Refurbishing a 5 ton equipment trailer

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all right the project at hand right now is with this trailer so I've had this a few months now I bought it it came off one of the last excavators I bought and it's a pretty nice trailer there's it's got a few advantages over this trailer which I had been using it's better suited for moving equipment one problem that this one has is there's not quite enough room between those fenders for a lot of things including like the track skid steers and some cars this one's got a lot more width between the fenders plus it's a little bit longer it's easier to tie stuff down because the sides aren't in the way I mean these sides are nice on this but for small stuff but if you're tying down heavy equipment they're kind of in a way the other thing that this has has got these nice surge brakes which work really well but a problem with the trailer right now the frame kind of broke it broke right here in front of this fender and see that's broken there so this needs to be fixed before this can be used this is not usable like this so let's pull this in the garage and get it fixed up you so to really do a good job fixing this this that kind of needs to come off the decks not in terrible shape but it's not in great shape there's a few holes in it so we'll just I'm just gonna put a new deck on it while I'm at it I hope they all come off like that that's someone didn't do a good job attach a nose [Music] [Music] all right so they had only had those decking bolted down using three of the cross members and the problem was that pressure-treated decking and they only used about quarter inch hardware and when bolting through pressure-treated it needs to be bolts that can handle pressure treated lumber because the chemicals from the pressure treated will corrode out the hardware so with the deck off this thing you really see what happened to it here so here's our problem right here you can see the frame is broken now I do not think that is an issue of what being overloaded or an accident or corrosion if it was corrosion or an accident or something where the whole trailer was bent the whole thing should be replaced I think this was kind of a design flaw here and that broke from fatigue so you can see what happened we have a double frame going all the way back now that lower frame that goes all the way back under the deck frame so you can see we have this double frame and then once we get to this area right here in front of the wheels it stops being a double frame and just becomes a single c-channel frame now the problem with doing that is because right in that small spot where the suspension components start and the double frame ends there's a little bit of an area which is going to be flexing a lot and yeah that it will work for a while but what ends up happening is since that one spot right there is always flexing it's going to fatigue the metal and break it just like it did so so that design needs to be improved here so what we're going to do we're going to straighten this frame out weld that back together and then that needs to be significantly braced up so that doesn't happen again same thing on this side this side didn't break but that also needs to be braced up with this trailer this is definitely we're fixing this is a nice trailer that's not too hard of a job to do alright let's get to work on this frame all right so now doing the trailer frame like this you really want to be on concrete that's level and then using a levels gonna be your friend you want to keep everything level see see right here all right that's perfectly level right there okay that's good that's level two this is the section here that's at a level okay so you can see the back needs to come way up all right that's really close so now we're going to go to right here where the frame is not lined up [Music] it's probably fine I just want a little less of a gap in there let me just see gonna move it there's our culprit right there let's cut that out of there we take the tension off this cuz I'll blow up that grinding disk all right look at that that's perfect right where it's supposed to be I know that's tempting to just leave that like that but that wouldn't last so what needs to happen here I want to add I want to add a piece of flat bar here here here and I want to tie this to this with another piece of flat bar [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right I just finished welding up this frame so that's braced up pretty well that's never gonna break so what really helped here so now the double frame doesn't just end it's now tied into the suspension components which then after that point you know the suspension starts and it's not flexing anymore there same thing on the inside where I braced it up quite a bit so it's got that thing that's welded and then the frame where it broke I added this piece of 5/16 metal and this piece of quarter-inch plate right there so this is never going to break one more thing I'm going to add is this inner fender I'm not just gonna use sheet metal and end it right here I'm going to use some diamond plate and I'm gonna bring it all the way up to here and that will further brace up this frame and take any fatiguing stress out of it all right so let's go cut that plate [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music] you you [Music] [Music] I just finished welding that inner fender on so I fully welded it that's kind of mostly for aesthetics but it certainly does help with strength so they had just used that sheet metal before that wasn't doing anything structurally so this will actually add a lot of structural strength to defender when there's logs or stuff that may be resting against it plus I continued the front of it this is the area that cracked right here so now that this is actually adding a lot of strength to the trailer as well all right let's take care of the other side let's brace this up [Music] [Music] [Music] all right I just finished with all those wheels now when I was taking the wheels off I noticed we got one bad wheel bearing here see if you're kind of list or listen to see there's a lot of slop in this one all the other ones are fine let's get this fixed while we're at it I [Music] saw the last video I put up where I put wheel bearings in something a lot of people felt they needed to comment telling me I didn't pack the bearings right even though I did but let me go over how to properly heal so that was a slightly different situation was it bearing like this but I didn't use traditional grease this is traditional grease right here see how thick it is it's thick now in some cases like for example my twelfth ton trailer the bearings on that use oil you don't need to grease the bearings on an oil hub it's oil it gets in everywhere and the same thing when I did my bearings on my Ford the grease that I used was so light that it I don't need to I didn't need to do this and people pointed that out but still there was a lot of people that was a commonly asked question so this is how you do it so you take a glob of grease in the palm of your hand and kind of pack it this way and see what the what that causes to happen the grease goes up through the bearing and thoroughly coats all these rollers and then you just kind of rotate it around doing that there that's a greased bag Plus this this thing's got grease fittings on the axles too so they're gonna put new brakes on this but I couldn't quite find the right brake shoes I'm sure someone from Dexter could tell me I was finding the ones for the electric brakes but this is the hydraulic brakes but then I'm looking at photos of them and it's like they didn't have any more meat on the shoes anyway so so I'm not gonna change those shoes the brakes on this thing we're working awesome so the other nice thing about these axles they have grease fittings so take your grease gun hook it on there and you can grease these up [Music] [Music] [Applause] and I just finished cleaning up this frame i ground all those welds off so because the new metal is just gonna stop right here it doesn't they had it down to here with that sheet metal and that's a bad design to have metals layered because when metals layer it up like that it makes it rust you know both pieces will rust out so to have it stopped right here is a much better design all right let's get this frame braced up right here the gap on this side is different than the other side all right I just finished bracing that up I did that plate all right so I didn't do as much right on this side I just did that one bar right there cuz this I didn't actually break all right let's get that fender piece welded on there [Music] [Music] all right I just finished up welding that now that's not totally necessary to weld that all the way like that but it it certainly looks better so that's why I did it all right now it's time to start putting these floor plates down this is what I'm realizing here let me put this factory cut make that the seam and hide this mic right on the edge you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Porter and Cherie here from that play they added is screwing it up [Music] all right so I'm at the stage here for this last plate now I don't want to just cut this and have this see the the plates been sitting down on this level right here but then I'd have a weird gap here which would also make it hard to sweep off this trailer so this was for the wood because the wood was at that height finished so I think what I want to do is actually cut this out of here that this will be about an inch and a half lower right at this stage [Music] you [Music] you [Applause] [Music] don't watch me wall right safety temperature dogs please walking away dogs will watch you well don't let your dog spot you well he is you [Music] all right this is why I had not cut this plate yet because I wasn't sure well that's what I wanted that to look like so that's why this so I just want to overlap that a little bit like that I got that down low so we've got to do and it doesn't need to overlap at much I mean I do 34 no so that's too short do 35 inches 35 by 81 let's take a couple minutes here to talk about metal cutting tools so when I first started doing metal fabrication after I had a while there when I was needed to cut out big plates like this what I would the only tool I had cuz this is by far the cheapest thing here is a grinder so different types of blades can go on that the thinner ones for cutting thicker for grinding this is another grinding disc this does it's not as aggressive it doesn't dig in but it does a good job polishing these also don't last that long the grinding these regular grinding discs last much longer this has been a really good brand these discs are cheap and they last some brands of these aren't good so these also they can go in this tool this wire brush that's a very aggressive brush for cleaning up rusted metal then the bigger grinder so that's a 7 inch that's a four and a half inch gotta hold on to that one the other option you could use for cutting this plate would be a demo saw that would work all these would cut this plate and do a good job it's just that it's loud and slow and therefore not that fun to do then I got a torch which this is cool because it's kind of like this plasma cutter uses uses this and it would cut that plate it just it wouldn't do as good as a job as the plasma cutter and these kind of are expensive to run because these tanks get empty quicker than you'd you notice and you know cost money every time you can you got to drive and go get them filled but this is also nice it doesn't require any electric these sets aren't too expensive alright so then I got the plasma cutter and this is nice because this does a cleaner job cutting than a torch for cutting out plates like that it's doing a really nice job it and it's cheap to run it thing because all you do is hook it up to power and an air compressor so you essentially have unlimited cutting the one thing though that wears out is these tips on these torches and they got to be changed but it doesn't take any tools and they're cheap the other downfall of that is you have to have electric a lot of it it takes 220 volt 50 amp plug to run that machine if you have cuts if I had to cut something where power wasn't available I'd be there user net or obviously this demo saw that you know it just runs on gasoline the nicer option then there's two other options that cut this that I don't have that bigger shops would have one is if you weren't I'm just cutting out straight shapes if you're cutting out different shapes they you hook that plasma cutter can hook up to a computer and you can program in any sequence of movements and cut out any kind of piece you want so that's really cool the other thing for cutting just straight shots on these plates is called a shear where it's like a big giant scissor that can cut plates like this and that's something a big metal shop would have and for jobs where I've had to cut a lot of plate I've just sometimes hired them out because they can just you you because with that it just takes a second it's like a big scissor cuts it right off perfect cut every time all right let's get to work cutting this thing you you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this the metal was breaking out of here they don't want that enough all right I just welded my name on the thing too and the VIN number cuz usually the VIN number is just like a sticker that falls off it's you know when it's well that it's on there forever and always going to be legible all right so I'm gonna weld my name and my VIN on there a few more hidden spots and yeah we gotta do lights and then paint it this thing's almost done I tore at the back of the trailer here it needs the three clearance lights vehicles over 80 inches wide we're supposed to have one two three lights six inches on center so I'm just gonna put these little guys in there but you know what it looks like there's room for these that's there there and then yeah might as well put biggest possible lights in there [Applause] I just wanted to make sure cotton nose holes' freehand was good so that looks pretty nice that fits in there this is the only type of light that's acceptable any of the other ones just get corroded and smashed for no reason all right let's uh cut some more lights yeah here's the taillights here I actually like that but what I don't like is the position of the red side marker light because it's not at the back of the trailer there's like a whole another four plus p2 trailer so I'm gonna put that light right here instead and let's remove that [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll just pop one of those right there [Applause] [Music] that's a dull drill bit right there [Music] and this just got power - I was holding on to that [Music] [Music] what this is what does the cutting right there so what you want to do is keep all the angles the same so for example I'm kind of running at it and like this angle this guide [Music] okay yeah I got them okay so that's not too hard to do with these big drill bits the small ones the drill doctor is easier it's a thing that sharpies [Music] that's true alright that's stirred that's fine [Music] all right so these four plates I got them welded everywhere but I still want to do some welds on the bottom to the cross members that are underneath them and I also to do a really good job painting this thing I want to just flip it on its side so that will make both of those jobs much easier to do all right so there's a bunch of ways to do that that track loader right there is a candidate even the forklift and the skid steer would do it too but let's try the crane cuz since I haven't used the crane in over a year so the last time I use this crane was when I built my tower so it's a good excuse to try it so I just put a battery charger on it a little while ago see if it takes a little bit of a charge and other than that this was working fine so the other thing you want to do before jumping in a vehicle on a summertime day that hasn't been used is look for bees or not bees wasps people get upset when you call bees wasps and right there didn't take long at all find one so let's uh rid of that right there baby in last year's anyway but anymore there's one right there it looks like it's dead there are engine oils cleaner right where it should be and the coolant level is right there let's put you on start [Music] our police is turning over now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] put the Sun face in the other side all right so let's get to work on the bottom of this thing first thing let's just make sure it's kind of safe so I think it is the way it is I mean it's balanced on it so I'm fine plus the crane has got it just for safety that's one nice thing about using the crane is the crane will stay up in the air in the same spot for weeks without settling down and I think even if that wasn't there I'd be fine all right so let's get to work so we got a weld I just want to do some welds on these maybe spray this off the hose and then paint it you all right so I was going smoothly welding but then I got to this area here where there's a gap see like a half-inch so I got an idea here to pull it tight so I'll stick that right there this out all right guy goes there throw the nut on there look at that no more gap good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so just finished up welding that so that went pretty easy that's about how much you know it doesn't need to be welded fully but it's welded a lot all right let's uh rinse this thing off and paint it [Music] all right so we're back here a day later and the trailer is clean and dry ready for paint now check out what's cool about this crane see it's been up there over a day and nothing has settled like this chain is still tight all right so this is what we're using for painting so this could be done with a brush or roller that would take a long time we're using this airless sprayer here that makes a pretty quick work of a job like this this is where we're using for paint so we got a clean metal primer for the the new metal for the existing metal that's got a rust on it will use a rusty metal primer we'll let those dry and then we'll paint it with the regular black all right so let's get started with this paint sprayer [Applause] all right that should be ready to paint all right so the way this works this is the spray gun and then when it clogs up you use this lever this lever here to turn it to free it up so that's for spraying that's for clearing see it's got the arrow pointing that way [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I see we just had a a clog so watch what happens all kind of cleared itself no month [Applause] you all right that's all the clean metal primer that one pretty easy well do I'll just add Brown to this and start painting all right so since we still have a 50 foot hose of white primer here I'm going to give this another white coat until it turns into the brown primer then I'll pink everything [Applause] [Applause] you I did this primer less than an hour ago but you know what let's so let's paint the black that seems dry [Music] you all right I got every spot I could see so let's just tip this thing back down and I'm sure I'll find a few more spots I missed [Music] [Music] why the power is out and went out yesterday - this is hot out there's people with air conditioners let's let that dry and deal with the lights and the stickers [Applause] [Music] [Music] and we're done painting everything this is how to clean this up so alright so to clean this thing all you guys do is just run bunch of mineral spirits through it and I've had this thing a while now I'm painted a lot of stuff with it alright and I'll just give this thing a like second coat until it starts they totally start getting mineral spirits alright see now that's mineral spirits so alright well I just got back I figured out why the power was out there was one of my friends tipped his excavator over it wasn't his fault the power line caught it pulled it off the trailer just got back from that I'll show you I drove the motorcycle there I'll show you the clip of that situation now this is the reason my power was out here got a where my buddies his excavator caught this power line I guess the line was love from the heat and it actually kept the machine over off the trailer there's the situation I hear so that was pretty crazy eyes there for an hour all right so powers back on I've been running mineral spirits through this and they want you to put this stuff pump that into it all right and that's all I do to put this thing away and uh I paint a lot of stuff with this thing Ben I'll put a link in the description for this paint sprayer or at least a new version of it [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so I'm gonna go around next to every one of these lights and drill a hole for the ground wire all right so now I'm going to solder all the ring terminals onto for the grounds on total lights okay so these are what I'm using for the ring terminals 1/4 inch hole I should be using these yellow ones are for 12 gauge wire a little thick but at least they have thicker metal in this area here so they don't break so shrink tubing right here my soldering iron just exploded just boom now it's dead I think it's just the cord is bad on this thing screw all right bit of a design flaw on the soldering iron here when a cord comes out of the tool it needs to have a thing like this or else it'll or else this happens so let's fix that so it doesn't break again so so off here and I've been using these for making electrical connections it's pretty easy so you slip that over twist the wires to the gutter straight on heat gun and heat that solder right there [Applause] and see it's drinks and it's honors at one step [Applause] right there see that now you think you keep done and strength the wrestler thing [Applause] so that was these things right here so that's all I'll be making all the wiring connections on the rest of the trailer just put this back together [Applause] all right and that's working so that's fixed and now with that string tube there that problem shouldn't happen again okay now you wait for that to cool down take your shrink tube put it over like that alright and that's an electrical connection right there that's gonna stay working alright so that's a nice light right there that I'll probably never get smashed I'm gonna put the rest of those in and I want to just tilt this right back on its side to hook up all the wiring instead of laying underneath it hey Levi alright for the grounds I'm just gonna use these bolts a quarter-inch all right that's a good ground that shouldn't stop working if you really want to make a trail that lasts forever use stainless steel hardware on this so the wiring harness on this thing is actually salvageable there it was sort of working but there was but but we got to go through it and see connectors like that that's no good I've got to get all those out of there those are garbage all right so let's start up front here now this had the seven pin connector on it there's no reason for it to have that because there's no it's only using the four pins so you wouldn't want to leave a bunch of junk like that you know there's electrical tape and crimp connectors those are no good more connectors so we're gonna cut it right here make sure you use the color coated wire because it gets confusing if you don't white is ground Brown is running light so that's marker lights and tail lights yellow is left turn and left brake green is right turn and right brake and then for our plug I got this thing look it's got this nice loop that's easy to grab onto plus it's got LEDs which make troubleshooting much easier and they even labeled the wires to hang I just want to redo this ground because look that's got connectors Midway it's pluses on top of this thing and there's no ring terminal yes you look how they had that hooked up whatever that was and that was just under the alright so there's that with the shrink tubing it's a nice connection there I should never have an issue with that all right so one other thing that's important make sure that like don't just have these wires loose like this always have it like tied all right now we're ready to start hooking up lights so to provide power to this thing while we're working on it we'll use a regular battery charger not one of those automatic ones those are worthless because they won't actually put out power and we take our power and in these are actually marks so it's a left turn right turn and turn signals so we'll hook it on there and we know it's sexually on two because of this that's nice first problem I'm seeing is right here someone uses one of these clip connectors these are not approved for exterior automotive lighting so let's replace that that's the wire getting corroded out right there even though that was working that's not acceptable [Music] all right so I just got all the lights hooked up one thing I want to do here though to protect these clearance lights this is the back bottom of the trailer and the departure angle it's called that coming out of some driveways I know that's going to catch and dig into the ground and what you'd end up seeing is is this thing plowing through the dirt which isn't a problem it's strong enough to take that but these lights would probably break these wires and push them right out of their sockets so let's just put a plate here to protect them [Music] that's the wrong angle to set it down [Applause] [Music] you right this thing it just got some mud splash on it when I was tilted on its side and it rained heavy [Applause] alright now we put this reflective tape back on it got a new roll over here but I got a few more stickers coming for this thing so this deck so this had a wood deck on it and I was kind of torn between either replacing the wood deck with wood or doing this steel diamond plate deck so let's go over the pros and cons between the two different decks so my main question was kind of the price and the weight so let's do some math here to figure that out you I got all the numbers figured out here as far as and wait so comparing the two different types of deck I could have used the eighth inch steel diamond plate those came in 48 by 120 inch plates at a cost of two hundred and five dollars each they I needed four of them to do the whole job so the toll I paid was $120 but I didn't use all of them I got a bunch extra I actually made those fender pieces out of them and they're still extra to do other projects so if you care this way in so I ended up actually using 546 dollars and 82 cents of material but if that matters so as far as boards yes they that's the one big advantage to using boards they are cheaper right now at Lowe's a 7 inch by 120 inch board seventeen dollars need 11 of them that's only $187 so compared to the five forty six or a twenty the wood is cheaper now weight the weight per board is 42 pounds when weighed those dried up boards they're a lot heavier when they're green though so 11 boards times 42 462 pounds now for the steel I did a bit of math here to figure out what I actually used so weight per plate 197 pounds do the math if we make that into those plates are 5760 square inches divided by 197 that becomes point zero three for two pounds per pounds per square inch do that times the total deck we got 525 pounds for the total for the total deck so really the weight is pretty comparable I mean on a trailer that's designed to carry 12,000 pounds and this being that these were dried up boards these are a lot heavier when they're green the weights about the same all right so my favorite thing about using this steel deck though is it made the whole trailer two inches lower that's nice it's just easier to load stuff up onto it and it makes the whole load not much more stable now really the best vehicles have the lowest center of gravity with the highest amount of ground clearance now the design on this thing could have even been changed around a little bit more and they probably could have dropped this deck down another two inches because now the lowest this deck could possibly be would be the height of the top of the axles now if we look under the trailer the way it's designed see see it's got this see channel between the axles and the deck they could have been positioned on this other piece they probably could have been dropped down and this that could have been probably 2 or 3 inches lower which would have made the trailer even that much better but it's fine the way it is the other thing better about the steel is I think it's gonna last a lot longer that wood deck only lasted about 15 years if that was the original deck if it wasn't then it lasted even less than that all right so to sum it up other than the higher cost I think the steel deck is the way to go so this thing is pretty much done I got a few more stickers coming for and miscellaneous little things but I need to use this right now alright so let's pull it out of here and test it out I got to bring my antique tractor to the parade for the 4th of July here's the trailer in the dark all these lights look nice on it license plate light is nice and bright from behind it all right so a good first thing they use the track trailer on is move this tractor for the 4th of July parade so it's been a year since I started this let's see how it starts up [Music] [Music] [Music] that's cool this actually fits between the fenders on my other trailer just doesn't fit and I've always have to use my deck over trailer to move this tractor let's tie this down alright that's tied down nice I got all new chains and binders there let's go drive in the parade [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright that first trip went well I just got my stickers for it I got this from the trailer company they made me send a picture of my title though tire information [Music] [Applause] [Music] and we got Levi and Sadie we're gonna go pick up a junk car right Sadie [Music] [Music] let's try to start this thing so I was just gonna scrap this thing but I put it on marketplace and someone wants the he said he has one off a bad block and this one supposedly has a bad head gasket but it does run but the guy says he wants to use this one to fix his so and you probably could fix this thing up and drive it if you really wanted to but just the guy who had it didn't want to do that all right so that guy says he wants that for parts so that's good rather someone get it who's gonna use it instead of it just getting scrapped but he could his trailer could use some attention poor thing with this trailer let's go let's go bring the skid-steer out on a quick job all right first thing I want to do here is check the tire pressure in these tires all right so the vehicle manufacturer recommends 75 psi and the max pressure on these tires is 84 on dealing with tire air pressure I'm always wearing safety glasses all right so we're at 60 all right and there's 75 right there that's 65 all right so we're gonna prepare to move this piece of equipment so the first thing I'm going to do to this is I want to clean out these tracks [Music] [Music] all right that's good all those big pieces are out of there [Music] [Music] alrights an hour at the point we're ready to load this piece of equipment on this trailer but before doing that a few important safety tips here when loading something like that what happens is that puts a lot of weight at the back of the trailer which lifts up on the tongue of the truck now a two-wheel drive truck that's just some Park with the brake on that's only got the back wheels locked up the front ones aren't even having any brakes on at all so if you're especially important if you're on a hill put the truck in four-wheel drive make sure it's not just going to pick up the back of the truck and then roll away somewhere because that will happen the other thing when people do that often times they'll sit in the machine and panic and just staying at one spot and then usually the whole thing will roll away jackknife and crash usually dents the side of the bed up hit the trailer brakes trailer brakes if you're loading a piece of equipment and it's picking up the back of the truck it starts moving don't just sit in one spot keep moving it once you get forward enough those wheels would drop back on the ground and stop the truck all right so I got the truck and four-wheel drive and it's on a flat ground plus this thing with these legs it's not gonna lift this up so let's load this up [Music] alright the positioning of this machine on this trailer is important as well that's the right spot right there for it now you wouldn't want to be too far towards the back is what that does is it puts negative tongue weight on the truck and that's a pretty bad situation that will will make the trailer swerve all over the place the other thing you don't want to do is be too far forward because it would put too much tongue weight on the truck all right so let's chain this down all right for binders these are brand new they're half-inch by 3/8 12,000 pound working load limit all right for chain this is three ace grade 70 transport chain that's chained down some people might suggest crisscross in these chains here meaning having the hook from this chain going to this side and out to there the reason you would do that say if this was a bigger machine and the hook was further to the outside and you didn't have enough room to hook up this binder then you would do that in this case that's the perfect length so I did it like that [Music] all right I just want to demonstrate this type of binder as well so the way this works [Music] [Music] no see maybe if I had a pipe but I still don't think all right just the reason I wanted to demonstrate that is how these work but don't use these though I've heard ELT does not like these I don't like him either these things they tend to come on clipped mysteriously sometimes like I've been tying the handles but I just stopped using these all together our pieces of equipment over five tons you're supposed to tie down any attachments this technically doesn't need that since it's under five tons but that's more important on like excavators or backhoes things with like an arm now as far as capacities goes this trailer has a gross vehicle weight of 12,000 pounds the thing weighs about a ton meaning this is a 5 ton trailer so usually to tell how much a piece of equipment weight you can just do an internet search so for example you type in AI HIC l 35 either type in specs or weight this machine comes in at 4 tons so that's fine for this trailer even the next bigger size skid-steer would be okay on here so our tow vehicle here this is a Dodge it's got the diesel engine in it and the manufacturer says it can tow over 13,000 pounds so being that this has a gross vehicle weight of 12,000 pounds this trailer is a good match for this truck our safety inspections good here this trailer is in really nice shape being that I just refurbished it it's important to keep these things in good shape I'm you know the whole reason rules get made in the first place is when people do dumb things like for example that car that that guy just picked up he showed up with a trailer that was an old camper frame with no lights on it no fenders and and he's going down the road like that Mike you just put five hundred dollars into this thing put fenders and lights on it paint it make it look right put legitimate ramps on it and this could be an OK trailer all right well this is all set to roll out now I'm only going a mile down the road I almost could have driven this thing there but these bolts missing look at this here we go alright let me just see what's going on here first that was loose that got it tight alright I replace those missing bolts that's why it's important to keep an eye on stuff all right so I'm back on that job I was actually here last year and I kind of pushed in a new driveway for this guy over here like a secondary one but it was still a little on the steep side so he got these few loads of fill in here and he just wants me to spread it out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right so I just finished shot off that turned out pretty good that's definitely a lot less steep than it was now that one load of finds that what he could use another load on this I kind of stretched that pretty thin you could it could go wider and it could be thicker but you know he could drive on this for a while and then put it down later I think this guy even has a skid steer now it's a tire machine so it wouldn't have been able to knock down those mountains like I just did but it's fine for spreading out gravel [Music] all right so that towed that skid steer very well so we've moved the car skid steer this trailer is working out really good one more thing I want to move for in this video is I'm sure people notice I got this new pickup truck here my old one needs an engine and I want to fix it I just want to keep it for plowing this one's too nice to plow with the thing it's got the diesel motor in it and it's not rusted out I don't want to ruin that with the stupid salt in the wintertime so I'll just keep using my other one which doesn't is already rusty so it doesn't matter so let's go so let's go get a parts truck alright so we're here to piers my parts truck here there's the engine sound all right [Music] yeah Oh moves as forward I'll say right oh we got good forward we need a running start that's all I can't replace the Maharani this year and I also put the hair like [Music] that's how they all run that's how Christ Chrysler's always right they case no idling yeah like hike thumbs up for your mouse that scare him over here come up I don't want to be bitten bite you sure will Wow [Music]
Channel: Andrew Camarata
Views: 887,954
Rating: 4.913415 out of 5
Keywords: trailer repair, welding, painting, paint sprayer, equipment trailer, pickup truck, towing, chains and binders
Id: 0rNUA44z44Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 43sec (6283 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2019
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