SnakeHead {Catch Clean Cook} This Fish is VICIOUS!!!

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Oh man I used to like this guy, shame he went with the click bait path

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/y2jer 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] got him got him on the road what's up having people I'm Robert Arrington this is Jeremy for dinner this my buddy Mike Schramko he and his daughter have an epic YouTube channel called real cool adventures and he's just one of my really good friends we've done some amazing videos together I'm in at home working my butt off we've been out of the ranch we've been in the house we were working so hard he just called me and said hey man let's go fishing it's overcast it's windy it's not ideal fishing conditions or where we after a bullseye snakehead fish a bullseye snakehead right not on their tail like a bull's-eye the cool thing about this is I've never seen one I've never caught one I know they're prolific down here the key is they're very very savvy that great eyesight so we're trying to wear camouflage stay low walk very softly to get headings incredible eyesight we're using little frogs these fish are highly invasive and they're very destructive because they eat everything oh I just got bit I got bit I got smoke right there he ate he ate the worm right off I'm gonna throw the frog at him I mean smoked it [Applause] got him got him on the phone no way that's my first snakehead you kidding me he ain't that frog look at that dude that's why they call it the bullseye bullseye snakehead are you kidding me annihilated that frog that's my first one I've ever seen that's so awesome and he feels nice and meaty he's got to be better than a mud fish I'm gonna try to even I don't even know if this is a big one or a small one or what we got for all think we should eat oh yeah we're gonna get him this time the question is can I get him out of that [Music] [Music] [Music] go do it Neal it oh my god this is the craziest fishing I've ever done in my life it's like overcast my glasses aren't working the way they should you couldn't have walked down there and put that thing any better there he is got him got him yes oh it's a nice one too I don't think it's a snakehead it's a largemouth bass bro okay call a big old bass are you kidding me give a bucket get a bucket we'll put him in the pond oh I'll put him in the pond I just redid the pond at my house and you are gonna have a new home buddy [Music] I told you I need some exercise this wasn't [Music] so it's spring right now and everything's hatching and the best way to locate these are to find the little hatchling anything that's a little baby duck a coot purple gallinule anything any little baby bird is chirping along the shore is like chum for these bullseye snakehead [Applause] [Music] [Applause] got it done got it are you kidding me look at the size of this thing yes he's huge are you kidding me finger pulled this look at that dude he's got a bunch of bull's-eyes whoa dude I didn't think you're gonna land them until I thought I didn't want you to cast in here because they're so hard to get out of us for us what an awesome so when you snorkel on this you see that I right there when you snorkel with them they'll come up and flash that in your safe so you think that's the front side of it to intimidate you you know actually turn their body around you try to bite you Oh bro he's got like teeth in the back of his jaw you're going on ice Jack he came up slap me they're getting bigger going down there right now all right so that one is in the box could you imagine like if these things did have big fangs they would be ruthless I mean oh my gosh that was such an amazing fish one of the coolest fish I've ever caught this is a fish right here y'all [Music] I can't right here dude oh look at this fish what even running down the bank he's got me in all this weeds look at him look at him oh he's right here he's rolling look hey I gotta give a huge shout out to my boy Winston Tucker you stand behind my little brother blue Gabe you're sponsoring his channel I got to love this old salt favorite rod and reel really great setup and what an amazing fish what an amazing whoa buddy stay right there he like jumps on land look at look where the Frog is and then if you see in the back of his throat there are giant teeth that are like like they're like grippers crushers because these things eat everything it doesn't matter fish frogs alligators snakes it doesn't matter if this sucker can grab ahold of it it's eating it what an amazing amazing day these are the first three snake heads I've ever caught in my life and I got a bass to take home to Ari and Emma this was the best afternoon I've had a long time this guy never fails we've done so many fun videos together the sand flea the iguana bow fishing unit I mean we've done so many great videos together I will put links in the description below of other videos I've done with him but please please do me a favor go check out his channel called real cool adventures thank you thank you for turns off a dog six feet okay no closer we gotta get this fish out of here come here come here girls okay he's in here I'm gonna try to catch him okay look at that fish give him a kiss give him a kiss no way Jose come on hey uh hopefully he likes it in here oh there he goes he's going to the deep end hey high five high five she gave me high five you want another look at that big old fish are you kidding me okay sit right here daddy's gonna clean up okay all right so you guys I'm gonna clean this rascal and then I'm gonna cook him up but I'm not making a huge dinner because he looks way too much like a mud fish for me to plan you know wait looks like he looks like a cobia baby Emma do you want some fish yeah yeah the meat is like very white now I've got to admit just looking at it right off the bat it looks amazing it it kind of looks like a mud fish or a bow fin so I was I was very skeptical that it was going to be good to eat but how beautiful beautiful black diamonds on it just an actual gorgeous gorgeous fish that's my first time ever even seeing a snakehead most less filleting now we're gonna cook it I like taking nice pieces making portions that's a little bit thicker so you could come in here like that butterfly and now that would be a portion there you go that's all good good stuff we're just gonna go a little bit of salt and pepper we're not even doing any Everglades because I really want to taste this fish in its unique flavor I've got just a little bit of vegetable oil in there take a few Pat's of butter toss that in there let that start coming down check this off slice up one clove of garlic and just let that happen to fall in love right in there then we'll take one little piece of lemon nice fresh lemon [Music] that's gonna be good I mean that is like the perfect golden brown aria what are you doing you're having a picnic it looks like you're making a mess honey come here for a second the girls are making you a picnic they're making you a picnic here [Music] this is our little carnivore right here so I put no seasoning on no I didn't I put a little butter lemon salt and pepper that's it I can tell you right now any time you see your child eating more and more and more you know it's good mm-hmm mudfish was the worst fish I've ever eaten in my life this is amazingly good like just so whitefish is it Montezuma when a winner we just ate a snakehead for dinner this is good stuff appreciate you guys hanging out with us this was absolutely fantastic but that's all I got for you night take care god bless hey we gone you
Channel: deermeatfordinner
Views: 3,750,358
Rating: 4.7715321 out of 5
Keywords: TGBTG, snakehead, fishing, southern snake head, bullseye snakehead, Robert Arrington, snake head, Deer, deermeatfordinner, deer meat for dinner
Id: b4pyr3ese-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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