WILD Alligator DEATH ROLLS in our Koi Pond and EATS "CRUSH" my giant BASS!!!

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[Music] okay you guys literally i've been working on this rv like all day every day and i just came out and there's an alligator in the pond you can't see her she's by that log oh my gosh i need to go tell rob like that's insane i've never seen an alligator on our yard or in our pond before and it's like not a small one so i'm very thankful the kids weren't there robert there's an alligator in the pond there's no gear in the pond and ours babe there's an alligator come on stop like i'm not even kidding are you kidding me babe i'm not kidding how big is it it's like big it just went down how did you find him i just came out of the rv and he was in there do all of you women have a hard time with your husband believing anything you say because i think he thinks i'm totally joking him right now i'm not literally it it's right there see big gator i'm telling you i told you like is it sick it was just up like i'm just thankful the kids weren't here because they play in this pond all the time look this is my flag from the swordfish tournament hold on it's right there yeah that ain't sick robert he's definitely good oh he better not have eaten my bath he probably did he's right there i don't see your bass unless he's in the hole i don't see him i'm gonna what are we gonna do you're gonna have to call somebody you can't even tell that he's in there that's like a seven foot we have a good friend named amy she's a game a local gamer i think she's the lieutenant here i'm gonna go call her give me a second hurry up because it's getting dark can i just catch the thing and tie it up or what the heck no that would definitely be a violation um give me one second sir what's your address see that's what makes an alligator dangerous when they have no like fear whatsoever a gator's just sitting here looking at us like come on go swimming but i will say this while we're taking care of this um this is turning into a video so i would like to thank crowd cow for sponsoring this video now while we wait for them to answer check this out crowd cow is a marketplace for high quality meat that creates a meaningful connection between the farmer and the consumer so people can know and appreciate where their food comes from not to mention you're gonna get food that tastes better and is of higher quality hey join the herd it is free to join and you're gonna get five percent off and free shipping on anything over ninety nine dollars you can explore their high quality beef pork chicken and seafood and build your own box each cut is vacuum sealed and frozen at peak freshness none of their meat has hormones or unnecessary antibiotics crowd cow is amazing they have an incredible selection and they're going to have cuts that you won't see at almost any grocery store all you need to do is click on crowdcal.com forward slash dear me you're going to get 15 off your first order a free membership and you're ready to go and for a limited time crowd cow is adding additional items for new members so go check it out in the description below crowdcal.com dear me firm moist and tastes amazing [Music] that alligator we even seen must've went through the gate because it's in our pond it's in our fun isn't our fun it's our fun i'm not kidding there's an alligator in our pond right now i swear rob's over there trying to call somebody a seven and a half alligators how did it get in there oh my goodness yeah how did they get in there i don't know yeah but you cannot go buy it dad's over there trying to deal with it that alligator will chomp on you you cannot get close to it you can't get close to the water yeah okay stay right there now when mommy and daddy like catch alligators when we're hunting that's one thing but this alligator is like in our pond so you can't mess with that okay why are you shaking so bad are you cool because you're cold go get a towel you're nervous okay hey you girls yeah i'm calling oh hey hold on one sec paul i'm calling the the the the animal police and so they can maybe come get the alligator and take it somewhere safe okay okay okay so y'all go get dry but oh yeah go go hey look look there's the alligator right there see him look at his head right there see how camouflaged he is girl i can't even see it just went under okay back up i don't know back up thank god for good neighbors because they're awesome the kids have been over there thank god they were all over at her house but now they're going back over there while we take care of that so hey here's the here's the ironic thing about this when we built this my biggest fear is uh is the amoeba the freshwater amoeba that can eat your brain we actually had a friend of ours their daughter died from an amoeba so i never let our kids swim in this due to the amoeba i was not worried about an alligator and that's big enough alligator that would kill you like that's a real gator it would chomp our kids oh look who's getting ready for bed strawberries oh strawberries wow what's going on with your hair babe it was from the boat and then on the rv and alligators and oh my goodness come on all right you guys we've got the state of florida alligator trapper coming to catch our gator let's see what happens we've got our lighting expert the local electrician steve he's already got everything lit up can you see him gator's laying right there all right what's your name you got to state your name and position here you see his head laying right there see him on the bottom we've got gator trapper with the cigar now if this makes it on youtube you gonna be okay with that i don't want all right oh there she is she moved me right right there look to your right you look look right in the middle of the pawn that's you're about to touch it she just backed up so look at that look at that i bet y'all didn't expect to see that come crawling out of the pond did you could you see that alligator you gonna come alligator home with mom and daddy i didn't even see him pick it up there you go are you got two of them in there oh he's coming out ain't going nowhere well as you can see coast is clear no more alligators in our pond but uh things do seem to be still pretty stirred up muddy from last night i want to say thanks to everybody involved we appreciate it and i'd also like to say thank you very much to crowd cal for sponsoring this video go check them out there will be a link in the description below but for now take care god bless and we go [Music] you
Channel: deermeatfordinner
Views: 431,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TGBTG, Catch Clean Cook, catch & Cook, deer, deer meat, Robert Arrington, deermeatfordinner, deer meat for dinner
Id: NG4dwyaTdHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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