SNS 302: Hardened Washers, Leather Apron, Machinery Updates

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[Music] I'm getting ready to set the Vice back on to the shaper here and get it trimmed in I got a piece that I want to cut flat and I want to use the G&E but I want to go ahead and knock out a small project while while I've got this vise up in the air getting ready to mounted on something that's been bugging me since we worked on the Schaefer and I showed this before but decided to put it off so the washers that go in these little pockets right here on all four of them they were shot made before out of a piece of brass or bronze and they're pretty mangled up here I got them right here I've been kind of getting this project in order what I want to do so I want to remake these all right I want to read machine these you can see you see just how bad they are and they did their job they keep from marring up and galling the cast base of the vise right here so these are the nuts that go on there to to pull the vise down so I just want to remake these we're going to make four of these like this right here see this is one of my other ones that I have for one of my T bolts really good quality hardened steel now they've probably been lapped or ground on the top now that's a little bit too big we're gonna make it this is a one in five eight so I'm going to machine them to inch and a half OD they'll just be drill for clearance for the 3/4 stud there and what we're gonna use for that is I got this piece of 41 40 inch and 3/4 so I'll just turn it down inch and a half we'll drill a hole in there for clearance and then part them off and then what I want to do is go ahead and heat treat them and the little oven heat treat them and anneal them make them go make them tough so I got this block of the the foam here the insulating tile and I'll just cut a few slots in there so that we can stand them up I got this little 1/8 thickness slitting saw so I'll just set this up and device over in the mill and we'll just cut some slots in there like that so that our washer which will look kind of like that will just stand up in there and I can take this and just stick it into the oven do our heat treat and then pull and into our our oil quench okay so just a quick little project but that's what I want to do today so let's go ahead an get started with it I just cut me a piece off because the full length of that wouldn't go all the way up in there so we're gonna make this really quick and simple come on face it we're gonna spot it drill it turn the OD and part them off nothing critical about any of this stuff [Music] you got the 50 9/64 taper same drill bit that we're going to use there's nothing wrong with that grind but it needs a good touch enough so we're going to go ahead and not grind it on the Lyle [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all the way to really see that drill bit good when you're grinding a while just to get around here to the side they were designed to be looking down this way but you can't see the grind of the girl goes we good [Music] back to south stop set for other side and see that we got our first flu ground there's still one little chip in there but that's how to be okay so with the land to genocide [Applause] that side right there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there's be the back here Zyliss it [Applause] she's gotta let it forth out of this that's great [Applause] can we see that me there we go [Music] what you want to take a picture I want to take a picture okay have you wants to take a picture all right let's get our hole drilled gonna use some Flug going on over here [Music] so we're going to turn the OD down a quarter of an inch I'm using that fixed perfect insert we've got it dialed in exactly a quarter we'll just make one pass on there and hopefully not make too much of a mess like that let's see if we can get our flood coolant on here make it a nice chip yeah beautiful Jill time for our parting I'm just gonna use my Noga tool here to deburr that inside just like that we're gonna part them off at eight-foot inch come in a little bit by hand like that I'm gonna go ahead and file the file the corners put a power feed in there [Music] just like that just gonna move that off out of the way and then we will camp variety again another quarter-inch over 50 and feet the first part to our file just like that alright I'm gonna do that I'm gonna make more than four just so I've got some extras around here so when I'm done using the lathe with the coolant I just go ahead and try to clean all the chips and brush as much of the coolant down as I can off of the the ways there and then I just spray it down with the wd-40 to help displace the water and it'll keep any kind of rusting issues from getting on the machine or on the ways I'm just gonna push this down all of this down to the back and let it drain off the back of the machine there all right and then I'll just take just take some wd-40 I'm just gonna spray it all over the ways everywhere the coolant set all the way back here you'll displace the water help it evaporate and won't have any rusting issues the little trick I use sometimes I've known this before to get those burrs off of parted off pieces they're just close up your vise jaw use the hardened jaws here and just kind of tap on it and it just kind of sheers that that edge off of there it gets rid of the bulk of it anyway and then you can come back in there with a deburring tool or whatever method you want to use to get rid of the actual sharp edge on there sometimes it wants to roll up inside there there we go alright that's all of them I'll just finish off the deburr and with an ogre tool I've just used enoguh I've got a brand new blade in there that's always a good pick up extra tips for these things because when they get dull there's just an aggravating thing to use they just want to jump around but you just have to be real careful when doing things like this because it's real easy to slice your finger open or your hand or your palm I just try to do it in a very controlled manner just go round and round just like that until I see that chamfer form on there and then hit this outside again a little bit more [Applause] we've got our foam set up here in the vise I'm this eyeball Center we're gonna go approximately 1/2 inch between each space and nothing precision about this and let's see how it cuts he's going to make a zero mark here stuff is supersoft just coming down and touching it with the cutter without a move and just made an impression there I think that's perfect might be a little bit too deep in fact we just want it so that I can stand these up and they don't roll away so we may just shorten that up that was 3/16 so we'll go a little less on the next one there the hero there's an eighth of an inch there yeah that'll work that's all we need right there so we'll just go eighth of an inch all right there's our phone block with our little notches milled in it I think this is gonna work just the way we want here I just got one extra dare to even it out nothing precision at all but that does the trick that'll hold them all up in the oven so we'll go slide this sucker in there and get started heat treatment okay we got you over here at the oven let's go ahead and take these guys and stick them in there hot okay I'm going to set a timer is 12 noon I'm gonna go have some lunch and then we'll probably come back in an hour and pull them out and dip them we've been running for one hour on the the washers here so I'm going to go ahead and and do the oil quench now I am using the oil cleansing oil so I'm gonna try to reach in here with my pliers and turn that block and I'll just do one at a time on on each one of those because I had originally I thought maybe grabbing it with a hot glove and dumping them in there but I think it'd be better if maybe we do one apiece so we'll see let's go for it go ahead and rotate this around and it stuck to it I don't think that one's cooled off let me get a rag so I can wipe this oil off having to break them kind of break it and get it out of there all right so I'm going to let this thing cool down to 500 degrees and then once once it's down to 500 and we'll put them back in there and do the tempering on we'll probably go over there and check to see what the hardness is on them anyway I'm just real curious is as he's turned out the scale definitely popping off they're revealing more machines shining our material on the bottom so I don't even know if this is working the way we want but we'll find out just getting these guys cleaned off and you can see that the there's like a a scale on the outside it's just peeling right off there pretty neat I get them all cleaned off and then I'm gonna wash them and then hit them on the wire brush to clean them up and I'll do a hardness test on just to see where they're at we'll do a test here and see what kind of hardness that we're getting it's like we're gonna end up around in the 40s okay yeah all right we're at a 45 on that one right there I'll uh I'll go ahead and test a couple more of them and see if it's it should be consistent so that's looking pretty good that one's a little harder than the other one all right so I've tested three and the first two are around 45 46 and now this one's around 49 and 50 so looks like we're gonna be between the 45 and 50 Rockwell and all of them so let's go ahead and get them tempered now our ovens just about finally settled down to 500 I'll go ahead and stick these back in our little slots here I think that'll work not really anyone to work too well the way it broke them out there's really no way to support him now hmm we're just gonna take them up to 500 for about a half hour and hopefully it's gonna put a nice color onto a nice purple color all right cuz we've been running 500 for a little over a half hour now I think I'm ready to go ahead and pull these washers out and we'll just drop it in oil to cool them all quickly let's take a look they look like they're where they need to be I'll get my gloves on and we'll go ahead and pull them out of there looks like we've got a pretty consistent hardness of somewhere around 43 to 44 Rockwell I've tested these three right here and they're all right there within a couple of you know tick marks there on the on the gauge so I'm happy with them I'm ready to get them installed on the shaper now all right we've already got the table i stoned it case there was any burrs on it what we can do is just pull this side here we can get our studs start it in there like so let me see actually it'll work better if I let's flip this vise around where we got a little clearance on this side here alright then we'll drop one of our washers on about there already makes me feel so much better that taking the time to replace those those brass washers with these so now it's just getting it lined up like that all right make sure the pens up mm-hmm now we'll go to the other side and do the same thing go ahead and hang it off the edge and stick the t-nuts in there pull it back over the table [Applause] all right now you see on the shaper table here there's a there's a hole that's drilled in it it's on this side and it's on the other side of the table and this pin right here just drops in and what that does is that it just ensures that the vise is never going to get pushed off of the table so we'll go ahead and pull it back I'll push down on that pin right there and from here I just got to get it trimmed in but I've got to do the tilting part of the table get it trimmed in and get the bytes true and enough from there we're just going to move on to our next project all right hey guys I want to show you my brand new shop apron this was custom handmade by Tyler Newberry over nice custom goods this is his logo right here awesome guy I got to meet Tyler at the good of the land fest he was over there making some of his handmade leather products this is also something that he made as a gift I believe it's a like a credit card and running holder for your pocket but I've been working with Tyler for a couple of months actually we discussed this back during the good of land fest he said that he wanted to work with me on creating a shop apron and most of you guys know that I've never been one to really wear a shop paper and it's only been the past few years that I've been trying to put an apron on during different machining and grinding and things like that but I do love shop aprons I've just never wasn't a habit of wearing one and on top of that every apron that I ever had never really fit me comfortably the way I wanted to usually the straps right here would bother my shoulders the way it was tied in the back I just could never get one that I really comfortably likes wearing all the time so Tyler got with me he said he would love to design one so this is what I come up with right here I actually used my Duluth canvas apron as sort of a baseline to start with because that's the one that I've worn most and I kind of liked that one but it wasn't really set up for it machinist so what I've done is I made it longer I wanted to go further down my legs so that whenever I'm grinding the apron kind of protects my legs and my pants you know from Sparks and grinding dust getting on all right and I also wanted it to be a little bit taller up here as well and on top of that I definitely wanted some pockets right here and this is this is my own thought process right here on what I wanted I like a pocket that is specifically sewn the design for a six-inch rule and so I've got three pockets here for a six inch rule and I've got another wider pocket right here that you can put your scriber and your pins and your pencils in alright I also wanted some front pockets that were more comfortable to be able to get in so whenever you're walking around you got some parts in your hand maybe you want to go to the belt sander or the polisher or whatever you know you got some pockets right here that you can put some parts in alright so I had originally thought maybe going around a little bit wider and Tyler had suggested against that saying that if you go all the way around it kind of bunches up so we we landed on this size right here I also took it wider around the size of my body compared to the one that I was working with just because I wanted a little bit more coverage around both sides of my body all right and then we went with one-inch wide cotton strapping okay and then that piece in the back the silver scrap area there that is custom designed by him that's his own style and it's a very comfortable way to keep the straps from lining up on your shoulders and keep them in place so we did a good job with that we also went with the plastic buckles here on the side I like that style that results the loose style so I can just kind of you know unhook it and then take it off and build it to snap it right back in so I'm really liking the design it's awesome handmade I watched Tyler's got a video on making that so I'll have the link there so you can check that out all hand cut hand sewn the only thing I'm thinking I may need to modify because you know this was strictly for emails and photos and things like that this area right in here we may end up doing some trimming right here just because it's done you know kind of walking around and my arms I'm feeling this little area right here okay I didn't actually have a dimension for Tyler for this area so he went off his best judgment okay but we may end up trimming it I'm not sure yet and he just uses a razor knife to cut this stuff whenever you cut it out so I should go to lay out a nice radius the Flint that blends in right here and just take this down just a little bit further and kind of get rid of that square edge right there so I may be working on that but I really love it so about the pockets I got some of my stuff right here and a couple of my sharpies this is a little bit thick so the the hooks may be a little challenging to comfortably just slide in there really quick you know so you know may just end up out of habit sticking them in there like so there's my scriber there's a center punch to kind of give you an example we're gonna be doing this a lot kind of wearing in the leather as we start sticking our tools in there alright and I've got three rules right here I've got my hook rule that always I use it it's on me all the time we've got an on hook rule right there just six-inch rule and then we've got a metric rule there as well it's a little bit thinner and this pocket on the end is perfect for one of those thinner rules just like that so you got your scales right there handy so you can grab it when you're done just stick it right back there you get your pins handy nice heavy-duty leather it's going to last a long time it was his design to kind of give it a little bit of contrast where the pockets are sewn opposite so you got a little bit of the you know the softer material out there just to kind of give it a change of the color and contrast I'm really happy with a love it Tyler thank you very much I think this is finally going to be my go-to apron for the shop you know I'm gonna start wearing it whenever I'm doing whether I'm doing machine work or grinding whatever I'm gonna start wearing this in hopefully we'll start getting it turned black and oily you know get all the dirtiness on it we've really got to get it broken in he did supply these two these are gonna be leather patches right here one is a you know a sample to try it out and another one and the idea behind this is that I want to I want to press my logo into this with you know a leather stamp and then we can just glue it on wherever we want or sew it on you know it could go here if you go there just wherever you know so that was something that he threw and there he didn't want to sell em on because if you what's sure where I was gonna where I was gonna put it so super happy with it and Tyler will make you a custom apron as well if you want this design right here he will definitely make it for you you can make it whatever dimensions you want if it's a little too wide for your liking maybe you're a smaller guy than me I'm big and wide and thick so I wanted something that was a little bit bigger to fit my body but I think the length is gonna work real good and go over there and I get you one from Tyler I'm sure he'd be happy to make you one he's a great guy to work with and again thank you very much Tyler I look forward to using this around the shop I've been making more progress with the electrical situation here in the shop I've got some fun updates to share with you on some of the machinery here and I've been making some improvements and I think you'll like what I've got to share with you we'll go ahead and start right here with the Oliver drill grinder and I'll show you what's been going on with that all right so I did show it a short video a couple episodes back you know we're sitting around here where I've got it where I keep it and I showed grinding a drill bit the thing about that that was the first time that I actually used it and not really knowing the full functionality of the machine and properly had a setup but I was able to get a drill ground and use it down there to lay like I showed you but what I didn't show you was I was having problems with the belts not only wasn't having problems with the belt that I knew something was off as soon as I turned it on for the first time it was the motor there's the motor right down there the motor was spinning up very slowly and although I was able to grind that drill bit that one time after that I was not able to get the grinder to continue running it would actually bog down as soon as I started touching a drill it bogged down and it had no power that led me to believe that the motor was probably wired incorrectly for the voltage that I'm flying to it I've got 240 volt 3-phase power to the shop and I now have the 480 volt transformer hooked in and I've even got a circuit here I showed that you know powering up the Flex arm so I now have power over here to supply 40 volt so what we've done is we plug this in to the 480 volt receptacle over there and the thing runs beautifully now motor kicks on spins up instantly we did some check-in and that thing is this is made to run off a high-voltage three-phase so we fixed that issue so no so now I know that this the motor either needs to be configured for low voltage or just keep it running on a high voltage either one will work alright the other issue was as soon as I plugged it in and started running it it was slinging the belt this is a brand new belt that I bought directly from Oliver of Adrian ok just got it in yesterday and I have not run it yet this is the belt that was on the machine when I bought it I have no idea who made this belt and who installed it but it was on there when I got it and it was running before you know you could see it you know I was using the machine but as soon as I was able to hook this thing up to the proper voltage and spin it on it just instantly slung the belt and it would sling it off down here on the motor pulley as soon as I turn this on this thing would just slide off and just pop off there alright so I knew I had an issue there to take care of but what I wanted to do is go ahead and see if Oliver had the proper belt which they do so this is the proper belts an endless endless belt and it's nine inches long alright so we've got that on there now with me just spinning this by hand the belt is not wanting to track in the center so you do have a crown and this pulley here the motor pulley also has a crown there your two idler pulleys which one is an oil pump one as a water pump we're not using a water pump but it still serves as an i lured idler these are flat pulleys here so your two crowns are there and there to keep it tracking but it is not wanting the track and as I spin this by hand it's trying to ride up on the shoulder here see that it's trying to ride up on the shoulder which is not good I think if I turn this sucker on and run it is probably just gonna eat that new belt up instantly I did some check in with the with the belt off I used a little machinist square to use as a as a flat reference there and I can tell that this pulley has a lot of wear in there it does have a crown in the center but it's tipped over on this side right here so I think that what I need to do is actually do some machining on these pulleys I need to see about pulling this off setting the lathe and re machine this face in here this OD with the proper crown so I think we need to start with that we also need to get this pulley and do the same thing I was measuring it as well it has still a light crown in there but it just seems to be worn so I think this needs to be Rhema Sheen so that's probably what we need to do is start with this pulley this pulley rima Sheen the crown in it put them back on there and see if that helps with the tracking of the belt alright and in a bit I'll I'll actually take the belt off well plug it in and I'll show you the thing running so that's it for now I do have an actual operator's manual from Oliver I called them up great people to deal with I talked to a gentleman named Neil and we talked about the issue I was having with the belt and the other thing that I found out was that these jaws right here are actually for a model 600 not the 510 I have the model 510 you can see the tapped holes are tapped at an angle and the jaws that are for this machine are tapped straight perpendicular to the clamping face there so he says this is kind of common with companies that have multiple machines somebody obviously picked up the wrong set and set it there so I ended up buying the proper set of jaws from Oliver whenever I got the when I bought the belt I give them some business and I bought the jaws no these are not cheap but I don't care I needed them for the machine so I gave them my business bought a set of Jaws and a new belt and these guys right here if somebody could use them I will definitely sell these jaws to somebody that has a model 6-under all right but we are going to continue to work on this as we move forward try to make some improvements I've got the manual to properly learn how to function the machine like it should be and we'll continue to get this thing operating so that we can use it for grinding our drill bits alright here's our next update on our machinery hooking up so this is the Davis number five key cedar that this was given to me about a bill Ashcraft five star machine he had actually bought a newer better machine and so he donated this one to me right here and we've got it hooked up now I already showed these are the new circuits that I installed out here we've got a three phase circuit coming back here and it's supplying three three areas here we've got this one hooked up through the hydraulic press with a new tumbler switch there this one is going to be running the Davis key cedar but I actually had him installed a receptacle there so I could plug the machine in this was also to be as a secondary use if I have another machine in this area that I need to plug in I can easily just run a cord and plug it in right there alright this is gonna be for the postal grunt on the other side I'm going to bring it over here shortly get it hooked into that disconnect so what we have done my stepdad Fernando helped me with this he is actually built an on and off switch for the Davis it did not come with a switch it just had a pigtail this guy coming right out of the motor and Bill actually had an industrial switch mounted on the wall that he had turned it on and off so I'll show you it run [Music] [Music] so our Davis key cedar is now running but what uh Fernando did is he just made his own industrial switch he just made it up himself he got a box and got a contactor and I already had a switch and this stuff right here so he was able to make up this little unit right here cheaper than what you would actually you know have to purchase an actual industrial switch for you know typically you have the ones with some of the other machinery that has like a circular on and off button this is just something that he made up himself in it's working great you could not unplug it there and this can go with the machine it's just two screws holding it to the wall and we like this idea of mounting it on the wall right here better than mounting it on the machine I think it's just a little bit cleaner and this is the side that you typically operate the Davis key cedar this is the control right here you put a rod in that and this is what you use to control the movement of the table while you're cutting a keyway so as you're standing right here you can just reach over turn it on turn it off so we got it we got more to do I need to actually get it on the concrete probably going to buy some actually some actual machinery feet for this to be able to set it on so we can level it up have some vibration dampening there on the concrete and then we'll work on getting it cleaned up and get our tooling set up for this machine here the next update I got for you it was for the Kearney and Trek or mill a while back I showed you where I had we actually repaired the electric motor in there and I was talking about how the machine was originally set up for high voltage we had already confirmed that the electric motor running the drive gear box for the main spindle here was already hooked up and wired for low voltage or 240 volt 3-phase so that that was always right right there the issue was the feed motor which is a electric motor built into the knee right here it's all built inside there this motor I had confirmed by two different individuals that work with electrical systems they confirmed that it was hooked up and running a set up for 480 volt 3-phase and the way that this knee was manufactured the wiring configuration is they could not get in there to reconfigure the motor for low voltage so it needed to be hooked up to high voltage alright I had a lot of viewers that you know have remembered that and whenever I showed hooking up the the new circuit for the Flex arm we got a 480 volt receptacle there I mounted that over there for the Flex arm to plug into but what we have done now is we have modified the Kearney and trekkers so that I can run the feed motor off that circuit right there it's really interesting Fernando helped me with this and what he has done he installed another contactor in the control box back here that sends the 480 voltage to the feed motor whenever I turn it on so the only thing I have to do is that I have to have it plugged into the 480 and the the 240 three-phase at the same time for both of them to run but it doesn't turn it on until you you actually turn the machine on so we turn it on here so that turns on both the the main drive motor here and the feed motor okay but we actually have the the machine running as it should now so we'll go ahead and turn it on [Applause] actually we don't have to have the spindle turn and to build it do this but that thing is running just like it should now I can visually hear a big difference in this motor it's not bogging down it's not you know hesitating whenever you go to engage the rapid with the hydraulic leaver right here okay now it always did this you could feed it XY but it would not wrap it with the with the knee I'm gonna have to sit this on the tripod to show you because I actually have to hold this I have to hold this one with my right and left hands to be able to do that but the the motor is now running on the proper voltage so our feed motor is now running correctly and we've made a lot of progress with this right here I'll give you demonstration of the rapids here whenever you're going up at the table there is a slight hesitation I don't know why exactly that is but it's still working beautiful I've never been able to do that before just awesome going the other way of course ex [Applause] what that's allowed me to do now is make a nice powerful cut on this machine and not stall it out beating that's what's happened in the past when I figured out that I knew something was wrong was you know we'd be feeding and the the motor would actually stall because it didn't have the proper power being supplied to it there so whenever I get a chance we'll come back over here to this I'll set up a sample piece of Steel with like a face mill it will make some test cuts with it and see how the machine is actually working now the only cut start over the only other issue that I know that I'm still having with the hydraulic system and this is another one that's been doing it ever since I got it and even with the correction of the voltage in this motor it still does it so once you turn the spindle on it supplies hydraulic power I draw it pressure back here to engage the beads and what I have is a slight delay like 15 to 20 seconds which has always been very annoying back here on the pressure gauge that allows me to go ahead and gauge the feed so we're going to turn the spindle on all right this guy right here I know how to watch for this this handle is slowly going down and it's also the one that engages the wrap that's a pull-up to wrap it slowly working itself down and whenever you see pressure on this gauge right here they're starting to move now and it starts to build up pressure now I know that I can engage the beat okay so the normal operation of this is whenever I'm actually using it to make a cut and I go to turn the spindle on I have to wait until the I have pressure here to be able to engage the feed so I'm not really sure how to correct that yeah you know I've gone into this unit right here trying to find something that was wrong and I can't I can't find anything so I'm not really sure what's causing that delay I wouldn't think that that's built like that from the factory but I can't tell you for certain so I did have a couple of Kearney trekker guys message me a long time ago maybe they can chime in and tell me you know is this you know do we definitely have an issue here and or not I was going to say to turn it off and then we turn it back on you can't just push this handle down there to make pressure get here faster if you do that the completely bypasses it nothing and it won't build back up so you have to run to spend the law let's just reset turn the spindle back on and let them let the pressure get to this point naturally [Applause] it's a crazy little situation there and I'm not really sure exactly what what the heck is making it do that I do know that once you see that needle move when you can push that down and we have our pressure operating the feed control here and one last upgrade is that I had Fernando I asked him if he would do this is go ahead and install a 120 volt receptacle back here just for plugging in the Dro we can plug in a light and we can also plug in our coolant pump I still have this is a external coolant pump that I bought years ago to run on this machine I've never done anything with it but so now we can plug this in right there if I want to plug something else in we got a nice receptacle there so that was really cool that he did that for me and that's gonna make it a lot nicer not having to run a stupid extension cord over here to plug in my dr oh all right guys well that's about all for the updates for this week really excited at the progress that we've made on the machines especially the current record right there getting the Davis hooked up and then we've got our continuing work that we got to do over here on the oliver drill grinder but also thank you again tyler for the awesome handmade shop apron right there and be sure to contact him if you're interested in getting one for yourself I've got a lot of other projects in store for you I've still got a lot of videos to edit you know and bring to YouTube I just finished that one big project for Eric over Hensel rescue there's a there's a part off his Fairbanks power hammer that it was a rock casting that I machines I just completed it probably have a short series of videos to share with that and that'll be coming out pretty soon as well so I've got a lot of stuff in store for you I just got to make time to get the editing done being out here doing jobs doing projects and sitting behind the computer takes up a lot of hours in the day so I'm try my best to continue bringing these videos at you I've been trying to share a couple extras with you every week you know there's a lot of this craziness going on a lot of people stuck at home a lot of people just or not work right now or have lost their jobs which I feel terrible about but I am trying to share with you a couple extra videos every week while I can some of these projects going on around here and keep in mind that I do share daily updates of these jobs and projects over on my Instagram and my facebook page so if you got one of those accounts you know go over there and check that out and you can kind of get a little heads-up sneak peek into what it is I'm doing out here in the shop on the daily basis so big that's about it hopefully hopefully you guys enjoyed the video and we'll see you next time alright [Music]
Channel: Abom79
Views: 294,179
Rating: 4.9368806 out of 5
Keywords: abom79, machining, lathe, monarch lathe, lathe work, hardened steel washers, shaper, shaper vise, heat treating, heat treating oven, tempering steel, oil quench, taper shank drill, drill sharpener, drill grinder, lilse drill grinder, leather apron, machinist apron, shop apron, custom apron, nice custom goods, hand made apron, kearney & trecker mill, 480 voltage, high voltage, milling machine, davis keyseater, keyseating machine, electrical circuit
Id: lI8sSkhX-qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 36sec (3096 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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