I speedrun eliminating armies with a single shot in Mr Bullet

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today we're speed running through mr bullet a game all about solving puzzles by shooting people and the speed run we're going to be doing is the friendly fire one i think it's the hardest out of all of them and it's really fun so we can start the speed run as soon as we click on the first level and then right away you can see what this game is about basically i want to kill these people without the bullet hitting me too so these bullets are always going to ricochet i just have to be careful so the bounce won't hit me as well like this one i have to hit up there because if i hit lower it wouldn't have worked and we can use our environment and our bullets to kill all the people we need to some levels it's going to give you more people like this one gives us two it also gives us a lot of tnt but the tnt can also kill me i have to be very careful with that making sure i don't die from that obviously that wouldn't be very much fun but the game is pretty cool i mean you're just trying to use the right angles to make sure you kill the person without dying yourself and it's definitely a challenge that we have to go through like trying not to get that tnt to hit me that was kind of scary and of course this is a mobile game so it's trying to give you as many ads as possible thankfully i am on airplane mode so i'm skipping through a lot of those but some of these ads just keep popping up and it's just great but i don't have time to worry about that i just gotta keep going through murdering all these people like that one i hit that red button to make sure that came up for this one i have to do a kind of specific shot to hope it doesn't hit that red button and explode that tnt and we're already on to chapter two the shogun's castle so this level is pretty much all about not shooting people directly and instead hitting them with large objects so like this one what i want to do is press that button hit that tnt die there i guess okay i'm not doing very well on this level but there we go that actually worked that time and yeah we're basically just trying to make sure that we kill the people if they get hit by a heavy object it's also going to kill them i mean this one i guess is a shooting level but a lot of the time for these levels we just want to make sure we use our gun to hit an object and then kill a guy with that and it's not too difficult i mean like that one we just make that guy hop up he hopped like two feet and he broke his foot and died somehow yeah these people are really weak i really don't understand it we have this mirror right there would you want to do that make sure the bullet doesn't ricochet and hit me that was nice and easy and for this one i want to do kind of a specific bounce just to make sure that guy gets hit don't worry the game is kind of easy right now but it definitely will get harder as we go on because i mean it's a puzzle game of course it's not gonna be the same difficulty throughout the entire thing but we're just going through it nice and easy i'm okay with as much time save as i can get for this one i want to bounce it off there the tnt is gonna slowly drop down please hurry up i'm trying to keep going for this one we can shoot him right in the head and not hit that red button because that would explode the tnt you kind of have to do a specific shot with that but now we're in a graveyard yeah instead of just shooting random people now we are a zombie killer i guess i really don't know what this game does all the time but okay that was also a bad shot we'll go for one of those sometimes you are going to get a bad shot in this game but the good thing is resetting a level is so easy so it really doesn't lose too much time let's see what we have for this one i want to aim all the way up there to make sure that i hit those things in the right angle it wasn't perfect it wasted like half a second but i mean we still killed the guy and for this one this is kind of an annoying shot where it just has to ricochet off the things make it through there shoot him right in the head and keep going through we can press this button there to smash that guy he just completely gets a head injury and this is the first time you'll see regular people we don't want to shoot the guys with the ties for some reason they're in a graveyard and also are very easy to kill but i want to make sure that they don't die because i guess that would be bad and they will pop up as we go through the game but right now we're just back to hunting some zombies and yeah hitting them with large objects i guess for this one i just have to do a slight angle right there and i believe that's the last one of the zombie levels or not i forgot we have this one i have to aim through these holes for all of those and that was really good i'm surprised i did that well okay this is the last one which is also like the easiest level ever i'm really not sure why that was the last one of the zombie levels but i will take it because now we're on a pirate ship so it's time to kill pirates i guess yeah there are just so many different people that i have to fight like this guy who thinks he's safe because he has a gigantic metal container but he also just dies and that's kind of unlucky for him we want to use this ball make sure it goes all the way down to him i think it's also funny that when big objects hit these people instead of them getting crushed they get bullet wounds as well i think that's a neat little detail it's like we shot them but we also didn't all right this one i want to shoot use this moving platform to make sure i get the right angles it's not too hard i mean they just kind of fall down i wonder if i just infiltrated the ship and i'm just going through one by one to kill all these pirates i mean they look exactly the same they all look like a captain but they also all die very easily but i'm gonna take him because might as well and look there's a random guy here again why are you on this pirate ship dude i'm trying to murder people yeah some of these people are just really weird like why are you right behind that pirate i'm not trying to shoot you dude but for this one we're gonna want to make sure we get that tnt we can explode the pirate who thought he was safe i i guess you aren't really safe when there's just a gigantic thing of tnt right by you and that was a terrible shot i will have to try that one again this shot is really annoying it's very easy to mess up i'll try that come on dude some of these shots are kind of random angles and you never know if you'll do it right like it really does not feel like doing this for me please come on game just make it go through okay i guess that finally worked we wasted a tiny bit of time but our speed runs been pretty good so far and we can just get these guys with the ricochet that was extremely fast and now we're on pre-history yeah we literally took a time machine and i guess all of these office workers took the time machine as well and now we're killing some cavemen we can aim right for that guy's head make sure he doesn't hit that tnt because we want to be safe because for some reason we can't move two steps to the left this game would be much easier if our guy would just move but i guess he's too cool to do that i mean look at his sunglasses of course he's not gonna move but for this one we can aim right there and the nice thing about these puzzle game speed runs is i know the solution every time i just have to do it right which i guess is also easier said than done but we can get that guy you can see he has a ton of bullet wounds i didn't even shoot you dude that was tnt i really don't understand where all these guys bullet wounds are coming from even when he falls he has bullet wounds in his legs yeah i guess that's just kind of how this game goes but we're going to keep getting these fantastics we can use another one of these tnt things and that also almost hit me that would have been very bad but now we can do this one move this metal container to push him over get that easy kill give me a special offer i really don't want to see these the game keeps trying to get me to watch ads and i really don't want to because i'm trying to speedrun but i guess it's a mobile game it's gotta make its money however it can now for this one i believe this is the last level of the prehistoric age and it's also a time for me to die apparently but we can get it that time or maybe not that could have went very badly but now we're in the far west and we're facing off against cowboys so for this first one i'm gonna aim right there and make sure we get a really quick kill by not having to use the tnt for this one i will aim right at the top of his head so he hopefully won't hit that button hit me with a tnt and get a mr dead offer that guy looks awful i don't know why i would want to be him for this one we want to use a specific angle accidentally kill ourselves but then get the right angle and make it through that and then we have some more tnt this is kind of a very weird angle that you have to get we want to make sure we don't hit this tnt because obviously we're standing on it it would kill us but then we want to do that make sure that thing doesn't hit us i think it was funny how we just shot that guy and then he got smushed it was kind of a funny effect you gotta admit well we're just going through mowing down all these cowboys i don't really know why they're going against me i mean i've literally gone through over and over killed all these different people and they're still trying to face off against me it's not a good idea and my guy does not have any expressions on his face the entire time he is completely cold he does not care that he's going through and murdering all these people because i mean it's just another day in the office he's also not scared of death at all because these bullets could easily hit him and these bodies are just going right at him yeah this is kind of a dark game but we're going through and it's some fun puzzles at least now for this one i want to aim kind of specifically because that level is very easy to hit your guy but we're making it to the forest there are only three more chapters including this one left so i can go hit these lumberjacks of course there are some more random people around i still do not know why these random people are always in my places and okay i have to i messed that up yeah that was not perfect i missed my shot but there we can do it that time and it didn't even hit the button like it usually does but that will hang we killed all the people good enough for me for this one we want to aim right at his head he'll fall down hit that button but we need to make sure we don't hit that blue tnt button because it's right by me for some reason i feel like my guy just likes the added danger like there's no reason for him not to move a tiny bit to the left but i think he's a thrill seeker so he just thinks it's kind of cool to do it like that and i guess he also thinks it's cool to die because i am not a good shot sometimes but we'll try to get a good one there we go right through the head it's a nice addition to his hat the blue and red looks good together but now we can go through that guy we wanted to move the tnt over so we shot up there first then shot down there we need to ricochet off that to explode him with that tnt i still love that they're just all these bullet holes even though i am not even shooting these people it's literally just tnt and it's still trying to give me special offers i do not understand why this game does not understand yet that i don't want any of these special offers oh yeah also this is one of my least favorite stages this is very annoying to get i can never get it perfectly but we are going to try right here just come on dude we'll try one up there i hate this angle so much you just gotta keep trying for this one and hoping it worked it's literally ruining my speed run right now but there we go i do not know how i got that angle i never know what that level but we made it through fantastic now for this one we have a little car thing which we can move over there and hit ourselves i am really messing up a lot right now but there we go that's what i was supposed to do with the car i wish i could have done it a little sooner and now we have this last lumberjack level where all we have to do is hit that guy or i guess it wasn't my last one i keep mixing those up we got a little bit of tnt all those people get their bullet holes they're having a good time and there we go now we're on the fortress we're fighting against knights and i mean if you're trying to fight against a guy with a gun when all you have is armor it's probably not the best idea ever so we just go through murder them they're not too difficult i don't even know why they're wearing armor because it feels like it's doing nothing for them like that guy just dropped down a hole of course you're not gonna survive that and i do have to wonder if my guy is paid to do this or what's his backstory is he like agent 47 and hitmen or is he just some dude that really likes killing people why is he going into the medieval times all these questions and pretty much no answers but that doesn't matter i guess it is a phone game so it probably doesn't have any answers anyway all i'm trying to do is do these puzzles we can go through that one i think you have to shoot right around there or i was wrong but there we go that was a better shot right through his legs for this guy we have to aim right above his eyes make sure that we don't hit ourselves and then the bullet's going to keep bouncing over and over eventually it will stop we get count bullet i really don't want to see you dude and now for this one i want to shoot that pretty quick so we can explode the right guy not explode the random office worker i still do not understand why we care about these people like why are you even here you should just be in a safer place why do i have to care for you dude but we got that guy he's in his armor you know whatever armor again really does nothing when you're going against a guy with a gun i don't know why you're still wearing it but we are finally on the final chapter which is going to be the jail yeah we're literally coming into the jail and killing all the inmates i don't know why i feel like they're already serving their time so it doesn't really make sense for us to come here but i'm trying to make my money and i gotta do what i gotta do so for this one it's probably one of the most annoying bounces you have to do but that barely hit the guy i'm happy with that and the penitentiary is definitely the hardest levels in the game i mean it is the last ones but we can get it if we just aim at the right area and for this one i want to aim down there make sure i hit those people we hit one of them we can get the other one as well it wasn't too bad we have to make our way through all of these boxes this is a really annoying level especially if you don't know how to do it but we slowly whittle those down shoot him right in the head it's beautiful for this one i can aim right about there and then kill myself okay please let me get this angle it's not this hard of an angle i'm just really messing up i just really feel like choking the speedrun right now don't i okay that guy finally died and it just had to hit my leg you're kidding me this is literally the worst thing i've ever seen okay thank you for dying dude i appreciate it now we can aim a very specific angle for that one i use all the engravings on the ground to choose this angle but it's very hard to get especially when you see right there but we can use that angle just try to get this guy to die in me not to die please don't kill me and a lot of these levels are gonna use those very specific angles because they're hard to do like this one we can aim right about at that skull and then die for some reason okay we'll try that one more time please game okay there we go that is going to be a little bit better we can get that bullet shoot another one this is just bouncing back and forth but we make it out of that and we can go to this one which is going to be an angle right there hopefully it won't hit us and that is perfect some of these levels are going really well and then other ones just don't feel like it like this one we want to aim right about there it's going to keep going up and down hopefully not hitting our dude makes it right through there and this is going to be the last level where i aim right about there it's going to bounce a couple of times and you can see that this level is kind of annoying but we just have to make sure we get the right angle and please let me get the right angle that one looks a little better come on just get this right in come on this is my last level all we got to do is this and there we go that is going to be time 6 52. took me up a bit longer on the final stage than i'd like it to but it was still a pretty good speed run but i'd like to thank you all for watching if you enjoyed this video please leave a like on it it really helps me with the youtube algorithm and i'd really appreciate it also check out my other videos i do a lot of speedrunning type content on this channel so if you enjoyed this one you might enjoy my others and if you do subscribe button off shilling thank you all for watching i'll catch you next time
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 2,587,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, mr bullet, mr. bullet, speedrun, speed run, speedrunning, speedrunner, world record, wr, speedrun world record, mr bullet speedrun, mr bullet world record, mr bullet wr, speedrun mr bullet, spy puzzles, mr bullet spy puzzles, spy puzzles game, puzzle speedrun, phone game speedrun, mobile speedrun, memeruns, memerun, meme speedrun, funny speedrun, speedruns, any%, eazyspeezy speedrun, puzzle game, puzzle game speedrun, bullet speedrun, eazyspeezy mr bullet, spy puzzle
Id: TqLifJLwGks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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