SML Parody: The prime Thief

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oh Junior I'm never going to get sick of prime uh okay yeah Junior it's all good I don't even know why anyone wouldn't like [Music] it oh no Junior I can't see anything yeah me too Jeffy I can't see anything it's Pitch Black in here let's go turn on the light all right there we go okay now I can get back to drink my PR what happened where did elant go it was right here what the freak what it was right here though Jeffy did you steal the pride I was the one that turned on the lights no you idiot yeah I guess you're right this isn't funny I am not laughing at all you know what I'm calling a police this is a crime wait where's my pH nice gramar Jeffy a police Junior I'm on the call the police right now so just obviously I need your help that's probably why you called the police that's what I assume yeah you need shut up I need your help I some someone stole my Prime stole your Prime yeah someone stole my Prime who who what just get it back no I can't CL over thank you God that guy's a meanie so did someone call the police oh no no flood right uh why are you in your firefighters costume if you're a cop right now I lost it anyways why do you want me here again cuz someone stole my Prime oh my God you have a memory of a goldfish or something that really hurt my feeling can you please help us find whoever did it and like set up stuff and it'll be all cool please fine but you're going to have to pay me I can pay him Prime when we find it good enough for me let's go come on kids let's go all right Marvin you're the first one up what is this place speak ah stop that light's so bright Marvin you're the prime suspect of the person that stole jeffy's primee are you kidding me this is all about Jeffy and his stupid Prime again hey watch your language tell me where you are at tonight at 5:13 where was at 513 H oh I know I was trying to get a hold of rose cuz she blocked me please answer please please [Music] please yeah I'm sorry about that uh anyways next Target yes darking AR just turn on the lights what am I doing here what did I do wrong you didn't do anything wrong yet but where were you at 513 E I was with Ken H well what were you doing with this socalled can you don't want to know oh okay then well by any chance do you enjoy the drink Prime uh yeah guilty guilty guilty he's guilty he's guilty Jeffy Jeffy what are you doing nothing okay I think I found the suspect come on let's go there he is what do you have to say for yourself Cody I don't know why I'm here yeah you do cuz you stole jeffy's Prime Cody I can't believe you but I didn't do it yeah that's what they all say you're coming with me all right you stay in there no it wasn't me though all right I'm done where's my Prime payment uh you you know we can't pay you if we don't have Prime right we never found it and we don't even know if Cody was the real one to do it yeah yeah oh he's gone wait a minute Junior my daddy's story wasn't adding up he says that he was on the couch trying to call Rose but we were on the couch and he didn't even mention the lights turning off oh yeah you figured it out let's go get him I'm so low wacka do wacka day what do you goobers want today you're under arrest Mr Danny for stealing my Prime I would I want Prime though Jeffy think think well that's exactly what you want me to think Jeffy I want you to know that you are stupid little piece all right we solved it now time to relax and drink some pry oh wait we still don't have any well do you think imprisoning your dad's just going to magically make prime appear yeah oh my God Jeffy all right Junior I have an idea I'm going to call up my Prime plug scooter hey Jeffy what doing do you need some more Prime yes I do someone stole it and I don't have it anymore oh cool I don't have any either bye what but SC it Jeffy what if we try to make our own flavor Prime no that's for another video then what do you want to do then I'm bored of just watching you cry about your stupid drink that delicious Prime drink what was that oh nothing hey nerds I broke into your house just to show you my epic Prime bottle do you like it you have Prime yeah obviously yeah but you you broke into our head Li I will do anything for m H do I want you to do something stupid for it or do I want to bully you obviously I want to bully you Bully's my first last and middle name bully bully bully I'm going to drink it right in front of your [Music] face I guess we're never going to get Prime Junior yeah we are the prime is right there I took it from you what yeah you notice how I never want to turn back on the light with you and I got Joseph to turn off the lights so that's how I was right next to you so get pranked no hard feelings right oh [Music] yeah
Channel: Impy
Views: 3,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nkQzrqc-X0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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