SNS 149: Turning a 12" Shaft, Heavy Cutting & Feed Rates

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9:15 is where the machining starts.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/snammel 📅︎︎ Aug 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

Cool, anyone know how this would be used/be a part for?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ttaylo28 📅︎︎ Aug 13 2019 🗫︎ replies
I [Music] hey everybody welcome back to the shop and my name is Adam and this is going to be the final SNS of the year no it's not the final lesson s this is just the last one of the year so here we all new year's and we're getting ready to start 2017 and I would like to just extend my thanks to everybody out there that has been supporting me all of my viewers everybody that subscribes to my channel gives me a thumbs up leave me comments you know joins in the conversation and likes to be a part of what we do around here in the shop and what I do on my channel thank you guys everybody you know everybody out there to supporting me we've got our patrons out there thank you guys all of the other YouTube contributors that I've become friends with and get to collaborate with and also I want to thank all my sponsors out there most especially as technology it's been great working with you guys Shawn Gordon over there edge technology and I'm and I'm enjoying the relationship that we're building with you guys and I look forward to continue to work with you in the future into next year so if I didn't mention you guys it's not that uh it's not that I don't care at all it's just I have so many people that I would like to thank and I can't think of everybody ziti fab I just remembered your acts over there on the wall Paul over there ziti fab thank you for your support and everybody that has sent in something here for me this year you know it's like we just we just passed Christmas and you know it's almost like it is Christmas all year long around here and I'm not saying that to try to boast or brag or anything like that it's it's you guys that are wanting to do this I don't I don't ask for anything it's just people that watch the show they get involved and they like to be a part of this shop and they decide that they like to send something and I just can't thank you guys enough for the support that you get than the the tools that you donate for the cause around here man it's just awesome it's been a really great year we've had a big year of growth on the channel never expected to hit 100,000 subscribers whenever I started doing YouTube and here we are have surpassed a hundred thousand I think we're approaching a hundred and eight thousand subscribers now somewhere in that somewhere in that range and I really look forward to seeing how far this goes you know how far we continue with this I really have no idea in my mind how long this is going to last I really don't we're just going to continue as long as we can while we're having fun at it and hopefully continue to bring projects you know to show on the channel keep doing the projects and the Machine work and and associating with everybody that's watching the videos here so yeah I just really wanted to thank everybody you know just everybody that's been involved with this channel thank you very much for the support and I'm continuing to look forward to what we what we do in the future here on the channel so I hope everybody has a great New Year's and maybe get today or two off to hang out and relax around the house or maybe you like to go out and watch watch the ball drop I'm going to be kind of laying low this year I'm not going to repeat I'll do it too much I don't think and hopefully I'll I'm going to enjoy this weekend myself so into into next year I will say that I've still got a few projects over here on the table that some machining project for the channel that I need to get started on two of them are are a viewer based projects that I had picked out that I've had for a little while I just haven't been to get started on it and I've also got my smoker project that I'd still like to do that's still sitting outside I haven't done anything with that yet because I wanted to just kind of get a game plan together and start working on it and get going I'm also probably going to include my brother in on that bill Kevin I asked him if he wanted to help me with that he said yeah he'd like to help and Kevin's a good welder and he's he's getting really good with the metal fabrication end of the metal working you know welding and fab so he's going to jump in and help me with that project whenever we get started I'd like to try to plan on having that completed by spring early summer at the latest you know something like that so that's one that's going to be coming and you never know what's going to walk in the door we might find something that we really want to jump on and get started but I look forward to bringing many more projects to you to the channel right here so as far as this video goes I'm going to show you more of that shaft that we showed in the last episode that 12-inch gear box shaft and this time we're going to get to some heavy turning and that's one of my favorite things to capture and show on the channel right here and I think it's a pretty popular thing to watch on the on the channel as far as my viewers goes to so I try to whenever I get to opportunity to make those heavy cuts like that I take a little bit longer shot sometimes and I try to get a few different angles and it's something that I did I just really enjoy I try to get a few different angles there and bring it to video and it's I think it's fun watching it so we're going to have some heavy cutting this times more toes more those half inch metal removals and fast feed rates and chip making so get geared up and get you a drink and sit back and relax and and I hope hopefully you'll enjoy and I don't have any other thing to show this this week on this S&S but I will say that I've got another small project that I just completed it's a it's a project that I collaborated with with John Saunders NYC CNC and that is going to be following this episode of S&S so we're going to be doing some work on the taper attachment on the monarch so be sure to check that out all right well that's going to be about it but I do want to give you an update from something that we talked about last week and that is the carport issue so I told you last week that I was expecting to have the carport and I did not get any phone calls and they did not show up and this week there I called to try to talk to somebody and evidently they they are closed for a couple weeks during the holiday so they won't be back in business and operate again until next week after New Year's so I'm hoping that I get a phone call from the next week without but I will be trying to get in touch with them again to try to get an answer on when they might be here and I still am upset about that but I'm at to the point where I've already been waiting nine weeks for something they said six to eight weeks it's been nine weeks that's what was getting me upset is the fact that I there's no communication there what I'm ranting about is customer service okay if it's going to be awhile to get something I understand but talk to your customers keep in touch with your customers don't just leave them hanging out there to dry to get upset you know call them and say hey we're running behind it's going to be two more weeks before we can get you if there's a problem if the weather cuts has holds us back we'll give you another call that you know so that's that's something that this company doesn't do apparently they don't do but I'm going to wait it out and hopefully get my carport and I checked around town all the guys here in town rep the same company so there's no point going somewhere else I had a I had a couple of guys say why don't you just build one out there want to just do it yourself I'm not looking to build one myself I don't have the time for it and I don't want a permanent structure there I have other plans to do back here in the in the yard and on this area here and that is going to be a temporary carport it's not going to stay there forever so that's why I'm going with one of these inexpensive car ports so I've wanted to kind of mention that I don't want to go to somebody else because there's there's no need I talked to one of the guy and he he's got another company he uses that he highly recommends but he says they are 10 to 12 weeks out so I don't want to keep waiting around so I'm going to just try to be patient and wait for them to contact me and hopefully open a week or two I have my car here and I'll let you guys know when it comes so alright that's enough with the the rant for this week so I hope you guys have a very Happy New Year and enjoy S&S and we'll see you next week all right we got the shaft flipped around so we'll go ahead and get this indicated in not too bad we got about 50 all right about 10 11 12 yeah what's up man yeah yeah we'll just make it all out of some cast iron mm-hmm all right come on now this is about to Tao there we go and about a half thousands there we're going to give our first heavy cut a try this is this is a half inch on the dial or quarter inch per side you can see right there at the tool it's fed in a quarter inch on that side there and we still got it at 20,000 feed rate but we may play with it and bump it up some see what she does we shot bumping it up now this is 25 removing some metal there [Music] so I managed to get the first end of this thing roughed in that's all these journals are within 50 to 60 thousandths of being a Finnish diameter it's time to flip it around and get this in broken but as as per usual I have another rush job that that just came to me it's another it's a large-diameter gear with the with the shaft on it that I've got to do a little bit of repair work on it's something that just got approved for hot delivery so this is the the only lay that will swing in so luckily I got to the point where this is rough and I can go ahead and take it out next time I bring it back down and put it in and we that's just another aspect of the life here in the shop you know sometimes I'm on this stuff and I have to pull off of this and work on another job and get I don't I don't typically get the start on these kind of jobs here and work all the way through it and get it done there's a lot of other stuff that I had to do I already did five of the gearbox out this morning maybe two hours on this total not even that so anyway I'm gonna fly this out of here and get on another job and next time you see it be a different day so I just flipped the shaft around and we're going to go ahead and get her indicated always like a little bit of forge all practice right man I need to be off quite a bit good eights of an answer me check my Center all right my Center is tight that one's already loose snug too high a little all right we're getting close now bring it back to the top there it looks like one maybe one and a half within 1,000 right there all right we're good to go let's go ahead and check where the steady rest was running and also we'll check down here on the outer end where I had originally indicated just to see what kind of run out we might be getting so this was where this was where the steady rest was nice okay I'd say that's within 1,000 all right let's go down there and check down there all right you'll see that think so we've got us a low spot in there all right one two three just under about three thousand really okay ain't too bad so we're getting ready to turn this whole area right here already to start turning thought I'd show you everything set up we got our got our very nice writing a bull note Center up in there I've already got my my cut established where we're going to stop put a little blue mark right there and set up set dial indicator and that and this gives me plenty to face off here and the measurement that we use is between the bearing journals which will be here and here that spacer I go off the old shaft and I'm my kit and once I set my stop there I usually give myself you know good 16 to 8 to finance there to go in there clean up once we get some cuts established so we can measure it that's a that's a critical measurement on these and we got the steady rest set I thought I'd turn it on let you see he's run a little bit [Music] and they do a pretty good job of running nice and parallel against your shaft they do they still do pretty good it was the upper one there American did a good job on them steady arrests when they built in and are nice and heavy duty all right so one other thing that I'm going to do is I have the guard that I put right here to now I don't talk about it a lot I've been I mention it before but we have a little gasket shop here where we can cut gaskets so what I do is I use some of that gasket material in this case that some of this der laan 8500 and that's for a 12 inch four cylinder tube really but what I do is I make these little guards up and I slide them over and put them up against the steady rest there and I just use a magnet sometimes I'll use two magnets right there to kind of hold them and then when this thing when the tool is turning its it tries to swing chips and keeps them from going down in those rollers I'm about to do that and I start turning so that was 26 and a half thousand speed rate I went one notch up on the tumbler we're going to try 28 and a half now feed rate see what it does I'm not doing cooling right now because it's easier to see it and not getting all over the camera I went two more notches up on the tumbler we're now at a 31,000 speed rate now I can tell you right now this is probably the fastest I've ever fed a tool so let's see how she does looks like she's doing okay the tool itself likes it pretty good load on the machine I tell you that I was just checking out the cut here man I think that's pretty cool 31,000 feet it's got that set that nice rigid feel across to like serrations or laminations I mean I think the machine handle it just fine we're going to make one more 1/2 fence cut just like I made here we've got about 700 thousands to bring it down to our finished size so I'll take another 1/2 inch cut I'm going to go ahead and use mine my Nova cool this time the shaft itself is it's still cool to the touch you know you got something as big as it is it's going to take a little while to get that heat built up into it so luckily most of the heat went off down in the chip pan with the chips and I can actually feel it I can feel it coming off you're getting the pool down there let's go ahead and we'll get another rough cut going and this will be our probably our final big heavy cut on this yeah [Music] bringing their own down our last rough cut and I switched it out to a CNN G 432 in sir that way I can get a lot better chip formation the big roughing in turf so that's a 140 on the dial [Music] twenty-five thousand feed right [Music] you once we make this bad [Music] then it's a matter of getting in here and finishing [Music] this'll be cool that's the tool that we were using [Music] now when right they're made for some moving some model if I were to try to use this on that light cut right there what does this man it would have been curling them and popping them all over like long longer stringy girl always try to get a nice tip control and pull all the knives tight ship like that there [Music] that [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Abom79
Views: 186,844
Rating: 4.9621329 out of 5
Keywords: abom79, heavy machining, heavy metal machining, heavy lathe work, large lathe work, heavy turning, large turning, large lathe, large shaft, turning a shaft, 4140 shaft, lathe, engine lathe, manual lathe, lathe work, shaft work, american pacemaker, american pacemaker lathe, 20, 4140, manual machining, machinist, machine shop, gearbox, gearbox shaft, repair shop, metal fabrication, abom79 machining, micrometer, iscar, starrett, carport
Id: KBn18W1908c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 33sec (1893 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2016
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