Snowmobile long track conversion

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so I just picked up this snowmobile I wanted it because it's a nice little one I just paid two hundred bucks for this thing it's in pretty rough shape but the guy said it was running last year until the track completely broke to the point where it was not writable and it definitely needs some other work but I'm gonna try to fix it all up saying does not pull easy alright I just spray some starting fluid down the spark plug hole fires alright it's not getting fuel [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you I wonder why it wouldn't run look at that nice [Music] you [Music] all right I think I just got everything out of there so [Music] that's ready to go back on the snowmobile and the air box is cleaned out now to you alright so I just finished cleaning the carburetor and cleaning that air filter but that is not fixed because that will certainly happen again that's actually a very common problem for mice to get in air boxes so usually what I do is I'll take some of this wire mesh though these holes are small enough that a mouse can't get through it and I just put that over the intake screen somehow and that usually takes care of it you all right my shouldn't be able to get through that [Music] [Music] ooh smokey all right well it seems like it runs probably good enough to ride I'm in warming up but right now I got to fix the track all right so the main reason I got this so cheap was because it needs a track and that it has a weird sized track that's very hard to find so I have this snowmobile here that's just pretty much parts now and I'm gonna try to take the track and the whole track frame out of this one because this one uses a track that's very easy to get it's a common size [Music] that's socks that Volvo alright to free this track out of here I could better get this thing off somehow so it looks like that more or less happens under the hood all right I guess I'm gonna try to take this I guess that's probably a chain in there take this chain case off [Music] you [Music] all right all right before I go any further on this track frame I had this one bolt break off when I was taking it out and as you can see it's it's in there pretty far so usually the best way to get these out is you take a nut and weld it put it right over it and weld it in the center and then the heat from welding it helps loosen it and then you have something to bite on too so I know a lot of people are probably going to suggest like I know a lot of people are probably going to suggest like easy outs and stuff yeah I don't think you'd get that with an easy out [Music] that's turning that's good not turning easy though [Music] you alright that works pretty well you you know snowmobile tracks would be a lot easier to install if you could separate them alright I figured it out this shaft isn't supposed to go that way it's supposed to go this way so these this bearing here once that's on bolted this whole thing will drop down into there all the way to that spot there so that'd be enough to get the track in there there now I can get that track in there now that's that the parts of this that I'm taking from that other snowmobile like that's a different stone wheel than this one and that track and everything is different so make sure it's no work I need to make sure this measurement is the same so from the center Apple it looks like it's seven inches well let's measure the other one that's so we may have to drill this mounting hole in a different spot and this is the part snowmobile so to make sure that's gonna that this track and everything is gonna fit so this measurement here needs to be the same so from the center of that so from the center holds nine inches all right sorry I got it the other snowmobile was 7 inches so that means I got to drill a new set of holes on the other snowmobile all right here's the issues I'm realizing I have here with using the track off the 540 on this 250 so these are the this is the drive off the 250 this is the drive off the 540 it's a little bit bigger every part of it is a little bit bigger so the main part that the first problem this is the drive I was going to use these wheels will not sync up with the track from the 540 it's just smaller so but this can't go in this snowmobile because it's actually closed so I think what I'm going to do this side even though this is bigger it's the outer size of the bearing seems like it's the same so here's the so there's the hole there from so that looks like this side looks okay even though it's different the problem is this see this is definitely smaller so so I guess what I got to do which I'm not thrilled about because it's pretty hard working with stuff that spins but the cut cut that use both of these off and swap them cuz I can't swap just the wheels cuz this is like a hexagon or whatever whatever and this has got four sides I guess but I think that's doable even though I don't like it because it's got to be perfectly true when you weld this and obviously you don't want it to break because if it breaks this is a pretty annoying repair alright I guess I'm gonna try this so these luckily these are the same length so I need to cut them in the same spots though I guess I'm gonna cut right right so two and a quarter two and a quarter I guess I gotta cut right there but it's super important that I cut this square this hollow or solid [Music] you all right so this one's got to go on their ground this down to pretty much a point but I left a little bit of a flat top on there so setting up right like that should give me the right length and I just got to get it perfectly straight so all right so in an attempt to get this lined up perfect I slip this in that pipe and drop it down all right so I used these welding rods and this piece of conduit and these clamps so hopefully get that on there perfect and I think it works all right let me really burn that in now you it's important to well to evenly that way your weld doesn't pull it out of you know pull it crooked you all right this is the finished product I think that would be all right all right I'm realizing I this these welds I brought them up a little too far onto the shaft and this needs to be perfect because this goes into that chain case and there's a oil seal right there so I got to turn that down all the way so how fast is a spin I mean we could run slow right well you got to run the right speed and feet okay well I don't want to break the have those blow apart I'm if it's sitting in a million miles an hour right what I'm gonna do that what you wouldn't go that okay I just want to go too low job tight there's kids not just the hips not pills so this is a carbide tip and that is core we'd put it against this and then we run this way right exactly that bad yeah [Music] [Music] I guess see ya we don't count yeah no that's good you're back far enough [Music] you know I think this seals right about there right there you all right so here it is finished on the lathe it turned out pretty good there's a couple little marks on it on this side where I ground it a little too deep but I think it'll be fine [Music] [Music] all right here you can see the difference in length between the two of track frames [Music] [Music] [Music] you you all right now it's time to put this back together now I was actually I realized a lot of these snowmobiles came as a long track and they had this sprocket on it so this part is actually available I just have to get it out of this snowmobile as a long track but there was a few on eBay but they're asking like over $200 for it so but this one should be fine but just think these that ever breaks or if you're doing this project you don't have to make that part it is available all right so I'm pretty sure this wide spacer goes here that narrow spacer goes there and then both these sprockets drop on arts diagram here all right so now the bottom we go lock washer lock washer bolt now I could put these chain case bolts they didn't need to come out all right I got a little bit hung up on this step this the bearing I needed to use for this shaft had a bigger outside diameter and it didn't fit and the shaft may have been maybe I made it a little bit too short when I welded it together so I had to cut the bottom of the sled open here and paramore that all together but this should be fine I used this plate from the other snowmobile so that fit you you all right it's on here the tracks will loose even get a tighter you [Music] all right cool it seems to work alright so we put the rest of it together I got to make this I know I guess we'll call that the tunnel or the track frame or whatever we'll make that longer I got to make a seat because I don't have the right seat for it and I got a new windshield back of this needs to get longer no what do you think a foot what a foot all right so I got an idea where I could get this piece how about right there [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you you you [Music] all right now I got to do something about this seat I could use this one I don't know what this is for but it's a pretty close fit but this you know that extra one-and-a-half inches just bothers me too much I got to make this seat lower somehow so let me take it apart and see what I can do you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right I'm definitely calling this project a success this snowmobile is working pretty well now I wrote it for a couple hours today so here I just picked up this this other one here too this is the same thing and I got a really good deal on it the guy said he had it running this year but he thinks it lost spark or something but I mean that's no big deal I'm sure I'll get it running but you can see you could see the difference in length between them see much longer the other one is I kind of like it with the longer track I'm not sure what this has on it and it may be like an 80 inch track and this one's got a 121 now so but there's a few more things I want to do to this one I want to put a tail light on it the headlight stop work and I want to fix that small stuff I'll definitely get that one running cuz that when I ordered some parts for it just waiting for them this one here that's the one that needs the crank seals so I still want to do that the parts are right there and this one here is nice and this one here this was running good last year but I just ordered a windshield for it and I should get a seat cover for this one too but so I may do a another video or video - fixing up you know the one with the crank seals and maybe this one but that one's such a small project on this and I may do another another snowmobile video I want to do something cool there's a plane crash that's up in the mountain that happened a long time ago I don't know when it happened but it's quite a ride to get there but I kind of want to make a video out of that at a trip out of that so or maybe even go camping up there or something so we'll see [Music] Levi and Sadie come here hey Levi yeah [Music] and this is my new temporary dog that I'm watching for a friend but she's getting along really well if Levi's name is Sadie hey Sadie hey Sadie come here come here Sadie
Channel: Andrew Camarata
Views: 521,110
Rating: 4.8777051 out of 5
Keywords: Yamaha bravo, br250, snowmobile, long track
Id: Mx2UIaLaUTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 42sec (2562 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2018
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