Talking about every vehicle I've had

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I haven't watched the whole thing yet, but I"m sure it's going to be great!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Lickingmonitors πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

It’s great

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TaterNug πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

He was a mailman! 1:04:15 he mentioned that. I'm only half way through. Great so far.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bloodshotnipples πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Such a good video (movie lol)! Would love one produced on his current fleet of machinery in a long video!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Redgie11 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
all right this video is gonna be about every vehicle I've ever had starting from my first three wheeler to every car I've ever had on the road it's gonna be probably a lot of pictures more stories but I definitely have some old videos too so let's jump right into it and I'll talk about the first vehicles that I had when I had my life and this is gonna be a pretty long video so I'll put the timestamps in the video description of what vehicles are getting talked about at what times all right so right as I started driving I pretty much had access to these two vehicles this here is a 1988 Mazda rx-7 and this here is an 86 Isuzu Trooper so let's talk about the Mazda first my D I got this car when he was working he saw it sitting in someone's yard with no plates on it look like I hadn't moved in a while went and talked to a guy pretty much ended up getting it for free so this is uh stone at home and the guy had rear-ended someone with it and pretty much stopped driving it at that point but we got it all you know so I needed some bodywork so here it is fixed up looking good painted this was a cool car to drive it was like a sports car rear wheel drive was pretty fast with its rotary engine but it had a few things about it I didn't like one it didn't have enough ground clearance it was only a couple inches off the ground it was real easy to bottom out on stuff especially a lot of my friends driveways or go anywhere off-road it wasn't good in the snow couldn't tell anything couldn't carry a lot of people or stuff and being in high school I often wanted to move a lot of people around and you know sometimes I'd have five people in it and the people in the back they'd just be laying on top of each other but then I pretty much mostly started driving this over the maza now this was something we had had for years my dad had bought it to tow our sailboat and it was something we got real cheap because the frame was rotted out on it and you back of the frame was actually broken and we went to a junkyard got another frame and cut it in half and used the back of that frame on this car we had someone install it and then it was a good vehicle and now this was a cool vehicle because it could fit a lot of people in it a lot of stuff I could told my trailer could go off-road it could go in the snow this was a practical vehicle but it had a few big negatives to it one it didn't have any power 2.3 liter four-cylinder carbureted engine getting the thing up to 65 miles an hour was pretty much impossible it didn't idle so whenever I come up to a stop sign or stoplight I'd have to drive a three feet meaning my left foot would be on the clutch and then my right foot I'd have to be able to hit the gas and the brake pedal at the same time to keep it running and I got pretty good at doing it after a while here's some old photos of pulling this boat out of the swamp my dad and I were gonna fix it up in this trailer I used to tow this trailer everywhere it was great my four-wheeler could go right in it and here's that the dump I was like going here I'd always find a lot of broken stuff and bring it home and fix it but then we got another Isuzu Trooper that was a real big upgrade over this one before talking about more trucks let's go back to 1993 and talk about my three wheeler all right this year this is the first real vehicle I ever had I mean before this I had one of those electric power wheels but those are pretty underpowered and the range is way too short on them [Music] this thing is a lot faster I got this when I was seven years old my dad bought it for me this thing I wrote this thing a ton this is a 1985 Yamaha tries dinger 60 and this thing was a real good thing to learn how to drive on because these three wheelers takes a little bit of finesse to ride these properly all right it's been years since I've started this thing but let's try it this thing always ran good let's go throw a little stable in this thing this is oil injected but just to be safe put a drop in here ah fire up [Applause] [Music] [Music] Raunak good - come on makes good stuff yeah listen man I don't just ride this thing around for a while [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] right all quit [Music] [Music] [Music] carburetor needs to be cleaned on that here's the carburetor here not quite rubbing right things easy to work on though and I just bought a new carburetor Ani bag for 20 bucks I have to market but there's the choke in the throttle cable Oh oh there we go yeah the float stuck all right see the position he floats in like this down position and the needle look at that all right so this is a pretty easy fix you could see the float in there it's just stuck see how that should move a lot easier than that and it's just dirty right around the needle that pull that out and that's all right there that's just a little dirty let's throw this in an ultrasonic cleaner [Music] good stuff coming off it right there all right well let that run for a few minutes [Music] [Music] there there okay so now this is important that this moves easily [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] boy sir [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] all right well the try zinger is running pretty good so this was my main vehicle probably from second grade probably all the way to fifth and then I got a LT 80 which I still I don't have that still but I got some photos of it searching through old VHS tapes I just found this 1980s video of my cousin riding a brand new Honda big red three wheeler I first saw this tape when I was about six years old this was the video that got me into riding that three we looked like so much fun I knew I had to have one after riding the tri zinger for years next I wanted something a little bigger I got this 1992 Suzuki LT 84 wheeler this was a little bit faster with a bigger engine had electric start was a four wheeler and I rode this thing for a lot of years this thing was great is very reliable never really had any problems with it the only reason I sold this is because I pretty much just got too big for it and my knees were hitting the handlebars [Music] fifth grade is when I got my boat this is a 1958 tomahawk ski mate and when I got it it was just pretty much a shell where and he did the whole thing redone and my dad and I fixed it up with doing all the bodywork putting seats in it and motor and I still have this this has been a good boat once I got too big for the LTA t x4 wheeler I got was a 1997 Yamaha warrior 350 this one had a six-speed manual transmission with Reverse this was a lot faster and bigger than the LT 80 and I rode this four-wheeler for a lot of years I did spend a lot of time fixing this one but at least I got really good at working on stuff for my next four-wheeler I went and bought a brand-new 2003 Suzuki Z 400 that was when these things first came out this four-wheeler was much faster than the Yamaha warrior it was a lot of fun to ride and I did ride this thing a ton for years especially since my friend bought one right at the same time and a bunch of my friends had four-wheelers at the time so we were just always riding these things after school and it was fun doing upgrades to him like upgrading to skid plates and tires one bad thing about buying a first year product these things they had problems when they first came out with the frames breaking my friend broke the frame on his pretty quick the dealer ended up giving him a brand new frame and doing all the labor changing it I didn't want my frame to break especially since it was already rusty in that spot so I ended up bracing it up before it had a chance to break I kept this formula for three years and then I traded it in on an enduro so that's Z 400 I ended up trading that in for this in 2006 I bought this brand new this is a Yamaha TW 200 enduro and a few things that stand out about this this has these fat tires on it that no other enduro has and it's got a nice low seat this is a very easy to ride bike it's an off-road bike so it works good off-road and it's road legal and this bike has been great it's been very reliable I can easily carry a passenger this is a very great thing for exploring because you can easily just go down trails pop out on some road somewhere and be completely fine so definitely recommend these and these things are pretty cheap too the way to get them is just to get them new one thing that's also great about this is Yamaha started selling these like in the mid 80s and they still sell these things in 2019 unchanged which you know that that's a big problem that so many other companies have like they'll have a product that's great and then they'll redesign it for no reason and sometimes the new ones inferior to the old ones so definitely great on this that you can buy a brand new 30 year old motorcycle with all that great 80s technology and some people may try to argue all this is only 200 CCS it's not fast enough that's completely nonsense because this thing these fat tires grip everything so well they can really corner very fast on this thing and how easy this thing is to ride makes it very easy to go fast on it if you want to race it let's see how much these costs in 2020 in a motorcycle dual-sport there it is that's cool they still sell these things brand new so 4600 when I got mine in 2006 it was 3600 but still cheaper and anything else you'd buy this is the bike to get right here and here's the important thing they still sell these in the upcoming year 2020 very good job now [Music] and as far as sport four-wheeler sculls I still have one eye none of my friends have been riding much lately but I have taken us out a few times this is a 2001 Honda 300 X these are very reliable machines and you know it's got reverse 5-speed these grippy tires work really well this thing goes I've gotten in some deep snow with this thing that goes fine you know these are definitely great machines a big key with four wheelers though people always ruin them by changing like the mufflers and putting aftermarket parts on them that's very important not to do that leave these stock they will stay running forever as soon as they get a pipe or something they're usually garbage in a year but this is a definitely an all-stock 300x nice thing to have [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm just curious well Honda is selling currently see if they still sell 300 exs I'd be under sport and that's it well it's good they have a youth model but these 250 X's are pretty lame because it's semi-automatic I mean that's pretty much just a recon missing its racks that's lame let's see what they have for utility I mean utilities are kind of better because you can go out riding them all day and stay clean I guess I'd probably have to say get to rancher if you're gonna get something cheap I can't believe they don't sell anymore sport ATVs let's see what Yamaha house ATV sport looks like they have a youth which is good a fifty either getting a fifty earth or a seven oh no he's a 450 okay okay you getting a fifty is 700 or a 450 well that's cool these are actually cool models and a 90 all right all these Yamaha still sell in sports this isn't really comparable to that 300 X because if you get up on the mountains on this thing this thing wants to go fast and it doesn't want to go slow and if you're trying to go slow on the thing you're not gonna have a good time that's why the 300 X is nice because you can do both but this is a very fast machine here better nothing check their utilities now I still got a big selection that's a Goods usually like a 450 is better than like a 700 are a little ridiculous even overriding sport four-wheelers kind of fell out of fashion a lot of my friends did get these things and I don't know if this is like an old man four-wheeler but this this thing is pretty fun because you can go out riding on this thing carry two people carry a bunch of stuff this has been a very nice work vehicle had this a year and a half now and I could talk about too much because there is an hour and a half long video on my channel I did last year on this thing but side-by-sides are definitely fun vehicles from the time I bought that yellow Suzuki I also bought this this is a 2001 Honda Foreman Rubicon ATV this one had a 500cc engine with a computer-controlled hydraulic transmission this was my first 4x4 ATV and the four by fours are definitely cool they can go anywhere and they're a lot more practical than the sport four-wheelers being it you can still have a good time on them but they can get work done and when you go out riding I'm generally you come back clean I'm the sport four-wheelers every puddle and gets the money gets thrown right out yet so the sport utility four-wheelers are the way to go here I built this nice bumper for it because that plastic thing fell right off the front right away this four-wheeler was okay I was definitely having a lot of problems with it though that computer controlled transmission kept having issues of sensors where it wouldn't shift and the thing would stall when you drive it in water so I kept this one a couple years but I ended up trading this for a 95 for mint 400 after I was having so many problems with that Honda Rubicon I pretty much traded it for this this is a 95 Honda Forman 400 and this one has been great I've had this over 15 years now this is something I would never sell it's been very reliable it's got a very nice low center of gravity which it does great on steep hills and this has been plenty of fun to ride as a sport machine because you can go out riding this thing and come back still be pulling clean and it can use it for work plus it with the four-wheel drive this thing goes I would buy four-wheelers just to fix them up this is a good example here I think I paid like 40 bucks for this thing because it was pretty much destroyed then here it is about halfway through the repair process where a bunch of parts were missing and broken I would just order everything that it needed off eBay and put it all together and here it is all finished up I did a ton of work to this thing to get it looking good again but you could see like this bumper I put these that mesh in there put all new tires on it and I've done quite a few four-wheelers like this but you know they don't quite make this video because it wasn't really something that I was riding it was just something I was fixing up I had this be w204 a little while to look hard brought this thing home I bought it for a hundred bucks because the it didn't have any compression and I didn't want to go home and get a trailer so I just did this so I rebuilt the engine on that and got that running and I did write it for a little while I probably should have kept it a little longer it was this and the Honda fatcat like they were the only dirt bikes I had ATV tires on them [Music] all right another vehicle that was really important to me was this thing here this is a go pet scooter I bought this brand new I think I was 13 or 14 the thing that was cool about this before you have a driver's license your options are either like your bike or your feet you know sometimes we wrote four-wheelers down the road but everyone kind of knew you weren't allowed to do that this thing here I would ride this down the road all the time and no one ever said anything or cared and this was a lot better than a bike because this thing did a solid 20 miles an hour went up hills and everything no problem this was really cool transportation for a lot of years a bunch of my friends got them it's cool that it's a it's a cool scooter you can just pick it right up it folds up to start it up just drop it down unfold it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I definitely recommend these scooters these things are great especially to like still it's like a vehicle you can carry around easily like if you're boating or something and voted to an island you could easily bring this on the boat here's some 2004 photos of me riding that scooter so that'd be 15 years ago now just curious if they still sell these things well it certainly looks like it that looks like the same thing how much is it 728 it was 400 when I bought it at least they're still available and I had a scooter just like this - that thing was a lot of fun but I was like taking it offroad way too much and it wasn't meant for that this thing was fun though it did a solid 40 miles an hour this is the first snowmobile ever got this was a 1972 ski-doo elan 250 this is something i bought off one of my friends for a hundred bucks that needed work and i got it running and did ride this for a few years [Music] [Music] [Applause] then a bunch of years went by where I never had a snowmobile finally I got another one I got this I think 350 bucks I paid for it was a late 80s Yamaha XLV 540 and here it is after I did a little work to it I fixed a bunch of little miscellaneous things wrong for a new duct tape seat cover a new windshield and this was the first time I had it out for the season and within it was running great but within the first 20 minutes the engine blew up but since I was out riding with a bunch of friends and all their stuff was pretty nice and my thing blew up the first time I was like well let me actually get a decent snowmobiles so there was a bunch of people up there ride and I just started asking people like hey you want to sell your snowmobile and one guy said yes so I ended up getting this it's a 2000 something artic at CL 800 I think I paid 1,700 for it and then that was pretty cool so I was able to keep riding for the rest of the day so I still have this this is a decent snowmobile it hasn't been that reliable though being an 800 what if it started track this thing is very fast it will get up to 100 miles an hour and what feels like no time Sol v5 40 I did end up getting another one really cheap that was missing a bunch of parts that had a good motor and I made one good one out of the two of them after having that one Yamaha 540 in the Arctica I started picking up more cheap Yamaha snowmobiles I got a few of these Yamaha enticer three-four days these are pretty cool [Music] [Music] and then I picked up a few yamaha Bravo's this one here I took the entire suspension assembly and everything off the XLV 540 and made it fit this thing and that made it pretty cool cuz it's like a youth snowmobile with a long track on it [Music] [Music] and then I got another Bravo 250 that came from the factory off a long track on it and this one's cool cos got this nice basket on the back and Levi likes to ride on it [Music] this is the first jet ski I ever bought this was a mid-90s sea-doo XP 720 had this for a few years I liked it but it kept having an issue where it was always filling up with water and I could never figure it out now that I've had a bunch of jet skis I think it just had a loose exhaust clamp somewhere because generally when they're filling up with water that's the reason after I sold that sea-doo I didn't have a jet ski for years but then I was driving down the road one day and I saw this sitting on the side of the road with a big free sign on it and with a little bit of work I got it running and it was pretty cool but this being a 500cc it was a little bit slow so then I also picked up this 650 and another 500 that I got for 50 bucks each that had been sitting that were in really bad condition but I got him both running there was a cool video on my channel of fixing those too and here's that one 500 after I had fixed it this thing seemed like it was complete garbage but after I did all the work to it the thing ran great then I got this Kawasaki this thing was pretty nice then I got these two as well that were really cheap they had been sitting for a long time this one I got running pretty easy just took some work this one I actually put a whole new engine in it but this actually this black one here turned out to be like my favorite one for the year it did kind of blow up again towards the end of the year and I got another engine for I'm gonna change it next year but I did ride it a lot so it's not I could swap that engine in no time so it's not a big deal and then here's one of the WaveRunner threes with Levi on it and mid year 2019 I also picked up this kawasaki 250 which it's a big 250 horsepower supercharged I got a pretty cheap because it was in rough shape and it's definitely fast and it rides nice but I've been having a lot of issues with this thing breaking down it pretty much breaks at least every other time I ride it and I mean it's cool but the last time I wrote it now won't like rev over 3,000 rpms I think the supercharger belt broke but I'm a kind of trying to sell this one but I've been having more fun on these cheap jet skis anyway so that's kind of the way to go alright so let's go back to talking about trucks this year I consider my first actual truck booked because I had this white tripper on the road for a while but it wasn't that long before we got this so this my dad actually got when he was working he saw it on the side of the road had a free sign on it on the windshield and we had a towed home it was free because I had a blown head gasket that was a very common problem for these this had the two point six liter fuel-injected four-cylinder gasoline engine my dad and I put the head gasket in it and then this was my car and I really liked driving this one because I had a lot of because I had a lot more power than the white one it had disc brakes this being two years newer than this white one just had a lot of improvements from 88 to 86 so once it was fixed so here we are at my friend's house weird and this thing I would drive this thing through the woods crazy with this thing it was I treated it like a four-wheeler so here as I this light under here's a video my friend and I did for computer class we did a report on how durable computers were we tested this by just running some computers over with the truck and saying that they were not durable enough [Music] and this film is filming this test clearly shows that the Iowa tech 3000 is not a well-built computer and you should not buy this other kid did his project a week before making up a computer company called Ayala tech we were reviewing his computer computer computer accident control this will test the durability of a computer case in the event of a car accident so this vehicle evolved quite a bit over the years so here it is after I had done some work to it now I really got to credit this vehicle because I learned a lot of stuff on how to fix vehicles because of this thing because I was driving it and in order to keep it running I had to keep it I had to fix it so and it's really this is the reason I learned how to weld because the when I got the first welder was because the body mounts on this thing broke the body actually broke right off the frame because of rust and I was hard on it and my dad wanted to like fibreglass it back together I was like well that's you know that's probably more appropriate for a unibody vehicle but not so much this so we went and bought this Lincoln MIG welder and that's what really got me started welding sorry but I was able to fix the floor and then I made this cool brush guard for it and just started making parts and fixing it well if this with that welder so here it is right after I made this roof storage basket and then I also put these limb raisers on here those worked really well for driving through brush because they would lift like instead of branches like whipping off the windshield they would like lift them up and away from the windshield it work really good if you're driving down four-wheeler trails ok so here's another rust repair this the frame actually broke in the back and what I did to fix it I just cut out the whole rear floor and it was so much easier to get to the frame so here's where it broke right there so I took out the gas tank and then I was able to do a really good job fixing that frame with the gas tank out and then I made the rear floor section like a removable panel that could just be taken out in order to service the gas tank driveshaft axle frame anything under there here's some photos of it looking pretty good these were some 5 lug rims I actually drilled to be 6 lug and I put them on there I didn't have him on there that long though alright then I started gathering a collection of troopers one year we're out trick-or-treating and this guy saw I had a trooper and he's like you want another one I said no not really he's like 20 bucks something I don't know my friend kind of wanted it and then he's like free it's like all right i towed her home so I took that red one but that was so rotted out then this white one I actually got that was in good shape and I was kind of planning on driving it that one had the v6 with an automatic the automatic transmission was bad I needed a took it out she's gonna have it rebuilt everyone wanted like a thousand bucks to rebuild that I never put it back in finally I gave it to my friend he took the transmission out of this red one which was a standard and put it in that white one and he got that white one going again after but I think it was like that transmission was like bad it wouldn't go in four-wheel-drive he ended up getting another transmission but he did get that going and he drove it for a while alright so the first day of school on our senior year were like oh let's get up really early look I still dark out when we got out I'm like let's get our trucks all covered in mud before school but let's not get stuck on my way to get our trucks covered him I did not get stuck we immediately like my friend got stuck here if the super swampers I'm like oh I'll try to get him I got stuck and then we were pretty all we were we were all pretty late on our first day to school pulling trucks out of the mud but then here's my friend in the same spot after we got out getting stuck okay and then after school like let's go off-roading again so this is what happens so my friend he had this Bronco he had that thing one day and that was the last day of it so he's he was the first one that got stuck he drove in this Creek the thing motor locked up never ran again after that so we eventually pulled him out eventually pulled him out but then a bunch of people got stuck and there was this Creek and I crossed the thing like five times I was making it but then like the fifth time for whatever reason my engine stalled then it was getting dark out and then there was some hurricane coming up from Florida and we eventually someone came and pulled me out and we pulled this thing completely out of the water we put it like right here all right it's dry it's fine and then when I came back the next day this is what I found I'm like oh damn my truck has been under water for a while so we mean I wish I took photos of this we finally went with my friend came off like a blazer and it took us a while but we got it out had to pull it up the whole trail so the thing wouldn't start obviously because it was underwater but it wasn't I got it running again pretty quick I had to change all the fluids a few times and it wouldn't start but after pulling it down the road - finally got running again that's one thing with vehicles they should really if I was part of the deal T I wouldn't allow any vehicles on the road that weren't completely waterproof because these cars that end up in floods and then they say oh the scrap metal cuz it got flooded it's that's really a design flaw you know really a car should be able to go underwater stay there for days and then be fine once the water drains and it's really not hard to do four-wheelers will do that generally you can sink a four-wheeler and then it's it doesn't take long to get them going again so really that should transfer over to cars as well so here we are a little later so I finally switched I got these super Swampert bogger tires and those are some pretty aggressive tires like that thing would go anywhere and those tires were good they never got flat yeah there it is they're looking pretty cool definitely like those tires and we'd go camping a lot like we'd go out partying in the woods and just spend the night there you know here it is one morning after off-road and then camping that was always fun and my friend had this Toyota at the time that thing was pretty nice and we would race down these power lines it would be like the rockiest trails and getting the trucks airborne all the time and it was so much fun just flying down to power lines and these things yeah the Toyotas were definitely good that's one thing I really kind of regret was I I never had a Toyota and they they're good vehicles oh yeah this is one night my friend got stuck I think I pulled him out yeah here's me pulling him out and I think I made it through that those super swampers are amazing trailer [Music] yeah your mom's to be happy Wow no that's not fast off what's he doing area [Applause] well the tire pop here's a cool photo here just driving through the mud up in the mountain see I think he he looks kind of stuck remember with these tires that thing just went anywhere so I got real tired of laying under cars so one thing that was a lot easier than laying under him was just to tilt him on their side so here I had used my Jeep to pull the trooper on the side to work on the bottom of it and I did once whooping on its side was so easy to work on I did a really good job fixing the drive shaft there and I fix the exhaust really well so at the bunch of my friends had off-road trucks like this and that was one thing we always like to do was just go drive around in the woods it was a lot of fun Oh God I was going out over [Music] it we just completely blocked off the trail for like haha moving so as far as reviewing Isuzu troopers I gotta say these are excellent vehicles except for their couple Achilles heel problems so depending on what year you had there was always different engines the engine and this one the two point six liter they always had head gasket issues but if you could get it worked out they were good as far as the drivetrain and suspension and axles all that stuff was pretty much invincible I was so hard on this vehicle hitting jumps off it running stuff over with it just were driving the thing ridiculously and it pretty much didn't break I mean I did a few wheel bearings in it I used to have to fix the frame a few times but that was because of rust and the skid plates on this thing were great it was kind of like a sloped angle and when you'd crash in and stuff instead of hitting it it would just kind of get kicked up over so that way you could run over trees and brush and cars and just anything vehicle was like invincible I'm gonna compare this to other vehicles I had later on specifically the jeeps that I had after this but you know the trooper great vehicle a lot of years so this trooper definitely like my favorite vehicle I don't know if it's first car nostalgia I think just the invincibility of the thing and how much fun I had with it was great and I actually still have this vehicle I kind of want to fix it at some point it's been sitting probably ten years now it needed an engine when it was sitting it's probably got some sitting problems and it's a it could be revived it kind of needs like a pretty big overhaul but it might happen I have a parts one so after I kind of unnecessarily gave up on this thing I bought this Nissan Xterra and I here's what happened after high school I was driving to college and it was a little far away to be driving this thing especially with these tires on it so I'm like oh let me just get a new vehicle new wish so I actually spent money and made payments on a four year old Nissan Xterra so let's talk about that now when the engine went bad in my green trooper I bought a part stripper to take the engine out of but then I I realized this one was in better shape than my green one so I built a bumper and put tires on this one but the frame was rotted on this here it is after I finished all the work to us I put some super swampers on it I've made this really nice bumper at a C channel and pipe this is tubing that I used my tubing bender to bend but it turned out real good this is a real quick simple bumper to do as well and it's that's a strong bumper there it is at the truck pull at the fair and that's when I first got my crane I was looking for things to lift up so I lifted that up the next vehicle I bought after the trooper was a 2000 Nissan Xterra and I bought this thing it was only a few years old when I bought this so this was an alright vehicle it was kind of comparable to the trooper but it had a few big things I didn't like about it one the main thing I didn't like about it is I actually spent money on this thing it was since it was pretty new I actually spent like $13,000 on it and that was a big waste because these things depreciate so quick every vehicle before this I've spent pretty much nothing on and every vehicle after this I've spent almost nothing on and I've just been a lot happier not spending money on vehicles you know like 2000 3000 on average so I started doing work to this car one thing I did I added this winch to the front so I pretty much made this was a plate I cut out and then just welded to the frame and I added these skid plates to it and put these more aggressive tires on it and then I just cut out the original bumper and slapped it over that winch and that worked out pretty well it was nice having that winch on there and here's that one mud pit we were stuck in another video and got stuck but then with the wind she pulled him out but one thing I didn't like about this car was kind of how delicate it was all the panels on this thing the metal was just too thin any little thing that hit it would just smash whatever part it was and I was probably too hard on the thing because I was using the thing as like a tractor here's this tree we were pulling out of the ground at my friend's house and I got it out but I probably should have bought a tractor or something sooner one day we're out partying and my friend had this Ford Explorer and the thing set itself on fire for no reason and so this I wouldn't use the X tire and pulled it out of there alright so the same day we were up there and I was right after I put the winch on it and I was like well who wants to get winch down the cliff and then two of my friends volunteered they said that sounded like a good idea so here's just some photos from doing that yeah there was a picture of me pulling it out then this guy had triple a it he calls him up saying hey my car caught on fire and it's up on the mountain can you come get it and they wouldn't come I was pretty funny though his conversation with them he's like Tim you don't tell them it caught on fire just just say come pick up my Explorer I got a flat hey there he's on the phone with triple-a that was funny [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so then I started building a bumper for the thing and I got it further along than this but then I kind of hit something and bent it pretty good and I didn't drive this thing too long I was just too annoyed with the whole making payments thing I did up giving it to my sister and she took over the payments on it and then here it is towards the end I was pretty frustrated with it cuz anytime if anything would get touched on it it would just get smashed in and whoever designed like the front-end and all the bodywork on this thing it was just like a joke how it was put together it was just everything was so delicate and so hard to work on now that ten years has gone by I've spin see next terrorist people who in selling him like 500 bucks just giving him away these things really did not hold their value really I should have bought a Toyota 4runner instead and I actually still have this vehicle after my sister couldn't get it inspected anymore she gave it back and I built this bumper 4 which was a cool old video on my youtube channel I mean making that bumper and I put some bigger tires on and a little bit of a lift kit alright another vehicle I had was this 1971 Jeep CJ 5 this was something that I bought I think $200 and I was planning on it needed a ton of work didn't run I was planning on doing like a full restoration on it where I disassembled the entire thing and put it back together the way I wanted it so the guy I bought this from he said that they had been plowing with it but they kept a plow and it was something that they got out of a junkyard where the floor had completely rusted apart and then someone had just put these angle iron on here blocks of wood and bolted it all back together so the body was at least not falling on top of the transmission and then they put this roof on here that was a cut off a van or something so they could plow and have and not have it full of snow and this looked like a fun vehicle to rebuild I really liked how simple it was put together you know easy it looked to work on it had a dauntless c6 engine in it I never ended up doing this project I did get this thing kind of running but I sold it in anticipation for doing it our garage it was always just full of junk like used the storage so you can see here's some photos I was just taking pictures of stuff in there but it was just a mess and to do the Jeep project what I did I just kind of cleaned it all out we built this others shed and here it is all done I got rid of all the junk that was just being stored in there put up insulation drywall more outlets we ran a hundred amp electric service out here got some more tools all this furniture got a heater in here and then the garage really I got a credit the jeep for doing this garage project cuz I never did the Jeep but I've done so much work in this garage and it's it was so much nicer to work on stuff in there when you can actually walk around not tripping over stuff find your tools have a nice workbench so that that's the best thing about that jeep in order for a vehicle to make this video I kind of felt it needed to be something that I actually drove for a while cuz there's a lot of stuff that I just bought in maybe to fix up and sell or didn't have on the road or even though I never had this on the road let me just talk about this thing for a while just cuz the sheer amount of work I put into this so this is an early 90s Isuzu pickup I got this for free the thing just the frame was completely rotted out and my dad and I like rebuilt the whole frame we had to put a clutch in it which is a big job you know especially laying on the ground doing it a starter and then someone had the bed all chopped up this thing was just this one was way too far gone to try to save and you know we did end up saving it but my answer over for a couple years but she kept breaking down and I think there's one thing here you can really see the condition of this garage before I kind of cleaned it out made it into a nice workshop but but this vehicle here was just the amount of work my dad and I did to this thing was just way too much so you can see the back the box was back of the cab was cut open and you know here's like the frame after we did a button you know here's like a new exhaust we did to it here's the frame you can see these are all like fish plates that had to be braced on there and someone else had already welded this frame up before us all right another vehicle we had here was this early 90s isuzu amigo now crazy story with getting this one my dad and I we actually saw this sitting on an abandoned gas station and we kind of wanted like all the grill off of it but but then we looked into it the gas station was like going up for taxes and then we went through all the paperwork with the DMV and with the town to claim the vehicle and eventually we got the title for and were able to put the thing on the road you know DMV said oh it was never registered in New York it was kind of a crazy thing I mean it was like a junk car it wasn't really worth much but we put the work into it and made it into a nice vehicle and I did drive this for a little while it's cool being a convertible it was in decent shape it wasn't rotted out one big problem with it though it wasn't four-wheel drive so that was just too frustrating but but then we finally sold it to one of my dad's friends and that guy put like over a hundred fifty thousand more miles on this thing he drove this thing for years and next to here this is my dad's 89 dodge Raider that he drove for a bunch of years we still have it needs a transmission though that's pretty rotted out another truck I had was this early 90s Suzuki Samurai this thing was pretty cool was nice that was convertible it was really small and light and but it did do very well offroad and I had it for a few years it didn't have a drop of rust on it and I probably should have kept this thing and I did off-road it for a while and beat it up a little bit but actually before I sold the thing my dad and I put it back to like perfect condition where we just replaced any part that it needed here's even like the back I it had these like upholstery things here that went back and I cut out this diamond plate here and it riveted it in place and bed line did it looked really nice I had this other one too and someone actually what one of my dad's friends actually gave this to us and I did this is after I did some work to it it came with a lift kit and these big tires and I built this bumper and did a bunch of work to this thing they got it ready I needed a carburetor and for some reason I just didn't want to spend the 300 bucks I don't know why you know I guess cuz I didn't have a title for it sure could I got one but the guy I sold it to said he got it running and you know there was you know I did spend time making this bumper and everything this would have been a cool truck he's only like a 1.3 liter vehicle it's it's almost like having a side-by-side so this thing was almost a little bit too small so it wasn't the best everyday vehicle but it was cool so there's the motor out right there and there it is on the bench actually rebuilt it and there's some better photos over here Oh after I built this bumper for it and put the motor back together here's one of my friends Toyota's we did this bumper together he had the same while there's me so like we each what like I'd wild something on this side and he'd be welding the exact same part on the other side went pretty quick that way the next vehicle I got was a 98 Jeep Cherokee this is a here this is after I'd done some work to it I got a cheap on eBay cuz it was really beat-up this bumper was crashed when I got it so I changed that bumper and some in the fender and a few other things and here's some photos off-roading it and here's in this cool train tunnel in this quarry video ribbon junk truck with it it's not attached bed removal [Music] bed removal hold on hold on Andrew to talk well the cab is off that's how you uh how you're supposed to do it read this in a manual we'll push it back also how to move around the cab is in that Chilton's book alright here's that that guy's house again low end up more scrap metal so you had the winch on the front and we were able to pick up like engine blocks and get it on the trailer using that cheap to haul gravel for a while - I was putting two tons of gravel in this trailer and the trailer wait a thousand pounds so it was a 5000 pound trailer but let see pull the fine and I was that was the floor from my shed look at Levi the puppy right there so one thing I did with this cheap I kept a really good track of the paperwork so you can see here this is this was like an expense report right here so you can see here's like when I first got it in January 2006 paid nine hundred sixty dollars for it there's the receipt I remembered my dad and I drove down to the city and got this and the list thing pretty much said Jeep runs and drives good and really rough shape from being used offroad but then every repair I did to this thing I wrote down here so you can see with this Jeep the amount of stuff I had to do this thing which some of this stuff is like initial repairs like tune-up cap rotor brake pads wheel bearings tires put a hitch on it radiator that was all overheating so I changed all the cooling system stuff the sway bar headlights the list on this yes oh jeez look how quick look how quick a $960 car turned into a four thousand six hundred dollar car check out some of these receipts so that was neat keeping really good track of the paperwork like that I haven't been doing this for other vehicles but well I haven't been fixing my other vehicles like this either I mean that Missha BC I've had longer and I've had this and it's got more miles on it and if I was keeping this list on my Misha be she it'd be like this long you know it'd be like four things on there I guess that's what you get when you buy a Jeep you get to make a three li finder with a table of contents for the repairs this is probably the cleanest picture of it this is later on and having it so things I put this brush guard on it I put these nice rockers on there this thing what didn't have any rust on it but it was pretty beat-up I had changed a ton of parts on this thing just to keep it runnin now I pretty much bought this Jeep for delivering mail I delivered a lot of mail out of this thing it was still a left-hand drive vehicle so I kind of said cut the center console out and was sitting pretty much between the two seats with my tray of mail two on the driver's seat and then I could reach out the passenger window to get to the mailboxes and this was a good car for delivering mail the four liter engine and this thing had a ton of power this thing could really accelerate fast and this was a good car until I slowed down to make a left-hand turn and this old lady was behind me and didn't she was looking elsewhere she said and just and ran right into the back of me I even saw her comment I stepped on the gas again which I'm sure lessened the accident but it was either way this is this is a result of it so you can see and now the scary thing with this accident I had a load of steel in the back of the truck but I was thinking like in case I get rear-ended I put it in or like diagonal so wouldn't but it like stabbed through the roof yeah see it kind of bent the thing up but see like the matter stabbed right through the roof of the car one of the pieces that's one thing whenever you're loading a car always be conscious of what what the load would do in an accident so I probably would have kept driving this thing the problem is like it wouldn't start for some reason after this accident I'm not sure why some people say oh it's got some kind of inertia switch that makes it not start but what I actually stretched it back out again with this winch and here's a video of it [Music] it's going on this thing is I think you need to start to CJ hey the door open I think you can actually use the door now it's almost straight yeah here it is stretched out look at that thing that's like you know a couple dents on the side I could maybe throw a new rear hatch on it and you know if this thing had kept running I probably would have just kept driving it like that but I couldn't figure out why I wouldn't start I'm I didn't look into it too much but but I did this motor did end up in my Jeep Wrangler which I'm going to talk about next after after when the Jeep Wrangler blew up so this motor did live again and Here I am finally scrapping it after selling so much stuff off of it there's my Dodge pickup before I painted it one color but yeah you could see I mean the engine and motor and all that was gone since this one was in an accident I ended up just getting another one of these jeeps because these things are pretty cheezles another 98 same thing this one had this one was a police car before I got it though so I had a cool few police options on it and then I moved some of my parts over like I put this brush guard on it my headlight screens okay so this blue Cherokee I I did keep delivering mail in this thing but then I quit the post office or I quit doing that roll carrying where I had to use my own vehicle shortly after this one was nice I had the part-time and full-time transfer case so that all-wheel drive was pretty nice in this one that the green one didn't have one thing I did do with this I used this a lot for hauling scrap metal this was right when I built this trailer and that was before I had my f250 to tow the trailer so I put a brake controller in this and I was towing these huge loads of scrap metal with this thing now with its four liter engine and this thing had a lot of power look how skinny lacey looks there jeez Levi looks the same though a little skinnier but but yeah this thing I hauled so many loads of scrap metal with this cheap and you know the trailer I mean that trailer empty weighs a little over a ton plus some of the loads were more than that but you know I just just had to drive the thing smart you know especially with the trailer brakes worked really well so it it drove pretty good you know there's a decent load right there as a car and if some of these loads were fun loading them up because what I you know I'd use this winch to load everything so I'd winch cars up and then I'd use a combination of pulleys and chains and because like obviously that engine block I didn't lift that up there by hand I think I put like a pulley up on a tree or something to winch that up in the air and here's like another one I remember getting like 450 bucks that Bronco and there's another car got there's another one my friend's dad gave me that yeah there it is looking pretty good there that was it that was a cool setup that Jeep with that trailer in that winch I still use this trailer plenty so this Jeep was pretty good I mean I was still doing the typical Jeep repairs to keep the thing running you know like axles and brakes and just stuff on the axles pretty much but what killed this one I was Hurricane Irene a big tree fell on it and it even bent like the whole car yeah here's another foot you could see the tree that hit this thing I mean it still probably would have driven after this but it kind of bent the whole car so at least I had insurance on this one that the keyword is comprehensive I didn't have comprehensive on my other three vehicles that got hit by a tree which sucked cuz no I didn't get any money for him at all this one at least I had that so and they gave me enough money to buy another one of these cheap seats weren't that much money though but you know I enjoyed this car when I was driving it after having that first Jeep Cherokee for a while it kind of made me want a Jeep Wrangler especially since I gave up on fixing the to completely rusted out jeeps I had so I bought this it's a 1998 Jeep Wrangler had the four liter engine and the five-speed transmission and when I got this thing it was pretty much in perfect condition I think I paid six thousand for it the previous owner had taken really good care of it I probably should have bought one that was more beat-up because I knew I was gonna beat it up and it didn't take long for me to start beating this thing I'm pretty good so here's like the second day of owning it I was off-roading with a bunch of friends and back in this train station in the woods here and this place was pretty cool it was like a this giant quarry of train with this big tunnel to go through does it say 1920 something okay so on our way out of this place we were flying down this one trail now this trail it go it's a twisty tight trail but I'd usually run four-wheelers down this trail like fifth gear full throttle flying this was a pretty fun trail I've been here so I'm coming down this trail all of a sudden look at that rock right there and someone had even painted it orange because of the way it sticks out in the trail but I guess oh I hit that rock so what happened is it popped the tire it pushed the axle back so this thing had four link suspension and it with coil springs the top control arm bent up like a pretzel in the bottom one and mount ripped off the axle yeah you can see the bottom out here ripped off I didn't take any photos of fixing this but what I did is I replaced the top control arm and I welded I got a new lower mount and welded it on T axle or supposed to be and I got that fixed up then the next day one of my friends calls me she said that she was stuck in this mud pit and someone went to try to get her out he got stuck and then there's two trucks stuck so I went there I got both of them out and every truck was on pavement nobody was stuck I was like alright we're fine let's just not continue this because it was it was just mud then of course like are we leaving then I'm like well let me go try out this other trail so I'm in there going alright for a while but then all of a sudden it's just the thing breaks through like the layer grass and sinks so then I call one of my friends who's got some super swampers I'm like Jared come pull me out and he got me out but then he got stuck and I'm like alright I'll pull you out and I I went to pull him out then I got stuck again and into a thing where we just kept calling people and people will come and they'd get trucks out of the mud but then ultimately get stuck somewhere else and it pretty much ended up being it was like at least eight trucks in there and every one of them had gotten stuck probably four times so these are the photos of the next day this is how we decided to solve this problem so this is what we did my trooper wasn't running at the time but I had those super Swampert bogger tires on and those tires are awesome so we took those tires and put him on this one of my friends girlfriends trucks because they Bix law get bolted right on as a Chevy half-ton so with these tires on this truck this truck was actually getting everything out of the mud and it was doing a pretty good job doing it and we had got most of the trucks out of the mud but the mud in this place see it was it was different than a lot of the other trails around here a lot of the trails of rock this place there's not a rock in there and there was like no trees to winch to and then you'd break through the mud and it wasn't like dry sections like once the truck on I got down into the mud liar that was it it was just stuck he had to go really fast to get through anything so yeah but this truck was doing really well with these tires that was cool here's and here's stuff out of the mud there's the Montero out and then that was out that pulled it out this Chevy was doing real good with these tires pulling everyone out until got that stuck and that sucked cuz that was like oh this is the truck that's pulling everything out and now it's stuck the Montero pulled it out but yeah once once something was super swampers gets stuck they dig holes quick yeah look at that thing backing everything up and putting mats underneath the tires and this was like two days of just getting trucks out of the mud but then here's the thing about it like people would keep getting stuck even after they were already out like this is probably this guy's third time getting stuck all right so this was like the first guy that I called to come help us and we thought he was gonna pull us all out because he had some nice tires on this blazer and he went down this detta and trail he didn't have any reverse in this thing so he ended up just in this thicket of trees and he was just plowing through stuff until eventually he couldn't go forward anymore and then couldn't go backwards so we look at the trail he made yeah there's my Jeep finally out of the mud but I didn't have good tires at the time so it was so hard to do anything with it all right so then finally we backed this truck down in there to pull out the no reverse blazer and it wouldn't move finally what ended up happening once the super swapper chevy wouldn't pull out the Blazer we hooked something else to it still wouldn't move him hook something else hook something else we finally hooked four trucks together and pulled that Chevy out backwards yeah there he has finally got him out that was an interesting two days so after being stuck in the mud for two days I ordered a set of super swampers for this and that that made such a big difference he's the first set was thirty ones that was with no left or anything and they worked really well that's those are definitely the tires to get for going through mud so I pretty much only bought this Jeep for off-roading and I did get a lot of use out of us so we'd go off-road and go camping all the time a lot of my friends were going off-roading at the time too there's there's that white trooper I gave to this guy he actually drove this for a while there's one year at the truck pool with the Jeep I remember this was a good day off-road nurse this one mountain trail up by my house and it is really hard to get up and I made it up here at the Jeep not totally easily but [Music] this was a fun day off-roading I remember to get that tire back on the bead I actually pour some gas in it out of my chainsaw and lit it with a match and blew it back on and it worked the first try and then there's blowing it back up electric compressor it's definitely a fun day it's more days camping all right so here we are going up that trail again and this night we did not make it I ended up like the steepness of these trails don't show through photos but and I probably would have made it this is what happened the tie rod broke for like no reason I wasn't even doing anything it just snapped it was like the thinnest metal so what we ended up having to do was go up there the next day with we loaded a yeah there that's where the spot where I ended up yeah you can see a good broken there so we ended up bringing my friends Monteiro up there with this generator in the back and a welder and I welded it back together and drove it home like that yeah there's the welder right there we had a hard time getting him antero up these hills oh that that's a really steep trail we had to winch him a few times okay here's another day camping I remember that was the last day of this Pathfinder - that's one thing about Nissan's they are just so delicate so we hang of that night that Nissan was looking decent yeah it's still looking decent like kill can burgers and stuff and there's that Chevy stuck all right yeah look at this Nissan by the end of the day the thing just crumpled up like tin foil yeah and then I was um then I was pushing him out because like something happened wouldn't run right didn't have any power it was run and didn't have any power and the back of the car ended up the same way oh and then this this guy - he's going down a steep hill in this Chevy and he loses brakes and I'm falling I'm trying to keep up he slams into this tree it was probably the same hill where I had my samurai that day but this guy in this Jeep he would always talk about how good he was at offroad and he was back in here with us and he never actually went off-road and he just talked about it and and like his stuff just fell apart so quickly cuz his thing just kept breaking we kept having to wait for him and then like his battery fell off and smashed his distributor and we had to like tape that all back together and he ends up down off one of these trails like so stuck like it was ridiculous and it took us like all night to get his Jeep out of there and just the thing just kept falling apart and one of my friends it was this guy he was stuck on his for on her but he wasn't stuck he's like no I'm not getting stuck he drove all around him smashed that 4runner up so much but he got the thing out it was pretty funny we were like changing the radiator in the woods cuz this guy didn't wanna he was trying to save this engine for something look how smashed up this thing got though so then my front bumper was kind of getting smashed up I started making one myself there's just the it was just kind of mocking stuff up at my friend's house he made a pretty legitimate motocross track back in there alright so here is the bumper all finished that turned out really good that bumper and this is in this was at a trade school called BOCES and it was a program where you could learn how to work on cars but the cool thing about it was you could bring in your own cars to work on them so it was a suspension and steering class so I brought in my Jeep with this lift kit so this is why I chose this lift kit I didn't want to lift my Jeep because it makes them flip over so easy it's nice having them low it had ample ground clearance anyway but the reason I went with this lift kit because it had it came with new Springs because my original Springs were they just lost the springiness to him and it would just bottom out for no reason and it came with new lower control arms cuz all my lower control arms were like bent up like pretzels just cuz they were such a weird design it was like this curved piece of metal it was stupid at least these round ones stayed straight so there that was a day one we got the front you know the whole class worked on it was a lot of fun we got the front installed that was a cool group of people in that class too and that's what the lift get installed you know I didn't want the thing any higher but gave it a little more ground clearance it was only like a two and a half inch left but at least that fixed the bad spring issue I used to pull a lot of people out of my - well that Jeep did really good in the mud with those tires like I remember this one night some they called me to pull this car out of some field I actually got this plow with that cj7 and I didn't buy like the kit I made all these brackets so I welded these big ears onto the frame and then this was the bracket from from the cj7 and I just kind of put it under there with a jack where it was supposed to be and then just well that all these mounts up and that worked fine I never had any issues with that there's a pump I brought from northern hydraulics the mistake I made with this though was that this plow it could only lift it up and down you had to get out to angle it and I put up with that but I should have just got one that had the automatic angle too but I had everything painted up made it all look like brand-new there's my bumper at this rebar ends that was a really strong bumper there's the mount this is the controller for it both these vehicles are parked next to each other let me just kind of do like a review comparison of what I liked and didn't like about each one the trooper I definitely favor the trooper over the Jeep it's a few bad things about the trooper the two point six liter engine was kind of underpowered and they had an issue of the head gaskets blowing the jeeps four liter engine had much more power and it was it was about our engine but everything else in the trooper was considerably better the transmission shifted much better the suspension was much better the independent suspension on the trooper was you know this this starts arguments easy but because people always trying to say oh solid axles are the way to go for off-roading I don't know what those people are talking about because if you were to take this truck the trooper and the Jeep and race them down a bumpy trail the trooper will easily double the speed of the Jeep even with its underpowered engine it just handles bumps so much better like the Jeep will kind of like bounce out of control and the trooper you can almost drive the thing like a four-wheeler where you're hitting jumps with it get it airborne but the thing will maintain control I mean yes the longer wheelbase helps with that too but independent suspension is definitely the way to go the suspension and axles in the trooper were tremendously stronger than in the Jeep you know that you could see they're bolted on with six lugs and never once in the trooper did I ever have to do like a ball joint or tie rod end or CV shaft or any of that stuff it would just just run the thing so hard and you put it up on the lift and do a shakedown and the thing wouldn't have a drop of play in it the Jeep you'd be changed in parts on this thing every time you looked at it like wheel bearings axle shafts I must have changed every part on that front axle multiple times now the other thing about jeeps people try to say oh they're good because they have such a big aftermarket support and you could take there's catalogs you can open up and there's four different companies sell on a heavy-duty version of every part on this vehicle that doesn't mean it's a good vehicle that means the piece of junk if there was heavy-duty parts for for this trooper no one would buy them because you don't need those parts the things are ready fine from the factory so spreader you could see how like the front of this thing was like sloped so when you crash into things with it it would just kind of push up and over the Jeep what would happen is you hit that axle on stumps or anything and it would just Bend all the control arms on the thing I must have changed those control arms a few times or rips and mounts right off the axle and then what happens with the Jeep like say you hit something with this front axle it rips off the mounts and then it pushes the driveshaft and breaks the transfer case I've seen a few people do that and the trooper it didn't matter you could just plow through stuff and ignore everything that was happened and the things like a tank here is that cj7 I got that plow from so I don't know why I bought this I think I just kind of bought it for the plow wasn't that much money and but it was so rusted out like look at this thing the body literally just like fell down on top of the frame so just kind of you were just ripping apart that cj7 for fun yeah I think that one that last will get it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's left of a cj7 not too much one cool thing about the trooper you could just drive the thing over anything and it wouldn't break if you did that with the Jeep what the oil pan would have been smashed maybe the transmission and definitely the drive shafts this was I think one of the first snowfalls of the year the first time testing the snow plow and that worked pretty good here's Levi doing a little snow plowing but here's here's one thing that people like down south don't get like see how the entire vehicle is white that's all and that rust out these like this Jeep didn't have any rust on it when I got it and like one or two seasons of salt getting on it pretty much destroys the vehicle like this thing's pretty rotted out from the salt they really should be made rust proof which which wouldn't be hard to do there's Levi this Tacoma was nice I should have bought one of those those are nice trucks I had my winch set up on this receiver so this is the same winch from every photo it could go in any of these two-inch receivers so from a truck back a truck on the trailer anywhere that's a good way to have the winch because then it's not stuck first when I first had that winch on the Xterra what it did was it added too much weight to the front and driving around was fine but if you're hitting jumps and stuff that little bit of extra weight would make the thing bottomed out way too easy so one of my friends got this um this little car for free and I didn't have a car trailer at this point and I like winched it on on top of this tiny 5 by 8 trailer and yeah look at that thing there that was funny this is what made me get a double axle trailer because it was just you couldn't put cars on the thing I mean if you put cars on it was like that listen to the motor hit one jump with this thing and the motor died that's always a good way to tell how good a car is like if you start hitting jumps off it see how long it lasts some cars they will die instantly junk like Dodge Neon piece of garbage I'll just talk about woods cars quick this really should go back earlier in this video but um so I was driving cars wale well before I had my license one of my friends dad's had a tow truck business where he would take away a lot of junk cars so he'd always have junk cars around and my friend and I we just had this endless supply of junk cars and he didn't care what we did with these cars he's just the rule was just it had to be back at the parking lot so he could get it with his flatbed and we just had all these cars we take him in the woods crash him into things and it were like thirteen years old just crashing like an endless supply of cars that was so much fun I definitely think that's a real good way to get good at driving there's another fun way to like test what kind of cars were good or not because some cars you'd get them like this Dodge Neon the thing would last five minutes like oh man dodges make crappy cars and make fun of them then sometimes you'd get a car and the thing will last like days maybe even weeks and then you'd kind of say oh that's a good car so some models like I remember having a Ford Bronco one time room that we were crashing into everything and the thing lasted forever it was amazing I remember even a Ford Escort one time indestructible that car was amazing flip it faster you got it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] any more speed cabbage [Music] Montero [Music] Oh carnage alright so we ended up junk in this thing another funny thing we did though was we I couldn't get it on my trailers again friend and I we actually sawzall this car in half and brought it to the junkyard in half here's another day we got two more junk cars you know boys camerata oh yeah he's out [Music] ah [Music] Oh farted out like crazy oh man that was an awesome angle on it Johnny oh my god that's sweet Oh Oh unhook it well hold on hold on max I note the Jeep [Music] help them push it I can't do it I got a bad back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] alright Cammarata do it up oh my push them over oh yeah here we go your toe balls keeping them over [Music] I just doesn't want to go over just doesn't want to go over November 2007 this is probably as nice as this vehicle ever looked this was right after getting another set of super Swampert tires these ones were 32 but they were extra narrow and they were nice those narrow tires they really kind of bit down through the snow and mud and um I definitely recommend the narrow tires 2008 this is me making a new back bumper cuz the original one was getting all smashed up so that's like the mounts for and there it doesn't all finished up so that turned out pretty good this one you know that wasn't going to get damaged even after hitting stuff had the 2 inch receiver built right into it my original receiver actually bent the thing right off of there my friend got his Nissan truck stuck on this hill here so I helped him out get him unstuck that worked pretty good yeah that's it [Music] class he's probably got a head at like 20 no in Cammarata there we go [Music] yeah I don't know about it now table head the other way Jesus Christ I guess he's still gonna do it yeah you're into the bank map now I don't think so well that was short-lived destruction well [Music] Jesus Christ this was pretty funny this was in my friend's driveway then all of a sudden you know this car is upside down on fire and and his dad comes home as we're all just standing there like nothing's going on that's a pretty fun day yeah that Nissan the that thing rust like the front suspension just rusted apart on that thing that's why we were just crashing into it here's a pretty good story with this camper we this camper was free and we actually a bunch of people tried to get it and it was like down this cliff and we had like I wish there was some videos there was like six trucks there all hooked to each other trying to pull this thing up this cliff it was it was stupid so far and then finally I went back a few months later and didn't tow it up to cliff and I actually got it but I towed that home with the Jeep and I shouldn't even take in this camper because these people were like hoarders and this entire thing was full to the roof and garbage I remember spending a few hundred dollars just bringing all the garbage to the dump but that was that was a lot of weight to tell home with that Jeep I remember even doing at the front drive shaft broke on the end the axle for like the fourth time those were not strong enough but people are always trying to say these rear axles that Dan a35 wasn't strong enough I had this thing in two-wheel four-wheel drive low which is what's with the front axle broken is two-wheel drive low and I was spinning these tires in the dirt with tons of weight on the back end and I had a locker and the rear of this thing that Locker worked really well and I went from my dirt to pavement and didn't I never had a sink one thing I gotta say about the Jeep I never had a single problem with that day on i-35 rear axle and if you go on the forums and stuff people are always saying oh the rear axles the week one and the front ones the strong one here's just crashing into another junk car but the way these cars just fold up I mean it's just like tin foil it's really important to have strong bumpers because then you can just the vehicles are so much safer cuz it's like they don't crumple up like like junk I hear so my friend came over with this blazer but look this was a cool truck he had some good tires on it [Laughter] I gotta hit the front door slider flying Reverse now well jobs working now that's cool maybe some fire I think it's on fire yes so um that's why it's important to have bumpers cuz this treat did all this damage so if you had a good bumper on there he was just driven over that tree his driver door stopped opening and he got mad at it and tried to open it with a hatchet and all right this is the day I lost Reverse so then like I tried driving and so annoying not having reverse because he hit stuff and can't back up so I couldn't back up because my transmission was bad and he's trying to like push me backwards but I think his whole car was bad at this point we've finally had to cut that tree down cuz I couldn't back up away from it the transmission went in my in that Jeep and I bought a hat and I had to have another standard so I bought a Jeep Cherokee with a standard and I didn't feel like laying under the car to get it out so I just kind of sledge-hammered the - a part in this thing and then sald the entire floor out and then that was a really easy transmission to remove after I cut the whole floor out like this usually that's a hard job to get a chance look at that that's like the easiest transmission you ever do right there they should just you know what they should just make this whole panel removable in trucks you can do a transmission in like an hour yeah so this transmission ended up fixing it but then there it is removed okay check out what I had to do to make this transmission fit though so since it was out of a Cherokee it was kind of different so I had to use my bell housing here's the transmission out of the the Cherokee that was that was bad in mind and I had to use this piece out of the TJ and then I used the transfer case out of a that of my green Cherokee because something was wrong with the transfer case and the Wrangler and that was the same thing - I put had to put a new engine in that Wrangler at one point and I took the engine out of my green Cherokee but that like they were the same engine but a lot of stuff was different so I when I had them both out I put them next to each other and it was just a bunch of parts had to come from the one engine to the other engine to make it fit and even I don't know why companies got to change parts all the time - even the input I guess this is the part the pilot shaft of the transmission where it sleeves into the engine was even different size a little bit and I had to have this special bushing made to adapt to that older transmission to the Wrangler there's installing the transmission on the Wrangler and I also had to fix my oil pan - I kind of put the skid plate on the bottom of it and there's extra parts alright with this Jeep I also kept really good track of the paperwork I was trying to keep track of all my vehicles so we got cj5 cj7 I came off eBay 356 okay um samurai trooper here's the one I really kept track of all right so this page here this was kind of like an expense report so here's like bill of sale I paid fifty six hundred bucks for it in in May 2006 everything I did to it price wise ended up on this page you know I was taking off money for plowing more interesting here is all the work I did to it so everyone when I first got I had to put the radio back in it and fixed axle that was I think I crashed it like the first day I had the thing I hit a rock and I got super swampers pretty quick let's see I'll replace yeah that manifold evermore broke for no reason put a new one on what else Tyrod broke for no reason change well those are cool there we go I finished installing the snow plow radiator I was having trouble with an overheating from the snow plow turns out the clutch fan was bad and I changed like the radiator and everything which it didn't need one here 12 2009 replaced engine here's the first time I flipped this thing over to I was crashing into this junk car here that was a pretty fun day my friend had this it was like some kind of Nissan Sentra or something and we were it was running for a while but then it stopped running and we were just towing it and pushing it and my friend was steering it and I was pushing them and all of a sudden like he lost steering or something and crashed into a tree and his airbags went off in his face and like the Jeep drove like right through the trunk and pushed the trunk right into the backseat it just shows how delicate these cars were but then I'm crashing into it and one time instead of crashing into it the tire drove up over and flipped this thing on its side like really fast it was kind of funny though everyone there I thought it was funny I did too didn't hurt nothing and we just tipped it back over by hand this year was the day I closed on my property and this within an hour of buying that property I was up in there I had Jeep I plowed the whole there was a trail where the driveway was so I plowed that all out and then I towed this camper and there I got this camper to go behind my Jeep - this was fun bringing this to like parties when we'd go out camping and instead of like sleeping on a car or ten or somewhere crazy I had like this little house that I could bring with me this was before I did some work to it I actually put a lift kit in it and bigger tires as well and it was the same it actually took the same tires as the Jeep so that was nice I could share a spare tire so this is kind of what did this Jeep in was hitting this jump I mean that it kind of bent the front axle a lot and I just kind of got tired of fixed right now right so I still have this Jeep right there that bent the axle that wouldn't have bent the axle on the trooper but anyway so right now it needs a front axle and that's not me I still have this Jeep but as it sits right now kind of needs a new front axle being at the front one day it got so bent from hitting that jump and I put an i-beam under it and chained down the ends and use the bottle jack and actually got it pretty straight again but then it broke the axle shafts inside the axle so it just needs a new axle but really it needs a stronger axle that Dan a 30 axle isn't isn't more if installed in there again so to revive it it would need two new axles because the gear ratio would be different and I'm sure it's got some sitting problems I know some brake lines rusted out and a clutch master and slave cylinder were bad but but this thing is revival I had a lot of fun for years though with this vehicle after driving for years and having to buy so many different vehicles because they always prematurely wear out and I always kind of thought how a vehicle could be designed so it would last forever instead of you know having a 12-year life or so like the vehicles they sell now is and the reason I'm talking about this UTV here is because they're doing a lot of the things that I think could transfer over to larger vehicles which would really improve the quality of their construction so so looking at a normal truck here you can see there's there's a lot of design flaws that come out right away the whole body on this thing is just made out of pressed sheet metal where they stamp it into these ridiculous shapes to shape this thing and there's a lot of problems with doing that one it's really heavy and it gets anytime that gets touched it gets smashed up plus it rust out way too quickly that was one thing that was good about the Jeep at least instead of having pointless curvy shapes down the whole body which gets smashed instantly the whole thing was flat and it really held up a lot better because one it's a lot easier to repair because you could just cut out any damage but - since it's not bubbling out it doesn't get smashed steel is not an appropriate material for auto bodies just because it's too heavy and it's too delicate and it wears out too quickly from corrosion and this is very common here to where the rocker panels just turn into to a complete rust and break apart and this has even been repaired years ago I mean that's all generally happened in a little over ten years just this is just made wrong really any vehicle in this condition the automaker should just have to replace the truck for free that would stop this real quick here's the frame in this thing frames not too bad usually the Dodge frames don't rust out too usually the transmission goes first actually that's what killed this one to show you and this is a trooper an example of a rusted-out frame here rusted the frame is under sit like it's literally gone this is supposed to be frame right there so this one actually is pretty good in the back that's why I braced up the center here and was able to get some more years out of this thing not on the road I was just driving this thing to the woods but frames shouldn't do this so when you go over to this vehicle you can see it doesn't have those issues with the corrosion and dents the entire body is made out of a flexible plastic which is a lot lighter it won't ever rust and it won't ever dent so ten years ago I designed what I thought was the perfect AutoCheck so instead of the entire body being made out of pressed sheet metal the whole thing could be a tube chassis vehicle instead where all the corners of the vehicle are actually the frame of the vehicle that way it wouldn't get smashed up every time it touches something and it'd probably be much cheaper to build and what I've mentioned this before in other videos people say oh it'd be wouldn't be good because it wouldn't crumple in an accident no this could still be made to crumple so what could be is this section could bolt off the frame right here in here and then that way even when the thing gets in a serious accident it wouldn't take much work to get it back on the road again you know the whole thing will be built so it never rusted out it'd be designed so it's really simple to work on even though I'm not sure mechanic would be able to do any repair to this vehicle quickly and then once the design is made we'd sell the truck for 30 40 years without changing anything on it so that was always something I wanted to do it just kind of seemed like a bit too much work what I was gonna do was use like that cj5 chassis or something that was already simple and old and then just build what I thought a better body was make it much stronger and make it so it never rust out and there's already people kind of doing this making these nice tube chassis either rock trucks or whatever they're calling them but the problem is they're not practical vehicles they're just like vehicles meant for a special event which yeah that's neat and all but it's effectively kind of a pointless vehicle if you make a practical truck that can actually carry stuff and just is something a normal person would want it'd be a lot of me it makes a lot of sense to mass-produce them and even the companies that are selling these side-by-side vehicles all you'd have to do is make this thing bigger and it could be a really cool pickup truck make it road-legal you know if this was like a 3/4 ton truck instead of a golf cart this would be a really cool truck check out the bollinger b1 and b2 though that's a new auto company trying to get started where they made some really simple nice-looking work trucks that don't have all the plastic and nonsense the features that'll you know that are kind of plaguing new vehicles you know I really hope to see that company succeed with getting those on the road since I was spending so much time towing that heavy trailer with that Jeep which wasn't really meant to tow that trailer I started looking for 3/4 ton pickup trucks and I eventually got this 96 f250 I got to set an auction I think I paid a little over three thousand for it came up a Fisher plow had the 350 one gas engine automatic transmission here it is when I first got it's looking pretty cool here I put these Humvee tires on there but I didn't have them on there that long and this was a good truck for a while it certainly towed this trailer much better than any Jeep because it was meant to tow trailers like that here's me doing the truck pull one year with this truck and I drove this truck a couple years used it for towing a trailer and plowing it was a good truck for a while but then towards the end it really turned into a lemon I just couldn't keep the thing running kept having problems where things were breaking apart from rust you know the thing was even though it looked nice it was so rusted out plus like it was like repair after repair then finally it was like a few major repairs in a row and I did them and then the transmission broke in half and then I was even looking for transmissions and people were asking ridiculous money for him and I was I'm done I sold it with a bad transmission I think I still got like 1,600 bucks though the guy said he was gonna fix it that I sold it to and then I got this and then I got a really good deal on a Dodge Diesel here's the truck I had for a few years this was a 1970 AM General m35 a two it's a two and a half ton military truck it had the multi-fuel inline 6-cylinder turbo engine which could run on diesel or gas or kerosene this is something I paid like 4500 bucks for it only had 8,000 miles on it and it was in really good shape it didn't have any rust and this was a pretty cool truck I did drive it for a while this was like the day I got it here I'm here it is I took it to the fair I did the truck pull with it and had my Jeep in the back of it I did do some work with this thing here's when I bought my backhoe I borrowed this trailer for my friend and was used this truck to pull the backhoe home so that was pretty cool because none of the other trucks I had at the time were able to do that and here's another thing I was able to do with this truck this RV was free and a bunch of people knew about it and they all wanted it but it was down this really steep long hill and like a pickup truck couldn't do it so I finally I went there with the army truck and one of my friends steering it I was able to use the army truck to pull this camper right up the hill and I got this free camper with it alright so one pretty bad thing that happened with this truck this was Hurricane Irene in 2011 and a big pine tree fell on it right down the whole truck and hit you know it was like a direct hit perfect hit actually pine trees fell like on everything he's my yard was low of a disaster after Hurricane Irene but yeah this really shows it good here look at the size of this that was a big tree too nice trailer and in with my dodge right here my nice diesel I talk about that and another all right here it is with the tree off of it but that didn't kill this truck I I fixed it it really wasn't that bad took a few hours I went and got some parts off a parts truck I got a new windshield oh there it is all fixed so I got a new windshield new doors I got a new soft top I got the wood frame out out of it and all he pretty much did I went in the truck the dash got bent down all I did was I took a bottle Jack and I just jacked the dash back up to where it's supposed to be I used the mini excavator to kind of bend the doorframes back into place I used a sledgehammer pop the hood back up okay and you can see the dash here it was kind of messed up looking after I fixed it but you know all the gauges worked you could see it messed up here but you know it was fine and this this truck was still good after that until here it is I was using the tow that trailer for a while before I had my dump truck here's a job I did with it here's when I first got my trailer and right probably when I first got this thing as well so someone gave me this shed and I was able to use the excavator to load it on there and bring it home off that army truck and then here's I made this I used using this thing a lot for camping so I made this soft top for it and I kind of wanted to look like a cover wagon so I made this out of pipe and it was like a frame like that whole thing could come out of there and be a shed on the ground if it had to be but I thought that looked pretty cool and I put that military canvas over it here's the photo on the way back from camping and I had a bunch of four-wheelers in the back of the truck here's another time going camping so I remember having four four-wheelers in the back plus my Jeep and another four wheeler here this time was a lot of fun this was that mountain madness this was one of the most fun years here see the - here I added this brake controller - it is the engine and I finally did sell this truck because it wasn't that practical vehicle the reason being was a little hard to drive it didn't have power steering it the bed was so high up in this thing so like if you were gonna use this to move cargo like you'd never use it because I had a flatbed trailer that went behind the pickup truck and that thing was like 2 feet off the ground it was just so much easier to load it and it was just kind of sitting around for a while I wasn't using it well I think that's probably why the thing only had 8,000 miles on it I put in and when I sold it ahead I think 10 or 11,000 and then when I went to sell this thing everyone's offered me like 2 grand for my come on that thing's gotta be worth more than that and then finally someone traded this nice chipper to me it was like a South Co 8:13 chipper diesel Perkins diesel engine and that was good cuz I used the chipper for a little while but then I sold that chipper I think I got like 6 grand for the chipper and I was way more than this truck was worse or so so that did work out but this was a pretty cool truck to have for a while alright so after I gave up on that f250 I needed an another pickup truck and I got a really good deal on this 95 dodge diesel this one came with this western plow and I only paid 2,500 bucks for this thing it needed it ran and drove but it needed a lot of little stuff fixed but like I remember spending like a few days just fixing stuff on it but once it was done it was nice I remember the guy wanted like 5 grand for - and I crawl I found like every problem as I was looking at it he wasn't a car guy and he and he's like and I said 2500 bucks he's like no no I can't do that then the next day he calls me up he's like alright you you have the 2500 I'll deliver the truck right now I made this this back rack for this plow is great I still have that plow it's probably winter 2010 with my - plow trucks I had my diesel all ready to go and my Jeep with the plow on it ready to go and I used that truck a lot to pull that trailer so here it is the day I closed on my property and probably spring 2011 knowing that those are there Here I am doing scrap metal with it I was winching junk cars on the trailer and there's another junk car I dragged it out of the woods somewhere there's more scrap metal looks like a camper there here's a tow and a truck for my friend this f150 the thing to rust it apart the gas tank fell right out of it was so rusted in this was that the dealer they were supposed to had a gas tank recall on these and they wouldn't do it they said it was too rusty but but that was the whole point of the recall was because the tanks rust out and fall off but you should have set this thing on fire in that parking lot I think was junk so what killed this diesel I'm sad that this happened a Hurricane Irene I had a bunch of trees fall down trees fall on everything big tree fell on this truck alright so here it is with the tree move over and this is um I actually jacked the cab back up so I could still drive the thing right after the tree fell on my pickup truck I bought this pickup truck I was planning on driving this it needed a lot of work it did run and drive but I never ended up getting this thing on the road I did sell it at a little bit of a profit after fixing some stuff on it this had a diesel engine in it and it was a standard so that was pretty nice but I regret a little bit selling this one but I don't know it's just kind of how it happened and I had every intention of fixing this truck I'm like alright it just needs a cab in a bed so the bed you just bolt a new bed on it no big deal the frame of the truck was fine no engine ran fine drove fine and the cab everyone was asking like ridiculous prices for cabs but I didn't need a whole cab I was just gonna cut it right here in here and then probably cut it down here somewhere and put new doors on it alright so I bought a parts truck to fix that so I went to the state auction they had this this truck here is the same thing but I had the gas motor in it and I got it real cheap because it said it needed a transmission yeah I pretty my pretty much paid like I think a little over 2 grand I said well the plow is almost worth that kind of and but then I got this home and the transmission it wasn't right but it worked then I kind of just drove the thing for a while and the transmission got better and better just pretty much fixed itself and I was like well I'm not gonna cut the roof off of this thing and and I painted it all one color I put the tires on it put the back rack and tool box on it from the diesel open eyes pretty much well I guess I'm driving this parts truck now and um actually I still have this this has been the best pickup truck I've ever had I've definitely done some repairs to it in the seven or eight years I've had this truck plenty of videos in my youtube channel where this truck is the thing that towed the machine to the job or there's plenty of videos of me fixing this truck and plenty of me videos and me just doing things with the truck either even dragging logs around or plowing snow this has been a great truck it's getting pretty it's in pretty rough shape right now and I just kind of got a diesel after driving that gas truck for a while and it became clear that that was gonna be my new truck I did end up selling this one and I did pretty good I sold it for 2,000 bucks the guy was gonna put the engine in a Ford and I kept the plow so here's like a here's a job that never got film like I was pulling these tires out of here in the winter time there's a you know picture of me plow them with it I'm stuck there but another there's another good stock picture there I am oh so this is how I got myself outside always bring that winch with me when you're down in a ditch like this the winch we usually deal with it I could easily talk about this truck more but there's plenty of videos on my channel that are all about this truck so this is the truck I just replaced this grey one with and I'm gonna fix the gray one I'm not gonna talk a lot about this white one in this video book because there's already a feature-length film all about the first few months alone in this truck so but this seems like a good truck I'm happy with it it's nice said it's not rusted out even when I got this gray one like it didn't have any rockers and it you know was already pre rusted out I'm gonna try to keep this white one around for a long time for a current vehicle when I don't need to be driving a pickup truck I got this this is a 2003 Missha BC Montero Sport and when I got this truck I wasn't even buying it for myself actually some I met someone who was moving to the area and they wanted they're like I'll find me a cheap car and this thing had been sitting on the side of a main road for sale for months and no one was buying it and I knew I kind of liked these vehicles so I went and bought it for this girl and then issues from California she the second she got in the thing she's like oh someone someone smoked in this car before I can't I can't be in this car someone smoked in it I said well I just bought the thing for you but it's it's a good thing I wanted the car anyway cuz it worked out good cuz I'm like well I'm putting this thing on the road for me so I've been driving this thing for years now this has been a great truck a few things that really stand out about these one generally these lose their value pretty quick for some reason I don't know why but like you could compare this to a Toyota 4runner but a Toyota 4runner is like four or five times the price and these usually don't rust out for runners and a lot of other stuff like 4runners rust out not so bad X terrors rust out really bad you know a lot of the American stuff is just drunk to begin with if you're comparing that to this so the so this thing is no rust issues I haven't really had any issues with the sinks you know minor stuff but it's been a very good car it's all-wheel drive all the time which is nice you know back in high school my friend had one of these when I had my trooper and I think that was every bit as tough as the trooper because he had super swampers on and used to race the thing pretty hard and he was never having issues with it and this is also when I first got my lift and I wish I had bought this a lot sooner because having a lift it makes it so much easier to work on vehicles and it was actually pretty cheap to this left there's only like $2,400 I'll put a link in the option four but that made doing vehicle maintenance so much easier but I really haven't had to do much to this thing over the years and a toast trailer is just fine too but here's the lift is so nice having that thing being able have vehicles at any height to work on them this is the first dump truck I ever got this is a 1972 International I think it's a 13-10 model at a gas v8 engine in it and I got this pretty cheap 1,300 bucks cuz the previous owner couldn't get the brakes working and I eventually got a mark and it was a little tricky but this was a great dump truck for a while I got a lot of work out of this thing just just moving stuff around him here's a shot of it when I was actually putting in my driveway dumping out all these loads of shale and this was a reliable truck like here's a shot where I took the thing camping and this was like at over two-hour drive to this place all on highways you know I felt fine taking the thing on a trip like that this was a good truck you here it is here I made this I didn't make the whole thing but I made these ends on the bumper and made it look a lot better see there it is how I got it there's the after and I put these taller side boards on it and here it is it was great for haul and stuff like scrap metal you know here's like a bunch of scrap metal here and this is actually an entire car right here I flattened the thing out and then folded in half and I fit in there and here it is moving like bales of hay with it and here's another load of scrap metal I had to hold back to the truck full of you know box springs and stuff then I put a whole nother car on top of it so this was a very handy truck to have and it very reliable I still have this truck I just kind of stopped using it when I got my bigger dump truck because the problem with a truck this size was that you it was great for materials like garbage or hay or scrap metal or anything that was light once you started putting heavy materials in there it just didn't make sense like say you were fixing a gravel driveway you get a load of gravel you know you'd baby put four tons in the thing and you'd still be way overloaded before tons but then you dump out four tons and spread it out and it's like it's like nothing so it just couldn't carry enough weight a truck this size so then I was looking for a bigger truck once I realized that international dump truck wasn't big enough I got this this is a 1987 Ford f 800 dump truck it has the Ford inline 6-cylinder turbo diesel engine I think it's a seven point eight liter it has an allison automatic transmission and this has been a very good truck I've had this for years now it's been very reliable that engine always runs good that transmission shifts great very easy to drive truck has power steering which the International didn't have and the army truck didn't have so it makes it much easier to drive it's got a much tighter turning radius in the army truck has much more power than the army truck did and this truck has been one of the keys to being successful in the excavation business this thing has moved my equipment all over placed on so many jobs and here's when I first got my trailer I could actually move my bigger equipment around without having to hire someone to do it does a good job knowing that you know here's one of the earlier jobs this was I demoed this big garage that was right here and loaded the whole thing into the truck hauled it away one big advantage over that one-ton International was it was really easy to have too much weight in the thing where you'd really have to adjust the driving this truck it's got a 34,000 gross vehicle weight meaning I can legally carry like nine tons in it but this truck doesn't care how much weight is in the thing I mean it could be loaded till it's spilling over the sides and the thing drives the same as if it was empty stops steers everything I do not overload the truck though I mean when I'm coming out of the gravel yard buying stone with a thing if I'm over 34,000 I'll just let a little bit out but if you're on site or something where weight limits don't matter this truck is a beast I'm gonna call and grovel if the truck is great like you'd bring a load of gravel somewhere dump it out spread it out and you'd actually have a decent amount of stone plus it does a really good job tailgating it I can a lot of times resurface the driveway with this truck and not even have to touch it with a machine one thing about this truck it is pretty easy to get it stuck being that it's like so stiff and heavy it'll it will sink in soft ground you know would be nice of a truck like this was four-wheel drive and I've even used it for like so many oddball things like this too like here's putting my electric in at my house where I used the thing to carry the spools and online to schools and move them around and here's this bridge I built in this truck carried you know all the gravel in there to do the to build that road there's already tons of videos on my youtube channel of me working with this truck so I don't need to talk about it too much here but eventually I did get a bigger dump truck because even though this one carries a lot of stones sometimes I'd be in jobs where it wasn't enough so I got this international ten wheeler in spring 2018 I did eventually get a bigger dump truck this isn't 1987 international pastes are 5000 it can carry double the weight of the Ford or triple the volume and this has been a good truck I don't need to talk about too much because there is a hour and a half long video on my channel of when I got this truck that's pretty interesting but I still been driving this plenty you know it's nice when doing a road or something because it just falls in that much more material than the Ford but the Ford is a lot easier to drive with its automatic transmission all right well this video pretty much talks about every vehicle I've had I don't think I missed any at least I talked about all the stuff I had photos of thanks anyone for sitting through the whole thing it's probably pretty long by this point wish these great cameras that are available now we're available years ago because it's it's crazy how you take photos or something and then a bunch of years goes by there was a lot of things over the years I kind of wish I had photographed but now you know but now with these great cameras that they sell now you know there's really no excuse to just take a lot of photos and videos because because once a lot of years goes by it's a lot of fun to look at the old photos [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Andrew Camarata
Views: 876,612
Rating: 4.8644562 out of 5
Keywords: isuzu trooper, 3 wheeler, ATV, Suzuki lt80, Tomahawk ski-mate, Yamaha warrior, Suzuki z400, Yamaha tw200, Honda 300ex, Yamaha rhino, UTV, Honda Foreman, Goped, transportation, truck, snowmobile, skidoo elan, xlv540, zl800, yamaha enticer, yamaha bravo, seadoo xp, waverunner, jetski, nissan xterra, jeep cj5, isuzu pickup, Suzuki samuari, jeep cherokee, jeep wranger, jeep TJ, offroading, Ford f250, m35a2, dump truck
Id: zAygSLuMOtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 14sec (8174 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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