I speedrun creating the ultimate paper airplane in Flight

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so today we're speed running through flight the game where we throw paper airplanes yeah that's pretty much it it's a fun concept though so we can start our speed run as soon as we start a new game it's going to give us a little bit of a cutscene but i don't really care about that because it's time to throw my paper airplane and yeah it's going so it can hit things like windmills which will give it extra height we can get all these stars which will give us extra money and yeah we're just trying to throw it as far as possible and along with that we can get different upgrades like rudder control what render control will do is allow us to move our airplane up or down so it's not just completely dictated on luck so we can use that to try to get more stars try to have more control and keep going now we're just going to grind out a little bit of money for now and basically how you want to speedrun this game is you want to keep as fast of a velocity as possible you can see my velocity is in the top right now we're going eight meters per second but we can lose or gain velocity as we go so i just want to make sure it stays as high as possible and yeah that would just keep going to help with that we're gonna get the fire engine so now we can use that and go way faster so you can see how this game goes basically i just want to go as far as possible and reach the different objectives that we're gonna meet so we'll try to keep our velocity up we can get things like crane bonuses which will give us more money and we're just gonna keep going until we get to a thousand meters i'll upgrade my aerodynamics there run that again try to use most of my boost right away just to make sure we can get a good amount of velocity and then we're gonna try to keep our plane up we can use different things like windmills to keep ourselves in the air just trying to get all this money so we can upgrade even more and go even faster our next upgrade will be green fuel and we'll also get some throwing power which will make sure that we can just keep going far you can see we have some like green stuff coming out of the back and we got a star struck right there which is going to help us go even faster and yeah i mean it's not too hard of a game to explain i keep going into the specifics but basically it's throw paper airplane go far get money i'm not really sure why these stars do give us money but i mean i'm gonna take it and hopefully this will be our last throw of this area there are about five different areas we have to go through each making us go further and further distance but with that run we went pretty far we can go on to the next area as you can see we level up and now we're in london where we can get a better model which is going to help us go even farther because you can see like it's just better in general in the bottom left of the screen you'll see that my fuel is way more i have like twice the amount of fuel and that's why having a better model is so much better it will keep me in the air longer allow me to get a faster speed and just make everything better now i just want to grind out some money and some distance for a little bit so i can get some more upgrades trying to get these crane bonuses as much as possible because that's going to multiply the amount of money i get out of the stars so they're definitely going to be a nice thing and right there i'll get a crane booster which will give us more boost when we hit the cranes so we get both money and boosts out of that and yeah it's just a pretty good deal i'm always going to want to keep an eye on my velocity and just making sure that it stays pretty high because this is a speed run it's not about how far i go for each individual run it's just making sure that i'm going at a very fast speed every time so as long as i'm keeping an eye on that just making sure everything is going well we'll be doing really good this time we'll get some more green fuel and more aerodynamics is going to be our next upgrade so i'll keep an eye out on that and you can see our speeds are getting pretty fast i can get up to like 20 meters per second if i'm going at the right angle so that is where i want to be just to make sure we can get these meters as fast as possible and that was a terrible throw so i'm gonna have to use a ton of my fuel just to make sure i'm going at least kinda fast sometimes you're gonna have better throws than others and i'm not exactly sure what causes you to keep or lose speed because this game is kind of confusing sometimes it feels like i should be keeping my speed and i just lose it and sometimes it feels like i should be losing it and i keep it for some reason but we'll get some more aerodynamic and keep going with that also i do not think that aerodynamicy was a word someone's gonna yell at me in the comments for that but that's okay because hey you know what else you can do while you're yelling you can also subscribe helps me out a ton you might as well if you enjoy the content and yeah i'd appreciate it but it looks like that was not just enough we have to get a little bit more before we go to our next destination we only have to get 200 more meters so i'm gonna use all my fuel and just try to go as fast as possible we're up to like 25 meters per second and this is a pretty good run with that it should be enough to go on to the next area and we're gonna get some more fire engine and that should help out a ton because of course a larger fire engine means that we're gonna be able to go even faster and yeah now we're in egypt for some reason i'm not sure why we're going to all these different countries to be honest i'm not sure if there's even a story for this game or if you're just kind of flying a paper airplane but either way that's fine i'm just trying to play a game now for this one let's give it light weight and also throwing power so that's gonna give us some more stuff and throwing power especially is nice just to make sure we start out with a ton of velocity and then we just have to maintain it throughout the rest of the flight but that is also easier said than done especially because this game is sometimes kind of hard to control but we're doing a pretty good job also one important thing to mention is once i run out of fuel i cannot control my paper airplane anymore so we want to make sure i have fuel for as long as possible because sometimes you can just get stuck in the air going really slow and we do not want that to happen hopefully right there my guy will die we can get that little fast bit we can upgrade to an even better model and yeah these paper airplanes are getting pretty complicated like i don't know who made this paper airplane but it is definitely an impressive work in all reality i don't even know if this is like a better paper airplane than one of the simpler ones it just seems like it has a ton of extra stuff which is going to make extra weight but it seems to be working pretty well so i'm not going to complain and at this point i just want to use my boost right at the beginning make sure i can get my velocity up get new achievements i'm not really sure what those do but just maintain that speed get all that distance and go as fast as possible and this really is why this game is so much fun you just begin flying for so long and it's a really good feeling because you're constantly upgrading yourself and making yourself go farther like we're almost up to a thousand meters we used to be nowhere near that but of course i do want to end right there because we're going a lot slower we can go and get some more upgrades like more aerodynamics and just go right back into here fly for a while again and we have a really good velocity right now like somehow i am keeping 25 meters per second and like i said i really don't know how it works exactly i just go by feeling and i hope that my paper airplane will be able to go as far as possible in the shortest amount of time and it looks like with one more of these flights we should be out of egypt and on to the next area and we are up to 30 meters per second now like my paper airplane is doing a very good job and i love this speed the faster i go the faster i get done with this speed run and of course that's kind of a nice thing i don't know if i really have to explain that when i'm literally speed running but there we go we're out of egypt we can level up and now we're on to the next area and right now you might be noticing that i am hoarding a lot of money and the reason behind that is because we want to get the next model some of the upgrades just aren't worth the money you can spend on them so a lot of the times i'll just wait and try to get the best upgrade possible instead of spending them and then wasting that money i would appreciate if we got more crane bonuses though because then we could get even more money but sometimes it just comes down to luck you gotta hope that things will go well that you'll be able to fly a ton and that you get all the stars you need especially when it's during crane bonus because crane bonus only lasts like a few seconds so it's really not that long oh and that was a terrible throw okay we're just gonna ignore that one please let me skip past this anyway let's try another one of these i would love to get my velocity up to 30 meters per second again because that was really relaxing when we did it that way and there we go that's 30 meters per second we did kind of run out of all of our fuel and are now very quickly running out of velocity but at least we got up there for a second this also leads into two ways of thinking of how you can speedrun this game either you can go for very short flights that go very fast or you can go for longer flights that might be a little slower but you'll be able to get more distance at one time and therefore more money i kind of like a mix between those two philosophies but it's definitely an interesting thing to think about i just try to go as far as possible while keeping a fairly good velocity and i hope it works out for me but now we can go into an even better model and yeah now we literally have like an insane paper airplane i don't know who's making these things i think it's supposed to be me but i'll be honest in real life i have never been good at making paper airplanes the concept just doesn't really work for me and it's also very embarrassing whenever i am making them so i'll stick to just making video game paper airplanes this is much better especially because you literally make money out of these like this is the best possible situation but there we go we got velocity up to about 20 meters per second but it is slowly going down like this game is very confusing with those small nuances but i'll just keep going on feeling and then i guess getting lucky okay please i'm just trying to die here you're wasting my time i also just accidentally bought crane duration which wasted some of my money that was not supposed to happen i guess we'll just accept it and ignore that that happened all together it was also like a thousand dollars so it wasn't a cheap thing either i kind of feel bad about that whatever though we're keeping our velocity up and now the crane bonus i guess will be nice because that does mean we can get some more stars and we're on to like a five crane bonus okay this is actually kind of insane maybe that was a good power up but maybe that's a good thing because now we'll be getting more money faster but i guess we'll just have to see as we finish off the speed run and now we can get a new fire engine which is going to be the maxed out fire engine so we're going to be going like as fast as possible we're getting up to 30 meters per second maybe i can even go up to 35 okay never mind we just slowed down a ton but 30 meters per second that is a very good area to be at and we are going super fast at this moment this is also the most fun way to play this game because you're not even like seeing anything i'm seeing i'm getting five dollars but i don't even see myself hitting these stars so it is a little confusing but i mean hey it works and we leveled up again so this is going to be the last little area and now we're in japan so that's pretty cool and it seems like nowadays i can keep a pretty consistent 30 meters per second if i am careful so we should be finishing out the speed run soon if we can get a good speed run i'll be really happy i think i finally hit my stride during the end of the run okay plane you can now go to the ground i can't control it anymore and i'm just kind of waiting for it to sit down so i can get a better run but sometimes that takes longer than it needs to and at this point we got all the upgrades that we do need so pretty much just what we're doing is grinding it out we can get a couple more upgrades as we go on but they're not really the most necessary things in the world because we got all the things that are going to keep us going really fast so i'll just keep using my boost going as fast as possible losing my velocity extremely fast why is this happening to me but the distance is doing pretty good that was 800 meters it looks like we're only gonna need a few more thousand i might as well get some more stuff like lightweight and a better start because like i said we got all the good power-ups now we kind of just have to finish it out and i mean if i have the money i might as well spend it there's no reason not to oh i just love when the velocity is right around 30 meters per second and it stays there like that is one of my favorite feelings because it is extremely easy to lose that velocity like i am right now but if you can keep it there for a few seconds it just feels so good and maybe if i could get it up to 35 it doesn't seem like the game wants me to okay let's keep it at this maybe even 40. and somehow i just lost all of it really quickly but it was nice being at 40 meters per second while lasted like i really appreciated that i also do have to wonder how hard my character's throwing arm is like he's throwing this paper airplane really strongly but i guess that's what happens when literally your entire job is throwing paper airplanes so seems about right but i should try to die right around here because we don't want to go too much farther and our next throw should be our last one okay i did not need that wind up or that crane bonus please just let me end this throw it's taking way too long we're going at nine meters per second thank you okay it finally died now we can check how much more we're going to need and it looks like we need about a thousand i'll get a couple of different upgrades and just go with that and let's finish this out as soon as we finish with this last run that is going to be time so i just gotta go as fast as possible and try to get to a thousand meters but if we play this well we can definitely get the sub 20 minute which i will be extremely happy with so let's just do this i just want to keep my velocity at least around 20 maybe 25 meters per second and slowly reach the end of this game come on paper airplane you can do it okay and we're almost to a thousand but oh no i lost all my control so now i just have to wait for it to go to the ground please quickly go there i can finish out the run as soon as this reaches the end please do not hit anything and is that going to be enough i'm actually not sure and that is going to be enough level up and there we go we won now for some reason we see santa claus i don't really know what's happening right now he throws his jacket and nobody gave him any presents for his christmas tree this is really sad but there's my paper airplane that goes through his window and hey at least he has a paper airplane i guess yeah what a weird game and there we go we completed our journey in 36 days which was 19 minutes and 18 seconds which if we then look on speedrun.com we will see that that actually ties us for fourth i'll take it but i'd like to thank you all for watching if you enjoyed this video please leave a like on it it really helps me with the youtube algorithm and i'd really appreciate it also check out my other videos i do a lot of speedrunning type content on this channel as well as casual stuff so if you enjoyed this video you might enjoy my others and if you do subscribe but enough shilling thank you all for watching i'll catch you next time
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 2,394,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, flight, speedrun, speedrunning, speedrunner, world record, wr, speedrun world record, flight speedrun, flight world record, flight game, flight game speedrun, paper airplane flash, browser game, flash game, paper airplane speedrun, flash games, flash game speedrun, penguin flash, flight gameplay, eazyspeezy flight, eazyspeezy speedrun, memeruns, memerun, meme speedrun, funny speedrun, any%, speedrun flight, flight flash, flight flash speedrun, eazyspeezy flash games
Id: ny2CItxFMU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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