there was a hidden monitor which some people did it's an entirely different story to provide concrete evidence the fact that we can literally see her move OBS to the hidden screen the fact that she reads chat from it the fact that she stares at it constantly the fact that she wears her blindfold so loosely and the fact that she sits in such a weird position all prove Beyond a reasonable doubt that this is the way she cheated but here here is my favorite part after she has killed Al Tron and while paper is still covering her screen she looks directly at the hidden Monitor and moves the camera around perfectly it's like she's not even trying to hide it and beyond all and she wouldn't have known that because the paper would be in front so she wouldn't know where to move the camera all of this the simple fact remains the way she played the game is impossible to do if you can't see now let's be real for a second at the end of the day this entire thing isn't a big deal this is just silly fun internet drama and it's just really interesting to learn how Queen pones a lot fatto blindfold runs personally I'm not emotionally charged about this I just love trying to expose video game frauders because I enjoy it this hold back and forth is honestly really entertaining but make no mistake her yeah I I think this is great like I feel like I very rarely I'm usually the person who's lying I'm very rarely get lied to and actually believe it and get [ __ ] over by something like this this actually got me because I didn't know this I didn't know this much stuff I got T I I got finessed man I did that's incredible you got Bamboozled I did I think a lot of people did you didn't know yeah I didn't know happens when you get old no I I always appreciate things like this happening it keeps you sharp yeah I I'll be real like yeah this definitely fooled me man it it did like I I didn't even think of thisor is not healthy and it's not a good thing there are Gamers who spend thousands of hours legitimately trying to do amazing things without the ability to see blindfolded gaming takes a lot of hard work and it takes a lot of Ingenuity and queen pones a lot keeps taking a giant steaming dump on all of their efforts because of her actions people are going to trust the accomplishments of real Gamers even less skepticism will disproportionately rise and the public will become even more but on the flip side maybe that's a good thing the amount of people who threw common sense I think that it is I I I think it is because it's always better to be Discerning and to be tical than to believe things it's always better to be skeptical aside and took her runs at face value is pretty shocking maybe people do need to be a bit more skeptical and maybe this lesson was an important one to learn let me know what you think in the comments I worked with I think both I I'll be honest like cuz I mean clearly like she really put a lot of effort into faking this and I think that it was a relatively good fake and if she didn't do the thing with her Mouse like if for example she wasn't able to if she wasn't recording her Mouse movements this would have been a lot harder to prove yeah this was a really really really good fake as I said it impresses me more that she faked it and it was this hard to figure out or at least it was for me than then if she had done it in the first place I'll be honest like I I'm impressed group of Gamers who helped me do research for this video including the YouTuber absoft who is also releasing a video about exactly right and that's the thing it's like I don't know everything about this in the same way that these other guys that do monster hunter videos or speedrunning videos do so like I don't know the things to even look for it's like things that are obvious tip offs in like you know this community I had no idea about those things that's what's crazy about it yeah she she got me too yeah don't you have 300 hours of monster on her at this point yeah but these guys have 3,000 do they have more than that I know for a fact he is including many details I haven't mentioned myself so if you want to learn even more please go and check out his video as well the link will be in the description thank you so much for watching you Legends I hope you're having a fantastic day and I will see you in the next video oh my God what I think is the most telling about this is that she stopped streaming and she she hasn't made any posts or anything like that about it right let me link you guys the video like I'm going to be honest Carl did the research that I'll be real I should have done I should have known what he knew I should have looked into it more I didn't he did give his video a like he was right yeah people are right yeah I did not know and like he knows way more about this than I do like CU I've watched a lot of his other videos talking about speedruns and so he knew more about it thank God for that yeah this is a great [ __ ] video I'd like to respond as our moderator okay this is the same guy from the last video that was talking about it okay this is her she has not responded yet all right you're going to respond you remember this guy okay we're going to get the real response for uh you know at least the closest thing that we can get to it uh for this white Knights the rescue herod's coming in like a sheet for the slaughter no no I mean he just wants to explain his P point of view what's wrong with that yeah her mod did nothing wrong yeah yeah keep in mind guys the mod did nothing wrong be nice guys hey what's up hey can you guys hear me all yes I can okay we're good yeah thank you thank you thank youly I appreciate you setting it up thank you very much hi thank you hi asmin and chat thank you so much for taking the time to talk with me I appreciate your time oh yeah I mean I appreciate yours as well I mean obviously I'm sure you've probably seen the video and so uh do you think that she cheated I know for a fact that she didn't okay how do you know that because I've watched her do it myself live and I know that and before if I may may I have a minute or two I understand that everyone will call me biased and I know that I understand that as and and I am biased I will admit that wholeheartedly and completely I am biased I've watched her do it personally I've watched her do it multiple times personally I also helped with communication with mriz the blindfold expert who's been helping her with the setup and everything that we went through MH I'm happy to answer any questions regarding her setup there is no need for anyone to lie about anything or not be transparent she did nothing wrong she did not cheat anything she has not cheated anything and I understand that there is a lot of skepticism I understand there's a lot of questioning and I think that it's important for us to understand that conjecture does not equal proof there is no physical proof there's a lot of conjecture there's a lot of examining many things that are on the table that are that people claim oh she did this she moved that she did but there's there's no actual proof that any of this happened well there's no proof that it did either and of course and what I would suggest and if I may um to chat and to yourself asmin gold and to anyone who questions whether or not she can and did do this I I want to legitimately ask what would it take to prove that she is indeed legitimate if it meant covering the third monitor showing a camera with all three monitors and showing that there are no other monitors present showing that she's still wearing the exact same blindfold that was recommended by a world expert used by mites and bubs themselves you know what does it take because I know for a fact that she can do this she's done it not once not not twice but several times her second attempt is a purely legitimate run that was done with every specification that Mitch RZ mentioned and it's met with nothing but criticism which I again I understand I don't think that it's unreasonable to be skeptical but I think to to bend an argument to fit your purpose is not appropriate to say that oh this is what must have happened because this is what I believed happen when it didn't happen she's being accused of a crime she didn't commit and I know that for a fact I'm willing to I'm willing to put money on it so um okay uh all right so first thing is that why do you think that she tilted her head in a different angle whenever she was wearing the other blindfold well the F you mean well do you mean that the second blindfold versus the first yeah sure whenever you're under a stress response your body reacts differently you position yourself different ly in the very first run when she's wearing the first blindfold it was a Carefree run on stream done with friends for a random hey I wonder if I can do this it was a completely different circumstance my understanding my understanding of the psychological body language whenever that happens people usually actually hudle up more to protect their like their midbody because that's where your organs are that's where you know I'm a phys I'm a physician you that's not entirely true it's not entirely true which one is more true than the other well people have different physiological responses to stress sure and so so her changing her body position her head position is in in one way or another it doesn't mean that she's trying to position herself to see something or to maneuver something I mean if you I I would I would even I'd be happy to send you the same blindfold she used I would encourage you to try to do what she's been accused of doing and to see just how difficult that would even be I could barely do it with the blindfold off all right so I don't I don't want to get that far and and and congratulations by the way we're all very happy for you for finally finally [ __ ] got it but um absolutely yeah so all right so you think that it's legitimate and you think that the way that she was sitting was just purely a stress response and it wasn't her I don't if I may I don't think I know I know that it is legitimate okay without a shadow of a doubt without a shadow of a doubt okay um correct so have you seen her do it in person yes okay um like not over camera but literally you being in the same room I have I have been standing in the same exact room yes okay and so let me just think about this for and and and and I and I would be happy to say I mean the EAS the most direct response right the easiest aams Razer is well let's just have someone watch it live right I understand that I understand that it would be simple to say well let's get someone in the room a verified expert a Bonafide person the pope even right right of course naturally but but but I also want to bring up the point that it doesn't seem like anybody else has been held to the standard that she's been held to we have CSI investigating experts that have been going to every single length looking to even the reflections on her phone trying to analyze what's on that screen and yet no other professional has been held to the same standard that she has no one's asking everyone else to well I think it's because of the initial conjecture that she faced when she did her first run and she's she is a nobody that decided to do this on a whim and that caught the entire world uh by storm sure I understand that it's a it's a person who's a nobody you even said it yourself when this all started she had 250 followers you know she has exploded practically overnight she's been killing this monster for years M decides to do something that shakes the world up turns the world on its feet or on its head excuse me creates a world record practically accidentally and how unlikely and crazy that is and and I will argue that just because someone thinks something is improbable does not make it impossible I hear the word impossible being thrown around a lot and something can be very improbable but still possible and when you have done something so many times and are a true expert at one particular thing you can do a lot of things that many other people can't do she's not a blindfold person she's not she never has been she's not a professional blindfolded speedrunner so then how do you think she was able to uh like rebalance the camera because I think that's been that's one one of the main points of difference sure the person who taught her how to fight that monster is one of the world's leading experts azreal who has 8,700 kills on the monster and taught her how to do it well because it's it it teaches her how to do it the exact same way every single time and the camera balancing is actually not that hard to do I myself am no expert I can't do it but other people that have very similar kill counts are able to do it not if it's not that hard to do then why can nobody else do it in the blindfold because I think it's too early I think that this is in such a fledgling stage you saying it's too early for any other game because like you know there's for example like you know like little Aggie right uh he's also a speedrunner for seiro I'm sure he's probably killed a lot of the bosses in seiro probably as many times if not more times than she's killed Alton uh and and he's using lockon so like how is it that every single other person in this community is not able to rebalance their camera in any circumstance on any game in any capacity without a lock on but she was I'm not a blindfolded expert so I'm not sure but I will but I will say that again I think that if people in Monster Hunter specifically with this particular game I think that if people had enough time to continue to try it I think that you'd be surprised at the number of people that are able to do it well that number right now would be zero well that number might be one right now it might be one you're right it might be one and and again I'm not uh trying to diminish the unlikelihood of what we're witnessing or what we've seen I'm not trying to say that it's completely uh that that it doesn't seem absolutely astronomical I understand the skepticism I think that it's very welled skepticism and very welled questioning but but the thing that is um becoming increasingly frustrating is this idea that I you know with the first run I get why people are all up in arms about that sure so we did everything we could and when I say me we I mean queen and myself and her other moderators and those that know her very well that helped her to get these things set up so that we could do it legitimately so that we would take those questions off the table and and we we did that and then it was met with initially after you covered it everyone was over the moon it was amazing it was fantastic and then unfortunately there were people that just still weren't convinced and then they decided to double down on the skepticism and still reasonably so sure that's fine but to claim well oh no it has to be this way it can't it's just not possible there's no way she can do it but she did it well she can do it again so based off of that same argumentation uh if you look at the other guy's video um I'm trying to remember who the what what his name was in this video and he actually used the same controls that she did using the same blindfold and Jessie yeah so that's correct he did the exact same thing that she did under the same controls well well hold on she he did not do the exact same thing she did how he did use the same because he did use a third monitor he did look from his blindfold at a third Monitor and completed the run with by looking through the blindfold at that third monitor that's correct Queen pones a lot did not do that did she look at OBS through the third monitor no how do you know that because I know okay I've seen her do this I've seen her do this how would you expect anybody else to to believe that I I I welcome the skepticism but I'm also questioning whether why hasn't she responded to it at all well because she was waiting for everyone's response including the second video from Carl jobs and including your response yeah sure and and I I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that she can replicate it any day of the week at any point under any circumstance so what you're saying is that if we provide if the community provides a set of framework and constraints in that case she would be able to replicate the exact same thing absolutely okay here's here's here may I may I offer a suggestion and you tell me if you think it's fair sure I think I think that she could cover all three of her monitors as she did on her stream she could show Discord so that she isn't accused of someone being in the the Discord call providing her directions she could show her task manager to ensure that there are no other programs or third party software is running she could show her download an installation folder for Monster Hunter to show that there are no auto aim programs or damage modifications or anything else and then she could do it again live on stream um would that be and and show a camera or two cameras depicting all of her monitors that nothing else is being shown I think that there probably have to be like I I mean at this point i' I'd really have to think about it because it's something that's like very complex and this is something that's kind of new to me so I'd have to really think about how many controls you would need but I think that one thing that you would clearly need is that you would need a camera behind her and sure uh I I I would have to say that yeah probably a full room camera to actually look at what she's looking at and then also why wouldn't she just turned the monitors off that interferes with her stream interface so when she turns a monitor off it changes her Windows around it can be very discombobulating on stream as you mentioned even in your priv radio she's not a huge streamer it's it's not something that she has how turning the monitor off affect it I well I don't I don't personally know because I'm not sitting there messing with her setup but I I from what she told me the reason why she didn't want to turn her monitors off for the second run was because it would interfere with her stream and that's why she chose to cover them I can't really I I can't really say like whether that's true or not but after using OBS for many years I cannot think of a single instance where turning off a monitor will affect the inputs and the OBS read of that monitor that's fine OBS was not on her third monitor it was not on her monitor that she uses for chat really so then how would you explain like for example the the uh the button presses the 10-second button presses that are then moving to the right I don't know what she was moving at that point well whenever she was well like whenever she was setting it up she was moving the mouse and I'm not sure like I'd have to go back to like the initial video but you can see the trajectory because she does have a mouse tracker along with the trajectory of the mouse and you can see that she's holding down the mouse button and then moving and dragging a uh a window around like this correct right right I I know I understand what she's been accused of I I understand that and I don't know what window she was moving into where but I know that she did not move it to her third CH chat monitor in view or excuse me she did not move obs to her chat Monitor and look through her blindfold to watch OBS to complete her run mhm and how do you know that I've seen her do it did you she doesn't need it well no I wasn't in the room so yeah you didn't you well what you're saying is like you didn't see this one but it would not make logical sense to you that she would fake this one whenever she did other ones with watching you or with you watching her and it was the same thing that's correct okay and and again if if we want to put the that particular argument to rest would it be would it make sense along that logic to say well if she covered all of her monitors so that there's nothing that can be seen at all then would you agree that that would be consistent enough if she can perform I would want I would want her to show me what the problem is with OBS and why she can't turn the monitor off okay is it is it is turning the monitor off the same thing as covering it is that not sufficient no you have to turn it off okay my my question is why I mean that's fine I I'm I'm just curious I'm again remes a variable okay it's very simple uh it removes the variable of uh potentially being able to see through uh what the pictures are and if it's just simply removed it would be gone okay that's fair sure um I have yeah go ahead I'm just going to let's say she does these things I mean the the the one of the other reasons why she hasn't responded and we've been talking about this throughout the week as we awaited Carl's video is there's this idea as you're aware of is moving the goalposts right you know that that like we mentioned before and like she mentioned and like you even mentioned that if if someone doesn't want to admit they're wrong they'll look for any reason they can to continually shift the blame or to come up with some other excuse or some other reasoning as to why they susp that she's cheating so the reason why she hasn't responded is this idea that well even if she does it under all of these these stringent specifications and all of the things that everybody's mentioning to her and takes all the advice of all the professionals and all the experts and whoever else questions it and then she does it again well then what are they going to come up with I mean this this person did something that I think should have been in a way celebrated and she's been abused harassed threatened it's not been fun for her yeah um I get that and so I I think in terms of moving to goal posts like what my goal posts would be frankly don't really matter and so like I don't want to set up a group of parameters because I think that if anything the one thing that the Carl video showed me is that it showed me that I don't know what I don't know and if I was ever going to set a group of parameters for this I would consult with people that know a lot more about it than I do because at this point I'm I don't I'm not confident in my ability to fully assess the situation in an accurate way and I think this video has made me certain of that of that reality and I I don't I'm not I don't feel bad about that or anything it's just that you have to know what you don't know understood so I have to talk to these other people and figure that out myself and and I agree with you in a way too that the same thing happened to her she did her initial blindfolded run on a whim on stream with no particular uh set of guidelines she didn't know what she didn't know either so she reached out to a credible expert who was a world record holder in that community and and followed the exact specifications that he set out well what what is his opinion of this I've spoken with mitris and he is on the fence admittedly and one of the things that he mentioned in his initial messag is why she actually didn't cover up her monitors at first when she was thinking about setting it he flat out he flat out said if you if you have a proper blindfold on your face it wouldn't matter if the monitor's in front of the your face so she actually kept the monitors blocked with any game put information input information on it as an added proof to to again to remove that variable I would want to see why the uh what the OBS problem is I want to see is because I don't believe that like I've Streed for many years I've set up many streams I cannot think of a single instance in which OBS would not be running like uh for example right um I'm going to turn off my monitor right now uh is the stream still on guys no I don't if I if I understand her her issue correctly and again I don't know exactly what she means but I don't think that it's that it turns the stream off but rather her windows in themselves because of the display settings on her various monitors shift all of them around and it's and in a in a high stress situation on stream live in front of a couple hundred people which is a large audience for her sure that that that can get very stressful and Under Pressure she didn't want to have to do all of that amidst the run when the world was watching and so she thought well if I just cover them and I can't see through the paper and I have a blindfold on and this blindfold expert world record holder says I don't even need to cover them if I'm wearing the blindfold then that's just an added proof an added check an added variable that I can take away did print out the paper on stream did she print the paper on stream yeah uh no they were purchased ahead of time so you're saying that whenever she made the constraints for it she wasn't under that pressure I'm sorry I don't understand what what you mean so the implication was that the the reason why she didn't turn off the monitors and fix this issue was because she actually if I I'm sorry I just got a message from mitz he's actually watching right now he's the world record holder he would like to know if you'd want his opinion and include it uh I'd be happy to yeah hey what's up bro hello yo can you hear me yeah I can hear you good okay um so you said you've been watching uh what do you think uh I mean I I I just joined like two minutes ago but you probably saw the video though right oh yeah I saw the video yeah what's your uh what's your thoughts uh so I'm I'm just 100% on the side of you know evidence letting people prove things you know things come to where they are not leaving anything on belief and uh the evidence right now I think and I've told Dapper this I think the evidence right now points pretty uh strongly in the way of not meaning uh I would say the proof that would be needed for blindfolded um you know I'm trying not to like put it too harshly but if you were to create a percentage of like the likelihood based off of the evidence that's been been presented to you uh that it was real after seeing the Carl video where would you put that percentage that it was real uh I'd put it in the very low percent uh not zero cuz I can never give 100% certainty of anything 9 but uh maybe I I could probably go 97 honestly okay all right so that's about right okay and so you basically gave her some insight into so you've killed the boss you've killed Alton sorry sorry no I have not killed the boss I'm an expert on blindfolded in other games my main game is uh seiro that I've done blindfolded okay so what makes you beyond the information that you saw provided in the videos what makes you an like what what makes you think that it's so low percentage that it's real is there anything that like for example like Carl didn't have in his video where I haven't caught uh there there is uh a couple of things so well I mean the biggest thing is is from the get-go the camera movement of course was was uh humanly impossible I think is a good way to put it where it's not impossible impossible it's just humanly impossible as in we've never ever seen anybody throughout any game not Monster Hunter not seiro not Elden ring not so so you're confirming because that's what I said too is that I've never seen somebody in a blindfolded run not run around randomly not knowing what their camera is because so you play seiro seiro has lock in uh would you be able to complete a seiro blindfold run without lock on for the bosses I'm trying to think if there's any that I could well there's one but we use a a cheese we kind of stick him in the corner uh but for legitimately fighting running around trying to find them there's only one boss that we do that occasionally because the lock on just breaks in the game it's a little wonky um and basically the goal is just to get the lockon back as fast as possible so I would basically say no if I if the lock on breaks and I was never able to get it back I don't think I could I don't think I kill the boss Point folded at all and how many times do you think you've killed are you talking about gicho how you get him in a corner and you hit him with the left side of the sword yeah yeah yeah that's that's the one that we we stick him in the corner the one that I was talking about where we can break sometimes the lock on just breaks is uh G um sometimes he just runs too far away and the Lo just goes away yeah sure um okay uh so how many times you killed those bosses if put a number uh at least thousands at least at the very least thousands so and that's individual boss you're saying you've killed each boss thousands of times or you've collectively killed all the bosses thousands of times uh both I mean in terms of I can bring up my live split and tell you my attempt counter for yeah sure let me let me let me grab that it's not going to be 100% accurate because sometimes splits get reset and split across different categories but using another computer maybe I have no idea uh I don't remember if I ever did another computer but for specifically any percent I have an attempt count of 6,292 6,2 192 okay so logically you would assume that and those are blindfolded runs no those are not blindfolded let me check blindfolded splits may I interrupt and ask a question while we're waiting go ahead I'm sorry to interrupt um I guess the question that I wanted to ask in the long run is if you could set a set of standards that we all could agree on and she could repeat it the only way that I could do that would be if I was able to have somebody watching it in real life uh I don't think there would be any way at this point because there's too much uncertainty I think that you can control for almost any variable so unless everybody else was in a consensus about this uh about creating certain controls that people were were certain about uh you would need to have somebody there actually watching it themselves and then also that person would need to have a degree of Competency Beyond a Layman such as myself so I think that that's probably botom to do that I have offered to do that as a uh me and Dapper have uh I don't know if this is a leak sorry Dapper but uh we've talked about the the potential to uh to have that happen I would I would be happy to to see it and have my my mind changed I might be one of the only people left that in the Blindfolded community that has a you know percentage that isn't basically 100 um but yeah for blindfolded attempts I found it I've done 160 blindfolded uh runs to get my current PB of an hour 33 it's a long run so I it's hard that okay so you had done more runs than she had for all of trayon that were blindfolded because whenever she initially was talking about how many attempts did it take her to kill the boss blindfolded uh correct me if I'm wrong Dapper but I'm fairly certain you said that or she said that it was under 20 and potentially even under 10 I remember in one of her videos she said half a dozen yeah at the first at the time first attempts that's correct so there were six attempts and so after six her second run she took six attempts to perform this on stream yeah okay well what about the first run whenever she did it blindfolded the first time I don't know how many times she practiced beforehand a handful though right a handful on stream and probably about maybe a dozen maybe two dozen off stream right okay practicing practicing with a friend directing her in with a hunting horn moving around the map who was not blindfolded completely different set of circumstances it was not int it was it was not intended to be a solo run it was supposed to be an onstream Carefree fun thing with a friend working with her in the hunt completely different apples to oranges comparison sure um yeah I understand that so it does seem to me that it is very uncertain that like for example uh I'm trying to think if there's another boss in seiro that I can use as an example um how about guobo could you do guobo blindfolded without lock on at all because the majority of the attempts and if you could how sloppy would it be oh it would be it would be very sloppy I can guarantee it would be sloppy um the main thing for fighting anything in seiro is that you have to be looking at them otherwise the deflect just doesn't function they'll just hit you from behind um and you can't def beat the game I know yeah yeah exactly uh so that would be the hardest part of it um in terms of generally keeping him somewhat in front of you that's possible um I don't think the viewers would have a good experience because every time that uh I do that if I can't use lock on to Center my camera vertically every single time I end up look staring at the floor or staring at up into the sky I I can never keep the camera in the middle at all and this is with a boss I think it could be possible but this is with the boss that you I mean I'm assuming out of 160 attempts you probably got to guobo at least half of the time right if not pretty much all the time pretty much all the time uh most of the attempts ended up dying at Guardian ape which is the second to last boss yeah yeah okay so and and you think that you would have massive camera issues even after I would assume like 150 maybe even almost attempts at gyobu that's like that's guy by the way guys that's the guy that's the guy on the horse and he's like my name is like that's that guy he's like very very early in the game uh also much much easier to kill than all trayon certainly he's he's not not that hard of a boss to be honest even even blindfolded if you have lock on you can basically just block all of his attacks just stand there blocking and he can't really hit you okay yeah I guess so and so you think that the chances of her doing that legitimately especially after seeing the camera move up and down are just like so astronomically no so astronomically low that it is approaching things that are just not humanly possible yes I think that's absolutely the the the first easiest sort of clearest way to know yeah of course there's obviously the other stuff other than that the first blindfold being obviously transparent and it has to be folded to not be transparent the second attempt there is clearly a third monitor that is clearly on and has something on it and is clearly hidden intentionally from camera to the direct uh counter to what I told her specific speically cuz she contacted me and I specifically said hey if you want to set up another camera here's how you do it you show all your monitors you cuz if you didn't show a monitor somebody could cheat like that so make you told her to all the monitors uh I don't think I specifically stated in exact words show all your monitors but what I did say and actually it's probably show your monitor like have a camera that shows your monitor right something like that it was I can give you the exact quote the only two monitors that display any game information or anything related to stream are her front Monitor and leftand monitor well that's not true because the information related to stream would be her chat well it's chatty which is related to her the the right the the app chatty but it doesn't display game information it doesn't display any any game screen okay um okay so what I what I said exactly is if you only show that the monitors in front of you are turned off then it's always possible to have a monitor that isn't shown on the camera unless you set up like 10 cameras to capture every inch of the room so that's that is what I said I specifically mentioned you need to I I guess I didn't say you need to show this but I said if you don't show all of them it's always possible to have one off screen that isn't shown that is what I said so why do you think that she didn't cover the third monitor Dapper she has her chat she had her chat information on her third Monitor and again the only wait a second so the logic is that she didn't show the monitor because the monitor wasn't relevant is that correct for that's that's point one the monitor itself was not relevant and the second thing is she only had access to one additional camera and in order to display her hands and mouse and the other monitors that would have had game information on it she wouldn't be able to display everything all in one setting well of course she could couldn't she just turn the camera a little bit more to the right and then have all three of the monitors within view because not the way that not the way that her monitors are set up on her desk no we both tried to do that we tried to arrange so that everything was shown and it was one of it was a situation where you could either only see one or not the other and we could get the most information that people would want to see and have questions about with the camera angle that was chosen uh okay so if that's the case and she didn't think that monitor would be relevant to the the conversation and it was okay that she had that monitor uncovered then why didn't she read chat at the beginning whenever that person said that they were going to make up another lie so what ended up happening was that and that that's why I wanted to ask you this question is that if you're saying that she she didn't do it because she didn't think the monitor would be relevant and if she didn't think the third monitor would be problematic then why was she pretending to read it off of the sheet of paper rather than reading it off of the chat on the third monitor I don't know I'm I wasn't there to ask her that question myself if you were me why would you think that would be if I'm sorry if you were me in this situation and you saw that happen What would you think right I I I think I can understand what you're at least implying or insinuating yes you're you're you're insinuating that that with the present amount of information it's obvious that she was trying to make people believe that she only had two monitors because if she wasn't she would have covered it and if she thought that having the third monitor be there in the first place was okay she wouldn't have tried to hide and then stop herself mid-sentence and then read it off of the second monitor again if she was okay the chat was there on the third Monitor and if she knew that the third monitor was compromising her then she would have never looked on the second Monitor and if she knew go ahead s sorry she she was NE I don't think that she was ever trying to hide the presence of a third monitor at all period I don't think that she was trying to mask anything I don't it really was in my opinion or at least I would think her opinion a non-issue if it was a non issue then why did again then why did she try to why did she look under the paper for the second monitor she said I forgot what you said and then she turned around and tried to look in the under the paper for the second monitor why would you logically do that like you know for example it's like if you have one Monitor and it's running chat and you have another monitor with the sheet over it and it's also running chat and you're reading off of the third the the third Monitor and then you you stop yourself you're like wait what did you say again and then you pull up the sheet of paper to look on the second monitor it doesn't logically make sense and also I think that there is proof that she had OBS on the third Monitor and I think the proof for that is the fact that after she pulled up the blindfold she moved her hair back as she looked towards the third monitor I've never seen a person do that when they're not looking in the mirror have you no but I don't think that that's what happened and and again my my question for so I'm actually I'm getting a message from her she is trying to answer your questions apparently there are things in that chatty doesn't show such as flagged messages or flagged content that chatty does not show I'm pretty sure it wasn't flagged content because the person had a uh they're they're a subscriber so it wouldn't have been flagged because you see like CU if they're a bit subscriber or a uh a subscriber right there I'm assuming the crown is because they were um subscribed uh it wouldn't have flagged their message and also if the message was flagged then uh Carl wouldn't have been able to see it because it wouldn't have shown in the chat replay so he would have never had access to this information unless it was displayed naturally on stream yeah I'm I'm sorry I I wasn't there so I'm not entirely sure yeah sure it's not your stream I'm on a lot of past information and it's it's difficult for me to answer questions about what's going on at that particular moment of course you know and and and as a person again I'm I'm trying to look at this from a bird's eye view here because again you asmin gold you are a true professional well not not not at speedrunning these games and being able to tell that they're they're fake I I don't know that I'll tell you that no no no I'm saying as a streamer though and so whenever whenever a person who is has been streaming in her case for 10 to 30 to 70 viewers she just got partner literally a week and a half before this all happened and all of a sudden her stream explodes and the world comes after her saying that everything she did in this thing is fake for the very first time she gets international attention in front of a large audience such as yours and overnight practically explodes and then it's expected to perform a world record yet again under extremely stringent specifications while the entire world is watching I think it's understandable for someone to get a little flustered and I'm not saying that just oh you know okay so she's flustered so all this stuff just goes out the window but what I'm asking you is to give her the opportunity to prove that she can do it under any specifications that any expert out there would recommend that's a good point give her give her a chance to prove that she can do what you what she says she can do if you want to throw the gauntlet down I'm sure that there are people who can come up with constraints that will make sense out of it absolutely I I would ask I would ask very graciously you said she's texting you she's listening to the argument what's the problem with OBS there are apparently two different inputs she has a streaming PC and she has a gaming PC and when she turns her monitors off multiple inputs could cause the one of the inputs to default to one of the other PC monitors or the other PC what software does she used to to do that with I I I don't know ask her because this is I do know about this yeah yeah may I may I add someone else to the call who may be able to answer the more technical aspects because I I honestly don't know them absolutely if I may where we're waiting I would very graciously ask that if we are given the opportunity for her to as you said throw the gauntlet down that you would allow her sufficient time to collect herself before doing this because she has faced an inordinate amount of pressure AB it's can be it can be very emotionally charging time for a person who is only a human being and has been put on an international stage in front of of literal millions of people that don't believe she did something that she did indeed do and that if if any one person in this chat or on the stream or anyone had been accused of a crime they didn't commit I think that you would be very you would not be handling it well yourself and that it may take time for her to get the proper setup ensure that she has all the proper specifications and to emotionally ready herself too because she understands she's under a microscope okay uh who's the other person you're adding in I'm I'm sorry I'm I'm uh adding them in yeah and you're right obviously being put under pressure like that by the way I I understand that you're right I understand yo what's up hi hey um how can I help good question Dapper uh yes I added you I added you the call because you were helpful in getting Queen's PC set up and can answer more questions related to her monitors being turned off and why that would be problematic for her right so um on one of her monitors the one that is covered uh it has two inputs one for the streaming PC and the other one for her main gaming rig yeah and uh sometimes uh turning it off and on again it defaults to the other monitor what software does she use uh obs on the streaming PC in order to set up the two PC setup yeah so it's running through a goex uh sorry a um Elgato capture card which one uh 4K I can't be too certain on the specifics yeah okay um well let's find out so I'm streaming right now I'm using a 2pc setup I'm using the Elgato 4K capture card and I just turned off my Monitor and the screen didn't change it didn't change the uh input no why would it and and what do what do you mean by the input uh one is on HDMI cable and another one is um uh display port I believe MH uh no it does not change the input at all in any capacity uh as you can see I can move my mouse around and um it's kind of hard to tell but uh there's my screen I don't know if you can tell right from there and then there's the blank Monitor and then on the other side there's the chat so uh yeah if you if you turn the monitor off uh it will not have any effect whatsoever on OBS because OBS is capturing the information that's being put on the screen regardless it's not like the monitor removes the information it just simply stops displaying it well I can't be sure but she might be running OBS from her main PC maybe she ran into some kind of issue well she was running it from her main PC and the way I can tell that is that she uh what do you call it she was showing OBS on her main PC as well so so you don't know whether she was using a 2pc setup or not at the time I don't know if she was using the 2pc setup but um if both of them happened to be on at the same time that's when the input issue could occur the display I mean both of the two PCS were on at the same time yeah um well I don't really think that makes sense uh because I think go I'm sorry I I just think I I understand that we're trying to get to the bottom of of that particular question I think the answer is just to say okay for the next run you turn all the monitors off I do think that the monitors would have to be off every single monitor would have to be completely off absolutely sure done again I I I want to be transparent I want to work with the community I want to try to do everything I can to and for her to be as transparent as possible because we understand that we're under such scrutiny I'm not trying to dodge anything I'm not trying to uh to to get away with something I'm I have nothing to hide she has nothing to hide she did not cheat um so I'm not sure uh who who what what's the name of the person that the third person that was added uh that they explained the text stuff sorry I'm not sure if I got your name uh mclees mclees have you seen this video and do you do you understand like the nuances to the video at least to a relative extent I'm not sure how familiar you are with the the topic the blindfold run yeah I I have been keeping an eye on it yes so what do you think I think it's entirely possible that she she she actually managed to do it I've seen her kill this um this monster multiple times sometimes while like she's playing and she could turn around and look at you and still be killing the monster so I think it's entirely possible do you think it's likely yes okay um so why do you think that your opinion of it is so much different in terms of like your likelihood than somebody who does blindfolded speedruns all the time well I might I'm I may be biased because you know I've seen her do it personally you know okay so you've seen her do so You' seen her do it personally and whenever you say personally do you mean in person or you've seen it yourself uh in person physically yes you've physically seen her do Alton blindfolded not blindfolded not per se but um as she's playing like looking around the room acting like you know she's not even looking at the screen she even looking at scen sometimes yeah yeah I mean I would assume that that's why I'm saying it's likely yeah okay so both of you like effectively know her in in real life and so it would make sense that you're both able to actually see her do this in person and everything okay um yeah uh I'm trying to think about whatever else there is to it because like yeah I I think that it just seems extremely unlikely that she's able to Center her camera in the extent that she is and also uh you said that you helped her set up all of her Tech stuff yes can you explain what each monitor would be for um usually the leftand monitor would be for um OBS middle monitor obviously the main gaming Monitor and over the right hand side uh chaty and uh sometimes Spotify also the control and ALT keys in Monster Hunter Center the camera and and as mold may ask a question because I'm trying to formulate I'm trying to formulate the conditions for which we would potentially be repeating this um as you could as you all could understand the entire run itself in anywhere between 10 to 15 to 20 or as many as 30 minutes for a completed run of course is is a is a notable feat my question to you is if this is a question of her camera of her ability to Center her camera then would you say that it's fair that all she has to do is replicate a small portion of a run for example 5 minutes rather than the entire thing I don't know that um because I don't like so as I said after this video I don't know what I don't know okay that's fair so I'm just asking like I I I would have to really think about that so control and the control and ALT buttons reenter the camera is that correct that that's correct okay give me one second um I'm going to go ahead you can see her use it not in the first attempt but she does use it in the second kill she uses uh alt a few times she never uses control um but they are I think I counted a total of two times that she uses it to Center the camera vertically and almost every other time is to make a snap 90° turn not to Center the camera vertically okay so if I use I think she uses it in total around six or seven times okay so and I want to make sure that I'm inside of the I'm inside of the boss fight with alt Trion so we have a complete perfect test for this be able uh give me one second and make sure I get my food buff and everything so I don't get hit in one kill so you're saying that in order to maintain the camera elevation what she ended up doing was she was pressing the ALT key which is what recenters her camera in order to keep that in the same position is that correct I'm saying she did not do that I'm saying that two instances where you could argue that she used it that way there were two instances where her camera was a bit High she pressed alt and it reset to neutral and every single other time that she wanted to reset it to neutral she did it manually using her Mouse well how would she be able to know that it wasn't neutral if she was blindfolded I don't know I I if you had to guess do not know um my guess or at least the explanation that I believe that she would give and I I'm I'm confident that she would give is there is a setting in the game audio settings okay called 3D audio which claims to give uh an idea of whether a monster is above or below you in a 3D sense as far as I'm aware headphones are not good at that at all and the human ear itself is horrendously bad at telling uh up from down it's actually a well-known like audio phenomenon where you can very easily be confused and think something that's above you is coming from below you because the human year just like we've got an ear on each side of our head so left and right is easy to hear up and down sucks so if I look at if I look at you know for example like hitting the button to reenter the camera there's never an instance where reentering the camera will ever aim at Alton's head right like there's never there's never a time where for example if I reenter the camera it would aim at the head of Alton it would consistently keep it mve to where it was in a certain direction and also like I I'll tell you that like at least from my experience uh you definitely can't tell whether it's and like again I've killed this monster literally once on the actual mode and once on easy mode so I don't really know what I'm talking about in terms of like the nuances of it but there's like no way in my mind to be able to hear any sort of audible difference whenever the monster's head is above or below you uh myself and I couldn't not tell I was looking up uh at the ceiling for three attempts I was looking at the floor then for two attempts where I was trying not to look at the ceiling I was actively trying to push my camera down um but I in zero attempts ever kept the camera horizontal despite all my blindfolded uh practice the only way that I could is there's a setting in the game settings where you can actually turn off uh vertical camera movement at all like it just only goes horizontal was super helpful and I was surprised that was not used yeah yeah and the other people that did do blindfolded speedruns all used that setting or they did a lock on I think actually every other one that I've seen has used a lock on I don't think any of them have used the locked uh up and down movement yeah I I think they just didn't want to deal with like trying to echolocate the entire fight in Securo the only times I ever echolocate are when the lock on misses or a couple times I have to grab an idol which makes like a low hum but that's it's horrible strategies I hate when I have to do it but just aou times you have to I understand yeah may I add may I add our resident elect or elaton expert who taught her how to fight the monster to maybe explain some of the techniques as an expert in this monster sure and also like I I will say that the the way that the camera is readjusted in the situation that you're talking about with like holding the alt or the control key does not does not reflect at all the way that she re reentered the camera it's immediate it's extremely like robotic and there are no micro adjustments that happen at all and it never reenters the camera on the head and it actually recenters the camera in front of where the character is facing so like if my character is facing this way it will reenter it uh 90° in the character like if my character is running left it will reenter it left yeah exactly that's that's what I was saying before that uh it's used a few times throughout the run but it's never specifically used uh to well it's used maybe twice to Center vertically and it yeah it's never used to and aim on the head yeah it's never used to readjust yep exactly ATT are having no effect I think You' got Dron so the person that you're adding in is a the person who like knows a lot about killing the boss I do okay how many times have you killed the boss uh 8,800 okay do you think that the kill that she did while she was blindfolded was legitimate I do why um there's been a lot of times that I've seen her personally run it in Discord can you do it I did it two years ago where two three years ago something like that in my own personal Discord Once Upon a Time on there oh but there's like okay so you were able to do a blindfolded and what do you think about the video that was released about it about Carl's video yeah Carl's video I watch bits and pieces of it so I watched his and abiso actually I actually found abiso to be better okay more explanation so what did absoft what was this what was the well abof actually like consulted bubs and he uh went through and you know kind of showed like the uh the the ability to peek through said bottom of the blindfold I guess the blindfold that was recommended by all of the what I guess you know professional blindfold speedrunners me it was recommended by me oh was it okay yep sorry MRI you and I have not had a chance to actually speak yet mrix and also can you if you tilt your head in a certain way can you see through that blindfold through no below yes oh side yes yeah it is it is possible with any any blindfold like any blindfold to potentially down because it just creates a gap with your nose um the one that I recommended does have a little uh fabric flap that's sort of supposed to prevent that because it's a sleep mask that's what blindfolds are for without you know getting yourself you know investigated by the FBI or something I don't know but um so it's supposed to keep the light out from the bottom but that that little fabric flap at the bottom doesn't do a a great job I can definitely see out through a hole next to my nose if I if I try to mhm so like what you're saying is that if if for example you did tilt your head in a certain way with that blindfold on that you suggested you could very easily be able to see the screen just very simple uh well I mean I don't even really know what else to say I mean so you think that it's legitimate and you think that like cuz it's kind of crazy to me that pretty much every single other person who's done any sort of blindfold speedr running at all doesn't think it's legitimate and that's what I think makes this interesting is that you said that you think that it is is that Sor you're azreal right yes yes azreal sorry there's a lot of new people I'm I'm a little bit confused no and that's F that's fine that like I'm trying to figure out who you're addressing yeah yeah sorry no I I find it to be legitimate I have no reason not to believe so so um what about the evidence that was presented like for example that she had the third Monitor and she had OBS on the third monitor um I've seen the setup it's chatty so chatty doesn't reflect the video can't she move obs I me I guess monitor with chatty I mean it's very possible that she did I don't see why she did like I don't find I don't see a camera on it moving it over so I can't verify that the only person that would honestly know would be her correct not necessarily because like so whenever Carl showed his video and this is a pretty important part of the video he showed that she had the mouse button clicked down and then the mouse was also detecting because the mouse it detects all movement right by the same token she could have been dragging Spotify she could have been dragging whatever over there correct yes that is correct but don't you find it to so evidence like evidence yeah no I find it I find it I find all of the speculation I find that he took two weeks to come up with a whole bunch of plausible ideas like hey let's look at lock on hey or let's look at what was it Aimbot really Aimbot one person in the world has the software yeah so I think that the reason why it was OBS is because whenever she finished doing the uh whenever she finished doing the run and she took her blindfold off she fixed her hair looking at the third monitor that's only something that a person on camera would do you think yeah I mean I've been in Discord calls with her before I've seen her fix her hair for no apparent reason yes because she's probably looking at herself in the the Discord call or she took her blindfold off moved her headset around and moved her hair out of the way of her headset I don't know it does I mean I I understand I understand what you're saying you're saying that like basically the only time anybody fixes their hair is when they stare in a mirror I think that you ever run your hand through your hair uh I doand um whenever I whenever I I do that you're right uh of course I think everybody does that but I think that whenever I do that I look in different places and I don't look in the one place that I'm also showing chat from and also Chad I'm flirting and so um also whenever I do that I'm not I'm usually trying and and if I do have a mirror in front of me I will look at the mirror I think anybody would naturally if you're fixing your hair and moving your your hand through your hair you're probably going to be looking at a mirror if a mirror is present does that make sense okay so yeah that that's what makes me think that she moved OBS is because obviously the so like basically based off of the movements of the mouse it is evident that she probably moved a program over to that other monitor and based off of the fact that she looked at her hair and she moved her hair at the end of the video after she took the blindfold off makes me think that it was BS can I add something here as well is that right before we see her dragging uh something over to the right monitor we do see OBS on the middle screen and you can kind of track her Mouse movement and see that it could not have gone anywhere aside from the dragging to the right we did actually see it on the middle monitor first uh then their dragging happens and then afterwards after the fight it's no the middle monit and you can see that right there at at 1312 uh you and it's very evident that OBS is there and that she would be able to see herself through OBS so uh yeah I I think that again it's just the likelihood of this being anything other than OBS is just extremely low I would say it's it's bordering on just not happening it's just not what it's not what it is ask a question yeah um when I remember on your whenever you reacted to uh the the video that came out before she did her second run sure the first initial video you yeah yeah you yourself said after it was quote unquote disproven and it was made to be fake and you yourself said do I think that it's impossible no I think that it is unlikely in fact I think that is less than unlikely and and again I'm not arguing what is that what is that what is that I'm I'm not sure what wases that have to do with it so what I'm saying is is that we're we're all talking about how these things are unlikely that it's very unlikely that she did this it's very unlikely it's unlikely it's unlikely it's a 3% chance it's a 97% chance this isn't real what I'm asking is to like I mentioned before just repeat it um repeat it and and the difference the difference between the first time and the second time is that whenever I made that value judgment I didn't know how much I was uninformed about the different nuances of any sort of speedr running and doing it with a blindfold so my value judgment there was inaccurate and uneducated and I would say even in the case now it is still unaccurate and only partially educated and if I was looking to make constraints about actually doing a legitimate run I would consult somebody who knew more about it than I did so using me as a reference to myself whenever I refer to myself as an unworthy or unreliable uh you know way to to judge it I don't really think that's a very good argument okay I guess I was just saying that just because something seems unlikely doesn't mean that it's impossible and but if something seems unlikely it's more it it's probably not happening right I mean like you know for example like is it likely to flip a coin and get heads two times in a row yeah sure is it likely to flip a coin and get heads 200 times in a row no are they both possible yes is the probability of each in instance the same no it's not so just because there is a probability of something not being true or being true doesn't equate all probabilities to each other like you're talking about like a like a likelihood of like yeah maybe this is possible versus yeah maybe the people that are looking at this that have more experience in this than probably any of us do playing the base game even also think that it's improbable sure and and and then in that vein I will concede that it is incredibly unlikely and I don't want to push anyone too far I don't want to get into anything heated or a debate or anything it's not my intention sure um I I would very much like for her to be given an opportunity to demonstrate that she can indeed do this under the correct constraints of a of a professional such as mriz or his colleagues who would be able to set up the constraints and controls to do this in a transparent fashion given enough time to allow herself to ready herself emotionally physically and and to be able to perform it again under the proper standards and also I mean like I do find it to be interesting that whenever the first video came out that was disproving her she had no problem coming out right away and saying this video is [ __ ] I'll prove you wrong and now the second time she's not doing that that's that to me seems to be very interesting and I think that the reason why is that the first video the people that were like basically the accusations that people had were wrong mhm there's no way that anyone can definitively prove what was moved where there's no one that can definitively prove if she was able to see through or looked underneath the blindfold and is a very convincing argument there's a lot of suggested evidence there I'm not I'm not saying that there isn't not at all I'm I'm saying that if that is truly the question can she do this or not under the presence of all the right constraints and doing it correctly with all the experts involved that would that then be enough um I don't know I really don't know and that's the truth I would have to look and see what that proof would be and I would have to see I would try to figure out who it was and what it was that you would need for proof because I don't know enough about it myself okay I look forward to more conversations with mitris and whomever else that we could talk to that would be able to give us that information in a transparent fashion so that we could do this okay great yeah that sounds good if she if she welcomes it and she's okay with that then yeah that sounds good to me absolutely I very much appreciate your time I I I know that it's been a long time on your stream and I'm very gracious for the opportunity for being given the this the sage to speak to you I'm really appreciative of everything that you've done and and for all the the coverage that you've given her and the support that you gave her I'm congratulations on your kill and I'm very hopeful that we can do something so that we can finally put this to rest I agree I definitely agree and so yeah if people in the community want to come up with a set of parameters or figure out what would make sense then yes I think that would be the best idea absolutely okay well thank you very much for your time I will take up any more of your stream and I hope you have a great rest of your night absolutely yep you guys too thank you all very much I appreciate it all the insight and everything and uh yeah thanks a lot guys take care thank you for having me peace all right goodbye yeah holy [ __ ] man like I mean if they're still defending it I'm actually very surprised I am very very very surprised I don't even know what to think yeah I mean like I I still think it's bull I I do think it's [ __ ] but at the same time I'm pretty interested I definitely am damage control the issue is that she was already a set of parameters and she didn't do them well we'll have to wait and see yeah at this point I want her to do it for real yeah yeah I think that people should come up with the parameters figure out what they're going to be and then go from there they're on the [Music] payroll yeah yeah maybe they are I don't know man but uh holy [ __ ] that was a rabbit hole I did not expect to go down that deep godamn be honest yeah no I still think that it's totally [ __ ] fake but I'm also very surprised about what happened I definitely am invite her to otk to stream it yeah maybe knowledgeable unbiased third party in the room yeah it's good to actually have the expert opinion of somebody who's a legit blind run speedrunner Etc yeah 100% alt Trion expert was beyond useless well I mean I don't know he was just saying he thought it happened I mean that's it and he said that he could do it or that he did do it but you know there was no evidence of that so it's hard really to base anything off of that so yeah thank you guys all very much for watching I very much appreciate it and until next time boys peace
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,275,930
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: dYn9_IM4EVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 36sec (6096 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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