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a little over four years ago i was researching shipping container buildings and came across a youtube channel featuring a guy building a shipping container castle i didn't know it at the time but i would soon be on an educational journey the more videos i watched the more i started to realize this channel was way more than just building with shipping containers it seemed that i had found a channel that piqued my interest no matter the subject this guy seemed to be doing a lot of the things that i find fascinating so not only were the videos entertaining but i was also learning as i watched who is this guy that's having such a positive influence on my life so i reached out to him with a request for an interview and to document what it would be like to meet someone who's had such an influential impact on my life he accepted and so began two years of planning video chats phone calls lots of texts covered scares flights booked cancelled and rebooked and rescheduling the trip itself three times but over the course of those two years a friendship happened and i was about to meet in person a true artist [Music] hey good to see you man you too yeah this is this is it oh levi hey buddy how you doing how you doing cody's like i know exactly what that is what is this what do you think i know i'm gonna get those open too [Music] yes [Music] okay levi for youtube let's get some cookies [Music] this place is amazing andrew wow yeah the the videos don't do it justice when you see it in person oh yeah it's it's it's a lot bigger than it looks really yeah like the whole i've heard other people say that yeah i guess i've never not seen it right [Laughter] yeah okay more treats enough playing enough playing yeah this is this is crazy wow amazing this is very similar to the way alabama looks yeah it's it's it looks the same i don't think i think the rock may be a little different here same colors but i think you all have more blue stone and stuff here yeah that would probably be considered blue stone at least the stuff the majority the grayer stuff and then once you get like if you start digging as a geologist you can probably start getting all kinds of different layers different stuff yeah wow did you just paint that what's that that's not new paint right no paint i mean everything was painted last year around the fall still looks still looks good yeah the paint held up great this went there which i was very leave because that was an issue previous winter [Music] cody [Music] it's right here this cody i get it [Music] it's pretty clean in here right now that trailer just came out yesterday i did the brakes and axles on that oh needs to come back in quickly though i need to revisit something on that quick um in the trailer the brake's all done it's got the surge brakes you can't back the thing up because the brakes come on so hard yeah so i gotta add a valve to uh shut the brakes off when they're young yeah this is a lot a lot larger in person i feel like yeah yeah on the videos that always you kind of have an idea how something's going to look but when you get in here it's just it's a lot more impressive in in in person just the size of it yes i heated that up with the torch and bent it around it welded it and did this with the lincoln mig welder and then you know and that's the crisscross we were i don't know we've had like sword fights and stuff but oh really that's for me man thank you very much so it's rough but it's got a live blade so it'll split fire away and hang it up on your wall or whatever in the castle that's very cool thank you very much eric i don't know i mean that's that one's kind of nice yeah i mean that's like actually blacksmith mine was just a piece of flat bar sharpened this was like heated up and hammered and that's awesome kind of legitimately so did you do all of the work like as far as like when you built like this this area my neighbor helped with this like plumbing and stuff yeah yeah i had this one about helping me or some of it but i know how to do a lot of that but i mean my neighbor helped build like these are all i mean these were boards that i cut these were trees i cut down and brought to the sawmill and had milk and then we planned them and then my neighbor and i built this i was going to cover this with stainless but then i'm like well this oh plywood is actually pretty nice so yeah i never did that what i was going to do was like have it bent from the front and bent up the back as like a splash splash guard right and then the same thing here but then it was like i just then i did that i was like you know this it was gonna be a lot of money and it's like this wood is pretty nice oh wow that's kind of why i spent all lasting work and i was closing this in yeah this is amazing i was going to do more stuff to it but after spending a solid year on it let's take a little break you just need like a big suit of armor yeah sitting somewhere you know gosh that roof is so impressive yeah that's a strong roof yeah andrew this you know this is going to be here long after we're gone it should be here hundreds of years oh i don't know i think it will i think you're right so when so when you decided when you first put the wood up up there what what made you decide that wasn't going to work um the the steel just seemed to make a lot more sense it's actually a lot cheaper to do the steel and a lot less labor because the steel you see the the beams are four foot on center with the wood i had to be two foot on center and so that almost like cuts the labor in half as far as just the amount of beams to deal with and it was just so much easier to weld the everything together how how long of a how long did you have the wood up there before you knew that you were going to have to switch to metal it was a couple days and then we kind of ran into an issue too that we had the valley beams not exactly in the valley and we were going to do that and then jesse and i realized that i was going to add a lot of labor and look stupid so we made the decision to actually back up a little bit on the project and change the plans a little bit fix it so like when i laid these floor four floor planks down and they were in place i realized it really needed the extra four feet and i had to go get one more of them to give the space the uh because imagine if this was here you know that would that would feel a little tighter having this extra four feet with the roof line like this really makes it so when we have um well these are four feet so it's like 20 feet the spans expand creep that's a good good dimension here these things are awesome these span creek thing and they should be using these in so much even in residential construction this should be the first floor a lot of residential houses the labor but it's so easy to put it up you just drop set it there for current it's done fireproof it's cheap it's thin looks clean on the bottom doesn't need any center supports what is the uh the limit for um well they'll engineer however you want depending on your project so i i've heard with eight inch thick slabs i've heard they can go over 30. so these are only 24 um so that that's i mean i i've had one of these sitting on the ground sitting on the ends like that and taking the excavator bucket pushed it down and lifted the whole machine off the ground to see how strong these were and it didn't they didn't even move wow so that's like well if i can hold you know half the you know the big ones are 100x square so they can hold you know half of that it can hold nothing yeah so but they'll i mean if you're building something they'll engineer them however they can go thicker with thumb they can do the ribs in them if you're you know doing like bridges like a huge span the precast concrete products are amazing wow yeah the view the view is is amazing up here i guess you kind of always knew you were going to probably do something tall enough to give you the best view though yeah anyway good dog there yeah you coming cody i usually shut this once back so no one actually steps in the hole this is the tower wow kind of like the roof rusting like that yeah it's cool it's got that industrial look yeah i don't think it's ever gonna be an issue where it's rusting through no i mean i'll just keep keeping an eye on it but i like the color of it kind of camouflages the building yeah it's neat wow they rested different depending on which which way the plate was flipped right i guess the fake ones can come out for the summer [Music] i mean these these are all going to have flowers soon yeah so yeah that's when those flowers came up [Music] so [Music] yeah i built this i built this bar built this whole wall because there was a hot tub in this and it kind of i don't really like it kind of took up the whole thing so it just felt a little crowded in here plus the hot tub didn't work so i took it out and just made it set it up like this i mean one potential project i was thinking about doing this year was moving this somewhere else and then building more of the concrete roof and enclosed this entire patio area and then that way you'd be like inside a cave and make a cave themed i'd like to do the you know the shot crete or the gunnite and just make like slag tights and then put like colored lights behind the slag tights so it feels like you're in a cave and even do like a fireplace um i thought that would be a really cool project yeah that's neat and then i was thinking like move this somewhere i almost put it up on top somewhere crazy but [Music] [Music] so what was the driving force behind starting the channel before i just started putting videos on i there was all right the best answer is there is really no answer i just kind of started doing it for for fun um um just i liked watching time-lapse videos so if you see my oldest videos you see a lot of them are time-lapsed because it's a kind of a decent way to film some of these excavation and construction jobs projects so i just wanted to try my hand at it what is a project or task that you haven't filmed yet that you would love to film and turn into a video well usually a lot of the videos just come out of projects that need to be done at a necessity so i don't always schedule or know what they are just whatever a project needs to be done it happens so you know a good example is when things break they need to be repaired um whereas construction projects go i mean i could do more to this building i kind of want to do stuff to the hot tub over there i want to move this gazebo put it somewhere else make this cave like this whole thing will be in a cave so when you're here you're in a cave but make it cool huge like to all the way to the end of the gazebo so why no sponsors or advertisements i know sponsored because i don't want to turn these videos into commercials so i know there are ads in the videos but those aren't like permanently part of the video it's that's just something that anyone could not watch those if they choose not to um the videos aren't supposed to be commercials i mean it kind of it is about for the most part the channel is about seeing equipment operate i mean because i've had offers for sponsors in the past and they're very generous offers you know i've seen five digit offers just for like hey just throw an ad in the video um but like i definitely wouldn't even like consider doing it if it's like the ad is for a product that's got nothing to do with the subject in the video now it kind of gets into a gray area like if someone was giving me a piece of equipment or something come here cody come here come here um so it's like well that kind of makes sense because you know if the video the videos are about seeing equipment operate so that to see a machine running that you know i could you know take stuff like that potentially but going on what if like discovery channel or somebody approached you i've had actually approaches like that before in the past um i mean the problem with that the problem with those shows is there's so many people involved with with it it you know even that reality tv show when that was popular a few years ago on those big networks a lot of that's not reality no it's scripted it's scripted yeah absolutely so the whole point of youtube is like it's i'm the only one doing it it's me with a tripod me editing and no one's telling you what to do people there's no added scripted drama which all of that stuff is on those shows so um that's you know people want to watch shows like that that's they're they're on there i mean it's to me once you start i mean i remember watching i don't want to name them but watching shows like that in the past before and like you could once you start picking up on scripted drama oh yeah you'll feel it it ruins the show i remember watching something and they were doing something and they completely uh fabricated this problem it's like it was like such a stupid thing that they had all these cameras set up around this one situation like why you got like like that's so obvious that you guys faked yeah this problem that it kind of ruins the sh the show for me for the most part so i mean but your question that you're gonna ask me like what what direction do you wanna go with the channel right the direction i wanna i wanna keep stuff just the way it is um that's why it's me doing all the editing me doing the filming um and it's what your fans enjoy that's what that's what i want to keep doing with this channel forever right that's i'm sure that's what everyone wants to hear and that's what i want to do um that's the goal what has been your personal favorite project you filmed and posted to your channel alright building this that's just um i wish i had started filming it from the very beginning yeah but at least i got a lot of it filmed so yeah i think i think when i started uh watching the very first the very first thing i ever saw that you did was uh setting them yeah where you were putting the tower up and stuff like that yeah i think you already had the bait the basics done but you're putting the tower that's where i came into it i mean i had done that years before i mean there is a couple lastly filmed things of the um i mean there's pictures of me setting the the first four base containers right and then there is like a quick time lapse partial shot of a crane here setting the span creek roof panels on the first level which is essentially the floor and that was before you had a crane too right yeah i almost bought a crane to do because i got those fancy panels used from the sky and that's where i got my pedi bomb my pedi bomb was the crane that did and he he gave me a price on it there i probably should have just bought it that day wow i'm like well i can hire a crane out and i actually went back years later and bought it from him wow i could have bought it in the beginning yeah it was those big panels were a little bit much for it though because they were the i guess technically you could have done it but they were the eight foot wide by 25 foot long what's the weight on that those would have weighed 10 000 pounds okay so i guess technically that crane could have set those it wouldn't you would have had to set it the crane you would have had to position the crane so you're pretty close in to each lift you'd almost want to actually what i could have done was it could have done the job it would have been a little interesting because we set it with this giant crane that because cranes you know like the pettibone that was a 25 000 pound capacity crane um you know it comes with a chart a load charge so the further out away from the crane is the less you can lift right like new cranes are really easy to operate because they have scales and stuff in them and can keep essentially they put weights on the front of those like they do tractors yeah those counterweights on the back okay yes i mean the crane manufacturer calculates all that stuff and that's why you have your load chart but on an older crane like that you gotta have i mean that's why cranes it's such a big deal you can't just have any operator in them and that's why there's a lot of crane accidents you gotta be smart with them not to tip them over so on a lift like that you got to know how much the thing you're picking up weighs and you should really measure how far out it's going to be for the duration of the pick um to do it safe so i could have set those what i would have had to do i could have set it up right tight against the building i could have set them all right on on the thing and what i could have done was slide them fly them each one of them right right we set them end up doing it with a huge uh grove off-road crane that was big enough where it could pick them up and be way out far from the crane still i mean that was 10 those things were 10 000 pounds that's nothing for that crane right so wow impressive did you already expect your channel and its videos to be so influential people um no i didn't i don't even know why i started putting them on there kind of you know overlaps with the other question but it's no but the short answer is i'm glad so many people are interested in the projects i'm working on and it's it's cool to be able to share this stuff because um one of people like watching it that's cool and two i'm sure a lot of people are learning how to do a lot of these construction jobs from watching these videos so i know even younger children are watching it oh yeah all ages yeah i mean and that's pretty hard to do for media i mean how many television shows can you think of that appeal to such a wide age range because a lot of those shows that are specifically geared for really young audiences even like those kids shows like an adult doesn't want to watch it right it's almost torture to have an adult watch a lot of those children shows but like this stuff like you know four-year-old will watch this stuff and his his dad and his grandfather would they all watch it together i think for the most part a lot of people are entertained by it [Music] who or what things inspire you who or what things inspire me uh i don't know it's kind of hard to give a good answer to that i mean i mean it almost sound corny but you could look at like henry ford for example i mean he did a lot of cool things and had a lot of cool quotes too i mean i like one of the things he would i mean i hope i'm quoting this accurately but he said you know whether you think you can do something or you think you can't do it you're right and that's yeah i just love that attitude to going up to a project like you know if you're doing something like this can i build this yeah i can i can build this and i'm gonna do it um and a lot of people you ask gonna do something if right off the bat if they if they start giving excuses or something no they can't but if you think you can do something do it that's that's good he said more cool stuff like that too i mean that guy really changed the country changed the american way of life it is a is it i mean he's not the only person just any person that's doing something cool that that's any person that's doing something notable like that he's not the only one there's there's plenty other people people in the past people in the current it's kind of hard to start listening off a ton of names but they're out there [Music] [Music] so this trailer [Music] all right check this out look at that right at the bottom all right so you can see this new radio it's a little too big for this hole so we're gonna have to uh make this hole bigger [Music] all right that fits pretty nice now so i think i need to get a bigger tractor so i have this junk car that i'm getting tired of looking at that's been here for a while so i'm gonna get rid of it um but let's uh have some fun with it first [Music] uh so is so so [Music] so what are your future plans for your castle um well i mean maybe do some more finishing on the inside but so for the most part yeah here's the future i mean for the most part i didn't want to be working on the building forever the whole point of it was to be able to do stuff inside of it so now after doing this roof that at least because before that this thing was leaking and then having a bone leak sucks right now that it's dry inside the i can i can you know it's just the whole points to work in here so that's that's the plan to just do work in here not work like not work on the building forever just work in the building after watching the video on how you got started and excavating when you bought your very first piece of large equipment did you know that that was going to turn into a career i wanted it to because i liked doing that type of work and at that point i was working at the post office i wanted to not do that anymore so i just did a slow transition into it just to be safe about it and to make sure it made sense if you had to pick one type of work that's your favorite what would it be this is any job that's going smoothly i do i do like operating equipment more than working on them quite a bit so a lot of stuff involved in this get the track skid steers those are usually always fun to operate those things or the mini excavators are nice or even on the traffic too i like doing tractor and track loader stuff that's that's fun the skid steers are nice they don't break much they can do a million different jobs they're just fun to operate a little harder to film though because they move all over the place the excavator is easy to film because they're going to stay right stay in one spot more or some solo at least with the popularity of your channel do you get recognized out in public yeah and have your jobs increased as a result of that oh yeah oh i mean the calls are endless but i mean the calls were there was a ton of calls before even ever doing a channel too so it's it's no shortage of work so are you a local celebrity i don't know i don't go i mean a lot of times like i'm in the woods by myself so it's like you don't even you know but you do run i mean it's fun like you're you're out in public somewhere someone said oh i've watched you on youtube it's usually always fun to you know talk to that person you ever had any significant injuries no as you know i mean people always when you're watching other people work sometimes it can look scary watching someone else do something and for example the videos are that the whole time i mean even working on this roof with those other guys it's just watching other people be up there i didn't like it i mean when i was up there like oh this feels fine it's not slippery right it feels fine but you know and people are just such safety craziness i mean no i i can to do this type of work you gotta not be an injury prone person right you gotta i mean growing up riding three wheelers and stuff like that i feel like that's a really good if you can survive three wheelers you can ride you can survive an excavator so i mean you know i i still you gotta be in shape for doing this type of work too i think i feel that really plays a big role mm-hmm um sometimes when you see people there i'm out of shape sometimes you gotta move whenever i flip that crane over yeah i was gonna mention that actually i was like i'm surprised you didn't get hurt i mean that's well that's what i said that's where the three-wheeler thing comes into play it's like this is you know i've been in a situation before where a vehicle has been crashing and uh you know that was a lot of times people say don't jump out of something that's flipping over or crashing most of the time that is true this is one of the cases where that was not true and being able to quickly bail out of that situation was the way to handle that yeah um you know if you if you had grown that out there's no seat belts in it but things with no seat belts shouldn't have seat belts because it's not meant to it doesn't have roll over protection right um i mean i guess it kind of does that big i mean you could you could have written that out you would have been bumped up pretty good in that cab you wouldn't have wanted to jump out at the wrong time i mean the thing with jumping is if you're going to jump out of something that's flipping over don't jump where the thing's about to be right because that's where a lot of enemies that's where a lot of people make that mistake and they just say they say don't jump like no don't you can't you can jump just don't jump where a forklift is about to land [Music] [Music] when i see you putting on one i know i need to move about it [Music] here oh this thing will go anywhere yeah yeah usually this thing's big but it usually doesn't fit let's try something all right [Music] wow [Music] all right [Music] do [Music] you [Music] good now [Music] that was fun as far as containers go i mean i've paid different amounts over the years um anywhere between a thousand and three thousand but that so you're asking me about you know how the design came on this building when i ordered my tower container the container that showed up was a high cube and i couldn't use a high cube because i had already poured the footing for the tower and you know since it's standing on end it would have been a foot off the slab so i called them up saying you know i need we needed a standard i usually high kids are more money but then we went back and forth a little bit and then i got up on the roof of it and the roof was all rotted out and they were gonna pick it up and swap it and then finally i said i'll give you a thousand bucks for this container and send me another one and they agreed to that after a bit of convincing them so so that's why i paid a thousand bucks for then that container was beautiful just the roof had some holes through it um which wasn't a problem at all for what i was doing because it ended up getting a concrete pour on top so there's eight inches of concrete on top of that container but i wasn't even planning on doing that with the building i was just i put the bridge there first and then and then the tower but then i'm like well what if i had one more container there and it gave me that one wall so that actually really worked out good because then it gave me that wall to work out of and all that space up there and it kind of tied the bridge and the tower together before there was um the upstairs was built that was a few years so it did work out well [Music] [Music] so you got the adobe is the latest yeah um yeah i mean that's i was so pretty much all my videos have been edited with uh gopro studio but they you know that program it's got some issues on one gopro stopped supporting it years ago and then it it's it's hard to use i mean i probably have hundreds if not thousands of hours spent using that software so i kind of learned what to do and not to do to not make it crash and actually get videos produced with it and it did work i just did make the switch though to adobe premiere which is what a lot of professionals seem to be using and now i'm getting used to that and able to turn out videos and seeing better results now that i'm learning how to use the software um the uh the subscription base uh you got to pay for it monthly which is a little annoying i guess there's pros and cons that i mean i guess one big pro to it i mean that's why the gopro studio kind of died out because i built a new computer and i could not get this older software to run on a new computer i mean i tried quite a bit it did have some success but ultimately that's what made me make the change and so the premiere i mean one pro the premiere i mean there's probably a team of people right now working on the software because they're making that money so um so that's one of the advantages now i did ask too a lot of people said to use um davinci resolve and i downloaded that and that seems to open stuff right up i just gotta learn how to use it see i when i edit i'm using the keyboard the whole time right because if you're moving the mouse around that's that's too slow so what you do like and my videos obviously aren't about special effects but it's about being able to make the cuts efficiently so on the keyboard i use i for cut in o for cut out insert for just a regular cut it doesn't delete anything and then space for stopping and starting so in premiere with some help i was able to bind all those keys because that's how it was in gopro studio so i can edit that way i've with davinci resolve i was kind of having a hard time figuring that out but um i mean another nice thing about premiere 2 i haven't seen it crash yet gopro studio used to crash all the time i used to kind of what i'd have to do is edit in sections like once i start seeing my storyboard get close to even eight minutes was pushing it so what you do is you which i kind of liked doing it this way you'd get to about eight minutes i'd watch that eight minute section of video through a few times make sure it's good and then i just export it and just do you know part one two three four um and that even sometimes depending on the project that would be like a day or i'll just try to split it up into sections that make sense like chapters as you will and then and then at the end you could go take all those exported clips and edit them all render them all together as a finished video and that also helps break up the workload over days too because i'll have videos where i'm working on them for weeks or months to get the footage and at least having everything edited helps quite a bit and um and gopro studio was fine at that um but you'd have to export everything as avi files like uncompressed um at least in premiere and then to edit what you'd have to convert everything from mp4 to avi before you could even edit it right and that was a slow that was just like a whole extra step that the premiere or i mean i see davinci resolve they can just open the mp4 files right up and edit them fine now you got to be working off a solid state hard drive so it actually is fast enough to to work but i mean that's the name that's what you got to do you got to be able to get these videos edited i've had a lot of people reach out to me too like oh you want help editing and i that would be nice to get rid of that workload but edit it i mean having someone else edited this stuff would be hard for a few reasons because it would really change the feel of the videos and then two even when i'm filming stuff i kind of have an idea of how i'm going to edit it if someone else was doing that they don't always it would it would change the field you'd have to go back and approve each thing and yeah i mean i'm not saying they could it couldn't be done it it probably wouldn't i mean people have different eyes for how things would would be so i mean because my obviously when you record a video on something way more footage gets recorded than used and if you start i guess the pacing of the video i should say that's important that the video is paced properly so it's actually watchable because i mean i just did a job repairing this trailer i put new axles and stuff on it and you know that could i mean there's eight hours of uh a footage recorded on that you know you don't want no one wants to watch eight hours so these just came off that trailer and these equalizers were bad because you could look how i mean look at that i was about to break but these springs are still good so if i cut that right there oh you guys look great come on i can put it [Music] so [Music] yes that spring pack could still be used i just i changed absolutely everything on the trailer i mean i probably over fixed it but it was kind of nice just having brand new everything on it but if i ever had a problem in the future i mean this is technically a good speed it needs bushings but that's that's fine i was just hammering okay scrapping straps oh yes [Music] yeah that was wearing yeah that was wearing down you would need new hardware anyway that's scraphow okay got a scrap yard all right gotta autograph more stuff install it that's just junk the cat roller was cool safety glasses collection that was easier than cutting that yeah the dewalt yeah yeah i don't know strong [Applause] so you say those came off your trailer yeah okay yeah i just did brand new everything like springs and everything new axles that didn't really need new axles but it got them and needed new it needed it had one spring that was broken so that's why the trailer wasn't usable and the brakes weren't working plus those equalizers were blown out so i just instead of just switching some stuff which i definitely could have gotten away with i just did brand new everything nice but it's not done okay i want to back it up the surge breaks i can't back up at all just the surge breaks come on so hard um i gotta i gotta i ordered it i gotta support a few more things but it's uh i gotta put an electric switch in the truck you can wire it to your reverse lights so it's like an electric actuator that hooks onto the brake line and it essentially blocks it off for when you go to reverse that way the surge brakes aren't coming on but what i'm gonna do is even better i'm going to wire it to my trailer brake pin which doesn't get used with the surge brakes and then that goes into the cap to the brake controller and then we'll do i'll tap into that wire and i'll install a three-way switch and then that way i can either have it switched for the brake controller to be hooked up like normal for regular electric brakes have it so it's off or have it so it's sending power to it all the time so that way when i go to use reverse i can switch it to power all the time and turn off the brakes and when i'm using the brakes like normal i just have it in the off position so it's not powering that sole point and when i'm telling a trailer with regular electric brakes i'll switch it to the brake controller and the brake control will power the electric brakes good point oh yeah so that well that's kind of better because i was going to hook into the reverse lights but then this that still gives you two problems so one problem say if you are already in a position where the trailer brakes are kind of being pressed you even if you put in reverse it's still the brake's still on so it doesn't really work in some situations and the other problem with those surge brakes if you're going down like a long mountain road they are on the whole time continuously and they're not you're not pulsing them on and off like you're supposed to and they'll just get smoking hot burn them out you'd be changing out brake pads glazing the brakes so then the other thing so then you can flip that switch before going down like a mountain road turn it completely off and then so they're not using the surge brakes and then just you know use the truck engine to slow you down like you're supposed to and you could just switch it right back on if you wanted to turn the trailer brakes back on but at least it doesn't ruin the brakes so that's the plan it's gonna come back i gotta order a few things and it's gonna come back in here i mean i kind of want to revisit the 955 project i just did that muffler and some things like that but the muffler wasn't quite right yeah you wanted it quieter right well i think it got a manifold leak or something i should really look at that yeah that was that was like just a few videos ago yeah yeah i just did that i did some other stuff to it that i needed like the starter fx i changed the oil i did the roller that was seized up change that yeah there's the old roller right there dude i mean oh yeah that's the markers yeah these are pretty nice i'm just too hard yeah you gotta be careful not to push in on it because then it does this one seems a little messed up it's all good that's pretty nice yeah that's cool yeah actually you know that lawnmower i actually had that a really long time that lawnmower my dad got that out of the trash for free and brought it home and i did fixed it and because i was fixing and selling lawn mowers for a long time but i always kept that one because that one was really good at doing leaves it was good doing these because it really blew out the side really hard and reverse was fast it's like you know as fast as forward you know not like you're crawling so what you would do is like you start next to a house flowing away from the house go forward to get them blow everything that and then just put it in reverse don't reverse you just keep blowing everything so you get it to the side one way so it's chopping them up and blowing them at the same time and mowing the grass that's cool so with that that's why i always kept that lawn mower yeah it had been sitting in this chat for years i didn't touch it and then i got a much nicer of the same thing and it was i mean it's just taking up space so i was like well that's a pretty cool i mean you know that's like a 200 lawn mower so it's like it's not even worth [Music] [Applause] [Music] so that turned out nice how cool is that cool it's weird when you're like spelling something out slow like that like it's easy to misspell right and like you seem like an idiot even laying out stencils too like you think you want to try welding it yeah i'll try it sure okay i get it sounded good so that was a little high but that's okay brad nice very cool yeah takes a little price sometimes it helps to like write it first and then that is so much easier than stick one oh yeah yeah i mean i wouldn't actually purchase that you should get a go buy because your son wanted to do it too right you should go buy a brand new 211 uh miller yeah okay does it that's a 251 so they don't sell that model anymore but the new comparable version of that one is the 252 but the see the reason i'm suggesting the 211 is because one it's re i got one outside it's really small you can carry it um and it's dual voltage so you can plug it into the 220 which that's that's ultimately what you want is is to use this plug you'll get much better results but you can still plug it into a regular household outlet and still use it yeah it doesn't have the same power you can't weld this thick but you can use it and then what about gas um yeah that's your local welding shop we'll hook you up okay but you don't have to use gas you can use the shielded wire okay and no gas if you're actually if you're running on 110 you're almost better not using the gas and using the shield of wire because you get better penetration but once you're running on 220 then the machine is performing a lot better so i mean if you're doing like big structural steel you're better off moving to a machine like this but for this is what you did for the roof yeah yeah but we did a lot with the the 2011 as well i mean i'll show you the 211 i should bring it in here i mean they're a little expensive but it's not you don't want to go to harbor freight and buy the cheapest right what oh where's cody oh there he is look how good you look how good you guys are being your new toy you know being the good dogs yeah i mean you could go to harbor freight and get i mean mig well this started like a hundred bucks what are you getting for a hundred bucks you know it's probably a piece of crap this i think this is like 1600 or so yeah i mean you know you can buy one that's a smaller machine that's that size but it doesn't i mean this is the least can do stuff right that's a nice machine that's why i'm saying get the 211 because as a hobbyist because i mean yeah it's a little pricey but at least you have a machine it actually works you can do what yeah it's you it's small it's not married to this car you could just carry this around right um and you know accuse of outgas and you can plug it in anywhere not you're not just stuck like the 251 is only you can only plug it into 220. would you order this online yeah yeah oh yeah that's i mean that's a brand new welder they still sell this i mean obviously they're so well there's that 250 one's an old model but yes yes sir yeah there's the trailers huh yeah it's all brand new axles this isn't the one you built though right no this is the one i did that video on uh it was titled refurbishing and they put a new deck on it and the frame was broken i fixed the frame yeah it had now have a wood deck before yeah you know it's got brand new springs and axles and brakes brand new trailer pre pretty much now if you're doing all that work it's cheaper to buy a new trailer honestly but um but so this is a nice trailer though i mean i was just looking at the trailer place a new trailer like that's about like six grand so you know i even even this is brand new oh yeah that was bad and i mean that wasn't all bad like it needed like the the master cylinder was bad and there's a few random little parts in it but then i was like it's cheaper to just not cheaper but i just bought that whole assembly and everything's brand new and then i have you know the old one for parts if you needed it but see i gotta install uh because right now you go to back this up you can't so i gotta install a valve on here a one um that you shut off so i gotta hook it up to the electrical and uh-huh yeah the pintle hitch is the way to go i did it with the ball for a while his pencil so much better six times wow the mighty truck i just drove moved an excavator for one of my friends tripling while he bought a brand new or not no he bought a brand new 1989 excavator i was all excited about it so it looks just like this it was a john deere 30 but really it's a dynamo it's almost bigger than that one though i mean it's a 37. so it was pretty much that was like that machine kind of yeah you've kind of become a yawn mar fan haven't you been great machines for me i got the two of them you know what else they make they make boat motors yeah you seen that yeah people love those boat motors i mean you know what i really i really want to extend this building close it in some nice pallet racks it's a nice pallet racks right there and then you can like forklift stuff like stuff like that like a snowmobile like it's low it could be on a pallet it could be up there you know you don't need in the summertime you don't need it like the uh the way they've got the uh rack set up lowest at lowe's oh yeah perfect imagine having a building like that like that oh he needs a forklift endlessly space i mean if i had like the lowest building like everything i have would be inside with spare that's maybe one thing i should do is you gotta buy you got to build a lowe's that's the next thing you just felt like an enormous something like all that stuff everything would be inside yeah this is impressive this is like yeah yeah i feel good about that i was glued to the tv for a little bit some people said oh watch me move the was different it wasn't like that when i first put the building here because and then the power wasn't there i didn't think the power was an afterthought but if the power wasn't there you know even if the rock still it's not going to wipe out the building but now once the tower was there that and the bridge was attached to the rock that this rock cannot move now no so that ain't going all the engineering i did said that it's more than and it look the rock looks bad from here but before i poured that footing on there it went way back uh-huh into the cliff a lot further so so as you moved material that's when it kind of became like it long you can see and this stuff's still you know falling so you know if you got all that out of there and kept prying it could probably go but now with these with these like again i don't think it could now no i i mean all the math i did said these were capable of holding multiple times what that weighs yeah that's impressive i mean that's like that was one of the ones that was one of the videos that i was glued to the tv watching is this down into bedrock i pinned them into the thing that's that 5000 psi concrete plus it's it's against because it would have to go this way right against this which this is the whole building which weighs a lot so plus pin you know pinned to bedrock you know big pins it says one inch rebar it's so cool okay you can see the chainsaw mark something yeah that's awesome i liking those leaves you like the leaves levi i've burned these out of here a few times but it messed up my paint yeah that's awesome [Music] how cool is that levi's signature it's easier than dipping his foot in pain yeah yeah so here we go that's awesome [Music] [Music] okay so yeah there's some neat colors um there you go yeah yeah there's some neat color rocks here it's even faster you probably look hard enough but see like oh that's cool this i mean it breaks up easy but it's a really nice blue color to it and there's like greens and blues yeah that's really cool yeah the dogs love it yeah this spot i want to dress this up a little nicer turn it to a koi pond just make the edges a little better i mean i love what i was doing with the rocks there but there's like still like this that looks bad this pop will go that's all assisted soil right there and then they just like do the whole bank like that i gotta spend time in the spot cody likes the way it is what do you think cody labs in the water [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] where do you see your channel going in the future where i see my channel going i just want to keep feeling exactly what i am doing hopefully for the most part improving things but really keeping it the same this guy right there you know we gotta do we gotta find him a girlfriend and make some more labs right it's about these sponsor puppies ah cody we gotta find your girlfriend make like a whole bunch all right well this job's all done so on to the next one i'm off to the next job all right on to the next job all right so uh all right so i'm all done here on to the next job all right so on to the next job all right on to the next job all right that looks good so on to the next job all right on to the next job all right on to the next job all right well let's uh so this is all finished up on to the next job
Channel: B-Rad
Views: 27,503
Rating: 4.9524145 out of 5
Keywords: andrew camarata, Andrew Camarata, B-Rad shorts
Id: QNovq65-jTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 59sec (4439 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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