Snowmobile riding 2020-2021

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Just finished this bad boy, only skipped a bit here and there.

Knew he would get one of those snow crawlers, when he saw one in action!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DownVoteBecauseISaid 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] [Music] [Music] hey buddy all right so this video is going to be all about snowmobiling for the 2021 season so um it's going to be a mixture of repairs and riding never had that one running i want to get that going that one ran good this one's like one of my favorites right here bravo long track and this xlv540 that was running last year this is the one i put a long track conversion on it where i took all suspension off another sled put on this and this thing was awesome for like that whole year wrote it a ton and i think a couple things broke on it and i didn't get around to fixing it so let's get that one going again this year drop a club off my buddy's house just to have him fix them um got this little trailer that's fun it's 800 this was run two years ago that's a fast one but i think weighs like a million pounds and here i got this enticer that one needs a carb and i got this mint exciter and i also ordered a brand new articat blast this year in september still haven't seen it yet though but hopefully i get that soon as well all right let's start out i don't know let's get these dropped off get these [Music] fixed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] dude you are so fast buddy ah i fell oh [Music] [Music] we got our first snow for the year and actually got like a foot of snow it's pretty nice this out last night in the dark but it's hard to film stuff in the dark had a good time though so [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] f7 firecat i just came over here check out these piles of hay just like steam in here how hot is that [Music] wow [Music] [Music] oh yeah oh county right hey man you want to pull god all right hang on yeah you're oh you're pretty stuck huh extend it [Music] easy brand new all right so i just picked this up brand new 2021 article blast the reason i picked this is nice and small long track 146. [Music] [Music] thanks [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so we just got to go to that gas station in sanford not too far okay so that'll be sweet uh all right so i rode this thing 100 miles last night for the first hour or so i didn't like it i wasn't used to it the more i wrote it the better i got at it and towards the end of the night i was really enjoying the thing i hope we get some more snow because the snow just kind of melted but it's still early in the year right buddy all right snowmobiles are hard to move around when they don't run i had someone give me the snowmobile dolly unfortunately one of those pieces got lost so let's see if we can make one all right this round tubing is about the same diameter it's close enough to that [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] all right all right i found what this thing's supposed to look like so it's let's get air spring broke oh oh look at that that's funny i guess [Music] you know never seen that happen before onion new vice here's the thing about vices don't put a pipe on the handle because that's how i ruin this one oh man someone must have put so much air in this for that to happen [Music] um [Music] usually the rule is once a rim gets messed up just replace it but i figured i had a shot here i don't know if this tube is any good wow all right it's leaking out of here oh hear it as soon as that slime hit the leak it stopped leaking what holds at it yes all right oh i see okay then take this that works good that is look how much easier that is to move all right well the snowmobile dolly is fixed that is going to come in handy for moving snowmobiles around right buddy this clamps down skis right here the threads are ripped out of that that's what they had you can see the threads are gone out of that so let's do two and a half so so [Applause] from the tap through it let's put that [Music] not in the bottom of this [Music] this goes here and look at that because these things it was so easy it was so easy to knock these off of there too they'd fall right off that is way stronger and you can see how that's bolted through the frame so that's way stronger than it was [Music] there take this and that is clamped down all right i just greased the trailer wheel bearings there's a bunch of grease fittings under that noticing this plastic thing here falling off baby steel okay okay i know i know i know buddy i know [Music] so all right that's on there better than it was but that you know look they got nice metal shield on this but then plastic right there oh that's so much easier [Music] so [Music] that's good hey buddy look at that that side needs to be welded too [Music] so that's how you do it never done any work to this trailer but it's got some lights out so got all those all right so that's out and then everything on the top is out [Laughter] you know i feel like the issue is right here i'm already seeing broken wires oh look at that this power here cool okay all right we got this we don't need a mile of extra wire all right i just soldered shrink tubed and liquid taped all the wires together and now every light works on this thing even these lights up top look at that all those are on and these every light's good except for oh i'm curious oh you're solid aren't you all right maybe not that one i'm gonna order one of those all right so this video is not 100 filmed in order but check this out weeks later i've been using this trailer also a lot that inside light decided to fix itself i bought a new one to install i never got around to it that's cool i like when things fix themselves all right let's get back to the past [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] ditch the trailer let's just do one high speed loop seriously [Music] uh [Music] i cannot believe i just made that is [Music] so [Applause] [Applause] i don't know about that right i was going down and couldn't really stop myself i don't know man i've never seen this before how cool is that right there that's a cool photo i'm gonna try to find the bottom of this [Music] [Music] [Music] there it is all right look at that okay here is i don't think i'm gonna make it should i try it we're on an old chairlift i can't believe [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh you know if there wasn't all these logs down i'd have a shot because it just gets on that and it just slips it goes wider too and going down you can't even really stop all right yeah i'm glad i didn't try to go down that [Music] [Applause] [Music] she has a real it's a cool new spot i just found so wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] one two three [Music] [Music] all right that's a cool spot [Music] [Music] uh ah oh [Music] [Music] [Music] this is supposed to be the trail here and people keep going around this tree so i set this up a little better so now pull that pull this see and i can get that chainsaw off pretty quick [Applause] [Music] wow uh [Music] oh wanna get the drone in the air the wind is ripping right now so that's asking a bit much last time people are asking me what drone i fly this is the first mavic air right here still sell these because they came out with the second one okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] you know hills don't look like much on camera but a lot of the people i've been riding with won't do this hill [Music] so you know the mobility of this thing is so nice of this long truck so i'm on on broken trails here drifted in because we're up on the side of a pretty steep thing let's see what these guys do [Music] they're pretty good [Music] [Music] god so i would be very impressed if they make that so high up we are look at this snow right here it's drifted but these drifts were actually sweet i was in like this little bowl so i wasn't running off the trail oh where are these guys oh you reversed come on look who we are i've never been here before i don't know if they're coming let's see if we can put the drone in here [Music] [Music] [Music] that's where they got second right there that's where they made it [Music] [Music] [Music] katie riding the uh 5 40 her first time riding a snowmobile [Music] oh pretty deep katie's gonna wonder where we are come on hop on me [Music] [Music] [Music] that's nice up here hello oh my goodness he's so cute we made it to the top buddy [Music] what's up what are you sure i'm in the bushes [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] i wonder if she saw me turn that ain't good walk and see where she is cody's ability to move in this stuff dude it's walking in the snow is hard i mean i saw her right there no look at the track she went straight she went straight see here's where i turned there's a ski going that way [Music] ah okay [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] a few things broke on this last time this uh hitch broke off and the whole thing fell apart so let's see if we can uh strengthen this up the two sleds that toe that thing so this one about a foot problem is this one's taller we got here we got oh this one's like so 23 inches snowmobile's having such a different hitch height so this is seven inches i don't want to make this bigger because that would look weird but i got an idea here i want to re-engineer this hitch so the bravo so the trailer sitting level the bravo is right about there and the blast it's actually all let me go right there [Music] this saw is nicer these saws are more money but they're cheaper after a while because the blades last a lot longer it does a much better job cutting [Music] let's go here [Music] i'm gonna have to get one of these air fryers i think makes like it's like a toaster oven but better for some stuff right buddy [Music] this goes in here [Applause] [Music] sitting level that goes right there [Applause] [Music] or i can go there and yes right there this entire thing was just held together with these hinges with these small little screws in it so let's oh you know it'd be funny to put another hitch on the back of this one so you can make a train right you want to train we just fill it up with labs fill it with labs you don't even want to ride you can run like 25 miles an hour forever okay good i got a good idea that metal right there is gonna make it even stronger oh i'll propose a trade because he's gonna ruin that wire that brush look this squeaks come here come on let me trade trade me trade me oh got ya what's that buddy that was worth it yes a small change here i notice i had a range of heights missing now i don't [Music] so [Music] so [Music] oh drill here i bought this thing at this auction it was selling for like 40 bucks and i start bidding on it and all of a sudden i think i paid like two or three hundred bucks for it the other guy bidding on it he said to me he's like how are you gonna go because it was just back and forth between us and i said i said i don't know at that point he stopped bidding on this has got these threads in it for grease fittings look at that so [Applause] all right all right so check that out now that cart sits nice and level and it can be adjusted easily with no tools to any height for any height snowmobile and i got extra hardware here just in case stuff ever disappears [Music] yep so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so all right so that cart's all set up nice now any snowmobile can tell it pretty confident it's not gonna break some nice beds in here for levi to be comfortable let's uh let's try this thing out look at the blast next to the bravo all right we got the car all set up that looks nice and level got some dogs here three of them you guys ready hey sadie you ready to go for a ride you're ready buddy okay there you go you ready jump up in here jump in with levi come on this is your ride [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so how you guys doing oh is that your best friend i don't know buddy i don't know buddy what are you doing to her all right she's pretty she loves you get your cart fixed up nice i don't think i'll have any issues with that but can i have that glove what do you think of that puppy that glove stealing puppy how are you doing girl cody ready look at that you know it's a good thing i just got a spare for this [Music] all right so i didn't really have the stuff to change this last night check that out that's kind of impressive really i don't know if i have that cap you know i'm looking at this hub here and this here i mean you could probably throw a tire on this and you'd probably never have a problem with it but for 30 bucks or it's like 37 bucks free shipping to not even have to deal with this for a brand new one seal fits good right there see look the seal that's in here is smaller so this goes right here this goes right here it's hard to see what i'm doing but see i'm under this tab which locks i think i light up which goes into that castle nut and locks it i'm just unscrewing right off of there yeah i mean this wrench would all right that's more grease on this is the wrong hub see it hides that grease fitting but i ordered the right one all right no slop spins good this tire doesn't look bad but i'm just this is gonna be the spare now [Music] at the right cap this one doesn't hide the grease fitting all right all right so now this has got two brand new tires on it but you know what's even better how about a brand new everything so uh this is the new version of this this is the hybrid type where the whole back opens instead of the clam shell design because i've had that fall on me a few times and i fell the other day and broke my chainsaw so i was like you know what this is way easier to deal with this is and plus it's longer so the new snowmobiles actually fit in it this nice side door and yeah look at that like live in this thing there i kind of want to get one of those toy haulers come on cody where it's like you got space for your stuff and then a camper too i've just been doing day trips so hey look at this it's like a party in here we got a brand new trailer buddy this is such a better design though because now the front is sealed up so nothing's getting under it the tie downs can slide up and down that track and then the whole thing is stronger because the sides are actually attached to the floor because it doesn't need to open up look how much better this fits in here there's room in the front room in the back that's so much easier this one here is too short like i'd be running a thing into the front and still like this is from that hitting that snowmobile the back of it dude no look at him look at he's doing bad dog stuff it's bad dog stuff [Applause] all right one change i want to try here is with this seat so if you buy this snowmobile as the m or the zr version it comes with a lower seat about 32 inches off the ground this is off the yamaha version of this so it's blue but oh that is a lot lower look how nice it is 30 inches so it's about two inches lower yeah it feels a little low i like it usually the best vehicles have the lower center of gravity and the most ground clearance so anything to make this a little bit lower [Music] uh uh this this trailer was over there over and go off of that let me close this back at least see this thing like when there's snow on the top of that so much heavier too my buddy owns this property here but i think the dude pretty much lives in maine now he hasn't been here all winter [Music] [Music] so a bridge there's a bridge and a dam so right there that's a train bridge and then this was a dam that's cool i've never i've noticed the bridge i've never noticed the dam we're on an adventure right now so there's this loop trail right here no one else is done everyone goes this way this is no hard done it [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] i get a bunch of snow in here [Music] [Music] we haven't seen a trail marker in a while maybe we jumped down a ledge maybe it's supposed to be up higher i had to turn around this is the trail to that plane crash that i've been talking about going to it the problem is it's hard there's trees down everywhere even if there wasn't it's hard it's getting dark he's saying he's out of gas somehow um let's revisit this oh he's stuck again how nice this is lighting up like that in there how cool is that buddy [Music] we're on this loop trail again my buddy's supposed to catch up with me but let's try them [Music] [Music] you really gotta follow these markers because you can't tell we went kind of this way but i see there's so many markers this way [Music] now where's the next one see that's the whole thing like oh right there right where cody's going [Music] [Music] so [Music] this trail needs work see i see i'm at a marker now what oh wait look at that [Music] [Music] so [Music] so uh [Music] [Music] [Music] um hey [Music] wow [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] know [Music] [Applause] sweet [Applause] [Music] 7.6 miles right so more plane right here so oh here's an engine look at that [Music] all right plane experts what kind of plane was this it's the alternator oh that's it i've been talking about getting here for a couple years didn't make it alaska it wasn't here last year or the year before it's hard getting here that's the problem right buddy you did it you ran here you ran here buddy you're a good runner yes you are [Music] [Music] i don't know i mean it's usually hard but [Music] this one here was running last year but i could never quite get it running right so messing with this carburetor a bunch last year but didn't seem to matter what i did i couldn't get it working right i remember sticking a stick in there worked good sometimes sometimes it didn't let's pull up i think this needs a fuel pump not a uh carburetor do the right thing part number keep this in order on everything all right and then change the order so like that okay let's take the very bottom these are the things that go bad but you know you know they really don't look bad at all let's do oh but see how dirty that is no that needs to be cleaner than that almost looks like someone rebuilt this but didn't do a good job all right so there's no pieces of gasket sticking up on that now all right plug in right there a little drop of gasket right there it's not going to seal up right and it's not going to pulse as much as it should because it's got an air leak through here um okay you know i don't think this needed to be cleaned i think it just needed a fuel pump so i just vacuum out this gas put some fresh gas in this [Music] so all right it didn't have water in the gas it's just i feel like that gas was just old if the tank was dirty then you do that until the rags are coming out dry this is how you get these to start what put so much gas in it um this thing's running pretty good you know i think the whole time i've owned this one somebody else recently rebuilt the fuel pump and didn't clean off all the gasket material and the fuel pump wasn't working right and that was making me think it had carb issues and the guy i bought it from said i needed crank seals i think it was just that fuel pump messed up yeah right tyson 340. dude y'all actually like start making these again that'd be hilarious like don't change it one bit all right one other thing i want to do here about to keep the uh registration and extra spark plugs maybe a plug wrench anything else that thing is running good all right weeks later we got some decent snow let's see how well this thing starts up so so [Music] all right well that's running pretty good confident to take that on a long ride now right what are you doing you're the coyotes cody you hear those coyotes don't you buddy you know i gotta say as far as vintage sleds go these enticer 340s definitely one of my favorites these are a cool ride right here they were cool 40 years ago and they're still cool all right let's go work on something else or ride something else hopefully you ride it's fun when things work that's just fun to fix them too [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] check this out saw this guy running across the snow caught him hey buddy you're my new pet caught a pet how you doing all right you were too slow too slow for me a bird could cut you i should i want to bring you as like a mascot but i don't know i feel like you live here yeah here's your tracks look at his tracks right here all right buddy are you under there dude don't go under come on come on no don't be stupid real issue with this thing hey jack give it a good bounce there yeah yeah this song yeah it's like it wants to kick you off of it riding it all right we're trading for a minute so so [Music] [Music] so [Music] 13 and 15. um oh yeah see that shock is blown that's bad [Music] ah it looks like i can get the spring right off of here to me that feels like a good shock all right i'm gonna say that one's okay okay that's tight all right how big is this one so all the way collapsed like ten and three quarters 16 and a half back from the arctic cat dealer they sold me this shock it's a gas shock which is an upgrade over this but it's there's the part number it says it fits some polaris so it looks like we gotta modify it a little bit to make it fit here's a bushing okay that fits see look at that okay all right so this is oh we got just under just under 18 millimeters and this one 19 so we gotta lose like a millimeter and a half okay got it now this goes in there and the bolt fits all right so for this end this bushing too small what do you give me so we i got this which fits in there perfect okay okay there's the original bushing a little crease see that's going to go right in but what i'm seeing is up here the body of the shock is gonna hit those mounts right there oh but you know what this rotates as it compresses bolt it in there and compress it and just see what happens we're just worried that this is gonna hit there but you know what it may not you get what i'm saying here i was worried this was going to come into contact with that but by the time this is compressing this this twists and this will be facing and it should be fine all right [Music] yeah that's out see how it rebounds up that's how a shock is supposed to be it rebounds up slow like it will take a bump it doesn't just spring up in the air this is all in the extremely in the back like this no no there'd be marks there all right cool i feel good about that i think that's fixed all right first ride here with the shops [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right check this out look at that am i at the bottom you know what they said trails are closed it's too deep they said all right so that shock is working out [Music] great [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm staying at groomed trails today yeah i don't know what i was thinking thank you so much so [Music] keep your weight well to the left side that's right one two three [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] turn it around you want to hit it again or no huh i mean yeah i'd like to hit it again let's get a better running start all right it should be more packed down now once we okay maybe now it'll back oh yeah you want to try this again he's stuck going downhill [Music] [Music] that tree yeah all right did a ton of riding last night i was actually after three in the morning midnight i was cruising through this field jumping these snow drifts and then all of a sudden landed into a picnic table so this thing is uh pretty tweaked looks like it's leaning to the left pretty good let's try to figure out what let's see if we can straighten this thing up oh oh this shock so i see that shock is very bent this is a very bent tie rod right here and riding it back last night the belt kept getting wet i just kept coming up with snow i see there's [Music] that ain't good questioning like where this gap came from because this is supposed to be there and this was letting snow in here making the belt slip now i see look how bent the frame is right here so you can see in this side where it goes straight across here so the way they made this thing it's got like you know a nice square tubing right here and then the square tubing ends right about here and it just goes to this aluminum sheet metal and uh you know with all these seams in it and then one little thing happens and look at that that crinkle right there like this square tubing should have went all the way to the back of the vehicle you know because look it starts up right like that could have just continued the whole way would have been way stronger all right so most people would say here all right you got to change the chassis that's a ton of labor let's just see if we can just stretch that back out buddy just stretch it out just stretch it out and good enough all right [Applause] [Music] [Music] need more of these slings somebody somebody took one can i have that can i have that please cody let me see that dude i need that we gotta fix the snowmobile buddy what about a trade cody what's this that's better what about this cody we got levi here supervising the project he uh suggested having a few more straps on here so we got a whole box of them great buddy so [Applause] all right so what i did here there was no single point on this thing to anchor to that was strong enough so i put it so it's anchored to a ton of spots and everything slips through something else so it should distribute the load evenly all right so this is where we're looking right here [Applause] that's moving i'm just i'm just going a little bit at a time i'm going to rip this thing up so this is supposed to be down a little bit [Music] so [Applause] you can see i pulled that kink out of it quite a bit but how did we do here buddy did we fix it probably kinda sorta look how bent this bumper is it's supposed to be perfect let's do something here to fix this frame design [Music] like this should be made out of aluminum since i'm bolting it and it'll be lighter and it won't rust let's make it jig first [Music] [Applause] all right so this is how we're gonna do this so here's our bend from here to here 3 16 aluminum and so so [Music] so [Music] that's pretty good let's do a band right there [Music] [Music] look at that [Music] so [Music] i just finished bolting in this brace so my opinion on this is that it got the snowmobile back to as strong as it was maybe drop more if i was doing this again and had better metal working tools i'd maybe take this plastic thing off and then make this so it does what this does but it's all one piece of aluminum that would be way stronger and maybe i mean really this frame should just be revised a little bit on this um because it's just that bent way too easy all right so let's get this gap closed back up that's moving it all right that's doing it there it is this is actually pretty important structurally right here because see this here that this sheet metal they're counting on that to be chassis and it's pretty much what the top spring and the top control arm is mounted to so they're relying too much here for sheet metal to be structural it's not they should build it like this thing where the entire thing has a tube chassis and then the fill panels are just that fill panels because the tube chassis is tremendously stronger than sheet metal that's close to where it needs to be let's just check this out so it's all bolted all in and good there got some new rivets a lot of bolts fender washers got this brace right where that weak spot was that thing is good to go just gotta get a new shock and tie rod right leave our proves all right i got some upgraded shocks here so i got to move the springs from the old ones they sell a tool that does this oh i think i need that tool this one's not bent oh yeah [Applause] back from the hardware store this is meant for a much bigger car spring but so looks nice now this one different [Music] look at that shark [Music] what is this breaking the shock how's oil coming [Music] all right that's on there i don't know what that oil is i didn't do anything to this i mean it's like all right look at all the oil that leaked out of that all right this tie rod i ordered this but they said it was back ordered for over a month so people just straighten this [Music] right there that's fine just wash this okay [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right well that's riding fine i'm confident that is fixed and probably made it better all right i gotta be a little more careful with this thing but we're all good that didn't cost too much all right let's uh keep snowmobiling [Music] cody what did you find is that another cody okay head across the street i'm gonna start heading towards you okay we came from that way there's a bridge i haven't seen the falls yeah oh [Music] [Music] my [Applause] hey cody what's this or something just give it a good crank that is the key on it doesn't have a key no i mean everything's on right like a dirt plate just give it a good know why [Music] hood on this one it's broken these always break it's not from hitting anything it's just these always break look at this piece i found on the metal file that is like perfect because i can come up in here bolt onto this bolt onto that bolt onto the hinge all right that's right we're gonna go let's get this bend figured out use this right there you know there's an actual tool it's called a break we're doing this i should get one it's big though well i guess they come in different sizes looks decent [Music] [Music] so [Music] that's looking pretty good right there [Music] [Music] okay okay right so [Music] [Music] look at that that is nice check it out you can hardly tell that was ever worked on here's the important part that the uh the hood works i'm realizing this slot here was supposed to be open because the exhaust is right behind that [Music] hey cody what's that yeah fuel up buddy all right doing great the whole time except for right now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] towing something's a bit much you are buried yeah put that right there and come back forward well it's it's if we're if this method works let me uh [Music] quicker with a drag [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] run you can't fit under that i don't know you want to see if i do yeah that thing is a monster look at it they're very much holding it man i'm worried if i touch it with my roof one little yeah i can put the wench pull it down look how deep the snow is right here it's still going down except for my [Music] that's waist [Music] ah i got my saw out all right see if you can break that yeah um [Music] hey can i have that dude come on i want that glove [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] grooming this trail again i was going through just trimming branches and we passed each other right here i buried it myself that time [Applause] [Music] i think i'm out just pull myself a little further [Music] i only got stuck because i went so far over hey there's my dog how you doing i haven't seen you in a bit where have you been oh you don't got it i got myself out i'm out so so yeah the tracks on the right i just did a separate video tracks versus tires and so that's separating the snowmobile video but been having a good time on this thing i'm liking it with this roller leaving that leaving that track so all right been stuck a few minutes now it's doing fine but i mean it's in such a hole and i'm not stuck anymore [Applause] me so wow so so [Applause] did you crash or you just must stop what you crashed [Music] we're riding like nascar style fast as these things will go all right we lost this guy in our group and then we get him on the phone and like he's giving us directions where he is he's like saying oh the field with the trees and then he's like telling us like oh follow the moon that was pretty good yeah we'll follow the moon guy all right oh nice look at that view this might be interesting right here so you're better off letting your track spin than sliding it usually your carbides man yeah aren't those new well the sled's new yeah it wasn't stopping me from riding it was just yeah i was like why is this thing dragging like what's going i wasn't sure if i was feeling stuff and then i'm like wait a minute there's something it felt like exactly what it looked like new carbide so [Applause] oh oh no they're pretty light and then we'll just uh will that reach that we'll hook it one here and then we can hook it over to here yeah now we don't want to do anything weird a little more okay look at that just fits on this trailer and we don't gotta do anything weird all right let's tie this down so i tightened the fan belt she was really loose oh yeah yeah i heard that tighten that track up [Music] that's the inner you're right we're not using that that'd be nice yes it works more times and nothing's on fire those guys the bus companies do they eat them in the cage yeah let's start using as quick as we can to get that all around everywhere got it all right you ready look at that hot dog [Music] quite a bit let's get the slime on this side oh even that side's leaking so you want to start with the house that's looking pretty good [Music] all right so we got that tire sorted out so this is my new snow cat it's an 89 bombardier br110 and uh it's got this mobile master drag on it we're panning and dragging it was looking good getting used to it um the snow is way too soft today and we're kind of stuck maybe or not oh i made a jump yeah this this is a hole anyway i was trying to doze it into we're dealing with slush it's like 40 degrees out cody what do you think buddy let's look pretty groomed uh nice [Applause] i feel safe hey buddy what are you doing this is a good spot to ride a nice path for leaving see it's working this isn't the best demonstration of this machine right now because one the snow is too warm and two we've already been grooming this track quite a bit so it what like this thing is this thing i'm riding on it's meant for cutting out mobiles and if there's no mobiles to cut out what's the point so we're definitely smoothing out some stuff what do you think [Applause] oh look at that that's actually pretty [Applause] sweet [Music] think you're just excited about about everything huh [Music] now he's riding on the trail we groom that's pretty smooth someone had asked me what the point of grooming snowmobile trails is now the biggest most annoying thing that happens to trails when they get ridden heavily is they'll get full of these mobiles or it's bump after bump and it's that's annoying so what that long grader thing does is cuts you pull that through here cuts them all out um it's just too soft right now they get proper footage of that happening bumps form for a few reasons sometimes the wind will actually do it but traffic does it or sometimes a lot of people they're jumping on and off throttle the whole time and that does it too so with the with the groomer it can fix that i'll revisit that next year [Music] [Music] all right so we're in mid-march right now so it's getting towards the end of the season i guess i should do a review on this thing since i've ridden it 800 miles or 60 hours the reason being because this is a new snowmobile that came out this year and it's pretty different than anything else on the market the major difference with this snowmobile is its size they call on this a mid-sized snowmobile um being that's a 400 cc engine because anything else is is considerably bigger you know usually 600 cc 850 or even more so i'll just go over the things i like about this snowmobile that set it apart from the other stuff you know the small size of the thing it does really well in tight trails it does well going slow it's geared fine for going slow it's not burning the clutch has no problem doing that it's nice and light this thing it's not impossible to get it stuck but i was not stuck much this year with this thing and at times even when you're getting it out it's not that heavy to deal with it you know being that is considerably lighter than most of the other sleds on the market plus it's the cheapest sled on the market right now too other than buying a children's model if you're picking up one of these you know i'd make those few changes definitely put the good shocks on it that really helped it put the low seat on it that made a big improvement 146 inch long track and that's kind of what i've been seeing the longer the track you have the better the thing works in just anything especially as as far as not getting stuck you know the check engine light's been flashing a lot at me all year but that happens to everyone i've just been ignoring it since the thing's running fine but i think they corrected that for next year's model 2 being that this was a first year you know it does well towing that trailer and really the snowmobile market i think there's room for a few more sleds like this you know smaller engines maybe between 300 ccs 400cc you know they all don't need to be 800 plus cc's that's for i mean they're all ridiculously fast it is i mean this one i haven't seen much over 60 miles an hour on it but acceleration-wise the thing is completely fine all right well let's get back to riding oh there's this guy oh as far as crashing goes too this guy crashed his sled this year and the arm just broke right off how's it going so when you hit the uh you hit that rock this year your control arms just broke right off of here right that's a big improvement what the like these bolts broke right well actually the control arm itself yeah just ripped it just ripped apart that's way better than than what happened on that one where the whole frame crumpled absolutely in the center the new g4 is like that too the new skidoos like that yeah you see like it's a it's a really uh two aluminum castings if you see how thick it is down there ah that's your almost like your engine yeah your cradle yeah and then everything else is just bolted up with thin stuff yeah that's a that's a big improvement over the design of that one you know a lot of these mountain guys they're crazy yeah yeah these things get crashed you know if you're not crashing sometimes you ain't doing it right i was doing a review on that since i figured the season's getting close to end and then it was a great sled though yeah that hit i think you're not saying that oh yeah you stayed up on top there was no other sled that would have stayed up on top of the snow like that thing yeah nothing yeah too heavy no way yeah the day time yeah you went in like this much yeah that's been the story for most of the year this doesn't get stuck much you know one thing they should really change on this is when you're riding on hard snow because the only thing that cools this is like a radiator above the track which relies on this track to throw snow at it if the snow's hard that doesn't happen and then the thing overheats so it's like why can't they just put a radiator on this now i mean they're all like that but you know if i had like a small radiator in the front somewhere dude i gotta add too like the reverse on this thing look how it stops the engine but [Music] this thing will back off anywhere i mean because i had an artichoke before this reverse is worthless [Music] check this thing out [Music] trying to get one more ride in for the year and i'm just like is there going to be snow up there there's like nothing here what do you think buddy bringing a vintage sled out today it's more comfortable and look at the engineer in there huh is it a 300 what kind of engines in that yeah the liquid cooled oil injected model yeah we got it good [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] i didn't know he was doing it [Music] i guess i need to get that very slippery all right can i have that ain't steep for this guy i know right thank you pull me up buddy um [Music] [Music] [Music] um all right i'm gonna kind of end this video now so it's been an awesome year riding i'll try to do i'll do a better better video on that snow cat next season but you know this is probably one of the best years riding can remember you can see all the lower levels there's no snow left still nice snow up here though but i'll be taking out the jet skis soon all right buddy you ready to do some jet skiing yeah you are [Music] you
Channel: Andrew Camarata
Views: 515,356
Rating: 4.8922658 out of 5
Id: rTB9A7chLtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 209min 21sec (12561 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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