SNS 297: Stick Welding D Rings, Starrett Vise

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[Music] [Applause] all right doing some Florida pickin we just got this Davis number five key cedar loaded up on my trailer something that I purchased from my buddy Lance hey guys you'll see my post picture I had him with his new key cedar yeah he just shot a picture he's gonna throw it up on Instagram so one of his this was one of his spines in his travels and we made a deal on it it's actually I think it's in a little better condition than the one that I currently have plus it came with all this original clamping systems right here got the Vblock we got the down clamp here the support bar and I've never seen one like that that comes complete with them so I wanted to go ahead and pick it up and it might be a nice little restoration piece for the shop I think I'd be a great great the project yeah very doable yeah this is the there's the cover for it we just took it off so it is missing the little hook there for the handle that kind of lacks latches is in place so I just I just took it off but okay yeah that's right we'll get that so we're gonna getting ready to head out of the farm here and head on back to house my buddy Jason Jason McDonald yeah McDonald handmade on Instagram Jason he's a good guy and yeah he's a good guy to buy machinery old machinery and tools and stuff like that from and I believe he's the one that he's the one that found this he sent me a picture of it I'm not sure he knew exactly what it was but he sent me a picture of it right away I was like no we need to get that up you know somebody who want that yeah yeah absolutely we're gonna give it a good home and luckily for me I've already got most all the cutters for it that I need and they were the ones that came with our old machine that was my dad's I had sold them actually I traded him off no I sold them and then I actually did some trading to get the cutters back because the guy there that that I had sold them to ended up not using them so we made a deal and I got him back we got her lagged down to the pallet and then we got our straps I think we're ready to go I've got a shop project that I want to do and I've been kind of digging through through my scrap or drop pile you might call it fine trying to find some flat bar to do what I want and I actually found a couple of these pieces here that'll work real good this is some stuff that flame cut a while back actually whenever I was at motion and this is some one inch thick flat bar this is another piece the same thing this is where we had done some real heavy machining over on the shaper just doing some test cuts on it right there all right this is another block I found that it work because what I need to make is three of them and I'd like to kind of make them all about equal size those two are pretty close right there this one here is three ants wise to this this may have been some cold rolled flat bar because it looks pretty sharp one inch all right but what I'm going to do is make some anchors for the concrete and I bought three of these d-rings these are the weld on style D rings right here this is the half-inch diameter D ring and these are made to just weld on you typically see these on trailers and places where you can hook a strap into it and what I want to make is just use this one because this is more about the size I want to weld these onto a plate like this okay just weld those on we're gonna have a three-quarter inch drilled hole here for a bolt to go through like that so we'll have it bolted down and then in the concrete I'm gonna drill and install these these concrete anchors these are the flush mount and what you do is you drill a one-inch hole you stick them down in the hole and then there's a little tapered insert inside there that you drive with a punch and then it's wedges this end out you know it's wells to send out and it keeps this from pulling out of the concrete so we're going to install three of those and I think I'll make three of these guys right here with these d-rings I got a couple more right here and then these will get bolted down to the concrete and then I can hook a strap or a winch or a come-along or something to this right there and ultimately what I'm doing is making three points that I can hook a strap or a winch to to be able to pull things off of my trailer okay so that's what I'm doing right there there's nothing fancy about this but I do think that I'm going to clean them up just for fun we'll clean this flame cut up in the shaper probably clean the surface up too just to get some of the rust off of it I know I'm just you know just killing Tom not really you don't really need to do that you take a grinder and just grind it off but anyway I'm going to use up these two pieces here we'll cut them in the bandsaw and then clean up the sides this was just some more of that flat bar that I had found right there 1 inch by 3 inch hot rolled flat bar I'm not going to use these we'll just utilize these three pieces right here startlingly easily [Music] so we're just gonna go up straight up junkyard style I'm not going to go to the shaper with these things I just took a flat disk and cleaned off the top of all three of them there so that we can get a good weld so I'm just gonna just figure out where I want the hole drilled I know that I want the D ring to be welded on the end like that and then we'll have the bolt sort of centered there so something like that let's see where that's at so we're about let's just say alright we're going to go inch and a half inch and a half from the end and then we'll just put a hole about inch and a half from the end just like that on all three of them get those holes drilled in there then we'll go to the welder and probably just stick weld these things together gotta move these over at 8 to the niche cuz they're a little bit wider than that first one clearance hole will be 47 60 Forks see just how easy it is to drill holes and mild steel right here even that slower speeds than what the books recommend - I'll just put some champers on there to soften those edges up we're ready to start sticking these things together so we've got the all the plates cleaned up I dressed all the mill scale off of them with a flap disc and I also took these guys here this is what you weld down for the d-rings I went ahead and dress these sides as well and up just a little bit will fill all this in with our weld I'm gonna try to get you a nice arc shot in there I've been kind of experimenting with that here recently and then I'm gonna be using my 1/8 diameter 70 18 the electrode and just about out so I'm gonna burn these guys up right here I've got some 1/10 18s I can use if I don't have enough but thought I'd mention this real quick since we're gonna be using them to weld up moving the camera there so 70 18 I just wanted to go over that and for those that's watching it maybe not that's not aware how to read what this number is 70 18 so the first two numbers being a 7 0 that's going to be your tensile strength and thousand pounds so 70 times 1000 a 70,000 that's your tensile strength 70,000 psi alright your third number which is a 1 that's going to indicate the position that you can weld with this rod with a with a 1 you can weld in all positions so you can well flat horizontal vertical or overhead with this electrode the 8 at the end of this number the 8 indicates in the which manner you can well with this as far as like the current goes okay so you can use AC alternating current to weld with this electrode and you can also use DC electrode positive for this which is going to be reverse polarity you really don't want to well with straight polarity it doesn't do a very good job but this is typically always used with reverse polarity or DC electropositive so there you go there's a little rundown on what the 7018 means for these electrodes one of the techniques I usually try to employ whenever I'm using my electrode here to weld is that I'm going to start a little bit ahead of where my actual starting point in us so I'll start somewhere in this area here get the arc started and then bring the electrode look electro kind of quickly to this end and then begin your weld and I'm going to weld over where I just started and then I'll finish it out and go all down to the end and then lift off be a little noisy because I'm running my fume extractor this sucks all the themes of by the way one more thing I'll point out on the 718 I'm using a 1/8 diameter so a good start point you can set your amperage at the same number as your desktop full of us so 125 point 125 you can say your machine around 125 amp now to get you started there be good on that flex don't want to cooperate with you just use the Ilario sometimes when you get down in those corners like that that what's really gets in there what's the stick with wire brush get it all cleaned off like that we moved over to the other side I'm going to go ahead and get that get that welled up before we build up the first side that we started with probably stuck in there just here with the building it up will probably put at least two more passes on the inside there go ahead stack two more in there one up here and we'll come across the bottom again a little easier now I think that size can see well it is suspicious go ahead and flip it over and finish out the other side why the work I just try to come back up over nice will fees in there to cool down I'll give them a good wire brush one of them down take the wheel it is pretty good they look pretty decent there alright so I'm not gonna bore you with two more of them that's gonna do exactly the same and I'll bring it back once we have the finished stuff all right I lied to you just in case I can get some better heart shots on these other two I'll report to anyway just so I know I've got some more clips in case the first one didn't work out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] usually what I do whenever I'm restarting the you know the rod there you got a little bit of flux that kind of sticks out at the end the rod sometimes the flux is covering the end of the rod so I usually just take and I either just kind of spin it or just tap it on anything the table whatever is nearby you can also use a file just keep an old file around you kind of drag it on the file and it'll cut the flux off the end of that it makes starting these draw it a lot easier [Music] I usually try to throw them up here on the table kind of easier to clean them up the rod one of the tricks that I've picked up along well I can do instead of just sticking the electrode in there having a disorientation you've got to bring you that mismo [Music] I was taught this they get and bend it 90 degrees like that put this in my hand [Music] it may not be for everybody but I'll put a lot of welders like doing that and I picked up on it I really like to you can kind of position anywhere you want want to stick it in there [Music] don't pick up [Music] that time it's got flux on the end of it and another trick you can do to help eliminate that [Music] when you're coming off when you're about to end the be there come off really fast a lot of times there'd be a ball of metal there that just falls to the floor [Music] one more bead and then these will be done [Music] nice and hot I can't help but wonder how many comments I'm gonna get that says why not just make it well we got these guys finished up still cooling down here but they they turned out real nice I think these are gonna work pretty good for what I'm doing we'll get the anchors drilled into the concrete and then we'll have just a nice hitch point for the cable or the strap whatever to hook to the chain you know so I think all the welds turned out pretty decent here and I'm also excited that I hopefully I got some good arc shots to share in the video there I'm you know I've been doing I've been showing welding on my channel for since the beginning you know over six years and no it had a lot of requests people wanting to try to see the arc and see what I'm doing better so some of the purpose of what I'm doing in this video was trying to share some of those techniques and maybe some tips and tricks there for you for stick welding or using you know using electrodes anyway so that's about it I was going to point out I'm gonna try this stuff here whenever they cool off this rust block by evaporite instead of paint them or anything I'm just gonna spray them down with this and see how it does supposed to protect steel for up to a year you know keep rust off of bare metal so I'm gonna give that a shot anyway I hope you guys enjoyed that okay hey guys we're taking a little field trip again back over to mobile to the YRC terminal I've got a shipment to pick up and pretty excited about this this is another great tool that I have made a purchase on not too long back probably about a couple weeks ago my buddy Andrew Alexander blacksmith tools showed one of the his beautiful steering 9:26 vices as I Instagram and that's one that I have actually and seen in person at his shop a couple of times they're a little bit hard to come by a little hard to find and I was joking around with him about you know how come he doesn't sell it to me because he's like get out there find you one I said I have found one but you won't sell it to me so it just so happened the next day yeah another one of our friends on on Instagram they're Phil about Phil's antiques he was showing his he's got to stare at 9:26 and he's had it for a little while and he decided that he was going to go ahead and let it go so Andrew notified me right away that Phil was going to be selling here so he put me actually a direct contact with Phil and he and I talked over the phone and we discussed the purchases from his stare at 9:26 bytes so I am the owner of a 926 vice now from starett and pretty excited about this I'm on my way over there to pick it up now I'll share it I'll share with you guys what it looks like when every week whenever we get it picked up all right all right now we're headed across the bay way itan going into Mobile Alabama [Music] [Music] [Music] well Phil did an excellent job creating this sucker up so we can't actually see it here did a really nice job there so Thank You Phil I really appreciate it we'll get this thing back to the house and get the crate unscrewed and we'll take a look at this [Music] over to our right here is battleship Memorial Park that's where the USS Alabama is they also have a submarine there and a lot of other really cool you know machines and equipment from you know back in the war days so a great place to stop and visit if you're ever driving through the mobile area on i-10 just pull off here and go check it out you'll love it really nice place but we made it back to the shop we've got the top off the crate it's done a good job of wrapping her up and you can see it's a pretty big pretty big boy I've got another bracket here to get loose and then we'll give it get it uncovered I'm chasing a cloud that's coming in you sell them leaves man I just blew my pad off and they all just come in right on in on me put up getting some raindrops here cut them leaves alright let's see see if we can take a peek alright alright here we go here is our new vice there it is so the spirit this is the spirit 926 yeah buddy all right I gotta get it off the truck before it starts raining all right there's a better look at it there we finally got her out of the crate here's your size 926 six-inch why'd y'all we got her inside so we'll give them the old wait sector and see what's the vise actually way so I've got one of my older stare catalogs here this is the catalog number 28 and I've got it actually marked in here for the steric vices right there so you can see right there at the bottom it is the 926 see this says shipping weight with the base is 205 pounds that's probably going to be with you know whatever craze or anything that they had originally shipped it with maybe in some kind of wooden box so let's put it on my digital scales here and see this is a good 400 pounds there you go 196 and a half so you can round it up to 197 or round it down to 196 so I'm gonna call it at 196 pounds is uh what the stare at 196 is gonna weigh very cool we do have her opened all the way up and it's got a maximum of a 10-inch opening there was still a full engagement of the nut I like how the body here is fully machines my buddy Andrew talked so highly of these starett vices in his opinion is that these are some of the nicest vices that were ever manufactured this was in great shape Phil's taking really good care of it I actually don't know where he got it from but he said he's had it for a while just really nice super nice I've just got it sitting here on the table temporarily I don't think this is where it's gonna stay but I will say I plan on this being a user vise in my shop just got a side if I want to you know mount it here somewhere if I'm going to put it on my welding table but this one's not going to sit around this one's gonna be used so here's your lock for it it's a nice swivel design swivels nicely and I can tell these are machine faces that they're sliding on and it's got the grooves inside there as well so that whenever you pull this clamp up it actually locks into a groove there to keep it from spinning if you really twist it on this thing a lot see so you can use it either you can take it off but the swivel base there and bolt it directly down to a table or use the swivel feature on it you can see signs of it being used over the years not too bad just typical where the anvil portion of the vise has been hit on a little bit which is perfectly normal but this thing is in good shape the jaws the serrations are in excellent condition on both of them still a lot of good serrations in there that have it been mangled or smashed up well there it is there's nearly not much more to say about it just really excited to finally get my hands on one of these guys and you see the size difference between my little Wilton right here I forget what this one was so that's a 4 inch 4 inch width jaw on the Wilton and of course we got this one being six minutes I think I forgot to show that or they're really stoked to have this and thanks a lot Phil for offering this up to me and we're going to put this guy to work around around the shop here funny story guys so I just showed you the new to me stare at 9:26 vise that I picked up well Abby and I were we had to run a couple of errands at lunchtime and headed down the highway there was a typical spot where there's usually people out there kind of like a flea market almost or a yard sale people set up out there and we're driving by I really think nothing of it but I happen to glance over and when I did I saw a bunch of vices on the back of the guy's trailer so I told Abby I said look there's a bunch of vices over there so she looked around and we went back to it and let me show you what I ended up with look at that guy right there this is what I saw sticking up at the end of his trailer there I got a couple pictures out though up there on you on the video so this is a Columbia a Columbian number 206 so it is a six inch wide jaw six-inch jaw up there and the core swivel and this one is it was originally equipped to accept the pipe jaws and that's the only thing about it it is missing the pipe jaws but that's how it was whenever he had bought it but it's in good shape it's not been abused at all I mean somebody's put a heavy green paint job on it so it looks like it's been just well taken care of the handles are just slightly bent just because that's how these were always made you know just look you know a little weak so these are typically bent right there and the only other abuse that I saw on it is the the mounting holes right here you can see now he thought it was cast at that and I told him no what's happened there somebody has burned the heads off the bolts wherever this was mounted somebody used the torch for whatever reason maybe they couldn't get them off and torch the head off and they cut into the cast just a little bit there you can see it on that one there as well it's not enough to really cause any kind of damage to the base there's just one little nick right there so other than this and the missing pipe jaws this is in really good shape it's in excellent condition so I struck a deal with him I've never bought a Colombian vice until now this is actually my first one so I picked it up I thought the price was fair and he wasn't even intending on selling it he was just using it to get people in so it worked he got me in there I want to go ahead and weigh it I'm going to turn this on and we'll go ahead and give it away just to see what our Colombian weighs all right we got it set to zero and I'm going to lower this down just ever so slightly [Music] yes sir all the weights off of it there okay so where are we at we are at 156 pounds hopefully you can see that 156 pounds for the Columbian 206 so anyway I thought that was pretty fun I didn't expect it it was just yesterday whenever I actually unloaded the starett and I brought it in and waited and this was just just by chance I don't need it but I sure wanted it whenever I saw it I thought the price is right so I picked it up so just another one for my for my personal collection unless somebody else comes along and wants to have it more than I do [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Abom79
Views: 139,787
Rating: 4.932354 out of 5
Keywords: abom79, welding, stick welding, 7018, 7018 rods, 7018 electrodes, smaw, how to weld, d-rings, welded d-rings, arc welding, anchor mounts, floor mounts, hitch points, bolt on d-ring, vise, vises, big vises, large vise, bench vise, swivel vise, starrett, starrett vise, starrett 926, starrett 926 vise, columbia vise, pipe vise, athol vise
Id: FEOajPOq5Mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 10sec (2530 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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