SNS 283: Busted Vise Repair, 69 Valiant Update, Texas Picks

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[Music] all right we got a little vice job that we're gonna work on today this is something that belongs to one of my local viewers named Dennis and he actually I believe he said he got this out of the scrap pile from where he works there it was being thrown away and he had some issues you know you can see underneath the bottom of the fixed jaw here it's busted out and it had some of this area right here where he's actually welded this up this was all busted out so he welded this up with some nickel rod there and then on this job here you can see that it's busted out underneath the the dynamic jaw and we've got a broken bolt in there so really all he asked me if I could help him do is to remove this broken bolt here and then on the fixed jaw drill and tap this side there where he had actually welded it up and that's all he wanted me to do he's gonna whatever he's going to do he's gonna do it himself as far as cleaning it up and putting it back together and he's just gonna make use of this of this vise you know so it's still still usable I just got to get it to where the the jaws you can put these original jaws back on there and bolt them back in place all right I think what what I want to do we I've shown plenty of times being able to get these broken bolts out of here using like a left hand drill bit but I think what I'd like to do this time is go ahead and use the TIG weld technique so we'll go over there and we'll clean this up with a wire brush and we'll probably just go ahead and do a little bit of TIG welding on here TIG weld a nut to it maybe apply some heat to the the jaw that helped try to loosen it up and see if we can get it to back out that way and get it to unscrew all right and then that's all we got to do there so hopefully that'll just come out with without any kind of really complications there and then this guy even though he's done some welding on there we still got a little bit of cavity right in here where the hole is going to be so I think what I'm gonna do is go ahead and flow some more nickel rod in there with my TIG welder and just go ahead and blend that in and fill that little valley and a little bit more and then we'll just dress it down with the with the grinder right there and then we'll set it up and we'll set it up in the mill and drill in tap are our new hole in there for the jaw to go back on all right outside for good there we're going to come back to this it looks better than it did maybe that filled that cavity up pretty good I think worthless we were right there by the way I was using the this is a nickel rod nickel 99 just a electrode with the flux busted off of it and then sand it down smooth and I am using my new Michael Fuhrer number 8 cup there I don't think that my other camera captured the welding footage like I tried to get which is kind of odd I don't know it won't playback and it gave me an error so anyway I'm trying to get another shot here with my phone just to kind of get a little closer up up the of the nickel welding here I'm happy with the way that it flowed in and we'll dress that down with the with the flap disc there and hopefully that's gonna fill in that void that was there originally for our drilling in Tappin so I'm actually using the the Furyk cup for the first time there that's the that's the number eight that I just installed and I've got several of them the number twelve and a couple of the other ones there I've been kind of playing around with them and excited to have some some proper cups too to do our TIG welding with after I've welded it the first time I noticed there was a little bit of low area right there so I just just filled it in some more nickels flowing real good we're gonna work on our broken vault here what I'll start with is a washer we'll weld that on and then we'll stick this nut on there and I'll weld that on and maybe that will work there let me go ahead and see if I can get a little heat in it put a little dab right the middle of the of the broken bolt just to kind of start with that didn't go over too well it will very good at all there you go I have to regrind that let me see what's going on here that's just my look when I go to try to well something I think its corrosion I think it's you know in the threads it's really kind of getting to it grond all off there I'm not gonna worry about grinding this tungsten yeah some clean metal in there to flow some heat will get down in those threads and loosen it up some not pretty visit my prettiest work this is actually where a MIG gun works get really good shoot that MIG wire down in there and it flows it really well I'm just trying to use the TIG welder today not in a hurry drop the wire let's try that and see if it'll come out of there nope you can get enough weld on it before we get too far let's see if this aw idiots if it'll even move we just might get lucky here it's acting like it wants to come out of there so typically whenever you when you come across these like this and you're trying to work it out it'll be tight if you'll just keep working it forward and backwards just going back and forth with it a lot of times it'll loosen itself up all right well I think it worked guys have to worry about welding another nut to it there it is all right getting our setup figured out so I'd show you what we're gonna do we'll go to the do all mill and we'll set this angle plate in there get it clamped in and we should be able to bolt it in there just like that you can see the two holes so that's just working out in my favor and we'll go ahead and we'll use an end mill to go ahead and cut this down and kind of hopefully we can get this indicated nice and true to where it's just even with it knock that off drill and tap it and then that'll be it [Music] we've got the vice body mounted to the angle plate now and I want to make sure that this face here is indicated nice and square to the axis of the table so this is a great use for the steric 196 back horns indicator just using the snug and the the other rod and we're going to use that it's got a nice wide button indicator tip on it because the surface of this is pitted real bad so using a test indicator you'd be jumping all over the place so this nice the button there just kind of spans all those little holes and valleys in there you can see we're high on this side all I did was just kind of pull it up in there so let's see I don't have it real tight just keep working it until we get it to zero god it's pretty close right there within a couple of thousands really we'll go back to this side and tap it again looks like I got it right there so we just need to tighten those those up and then I'll check it and make sure it didn't move and then we'll go on to our machining there [Music] [Music] we're going to use this three fluted carbide insert in milk uses a triangular TPG insert so let's see how that works we ready we already touched off and I fed it up 30,000 so see how it does [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] alright that's just touching the original machine face there I've already touched off on this this back shoulder right there we're good there [Applause] alright that was our cleanup cut that you saw it looks good we're we touched all the way across there there's more pitting there than on this side but I think we're gonna be good right there the nickel cleaned up good so we'll just get lined up on this hole and I believe I got a double check I measured the the jaw should be eighty millimeter Center to center there and then we'll get lined up there off set it and do our drilling and tapping and these are tapped eight millimeter by 1.25 I've got my Center right there that's a piece of high speed that's ground to a center point and I'm gonna use that to find the center of this hole right there so usually what I do on something that's not really critical like this just come down and grab the edge like that and I'm applying a little bit of down pressure to the quill and I'm moving the table and just watching it drop all the way until it just touches the other side of the hole right there so once it touches the other side I know that I'm there and then I'll just come up and I visually watch it and make sure that when I come down and hit the hole that it's not pulling to one side or the other and that looks real nice right there that looks real good and then I do the same thing coming the other way so I'll bring the table to me and then hook that back edge bring it down to where it just just touches the front side of the center there and then just keep looking at it and tapping it and making sure that you cannot pull them one side of the other and that'll be good right there you've got it I measured the jaw right there and you've got quite a bit of play with the bolts that's gonna go through these through holes right there so we should be in the center of that a matter of fact what I'll do is take the center out and we're going to use our tap drill I'll have it in there in the center okay let's just run it down in there so when I go both ways it drops right down in there and it's not hitting the threads anywhere so we should be within 2 3 thousandths I would say being in the very center of that hole so I'm going to go ahead and zero the Dro and then we'll step her over eighty millimeters just want to stick it in here and just visually verify it that one's lined up and it looks like we're lined up on our little divot there for our Center so should be good want to use the center there to make sure that we get a good straight hole I expect there to be some voids down inside the weld we'll see I did change my drill bit out just in case I get it into the hard stuff I didn't want to mess up my good split point drill because I can read rhyme these Jabra drills very easy these 1764 s-- is our tap tap drill size never worn an inch deep we just went down into a cavity there I wanted to go it in see here I'm just watching the lead out of top I think that's going to be deep enough that was just under an end all right we got our spring-loaded Center in there put a little bit of anchor Lube there on the top to help lubricate it through this and then we're gonna hand tap it alright that's feeling like about at the bottom so I'm gonna stop there and come on back out we are just about done all right my threads look good in there and that nickel just got to do a little cleaning up all right I think we're fixed up and ready to go so I've got got some brand new socket head bolts here let's go ahead and bolt our jaws on and get this thing finished up make sure everything fits anyway little tight little squeaky that's what it is it's the countersink I'm gonna talk closer though I didn't check that before I put them in there Wow okay didn't even didn't even think to check that so I guess I'm gonna have to go over there and turn the heads of these bolts down just a little bit so it'll clear these uh clear these jaws so let's go take care of that we're gonna use this 5c collet Chuck right here we're using a 5/16 collet but it'll hold these bolts there they're basically the same diameter as a 5/16 even though they're eight millimeter I've got it set so that you can snug up on it like that [Applause] [Applause] let's take another of we'll just do all four of them right in a row here [Applause] just double-check that we got it down to where we want it it was right at metal-to-metal yeah we got clearance there so shouldn't be an issue there I've had a few guys ask me about this collet Chuck in case you're wondering this is made by Kalamazoo [Applause] I believe I just saw it in the KBC sales the the tool sale catalog okay there's this other jaw so it should work this time hopefully we got it the manufacturer must have used some different diameter heads on those cap screws whenever they built this thing open these are gonna be not too long let's see I got them just a little longer than what the one I had in my pocket as a sample yep it's good here we have it alright well this one is done I'm not gonna do any more cleanup or anything on it that's that's Dennis's job on this one this would be a great job for if you had like a tank for a tank with a vApp or us to just drop this thing in there and soak it you know get all up inside there and clean it up real good but just something that he wanted to save from the scrap pile that was being thrown away because it was broken you know in an industrial environment stuff like this that's what they do you throw it away and you buy another one so he wanted to pull it out of there and try to fix it and take it home and use it on his own workbench at the house we were happy to get this done and and I'll be happy to get it back to him so there we go hope you guys enjoyed and we'll see you on the next video okay Rover here at Alex's place you guys might remember him yes alex is the gas tap on YouTube but we stopped by to visit him for for the evening and you guys might remember a project that I helped him with he's been building the 69 Plymouth Valiant is a 69 right correct yeah so 69 Plymouth Valiant and I helped him do the we narrowed the rear end for this car so he's been he's been making a lot of good progress on this and he's got a lot of good videos on his channel so be sure to check that out and he's got a lot of future videos coming out on the project that he's going to be doing got a he's got a lot of cool stuff coming yeah good surprise Kelvin yeah good surprises coming but anyway I wanted to give you guys a little quick update on what he's been doing so he's got the rear end installed in the car so let me see if I can give you a shot here we'll get down here and and look underneath the car so he's got everything mounted up now rear end is fitted in there nicely and I believe everything fits just like just like he wanted he's got new spring he did some modifications to the was it the frame of the body you had that you had to move the spring relocate yeah yeah so he had the mood he had to move the Springs in a little bit so that he could fit the 275 tires on there this brake conversion he's got the disc brake conversion kits on there trying to get you in there let me go see if I can get you in a little bit further all right there you go so he's got the disc brakes on it and man it's looking real nice everything painted up nice got a new drive shaft just got the drive shaft installed looks like you still got to put some shocks on it not quite done with that yeah he's got a new fuel think it's gonna be going in there so anyway that is uh coming along real nice those knit oh yeah tires okay drag radio same things on the grid so these are the these are the new rims and tires I really love the way those look at the black rims and he's going to be he's gonna be getting some caps for it and something kind of similar to this right here maybe but uh yeah simular a chrysler so it'll it'll kind of have that look to it whenever he gets him ordered I remember you showed him on a video didn't you or maybe you sent me a picture of them yeah I sent you a picture they say that little division order okay plymouth division caps yeah so that's I think that's a such a sweet look right there of course you got the more narrow wheels on the front front end there yeah it's been converted to mid-70s disc brakes so got a 73 to 76 a body disc brake okay you know so there's the there's there's the engine so this is a magnum 360 this is out of a truck correct yeah it's out of a Dodge Ram there's still a lot to do to it he's continuing to work on it he hasn't done anything with the interior yet he's still got he hasn't really decided what he's going to do with the interior as far as you know the bent seat or maybe he's gonna put some other seats in there I'm sure he's got lots to do as far as his controls and gauges that's the new fuel tank he's gonna be putting in it right there but this is a cool car man really is really it's pretty cool looking forward to hearing it run and seeing on the street so your plan is to leave the original paint like it is right yeah for quite a while eventually I will go back through it and paint it but what I do that I want to strip it completely down right okay it'll be it'll be a little ways down the road because I really want the cars been in the garage for about four years and I really wanted to do some driving yeah play it with the car before I paint it all right yeah let's take a look at the other side too he's got a little bit of rust down here and the lower lower quarter and he was showing me this last night so he's looking into the trunk he's already replaced this right is that for the spare tire yeah that goes yeah that was all rusted out and this plate holds the fuel taken from underneath these straps so that was all rotted out so that had to be replaced to hold the new fuel take in okay yeah got a little bit of rust right there so he's got some more he's got a little bit more to do there and found these holes recently so that brought it through gotta fix that right there got some right there and on this corner you got a little bit of rot got in there and also right about up in there so there's some metal work that still got to be done around those areas of the trunk he said the man that owned this car had it just kind of sitting for 20 years before he had purchased it right yeah it was sitting he he parked the car in 1990 yeah he had a guy that wanted the slant-6 motor out of the car so he sold this last six and then the car sat well I bought it in 2011 Wow no 2015 yeah and then he had believe he said a tree limb tree limb had hit the windshield and broke yet too but he's actually got a new windshield for it he purchased already's got it inside put away so there we go if you want to see more on the work that alex has done on this he's got project videos of doing all the front end you know the brakes installing the engine installing the rear end all the modifications he's done check out his channel the gassed out and he's gonna have more videos of all that all the future updates and projects that he's got in store for this so what do you think maybe another year's worth before this is gonna be on the road driving we're shooting for this December 31st but this this year this is December 31st what we're shooting for oh really I thought you I thought you someone next year ok so maybe we want to start driving it this year oh good alright so that won't be too long maybe another couple months and we're gonna have this one on the road variable schedule all right well anyway I want to show you guys what the you know what the rear end kind of looked like installed in the car so very cool this is the new product that was just unveiled by evaporation up Radek called safer race and it's for removing paint paint and varnish and I haven't used it yet because they actually unveiled this at the good of land festival to the entire public there so I was able to grab a quart container of it and I'm gonna give it a test I pulled one of my vices off the shelf this is that Hartmann and I'm just going to do a little test on it to see how it reacts to this paint that's on there now so just want to try it out but hopefully this is going to be a good product to use for restorations where you're having to remove a lot of paint paint coatings off of the metal and it just may help versus having to traditionally a lot of people have to use wire brushes and things like that so let's try this stuff out I'm going to put a little bit in this Cup here and we're just going to do a test a day just to see how it does so I'll just brush a little bit on here they've got it nice and tacky so that you can apply it to vertical surfaces as well and it's supposed to take about an hour and they did say it depends on the the type of coating and how many layers are or you may have to do it more than once let's just do well we'll use up what we got right here I'm going to leave half of it put it over here too so it is 10:00 to 11:00 and we'll give it an hour and see see what it looks like if it just rubs off there and takes the paint with it so okay it's been about an hour and fifteen minutes since we brushed the safer race on so this is what it's looking like it looks like it's you know making the coating the paint coating kind of bubble up and and peel off there so let's just see first time doing this I don't know what to what to expect of it so it's definitely breaking up that surface looks like there's a couple different layers of paint on here the orange I'm assuming maybe the primer coat and then maybe their original color was green on this thing and then somebody's painted it blue probably use some wire brushes hand brushes and just kind of scrub it and it'll probably knock a lot of that stuff off especially in those letters there but it seems like the safer race is actually doing its job though and working and taking that coating off may have to put another light coating on there to get it this green paint off there it might have just just to work down into the top coat there let's see this does anything well I think it's working it's just gonna it's gonna take a lot more work to actually get everything out of there I think maybe going outside with the with a hand brush and just brushing it like that it should not call that paint off there but the original coat I don't think it cut all the way down I think it just started to because you I think it just started getting down in there so may need a second coat I love I'll put another coat on this like we did here and wait another hour and see if it helps break down this this original coat of green paint I'm curious to see if it's going to get it all the way down like to the bare metal I went grabbed one of my wire brushes that's helping definitely just a dirty job all righty we'll come back in an hour and see if we can finish it off so this is the after a little over an hour of the second coat on the green paint you can see that it's taking it off they're making a big mess of it I tell you that yes it's gonna take some trial and error usage of this stuff to figure out the best way to actually use it and then get everything off just about get it although the brush is just kind of smearing the paint around so this may not have been a good example to show you but I know there's gonna be good applications that this can be used on if you've got a big machine especially lots of big flat surface surfaces where you can brush this stuff on and then take a paint scraper you know and just peel it all off there anyway so that's our first little test with the safer race we'll have to keep experimenting with it and see how it does on some other machines and some other uses and figuring out the best way to actually get everything off there because I'm still seeing some of the green on there but definitely taking a lot of that paint off anyway well we're back from the good of land fest on our little trip through Texas and I wanted to show you some of the tools that I purchased we visited me and Andrew and happy we went to Andrew took us to a place called long machine tool and there I actually purchased a few tools that you see right here and then I've got a couple that some people give me whenever I was at the at the good of land fest so wanted to kind of go over what we picked up and I'll show you what was given to me we'll start with this tap wrench right here so this one's unique this is one that I don't have so a viewer of mine is named Davies from England sent this over with a No viewer that actually traveled over here to the festival I'm sorry I can't remember what his name was but a real nice guy hung out the whole weekend we got to talk to him quite a bit but anyway they sent this along with him and wanted me to have it for the collection here in the shop so this one's unique in that it's Lal is the brand name it stamped up there Lal and so that was made by elite Liam Lehmann Archer and Lane I'm sorry Lehmann Archer and Lane and they've been closed up for quite some time I believe but it is stamped made in England number four and it goes from 3/4 to inch and a half taps and it's in good shape nothing wrong with it at all so thank you very much for that Dave pretty cool that it travel all the way across the ocean to come to the shop right here so another gift that was given to me was by Scott you guys might know him from essential craftsmen and he gifted me this hammer right here that he wanted me to have this is actually made by Brent Bailey and you can find him on Instagram Brent Bailey I'm trying to remember what his handle is Brent Bailey for words I believe but anyway Scott wanted me to have this hammer right here and it's been pressed in there with his touch mark there the essential craftsman and it's just a beautifully made hammer and it feels great so I'm very lucky to have this thank you very much Scott very nice gift to have we also had another one of my viewers at the festival I believe he picked us up from Andrew Alexander's tool tool cell there it's a piece of one-inch I believe it's Rex 95 so nice one-inch tool bits already got a good radius on there something that we can definitely use in a lathe or the shaper we also had another viewer when I was there bring all this stuff to me and what it is is it's an assortment of carbide inserts and there's more of them in this bag right here as well some carbide inserts and some kind of just miscellaneous type of hardware that you'd find around the shop a couple of things in this bag that I wanted to take note of are these snugs right here these different clamps so these are some bigger heavy-duty that come off some kind of big indicator holder not sure what they would have been removed from but we've got two of them in here and these might make some nice additions later there is a there's an indicator stand that I saw someone on Instagram billed I believe it was gorilla fab and I want to copy his design and kind of make the same indicator stand and I don't know if I can use these for that or maybe just some other project but these would be nice to have right here nice rigid indicator stands maybe something that could be used on the shaper for offsetting the table so anyway if you were the one to give me all these carbide inserts I really appreciate that that was nice alright so these these big tool holders right here I actually bought these from Andrew when I was at his shop but he had picked these up from long machine tool these are some of the shaper and planer holders and I try to pick these up anytime I can because they they're getting hard to find this is the size the number 41 that I cleaned up and give to Lance on his for his G&E shaper there so I bought those from Andrew and we were at long machine tool I purchased these other tools right here so we've got six large tool bits that I found in a box buried over by the wall so I don't know what grade high-speed tools these are but these would have been used in a lathe or on a planer or a safer some big tools right there this is probably one that was used in a planer or a shaper yeah I asked him what he had to have for him and he said ten bucks apiece so I paid him ten bucks apiece for all of these big tool bits right here they're all rectangular in size and I should be able to use these on my safer or another shaper or another machine later on so that was a good deal on those I spotted a few radius cutters for the horizontal mill that goes up I think I give him like 20 bucks for all those alright and then so the big the big tools that I got he had a whole shelf full of chucks of all different kinds mostly like for Joel and three-jaw chucks but he did have an assortment of collet chucks and I saw this guy right here and I wanted to get it for the lathe because this is a d16 mount right here that that'll fit both the victor in the monarch lathe and so this is for Jacob's rubber Flex kaulitz I already have the Kaulitz because I've actually got one of these chucks and a while back what I did is for a different mount I actually adapted it to the back to where you could put it in a four jaw Chuck and use it that way but this one's nice too that I can mount it directly to the to the lathe and be able to use my rubber Flex Kaulitz one of the benefits of the Jacob's rubber Flex style is the colics actually the Kyle let's have a an expandable range so they're not just fixed to one specific size so they'll they'll bridge the gap between say like quarter and three-eighths of an inch 3/8 1/2 them like that so you got a wide range so when you got in a shop like mine where I don't necessarily have metric kaulitz for metric sizing you can go to a rubber flex call it like this and normally be able to hold something if you're wanting to hold it in a collet so I had to pay up for this one a little bit more but still a good price way good price over over brand-new and so the last thing I got I bought this challenge angle plate from from long and I feel like he gave me a really really good buy on this and I thought it would be something that could be well used for certain setups and it's never been used what you see right here is from sitting down in the crate with the oil and the plastic wrapped around at all the years that that has just been around I don't know how old it is I don't think it's that old but it was never used and it was always sitting in that box so that is a nice heavy-duty angle plate right there and I'm just real happy to have it so they clean it up one day and maybe even have it as a scraping project in the future but nice nice tool right there so that's it right there these are the tools that I brought home from Texas and you know good LAN fest and being able to do a little bit of picking on the road as well so well happy to have this stuff wanted to share it with everybody so we're gonna go ahead and get it put away and move on to the next name [Music] you
Channel: Abom79
Views: 293,500
Rating: 4.8756671 out of 5
Keywords: abom79, vise, vise repair, broken vise, cheap vise repair, bench vise, tig welding, everlast, everlast welder, broken bolt, broken bolt removal, welding, nickel, nickel welding, cast iron welding, vise jaw, drill and tap, tapping, thread cutting, milling, machine shop, milling machine, texas, jacobs rubberflex collet chuck, challenge angle plate
Id: att-pSCoIiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 31sec (2971 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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