Catching MONSTER Crabs with my PRECIOUS Daughters! {Catch Clean Cook} Daddy Daughter Picnic!

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are you drinking out of the jug say we're having a daddy-daughter day we drink out of the jug that is the best trap i've had in a long time right there we got 12 crabs in one trap i will take that yes siree i feel like i'm on the deadliest catch oh my gosh look how big that one is [Music] let's go we're about to have us a good time [Music] hey what's up happy people i'm robert arrington this is my cute little five-year-old daughter named arya and we are about to have the epic daddy daughter day so one of my main goals in life is for my girls to really understand the water understand driving a boat when you turn the wheel on a car the car turns with a boat a boat just doesn't turn like that it slides and you're driving it from the rear end a car when you turn you're turning the front wheels so you turn the more my girls drive the boat the more their body understands that dad yo what's the current doing what's the current doing current is coming in right now the current is coming in straighten up pull your wheel back to the other way straighten it up keep going good right there perfect see how that works see how the boat went around and then you have to straighten it up now drive right down the edge of these trees okay now straighten it up perfect you're my little boat captain i like driving perfect hey do you think we should call mommy and have emma come meet us yeah awesome let's do that so we're gonna call sarah and have her bring emma down and it'll be me arya emma epic daddy day now a lot of you all might think this is crazy that i've got a five-year-old running the boat but guess what when you're five years old and you your dad spends time with you it's not overwhelming i don't want her to be 12 or 15 and then say oh drive no over time she's going to be very comfortable with this should be running any boat i got both girls y'all [Music] who wants to check the crab all traps let's get the first one real quick girls who is going to pull in the first trap see it coming i got it good job you got it all by yourself what you got in there [Music] we got a big fat bunch of nothing oh that stinks there we go ladies and gentlemen you got it pull it in pull pull pull pull it pull it again we've got a snapper what are you kidding me yeah whoa [Music] got a bunch of sardines here and you just put them right in the bait trap right there whoa well this one's bigger good perfect now go ahead and put it in the water wherever you want it alrighty hey you cannot catch crabs if you don't have them baited [Music] you gonna get this one and i want you to pull that thing in pull pull pull pull pull heavy one huh what do we got in here oh look at that we got a big old crab in there wow look at that well that's his that's a shed see how we have a big crab in there that shell that's he came out of that shell and he shed see how i'm washing the trap off yeah with the crab in there so what we're gonna do arya we're gonna put these crabs right on ice there you go perfect now anytime i'm trapping arya i have to make sure i shut my lid [Music] pull that thing in honey show them how tough you are come on pull on that thing i'll hold it here keep pulling keep pulling how many do you think we got one one keep pulling i think there's two actually two keep pulling i want to see how hard you can pull no actually i think it's five [Music] oh i see oh we got a fish four crabs oh so close yeah we got four and a sheepshead holy cow see how i do this you just put them right in there no i'm gonna i'm gonna let him go there you go see you can't trap fish so when you have a fish in your trap gotta let them go okay we're in the money now girls this one here you go pull pull pull i want you to pull that thing pull pull get it get it i want you to pull on that thing pull get it right up front pull back oh yeah keep pulling pull pull pull okay here's the trap how many do we have wait a second we got two we have one two three four but these are all kind of small and one's a female so you want to just turn these loose yeah yeah we'll turn these loose emma's like no way keep them got another chat coming up there you go pull up thing pull pull pull i think there's like them how many do you think we got i think there's 20. 20 crabs no i know we got one actually i want one we got two nice ones there we go look at that that's a big one who's gonna eat that one huh who's gonna eat this crab yeah me high five on that i feel something wiggling around in there i feel something holy smokes we've got three crabs four crabs and three sheep's head wow [Music] oh are you drinking out of the jug say we're having a daddy-daughter day we drink out of the jug hey let me show you guys this is one of the kids shirts this is actually a kid's small circle of life it's got a sailfish a shark and a big mackerel big king fish then it's got deer meat for dinner and this circle of life do you like it yeah yeah emma let me show them yours turn around hers has the deer meat for dinner logo in the front and what's up happy people in the back and this is mine i've worn it for exactly two hours and got it filthy luckily sarah is a really good wife and does amazing laundry so she'll have this thing sparkling quick girl so you think daddy should go get the last trap yeah you another use for my alligator hook we use this hook to grapple up giant alligators and this is one of my favorite spots to crab in this whole area as you come around this bend the water drops off sharp right here and that's a deep hole over there so you take this just like that hook your line pull it right to you i feel like i'm on the deadliest catch i'll bet you there's over over three i see one right now oh yes look at that that is the best trap i've had in a long time right there look at that one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 13 oh my gosh look how big that one is yes siree i thought i was gonna have like three more we still check this out i'm gonna throw these all in a bucket and we still got all those up there i thought me and the girls were gonna have to share with austin but now i think we got enough for all of us to eat [Music] [Applause] girls look how many like here look at the big ones i got in there holy cow she says holy cow now look we got 13 there yeah that trap hold on we got one two three four five six seven you know what that means i think our other traps must have been robbed whatever it is hold on now what we're gonna do [Music] yeah here go put them in no not with my hand aria listen do i ever lie to you do i ever lie to you grab them now go put them in the pot okay you know what you guys part of parenting is figuring out what works eventually she's gonna hold that crap but i'm not gonna make her do it too fast we're gonna use just some fresh water like this this is a new seasoning i'm using it's called florida garlic butter crab and shrimp boil and we're cooking now y'all these things are in a full rolling boil the recipe calls for let them boil for 15 minutes at 15 minutes you can shut the heat off and let them sit for five minutes then you start eating tell you right now they smell really good but my daughters they'll be the true test okay so here we go y'all take that off the heat and then here's a pot with some butter we can put that there let that start to boil now check this out oh yes siree who's gonna say the blessing you are okay okay lean up and i want you to say the blessing dear lord thank you for this day and our food jesus please let hudson please let him feel better and if taylor gets hurt please let her feel better she just needs amen amen hudson we're praying for you boy uh a lot she just brought that up uh hudson's the young boy that was heard around here about two or three months ago hit by a boat and oh here well he was in the river up here not far from here and uh he's in bad shape but he's pulling through hey who wants the first bite me dad when i will if i bite one piece i will not chew it up and i will fit it out you're not going to come in here and spit it out huh this is what do you girls like doing picnics with daddy yeah yeah hold on see this now you see we're this is a public table and we're gonna get it dirty but i promise you when we get done it will all be cleaned up look at that and we can just throw the shells right out in the water take these little pieces crack them like [Music] that [Music] hold on let's i'm gonna give you a really good piece right here this is gonna be a good one watch you take and you guys i mean how many of y'all that eat crabs at home how many of you learned how to do it as a kid take that pop the shell off the shell is where you can put all your other little shells and your these are called deadman's fingers they're gills put them right in there just like that then you break this thing in half back here throw that out watch how good this is gonna be this pops off look at that chunk are you kidding i mean this is as you can see like our first five or six traps we didn't hardly catch anything luckily the last few traps had some crabs in them but even if we wouldn't have caught anything i got a little alligator sneaking up on me even if we would not have caught anything coming out here with your children teaching them how to run the boat teaching them how to bait traps that's a huge bite of crap to me a big fat bite of crab is probably one of the best things in the world to eat how good is it good you ready him thumbs up awesome hold on i want to give em one of these big ones not the big ones just the little ones just the little baby ones watch this you know our fingers are dirty we're covered in fish here you go em you mean butter makes it taste really good [Music] can i have a bite i'll take it i'll take it dad gum here here's a little one that's a little nice chunk no butter hey you guys have a nice big chunk i'm gonna give you a bit we're gonna eat all these grabs but i want to tell you thank you so much for hanging out with us today if you're sitting at home and you're struggling with something the best way to get over whatever you're struggling with is taking the first step if you want to repair a relationship pick up the phone call and start the process if you want to spend more time with your children do it you don't have to come out here crabbing you can do it just for a walk you can go and play frisbee you can go do anything but it takes taking that first step and you know what i'm guilty of not spending enough time with them sometimes i get so caught up making videos and doing what i'm doing on the phone checking emails so i work on it i work on it constantly always making sure i'm spending enough time with my children and my wife right now this is a daddy-daughter day do you girls love daddy daughter days daddy she actually knows i'm working right now making this video but uh daddy daughter days are so important sarah's at home painting the rv and uh we're gonna finish up eating i'm actually gonna take them fishing for a little while hey what are you doing crazy and then we're gonna head home but i wanna thank thank you for hanging out with us today take care god bless and we are [Music] you
Channel: deermeatfordinner
Views: 476,518
Rating: 4.9519286 out of 5
Keywords: TGBTG, Catch Clean Cook, catch & Cook, deer, deer meat, Robert Arrington, deermeatfordinner, deer meat for dinner
Id: XrynJ9nSXEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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