SNS 304 Part 1: Removing Broken Bolts, New Baldor Buffer

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[Music] alright guys we have got a brand new tool for the shop in today got here a little while ago directly from Baldor it was a direct shipment here and what I have purchased is the this is a baldor 8 inch buffer model late as a model 330 to be 1800 RPM it is 110 so you know I didn't want to fuss with three phase but brand-new buffer and the old one that was my dad's that's over here on the pedestal that is ancient we've always used it's got a wire wheel on one side a thing finally is just kind of bit the dust and quit working and I have been lusting after one of these val-d'or buffers for a long time probably five six years ago I saw Tom Lipton a tox tool he's got one just like this I think it's the same one except this is a 3600 rpm and ever since I saw his setup I've been wanting to do the same thing so he runs a wire wheel on one side and a buffing wheel on the other side like like a scotch-brite will and so after my dad's over under quit working on me I didn't want to mess with it anymore I decided it was time to go ahead and invest in a buffer that I've been wanting so I looked up on KBC tools website because they sell Baldor they're distribute there but I could not find this exact one that I wanted they had some other ones listed they've got pedestal grinders and stuff listed but they didn't have this particular model so I contacted Steve over there at KBC and the cool thing about KBC is that they're a distributor and if they don't have something in their catalog or their website they will source it for you so don't don't think just because they don't have it to take that you can't buy it from if there's something that you want you call them up and say hey I'm looking for this particular item from whoever they'll sell to you because they're a distributor they're an industrial distributor so he knew that this is the one I wanted so he had Baldor just direct shipped it to me all right I've got some wire wheels and some new scotch-brite wheels over there I'll show you what I got but I wanted to show you what it looked like as it comes you know they got it saran wrap to a piece of plywood and they got the styrofoam around it to protect it so I'm gonna get it out of this box on the workbench here so that we can take a closer look at it catalog model 332 B three-quarter horsepower one phase and 1800 rpm so that's it that's exactly the one that we want this is the board that they painted on right here let's go ahead and open her up you cannot go wrong with outdoor electric motors they're grinders buffers there's all high quality stuff this is gonna be sweet right here I do plan on I'm probably gonna make a new pedestal for this the one that the my dad going on is probably a little light beauty for this so we might just go ahead and fab up a brand new heavier base pedestal so they'll kind of keep it supported down there so here's our wheel selections for this particular grinder and also got some bushings for the wire brushes here too because I wasn't sure if they came with bushings but I think that they did they look like they got some in there because the wire wheels have a two inch hole and the shaft size on this particular grinder is 3/4 inch all right so we got standard of braces these are the like the convolute style wills it's like scotch-brite material so it's soft these are these are used for if you want to do some deburring or buffing or polishing you know removing machine marks that kind of stuff they're not real aggressive but they shine and polish and that kind of stuff but I have a a fine in a medium right you just I have a you know a couple different ones to try and mess with there so there's the medium and this is define alright and so we've also got some wire brushes I'm gonna try both of them or just you know see how one works and go from there but we have a we also have a fine and medium wire brush as well these are the bushings that I didn't realize that they came with bushings cuz it didn't say that in the catalog but this will be will run one of these wire wheels on one side and I like this style with the buffer you know running the wire brush whenever I was watching Tom you know the way that he does it there you don't have guards and stuff in the way of your material you know it's just out here in the open and it makes it a lot more convenient to do your your buffing with the wheels just open like that okay so you definitely you got to wear your safety glasses in your in your face shield whenever you're using this kind of stuff on a on a buffer like that but that's how I'm gonna plan on running it I got it plugged in we'll give it a dry run I just took all the spacers and the nuts and everything off perfect spins up and Ron's just like you supposed to can hardly hear that thing running yeah that's gonna be nice so again I did I did say I think that this is the 1800 model 1800 rpm they do offer a 3600 RPM model as well but I thought that might be a little too fast for doing wire brushing so I don't know regardless this is going to get the job done so really looking forward to getting this thing mounted up on a proper pedestal get these wheels mounted on here you know that's what we got our bushings for and have this thing ready so I can have a good wire brush to go to when I want to do some cleaning nice thank you so quiet man we go now you got a little bit a little bit more vibration just because that will you know it's a wire wheel it's not going to run perfectly true need to see about getting it tightened up it's probably not pulled up square but anyway I just wanted to kind of show you what what it's going to look like you know once we set it up so I'll get it I'll make sure they're mounted on there the way they need to be and get them tightened up but I get a chance we're gonna build a post or get this thing mounted up we haven't seen a good hey man job in quite a while and I got one in the other day my one of my neighbors actually brought these in these are some handles that go to a pool ladder and he's been doing some work for somebody he's sort of like a handyman painting and stuff like that and apparently wherever he's doing some work these bars belong to that homeowner and that homeowner asked him well since he couldn't do it could he help him get it done so he brought him to me and asked me could I do what you've got is all four ends where they bolt in apparently they were all broken off and you can see that whoever owns this tried to drill them out on both ends tried to drill them out got them off-center didn't have any success and this one over here it gets even better that side right there they got a tap broke off down in there look at that isn't that nice so you know trying to drill stuff out it's failing so that's typical for somebody that really has no experience doing metalwork or drilling and tapping you know that kind of stuff they I've seen this plenty of times and I've showed it in videos where people try to drill a bolt out and they drill it off-center and mess it up even worse and I've always tried to tell people in a polite way yo customers when they come in and they bring stuff like this in I'll just tell them I'm like in the future if you have something no matter what it is and you got a bolt and broke bolt broke off in there just leave it alone and bring it to me and let me fix it because it's gonna be a lot easier for me to do and less time involved than trying to fix your mess up when you've got broken taps and drills down in there in the hole but you know you can't get through to everybody and people don't realize that but that's the that's the fact of the matter people try to do it and they can't do it and they may end up messing it up causing it worse so I'm not real happy about this job right here but I thought I would go ahead and try to help some people out so that's what we're gonna do I'm gonna see if I can get these things out of here and and get these things back out of my shop [Music] [Music] [Music] keep slipping off there try to [Music] [Music] look at that got a log man my dad's blue coin supreme bolt extractor very cool we're gonna try it again on this side here I don't know if I'll get lucky again I'm using the holes that the owner put in there and this one looks like it may be touching the thread so I don't know if this is going to work or not but the heat definitely helped the other one by expanding and allow it to break loose so though that that grippy hole is [Music] looks like they had locked I did birds like that of Loctite I don't know security I'm trying to keep it nice and hot with his Loctite burn it all out of there and help everything kind of quickly so if we can give it a shot with our tool real quick go see that look at that work I hate that keep dropping the wrench down through there look at that very nice broken or a bolt extractor kit here I can see the problem whoever installed it used carbon steel bolts for this it really should have been stainless steel since it's something that's used that outside I'm going to set this one down I'll just chase the other one later I'll go ahead and see if we can work on the other handle this one we might get lucky with like the other two there is a hold down through it but it's just right there on the threads so maybe the heat is really helping maybe there's Loctite in there that's that I'm breaking loose sorry all right that's what's probably not gonna do it it's just twisting not gonna do it not on this one that one's locked in there tight or I'm trying to twist on the threads that could be the other issue there we might try the welding trick on this and go ahead and get a washer get it welded to the what's sticking up there see if we can get a good hold on it maybe well the bolts or a nut to it see if we can get it out that way I try a little bit of heat let me see if it tries to move at all looks like it is trying to move I think that's maybe my well man that's my will [Music] that's why I try to tell folks that say oh you just need a welder and it'll come out of there it doesn't it it doesn't work every time I mean it works sometimes sometimes it doesn't and sometimes you might do a better job than you did before but I usually try to get him out without welding first so I don't make a big mess of it with all the will I'm gonna give it another shot and we'll weld it again got to build it up a little bit and fill in that hole see if we can get a better weld on now that ball one no other day [Music] [Music] [Music] all right well I've had no luck with that other end I've flipped it around this is the side that's got the broke tap in there done a little bit of heating but I am gonna attempt to wash them out with the torch I've got a number of zero tip in here and I'm gonna see if I can work that tap since it's got a slot on each side there or a groove you know grounding it into where there's four flutes and I'm gonna see if I can wash it out I might try that with the bolt as well let's see what we can do I'm hoping that'll burn a hole in the tube there [Applause] [Applause] I'm through it [Applause] I'm just trying to wash all the boats out there as well see it getting hot can stay on long I'm gonna stop with that side and let it cool down I think I've got most of it washed out of there but it's so hot I just I'm gonna end up burning the tube up to the Venetian [Music] over screw moving there [Music] [Music] out of there [Music] I [Music] oh I think we got it that time wow what a nightmare that one was Jesus look at that this is the tap side I've flipped it back around since it was cooled off and I've been blowing most of that steel out of the threads he's spitting up he's hitting it a little bit and coming out and I can see the threads in there and I'm doing pretty good watching the metal out but this I have to be careful that I don't overheat the tube underneath it so little by little I'm blowing that to what's left of the thread out of the what's looking to both out of the frizz and I think I've pretty well got it right there I think I can probably run a tap through there I'll let everything cool down this is the one that we used the torch on and blew the bolt out and it's looking like it's gonna work out pretty good there yes I'm going to go ahead and run the taps run the tap in the holes now to clean them out yeah it's going right in there there we go we hit a little bit got it nothing to it alright I'm gonna do that on all four ends because this is the first one I've run a tap in and be good you're good to God get some air and blow that out clean it out some I will advise the owner of these things to buy some stainless steel bolts some corrosion resistance bolts and use some anti-seize in there alright just about now I'm gonna do the same thing on the other two and clean them up and this would be finished up and I can breathe a sigh of relief now that I got these bars finished up I was really really worried that they were gonna be just a pain in the butt and just give me a lot of problem and spent a bunch of time on getting them out but I was very lucky that they all came out you know we had the two stubborn ones but we prevailed and got them done and I was also fortunate that the owner had already put a hole you know down through the center of the bolts there which kind of worked out into my favor it was really just less work on my part and luckily they weren't drilled way off center and cutting into the threads there so far as the discoloration all he's got to do is just get him some scotch brite and rub that with some scotch brite and he'll take the color around on off there ain't nothing to it that's just part of the and they pull you down a little close and we'll take a look at our screws and talk about our our screw extractor set I got alright so here's our two that we were able to remove with the screws screw extractor that's a hard one to say sometimes alright and then you've seen in the video where it took a lot of heat to get these things to move and that's that's often times the case is you need to get some heat on your parts and get everything to grow and help break apart sometimes there's locked tight in there that you don't realize I got a feeling this might have been locked I did because the way it was burning out of there which is very common so the heat definitely made these come loose using the the extractor right there and there's a better look at the one that we got welded that I finally worked this was the third try so it was the hat-trick I spent more time building up the center of the bolt and actually filling it in before I started weld in the washer and the nut these are the first two that I did right there and you can see where I you know I I was fused to this side of the bolt right there but it just wasn't quite enough or the threads were locked in they're so tight that this won't get it and that's what I try to tell folks sometimes that say all you got to do is is weld a note on it it was true right out of there well it doesn't always work you got to work at it to get it to work for you into your advantage you can see right there where it broke the bolt right on out of there and so combination of more weld on it and heat and you work that thing back and forth but you can clearly see that the threads were galled and that's the point that I'm trying to make is that it's not always the fact that the you can just weld something on it sometimes there's other things that's hindering the threads from removing from that hole sometimes you just got to drill it all out of there because it's so screwed up that you never get it to to turn no matter how good you weld it so there's our broken bolts that we got out right there I was going to show this now this is a very old classic set that was the blue point brand you know one of us snap-on's brand right there - this was my granddad's this is a cast aluminum or I've been assuming that it's a cast aluminum set right there and you can still buy these and now they're rigid brand okay so here's a look at the set but what I love about this set though is just the the metal case they're they've got all the information just molded right in there to the lid there so it talks about the extractor sighs the drill bit that's you used for each one and then these are drill guides right here so if you've got a bolt that's broken off down inside of a hole you can take these different drill guides right here and stick them in the hole and then you run down the center of that with your drill bit and it helps get you drilled in the center of your bolt that there and of course these are the nuts that you use to once you've drill the hole through the exclu the bolt you drive these down in there and then you slide the nut down over it and use a wrench and these these are more efficient than the standard easy-out because they don't have it they're not tapered so they're not pushing out on the side of the the screw they're causing it to bind up even tighter and I was going to point out so the number one in here has been missing for a very long time all right let's go ahead and put our we're gonna put our number four back in here and put our nut in there so I was wanting to find the replacement for the number one and as I said rigid is the manufacturer the supplier of this kit now and I was able to find this actually in the KBC tool catalog I was looking through there and they have these kits at KBC tools and they sell the individual parts so this is the number one extractor and you can see it comes with the spline shaft and the the nut there so let's go ahead and take this out there we go okay good deal so now I've got the number one back in the case here and we'll move the nuts down I'll put the new one in there actually this might be the original nut right here yep that's the original nut okay it's anyway if you're looking for the replacements KB C's got them there and they'll sell you individual pieces and the drill bushings the extractors you know what have you so anyway there you go hope you enjoyed that project and just showing you some of the tools that it takes sometimes to get something done you know have you good tap runs different taps to clean it out you know drill bits and then either a drill press a mill or a hand drill to get the hole down through there [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Abom79
Views: 220,616
Rating: 4.9327626 out of 5
Keywords: abom79, broken bolt, broken bolt removal, stainless, ladder bars, torch, rigid, rigid screw extractor set, screw extractor, bolt extractor, baldor, baldor buffer, baldor 10, buffer, kbctools, kbc, wire wheel, scotchbright wheel, standard abrasive
Id: TkU_79e4Eho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 51sec (2151 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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