SML Parody: Stranger Things 2!

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hey jeffy i was thinking since i was happy that you got found and all we could maybe celebrate with like a green bean night or something tonight wait what the heck is all this it's my pretty pictures daddy don't you like them no no i don't they're demonic looking well he wants them on the fridge i'm not putting these on the fridge i'm not looking at these every time i try to eat my red velvet cake but they're my friends i saw when i was in the upside down the upside down jimmy you need therapy no good because i can't afford it what is this even a picture of anyway that's the mind flare and that's the demi gorgon the demi gorgon yup really that's the name you're going with no we can't do it now jeffy oh yes jeffy's here i know who you are jeffy look just be ready for green beans in 10 minutes and i want these off my couch and in a fire okay don't you think we should be looking for cody since we lost him in the woods and there's that big scary monster uh shut up cody what i mean morty sorry i just kind of miss cody that's what i'm saying we should be out there looking for him look morty you saw that thing in the woods and if cody came right home well then he's probably gone so let's just have like a funeral and be done with him a funeral are you crazy we should at least try to find him he might still be out there wait what's that at my window what did junior don't open the window that looks like the thing we saw in the woods i have to go open the window more guys see what that is it looks cool oh no yeah what the [ __ ] this thing is so cool looking he's like a little bat kind of looks at that thing in the woods but way less scary and he's actually friendly he's not attacking me this is so weird oh hey little bat thing oh you want to see my friends come on i'll show you hey morty look who i found the window isn't he cool why did you bring that inside junior because he's my new pet don't be mean to him his name's junior junior what junior junior shouldn't it be bowser jr what no that's stupid there can't be two bowser juniors dude whatever this looks like the monster we found in the woods don't call him a monster he's really friendly he'll let you pet him watch to hi junior junior oh come on get him out oh wow no no stupid monster bad that's not nice i think he's just hungry look he lets me pet him right junior junior oh isn't he such a good little bat demon monster thing ah this is a terrible idea no it's not look he's just hungry let's get you some food junior junior oh okay junior junior here's your dinner now you get a bunch of popcorn so i want you to eat them all up and for your drink you can have a diet coke uh i got you diet coke because i don't want you getting diabetes and for your dessert you have a tinder egg uh don't look for the toy though because i think someone took it so go ahead dig in wait wait junior junior come back all right jeffy are you ready to say grace before we eat wait what the heck is there a bat in my house hold this battery he's eating my bees get out shoo shoo shoo now my beans are all soiled oh daddy i finished all my green beans wait what the heck if you actually eat all your green beans wow something really isn't right with jeffy why's he been acting weird ever since he came back if you'll excuse me from the table i'm gonna go finish my pretty pictures no no no no more artwork well i've done my part time for you to do yours jimmy take this down right now no i can't no you have to take it down i don't want to see this it's demonic well you're going to have to deal with it no jeffy are you being bullied is this some kind like deranged coping mechanism what no i'm doing this for him okay who is this him you keep saying him this him that who is it creature on the wall we'll tell the creature on the wall that my house is in some kind of deranged art gallery he can't just put his pictures wherever he wants he won't like that well he's got the deal with it because i'm calling brooklyn guy if you don't stop don't do it i'm doing it here i go uh hey brooklyn guy i uh kind of need you to come over like really quickly why because well ever since jeffy came back uh from wherever he was in the woods uh he's been acting really really strange i just need you to look at him or something oh god do you need a doctor do you need a cop i i both what oh thank god i broke a guy you're here jeffy's been acting really weird lately what man he's got a pencil in his nose he's always weird no no but this is weird even for jeffy like this is not normal by jeffy standards i mean he's drawing stuff he's doing weird stuff he's eating his green beans he never eats his green beans i mean look at this stuff like what is this he's drawing all this weird art and look at the wall over there oh ooh oh that's weird hey man he's probably just doing this for attention you just gotta you gotta i did this when i was younger you gotta walk up to him you gotta look him right in the eye you say son son i'm proud of you but no no no you don't understand he keeps saying he's doing it for him who is him man he's doing this for you he wants attention he's not getting attention he wants to be loved he wants your attention so he's gonna be like he's doing this weird stuff and you just gotta walk up to him you just gotta say i'm proud son i'm proud of you son you mean the world that's it that's the advice you're giving me well yeah you gotta be a good dad like you're not doing much i am a good dad do you really think he'll stop if i say that yeah just just walk up to him look him dead in the eye go son i'm proud of you should i like shake his hand i i wouldn't do that you can give me like a hug if this doesn't work i am not paying you you don't pay me anyway uh hey jeffy uh what you got there oh oh more demonic art uh great uh so i had to say something to you and it's gonna sound a little weird but i think you need to hear it okay here we go jeffy i am proud of you yes hello kermit buddy why don't you go to work anymore what i missed one day no you missed three days actually well i have a good reason for it you see each of you was like i don't want to hear it buddy should i beat you now or should i wait for work tomorrow so everybody can see oh wait you probably won't even go tomorrow yes i will it's just my son's being disaster or something i don't know he's talking about like people they're making him do something and demi gorgon and all that stuff yeah demi gorge you know what that is yeah you're not being serious are you i am i don't know what he's talking about buddy you actually don't have to go to work tomorrow wait whatever sorry buddy wait no kermit come back oh man junior junior where are you where did you see him well let me get this straight you're gonna look all over for your stupid bat weird creature pet that you just met but not cody who's your friend that you've known for like years uh maury we've been over this cody has been gone for like three days now no one's seen him and he's been gone for long enough he's probably gone for good junior junior just got lost like five minutes ago so he's probably still around the house somewhere in fact i'm gonna go look for him inside and ask my dad and you keep looking for him out here what a terrible friend jesus god damn ah you always scream in my ears do you want me to go deaf no dad i just have a really important question and what could that be well you see i have uh uh well there's some buggy and uh they have like batwings and they kind of sorta look like a bat and their name is junior junior have you seen him you don't have a pet do you junior no no he's not a pet good because remember what i told you about having pets they're lower life forms and they deserve nothing but the dirt but zach junior junior's not a pet dad he's uh a friend and i gotta find him quick before he gets lost you're not friends with a furry are you junior no no he's not a furry okay good uh no i haven't seen anything okay well thanks for your help anyway dad yeah whatever well i guess no one's coming to save me yeah god what no please no more please wait is that junior's bib what wait do you know junior oh wait where are you going yeah god i'm so tired yeah oh man i can't believe i lost junior junior already this is the worst day ever wait a minute oh no way oh no way junior junior you're back i thought i lost you forever really junior you left me for dead oh hi cody i didn't know you were here of course you didn't cause you don't pay attention oh sorry i was just really excited to see junior junior what the stupid dad don't call him stupid cody he's nice he got you home why does he have your bib because it's junior junior that's his name right i i don't understand look i'll explain it all inside come on guys let's go play yeah okay jeffy are you done with your little freak out daddy oh he's almost here who's almost here the demogorgon what the heck is that him jeffy how do we get rid of this thing we can't we can't jeffy what do we do oh but can you put the ac on it's so hot in here jimmy the ac is on it's at 66. wait wait a minute these things must be sensitive to heat and didn't that one bad thing like the green means before jay wait right here i have an idea oh hey bowser you might want to run why because i i just think you should get out of here there's something with the green beans i hate green beans well eat really likes green beans so you should go it yeah it's coming you should run what's that sound i would get out of here if i were you hey demi gorgon i hope you like my cooking because it's the last thing you'll ever eat [Music] so oh man junior jr i wish i had to say goodbye but you'll probably like it out in a while better in captivity and also if my dad finds you then he'll probably put me up for adoption so it's for the best that you leave cody say something about junior junior yeah uh junior and junior uh i'm glad that you uh helped save me from the woods and uh your bib's kind of cool yeah it is really cool now be free junior junior be free yes that's it go fly away oh yeah ah take that you furry jimmy jeffy i got rid of the demi gorge are you okay daddy why is it so hot in here i think you're back to normal jeffy do you have the weird urge to draw really creepy pictures what no so you don't remember drawing all those no who draw that's weird it was you but who cares you're back to normal i'm so glad i was gone yeah i think you got like possessed by the demi gorge when you were in the upside down and you were taking control of you and making you draw pictures it was really weird daddy have you been watching too much stranger things wait no i haven't been watching stranger things i it was all happening i swear it was real wait who's flickering my lights it's not me i'm right here well if it's not you then who's flickering the lights pennywise [Music] you
Channel: Kable10
Views: 549,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: F2uY0xoqqGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 12 2022
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