I decided to speedrun Goat Simulator and it was even more broken than I remembered

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so today we're speed running through goat simulator yeah this game and our speed run is going to be going through all of the main maps of goat simulator goat ville goat city bay and go mmo simulator and we're going to be getting old trophies in all three of these maps so we can start the speedrun as soon as we click play right away we get a loading screen sometimes this happens sometimes it doesn't i don't really know what happens but there we go now we can start you can see our goat for some reason is dragging his butt across the you don't really have to do that and the first trick comes right away where we basically ragdoll as we hit that so we can get more height and we want to hit this trophy all the way up here be able to jump down every time we land from a high place we're going to want to jump because it makes us not have to go into ragdoll physics and now we're running across this line getting another trophy that's already three we can go down to this building get another one and yeah this game is basically just trophy upon trophy because hey look there's another one right in this house we're just gonna destroy this guy's whole setup i don't really care about him go over here see some protesters or something i don't know what they're talking about there's some people partying but i don't really care about what humans are doing because i am a goat so like why would i care and we're just gonna keep going through getting our trophies there's not too much cool stuff that happens right at the beginning but as we keep going through this speed run more and more cool stuff is gonna happen like that we can take that entire jump make our way to here barely get on the diving board so then we can jump from there get that trophy go into this glass place to get another one and yeah we're already having like i don't even know how many trophies we have because it takes a while to update so we just have a bunch of trophies that are backlogged that i don't yeah it's gonna keep going isn't it which is kind of annoying because it's in the center of my screen which i don't love but whatever what you're gonna do at the end of the day well what you are gonna do is get more trophies obviously and that is going to be number 12. now we can make our way over to this water slide with this water slide first we want to get that trophy and then we want to make that jump get on this trampoline with another jump where we ragdoll to get more height and be able to make it on top of that house and here's one of the really cool tricks of this run if i stop i'm not wall running what go please yeah if you've ever seen goat simulator you know that this game is very broken obviously but what we're gonna do here is ragdoll right there and then try to land on top of this crane which is really difficult but there we go we got the perfect angle and i just kind of made that look easy i promise it's harder than it looks so we can run all the way up this thing get another one of these trophies turn around a little bit carefully because i do not want to fall please go just stay alive to where we can jump down here make another jump so we don't ragdoll and then we're gonna wanna precisely get in this thing smash our head against this guy because we don't want him doing anything to us and we can go right over here we already have like 17 of our trophies and things are looking really good i'm not gonna lie this game is interesting because there are so many places you can mess up and kind of just lose the run so i'm pretty happy with how we've been doing so far we've been hitting all the hard tricks and i guess also getting hit by a car i didn't even plan that i don't know why that just happened are you kidding me okay and go please don't hit the boxes let's just go into this place we can go into this factory which is going to have some more trophies we got some breaking and entering there's nothing wrong with that i love how it gives you that a cheap okay okay and we're kind of ragged all through this one i don't even know what i was talking about but hi girl happy seeing you okay i'll catch you later i'm just to go but the great thing about this speed run is just how fast-paced it is and the platforming is actually pretty fun like there's always something to do there's always a challenge you have to get through and you always kind of have to hope you just don't die like right here i'm going to get this trophy and sometimes you can glitch out of the map here i don't really know what's happening go come bud is my head through this thing um don't know it was okay stop are you kidding me please make it back okay this is goat simulator and now we just want to throw ourselves into there but somehow we got stopped i don't know how momentum works in this game but as i was saying we want to throw ourselves into there hopefully get that trophy but sometimes you don't i don't think i'm supposed to be here right now i'm gonna try to make it back we're just gonna try to keep this speed run going even if it's gonna lose a tiny bit of time just because hey we've been hitting some hard tricks you know it's been all right can i make it up this though barely okay thank you goat okay and then i get hit by some more stuff this game i swear sometimes this game is just gonna drive me insane how did i miss that again pretty much the strap for this is just hope that you get the trophy it's not really anything more specific we're just jumping in there hoping we get it so we can respawn get our 20 second trophy and now we can move on with this level we lost way too much time in that area but i don't really care because you know that's kind of just what goat simulator is some really weird things happen and you kind of just accept it like why am i dragging my butt across the grass goat what is wrong with you but we're almost done with this level we just have a couple of more trophies to get i can go over in this direction most of these things are kind of just memorizing where they are and we do have the most effective way of getting there i don't want to phone that hole please we can respawn go back around make our way through that green house is that what that's called i think that's a greenhouse but now people are going to get mad at me in the comments so whatever i'm just going to get this trophy and move on with my life and we can get to the final couple of trophies in here we can see these goats they're kind of just doing their things i don't really know what they are and we can make our way up this spiral staircase which is a scary thing because it's very easy to fall off until we make it into this dungeon what is going on anymore i don't have time to worry about it we're moving on to the second map and for the second map it's going to be goat city bay and this is probably one of my favorite maps of this speedrun i guess there are only three so it's not really that hard to be the favorite but the cool thing about this map is that we're gonna get a secret power up and i'll just wait and let you see that but before we get to the cool part we have this part where we get launched off of a catapult half of the time when you're using that catapult it just won't work or have something terrible happen to you so i'm happy we're actually able to do it with something terrible not happening to me hooray but we can bust through this art symposium steal their trophy they're gonna be very scared but i'm just a go okay i have no emotions i think and we get this this is the grappling tongue which is the cool power up that i was talking about because what we can do with this is that kind of grappling stuff okay go you just made my explanation look worse thank you go i really appreciate that but we can grapple up buildings make our way up there and it's just really cool for the platforming so i really appreciate this power up if it ever works what what is going i go go come on okay we're just gonna get this trophy here go let's just stop messing up and i don't even know what's happening why'd you fall there that wasn't even that hard of a distance oh what else can i really expect from a goat simulator run but we're gonna take this gigantic boost from there make sure we jump so we don't have to rag dog get another one of these trophies and make our way through here we're going to just keep stealing trophies i don't know why there are so many throughout the city and what we want to do is grapple tongue on that thing so i can grab that and then hopefully not get exploded by it because that does happen sometimes take that trophy and we're gonna jump all the way down here to like some i don't even know what these people are doing but i'm just gonna ruin their entire party i don't really care about them i really am a good person aren't i just going through ruining part maybe i'm not anyway we're not gonna worry about the ethics of whether i'm a good person or not for playing goat simulator because i have more trophies to get like this one right here before we get to do another really cool grappling tongue thing where we're gonna get on that building launch off and then make our way all the way over here try to stick the landing that was beautiful half the time i don't even know if what i'm doing in this game is impressive or i i i don't even know but we're gonna do this now so we're gonna grapple up there kind of get there and hopefully the game won't break sometimes it does right there i guess i can say that about literally any part of this game not specifically just that but okay we're doing pretty good i'm actually surprised with how well i'm doing right now we have 12 of the 31 trophies now we have 13 we can run through the village and this part is probably the slowest paced part of the entire run because i'm literally just running and there's not really much i can do to hurry this up but you know sometimes in speedruns you need a little break before you go back to the mayhem that you caused as a goat sorry guys i'm just gonna hit you because i feel like it i love the people's reactions to seeing a goat some people are like is that a goat and others are like oh it's a goat like yeah i guess that's probably how i would react to i guess i can't really say and yeah that's it's kind of weird what is this goat doing what possesses it okay how did i miss that grappling that sucks but what we're doing right now is we're kind of just getting up this entire building by using our grappling tongue and then we can get up here to get another one of these yeah that's kind of a beautiful part and then we jump all the way down somehow don't break our legs which i don't feel like works out in real life but hey that doesn't matter because i'm playing goat simulator so why am i worried about real life this is my real life now and what a sad reality it is okay anyway we'll get another one of those right there we can use some more of our grappling tongue to get onto this building hopefully not get flung everywhere okay that was actually almost really good i need to get up into this window so if i just played a little bit better that would have been a cool thing but we're just gonna keep using our grappling tongue to try to get up more air how go come on dude i guess that was my fault and just my bad platforming but i'm going to blame the goat because i feel like it and he does things like that i don't even know what's going on i probably spent around 10 to 15 hours speed running through this game over and over trying to get as good as i can at the game but i just don't even think that's possible there's always just gonna be something that goes wrong in your run that you can't really do anything about and hey yeah also let's get away from the scary place why worry about nightmare fuel when you can just ignore it i'm gonna take the trophy get back on this catapult which hopefully that was a terrible launch there's not much we can do about this but we just kind of have to take the launch and get there eventually we're trying to get on top of this roller coaster but we didn't get enough height so that is going to suck but maybe i can make it into that please no oh what what is go oh oh oh well this will this work okay oh that hurts so badly i almost made the greatest move of my life but now i have to wait for this entire elevator to come down just because of the catapult that would have been so cool hooray now we can just go and get in the elevator and wait again i do like this minecraft goat by the way though yes this is a minecraft go even though it kind of looks like a sheep it's a goat i promise but okay after that entirely long wait we can finally get out of here get this trophy before just jumping back down i'm still really disappointed in how much time i could have just saved but i guess you just can't worry about that because i got more goat simulator to play it is kind of awkward in this area because there's just no music going on but finally you do get some music once you get to right here and we can steal a trophy from some guy's boat because who cares about that guy i'm a goat so not me probably and we finally get to use our minecraft powerup right here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to build a couple of blocks so that we can traverse this plate get the block building is not the best system in this world trust me okay please build these blocks a little bit better go okay and now we can jump up them and hopefully make our way over here okay this is okay everything is fine everything is okay everything is fine it's fine it's fine we made it okay i'm just gonna wait until i get my trophy thank you oh what am i doing right now what is my life but we only got a couple more trophies to get we gotta get that one right there we can go into this river until we go into the sewers and can i please get in the sewers go dude dude why are you missing this so much okay we finally i don't even know what happened right there but we made it into the sewers we get to see the teenage mutant ninja turtles which are kind of just vibing over here and i'm gonna steal their trophy and they start like kicking me for some reason i'm just a goat dude chill out but there we go we can get through there we only have two more trophies to get and we're actually doing pretty good even though literally everything that could have went wrong did go wrong but we can go through wreck have it in this place everybody's like screaming dying i don't really care i'm a goat i don't really have human emotions and then this guy's on his boat but i kind of feel like this is my boat actually it's not yours so i'm just gonna lie here i don't really know what you're doing dude are you okay i guess he's staying on this boat ride with me um i think he's okay how is he this impres how is he staying on this okay well there he goes um i'll catch you later man thanks for hanging out with me i get oh that was so awkward i stole his boat andy stayed on his boat like that was that was just way too awkward and now we get in a trap and car crash or boat crash or whatever kind of crash that was supposed to be until we make our way back to this island just gonna slowly hop my way over there yep we're gonna get there eventually and we did now we can finally get this one last goat statue which is somewhere in these fields it's kind of hard to find and then finally we finished out with that place and we only have one more place and this one is going to be go mmo simulator which is a really cool mmo which isn't actually an mmo but i guess it's an mmo simulator so it doesn't really have to be we're going to choose the tank class right away we spawn in and we're going to want to head on our way the nice thing about this class is that you can keep using these speed boosts so i can keep just doing this over and over again getting a little more speed and please let me get on this ladder go there you go and one of the best things about this part of the speed run is that there's a chat but those aren't real people it's just what the game has the game programs in a chat to make you think it's online but it is not online at all i don't know why they decided to do that i guess because it's like an mmo simulator but still it's so weird and for a while i thought these were actual people until i asked my twitch chat and they told me i was stupid go follow my twitch by the way i was speedrunning this game for a while on there but whatever we're not gonna worry about how stupid i am or am not and did i miss okay i thought i missed some trophies but then i just realized that we're backlogged yeah we can get another trophy if we come over here it's gonna be right by that tree and it is really annoying having to wait to see all your trophies because i'm just like okay when are they gonna come and this part is really annoying but we can get a boost right there make our way on top of this guy's butt because for some reason he's positioned like that we just don't talk about him that's going to be another trophy we can make our way into here and i do not want to be in the water and yeah for some reason it's night time now i don't really know what caused that also that was a very big lag spike but it is nighttime so we might as well go to an end we're just gonna get over here steal their trophy that was a good time at the end i don't really care about them anymore and we can run up this wall make our way to the church because we're gonna steal from the church there's nothing wrong with that all we got to do is take a goat statue i mean i guess it's kind of weird that the church has a goat statue in the first place they're like worshiping goats because after playing this game so much i can definitely tell you that's not a good idea like look at this what hello can i i'm in water okay game i'm in water i promise okay oh this is uh this is a game that i chose to speed run isn't it but now we're gonna make our way get one more trophy over here we're in like a completely new place which is interesting and what i can do is use one of my powers to get a super jump right there make my way over here why is that guy crawling on the ground i'm just not gonna talk about it that was weird i guess that's like the entirety of this game i'm not gonna talk about it it was weird but okay we can get another one of these trophies make our way over here there's some guy who i accidentally just hit sorry about that man and we're about to get to one of the best parts if i can find where this trophy is hello there it is okay we still got a tiny bit longer to go before the best part like we have to make our way over to this building i'm just gonna use my powers to make it over there we can get one of these and then i guess you can break this building i've never even tried that but we did just move that block and we get to the best part because this part is where we get to see a bunch of mermaids yeah who doesn't love mermaids god these are these are definitely the type of mermaids i like you're kidding me mermaid i liked you i thought you were a cool person and then you bit me and made me lose the trophy i guess it technically was your property but we don't really have to worry about that alright man and i'm gonna get that trophy okay go please just stop i guess i can't really tell the goat to stop because that's this entire game it's it's just stop what are you doing but now we're making it to like a dragon's keep or something i don't really know it's something there are two goats that are fighting a demon and i could help them or i could ignore them and i'm gonna choose the ignore option and then we have this like flaming horse i don't really know what he's doing but i'm not going to worry about him because i got to get through this door which sometimes doesn't let you in it and sometimes does and i don't know what causes you to get in it or not can game please thank you sometimes i get that first try and then sometimes it takes like 10 track and i just uh what what why am i still questioning goat simulator i just need to accept that this game is uh it's itself but now we're in a place with a tyrannosaurus rex that's eating dinner or something but good thing he doesn't worry about what is going on anymore and we can jump down here get one more trophy that's on his toilet until we respawn make our way over here and we just have one more trophy to go so for this last trophy all we gotta do is just collect it and yeah there's our time what's up multi-fireball how you doing man hey look it's the year 2020. that's not a bad thing at all right i love how in one of the chat messages it's lol wait so goat sim is an mmo now like i'm pretty sure this has been out for five years these aren't real people me okay let's just let's just stop and now if we look on speedrun.com we can see hey look we got fifth place out of six yeah this game is kind of difficult to get good at but it's actually one of the most fun speed runs i've done so honestly i'm gonna keep grinding out this game on my twitch definitely go check it out if you want to see more of this game and if this video can somehow get 100 000 likes i'll do my best to get first place i don't know if i want to but i will just because why not but i'd like to thank you all for watching if you enjoyed this video please leave a like on it it really helps with the youtube algorithm and i'd really appreciate it also subscribe to the channel i do a lot of speedrunning type content so if you're into that definitely subscribe getting closer to a million subscribers it'd be awesome and if you want to see more goat simulator speedruns definitely leave a like let me know in the comments like i said this game's really fun to speedrun i will definitely do more but enough shilling thank you all for watching i'll catch you next time
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 1,624,497
Rating: 4.9555392 out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, goat simulator, goat sim, simulator, speedrun, speedrunning, speedrunner, world record, wr, speedrun world record, goat simulator speedrun, goat simulator world record, goat sim speedrun, simulator speedrun, memeruns, memerun, meme speedrun, funny speedrun, speedruns, glitch, any%, fail, summoning salt, karl jobst, meme, eazyspeezy speedrun, any% speedrun, speedrun goat simulator, goat game, goat game speedrun, eazyspeezy goat simulator, goat simulator any%, goat simulator wr
Id: Xidb5GAeE1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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