I decided to speedrun Raft Wars 2 and experienced severe physiological pain

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today we're speed running through raft wars 2 a game where we have to murder a bunch of people because they're trying to steal our money so we can start a new game and we'll see previously on raft wars 1. basically our little brother was able to find a bunch of gold and a bunch of diamonds and then some other people tried to kill us for it including our parents which is kind of weird so we murdered all of them you know just the normal stuff you would do and now six months later in raft wars 2 we're coming back from a well-deserved holiday and more people are trying to steal our money i guess it's time for more murder hooray but before we get on to the murder first we're just gonna learn how to play the game so we're gonna hit this paint bucket into the ocean because why not and because of that this guy's like okay why did those kids decide to do that that's kind of weird so of course he's gonna call security over and instead of security being like hey guys can you please stop doing that we decide to go into a war yeah we're gonna try to kill them they're gonna try to kill us and i really do not understand why it came to this but i guess that's life sometimes so here we go we're gonna take out our rockets hit them directly in their faces and they're gonna be dead yeah and that's basically what this game is we go through now we're facing off against our greedy neighbors they're trying to steal our money so we take out our rockets and goodbye guys thanks for coming out and trying to play against me but now you're dead i mean it is their fault for trying to steal my money to be fair so i can't really feel too bad about it and they are also terrible at shooting like that was nowhere near me so might as well just take them out of their misery and see you later dude oh but that was actually a pretty good shot that almost hit my guys right there and would not have been very good so i'm gonna take out the rocket just to make sure we can kill that guy directly square in the face so it should kill him there we go and we can move on to the next level i'm also gonna upgrade my raft to make sure that we have a stuffed bear in the back and that'll be a little extra padding just to make sure we're able to survive and this map is really annoying because if you want to hit the company mascot this guy right here you have to take care of that bird in front of him first so that's kind of annoying but we're able to get him after that he's going to try to shoot us back and i guess he's also a terrible shot so i'm gonna take out my rocket launcher and goodbye dude i hope he got paid enough to die to be honest he's probably getting paid minimum wage so i really do not feel like this was worth it for him but whatever what you're gonna do at the end of the day and now i'm just gonna have to shoot this guy who's left in the top that's a pretty good shot one shot one kill yeah that was nice and easy goodbye dude okay what's gonna be our next one now we have the water slide so they're all these kids that are on a water slide and i guess we're killing them now i don't even know if they tried to pick a fight with us or if we just decided to go on a murder rampage and i don't really care either way because i am good with going on murder rampages i mean i didn't buy these rocket launchers to not go on murder rampages you know oh and the bear just barely saved me from dying that was so close okay thank you bear i am going to make sure that i use this life that you gave me well and we're gonna take care of that kid we only have one more of these kids left to deal with hopefully he doesn't have a good shot yeah that was actually terrible so i'm just gonna have to shoot a tiny bit higher hopefully that will hit him and yeah we've actually been doing pretty good so far like i do not think i've missed any of my shots and now that i say that we probably are gonna miss one of our shots but we have our grandpa in the back now for some reason and he's just kind of fishing he doesn't really help us but he will serve as a person that can protect us if we do get hit back and that was not supposed to happen i did not mean to use a tennis ball there at least we killed one of the people but i meant to use a rocket and that definitely wasn't as effective as it could have been but whatever there goes my little brother he can take a little bonk to the head because of my mistake i'm just gonna use another tennis ball because there's not really a point in using a rocket there it's gonna kill that guy anyway and we were able to kill the guy back there the pilot just kind of leaves now but we don't lose any time because doing that kind of just took the same amount of time as doing it the way i meant to do oh and there goes grandpa sorry about that man i'm sure we'll see grandpa again but before that it's time to do some more murdering oh and that was a pretty good shot is my front guy dead i feel like he has a little bit more health okay and we should be okay abandon ship we are not abandoning ship we're just gonna use our rocket launcher and say bye-bye to that dude yeah you can go into the shark-infested waters i don't really care okay so we can keep going now we have some angry builders and these guys are like hey we're trying to build and i'm like hey i'm trying to murder so you know we're both just trying to do our respective jobs and i feel like ours is more important than them so we're gonna take out the rocket launcher and they're gonna take out hammers and try to hit two little kids with some hammers and i mean i would say that's pretty messed up if not for the reason that we have literal grenades so i don't know who's more messed up in this situation but if you look at it and only they're trying to hit me with hammers you know you probably shouldn't try to hit five-year-olds with hammers yeah we're just gonna stop talking about this instead just murder goodbye dude and there goes another one able to take care of the builders we can keep upgrading we're also gonna get some helmets which are gonna make sure that we can take more damage and now we have to deal with octomom and hurt eight children yeah for some reason this woman is in the game that's cool what i'm gonna do is i have a pretty specific shot i go for here uh this is taking me a tiny bit too long but that shot should be okay it will hit her directly okay well that went a tiny bit too far we're gonna have to hit it with one more of those shots i don't know why that one didn't work it just feels like sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't but we'll just do the same thing right here aim for that and hopefully this will take care of octo mom and there we go now she's dead so now we just have to deal for eight children who are also gonna be trying to shoot at us and they did kill my front guy which does suck we will hopefully still be able to take care of them by using some grenades and yeah you can kind of see them ricochet off each other which is kind of hilarious they're just going to take so much damage one by one just going through all of them less damage as you go on because you know there is so much cushioning and hopefully they won't kill my back little guy okay this could be so bad oh this is gonna be close come on please just murder all these little kids i don't care about their lives it doesn't matter to me we have to hope this isn't able to kill my little brother and there we go we should be able to finish this round and just aim right there hit them all and that is going to be nice and easy you all can go and swim in the shark infested waters i don't really care about you anymore yeah enjoy the shark oh please die are you kidding me uh you you've gotta be kidding i guess it's okay but that is ridiculous what just happened there hey he has like one health it was a time loss but at least we didn't lose the runs so i'm just gonna take it and keep going now we have a cut scene we don't really care what's going on with that and we are now gonna deal with the whalers and this dead whale that's kind of just in the middle of the map i don't know why there's just a dead whale there i really don't but i mean whatever i guess that's life sometimes so we're gonna use a grenade to try to take care of as many as possible it can sit right there hit a bunch of them and yeah that should do a pretty good amount of damage to all of them so it should hopefully only take one more of those grenades it might take two to be honest but it seems like we have a pretty good start they're gonna try to hit us back and it's gonna hit our front guy and also the little brother but we're still okay oh wow actually that did a pretty good amount of damage hopefully we can take care of them with one or two more shots so that doesn't happen again but that should be the first three down and it's only the guy in the back that needs to die now he's gonna try to shoot me i kind of hope he's a terrible shot but he doesn't look like it oh and oh it didn't even hit my grandfather so now i'm gonna use a rocket for this last one and hopefully that's gonna aim right at him and he's dead nice and easy okay this has been a pretty good run so far we just have to keep this up and hopefully not lose it to something dumb we're gonna get one last person in the back just to make sure we have the most amount of defense possible but now the security has security drones which is kind of weird i don't know why they decided to buy drones just to deal with these two little children but i guess what are you gonna do at the end of the day and these drones are annoying because they shoot three things at once and also this is another one of the levels where we're going to want to kill this seagull that's right here just because he's in the most annoying position possible but we can take care of the seagull this drone is going to try to hit us again and that was a pretty good shot okay i do not like that and it did a pretty good amount of damage but we should be fine i'm gonna take out another one of my rockets shoot the drone that one should be taken care of and now there's just one last security guard in the back he's gonna try to shoot us with that and we should be fine okay i'm okay with my little brother getting hurt and i'm gonna aim a tiny bit higher and oh it just missed okay that should still do a good amount of damage to him so we just need to use one grenade to finish him off oh and it was a terrible shot too wasn't able to get anywhere near me here we go please be a good grenade that will just finish him off oh and no that was not at all yeah i went a tiny bit too high on that one which could result in me just losing the run i really hope it doesn't okay this is a lot scarier now because of that mistake but we get that grenade please how did that not explode there you're actually kidding me that sucks so much and now we have to use the last guy in the back and that's all we have please just work i'm just asking you this one thing oh that was a terrible grenade yeah this is a really bad situation right now it doesn't look like that one's able to do anything i haven't practiced with the bad guy at all so i do not know where to shoot with them this one's kind of just trial and error which sucks because that is not good especially when you're trying to speedrun but it doesn't look like he knows how to shoot me either so we should be at a pretty good stale mate i'll aim a tiny bit higher and we just need to hit him a tiny bit higher and it can take him out oh no that was a bad shot i think our guy should still be okay we just have to hit him with this one please just go for it no you're kidding me what is this game that is actually ridiculous i am losing so much time and i might just lose the run right here just because of this one guy but he's a terrible aim too okay just let me hit him with this last shot please just do it and there we go that should be enough to take care of him i am so hoping he is sliding on the sand right now he has one health left if this kills me i swear i swear [Music] please just hit him well we're moving on to the next round now that was the scariest thing i've ever seen in my life wow we don't even have enough for grenades this time because it was so bad but i'm just not gonna worry about it i guess oh that was so scary i was not ready for that at all i we can only use rockets for this one which is kind of going to be annoying we are going to have to take care of this seagull to finish this run out but as long as we can get a pretty good oh and they took care of the seagull for me thank you that is going to make my life so much easier so now i can kind of just directly hit them which of course i mess up there yeah of course that's going to happen well this run ever since the last thing happened i just don't know what's going on but we should still be able to get a pretty good time i'm just gonna aim a tiny bit lower hit both of them off and we just have to deal with the guy in the back now he is in a pretty annoying position where we would really want to be able to use a grenade but we should be able to use this tennis ball to finish him off if that is okay there we go we still have a run it can still happen and we got a bunch of money back which means we can buy all the important things and now it's time for the second to last level the turtle warriors and there's the giant whale in the front again which is kind of weird and what we're gonna do is i'm gonna aim right about there it's gonna hit off of the whale to go in between these two guys hit them with the explosion killed one of them but one of them is still alive which is really annoying and yeah we just kind of have to hope that we're able to win this one because this entire level is just so weird and i do not like having to deal with it we're gonna aim just a tiny bit higher and there we go that should deal with him oh right at him too there is nothing you could do he was in the middle of that explosion so there are two more people in the back that we still have to deal with but they don't have the greatest shot in the world i guess they did just kill my bad guy but we don't care about him too much i'm gonna use one more of my grenades right here and that should kill both of them there we go okay i was really scared that was about to miss right there but they have barely any health left which is kind of sad but we should be able to use a rocket to finish him off as long as my kids in the front do not die so i'm gonna use the rocket launcher right here aim for about there and please just be the i had to aim lower oh no i always have to choke right at the end it always has to happen for some reason please just let me do this oh there goes my little brother i really have to hit a shot and that one should be good what you're actually kidding me i have no idea how that one did not work i thought that was perfect but it's okay they're a terrible shot i might be losing a tiny bit of time though okay that please it's the perfect shot hits both of them finally wasn't that hard for me to do and now finally we are on to the last level after all the bad luck we've gotten it's finally time to finish this out hopefully we're able to so to finish this out we have to deal with three drones first and then we have to kill this whale you'll see what i mean in just a second first we have to deal with these three drones so we can aim for the first one we want to use all of our explosions to the best and how did i just miss all three of those things oh that was bad but they're gonna try to hit us with their pellets we should still be able to get a pretty good run with this i'm actually gonna take care of the seagull that's right here because the seagull again is in a very annoying position and that's going to be able to hit one of the drones which is nice so they're gonna keep trying to hit me and it's kind of just 1v1 type gameplay i can hit them i'm going to use another tennis ball really quick to try to deal with the first drone because he's in a very annoying position hopefully that will kill him with the damage we were able to do last time but it barely doesn't that is so sad that's okay though it's just a tiny bit of time as long as my guys in the front do not die we should still be okay and there goes my little brother when i say that but we should still be okay we can take care of that drone we just have two more and i have my rockets now so i'm able to use them for both of these i just have to hope that they don't get good shots on me our guys should still be alive we can use a rocket right here so i'm gonna aim a tiny bit lower to hit that one and we just have the one in the back now sub 20 is very possible for this run i just have to hope this drone does not get lucky with its shot okay hits the guy in the background i am completely okay with that just need one good rocket shot right there not too high not too low that should take care of that one and we can finally finish out the run and yeah for the rest of this run we take out this gigantic rocket launcher and just shoot at this whale for some reason you gotta shoot it three times it doesn't shoot you back at all it just kind of sits there which i mean it is dead to be fair i don't know why they decided to make this the ending of the game but they did so i mean that's life but we can shoot him one more time call time as soon as this whale is dead and yeah there we go plea there we go okay that is the time there now nothing happened because i mean what is supposed to happen you have this whole cutscene where randomly this bird that's on top of the whale just starts eating at it i'm going to be honest i have no idea why this is happening or what exactly is happening i mean this is raft wars 2 hooray and yeah the whale just explodes so omg omg i can't look yeah i i really don't know what's happening guys but yeah that's the end of the game after blowing up the whale and digging around in the area where the hamburger restaurant used to be we found our way back to our treasure and we're rich again and now if we look on speedrun.com we will see that we have second place so i'm gonna take it we could have done some more grinding to get just a tiny bit of a better place but i'll be honest i'm happy with this but i'd like to thank you all for watching if you enjoyed this video please leave a like on it it really helps me with the youtube algorithm and i'd really appreciate it also check out my other content i do a lot of speed running type content on this channel both old flash games speed runs other speed runs newer speed runs all different kinds so check it out subscribe if you like it i'd appreciate it but enough shilling thank you all for watching i'll catch you next time
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 623,424
Rating: 4.9548206 out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, raft wars, speedrun, speedrunning, world record, speedrun world record, wr, raft wars speedrun, raft wars world record, raft wars flash, raft wars flash game, flash, flash games, flash speedrun, flash game speedrun, memeruns, memerun, meme speedrun, funny speedrun, speedruns, any%, meme, speedrun raft wars, raft wars wr, raft wars 2, raft flash game, speedrunner, agdq, gdq, adobe flash, eazyspeezy speedrun, raft wars 2 speedrun, raft wars 2 world record, raft wars 2 wr, fail
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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