SML Parody: Bully's Bad Birthday!

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hey daddy i think the police are after me wait what what did you do oh i think that's them well don't worry jeff guys plan for this wait okay what here's your fake id and here's mine fake ids yep we're gonna use these bad boys to skip town and start a new life jefferson smith markiplier oh how come you get to be markiplier because i look like him no i don't see it well we both have a nose oh jeffy you have to go get the door all right now i'm gonna go pack our bags and you tell them that jefferson smith lives here not jeffy okay i'm coming i'm sorry officer i oh wait it's just bully bill hey loser i uh i have to ask you something false alarm daddy just bully bill no no loser oh loser open up i have to talk to you about something come on come on loser i just want to talk real quick oh what does he want loser can you just come out here real quick i just have to ask you something oh fine but make it quick all right boy bill would you want to ask me loser i i had to give you this uh boy bill you know i can't read uh it says you're inviting my stupid birthday party loser your birthday party you think i'm gonna go to that after all the bullying you do to me yeah there's no way fine i didn't want to invite you my stupid parents made me do it and just so you know anybody who's cool is gonna be there that means if you skip out you're a big loser and and i hate you and you're a loser and you're dumb yes i'm a big loser then hello everybody my name is markiplier and the where's the police what's that oh there was no police after all it was just bully bill inviting jeffy to his birthday party huh he must have dropped his invitation outside i'll go bring it back to him uh hey jeffy i think he dropped this outside yeah i did you know i'm not going so stop asking why not it's a birthday party it sounds like fun yeah for bully bill daddy he has bully in his name if i go he's just gonna beat me up and make fun of me in front of everybody what well you don't know unless you go exactly and i'm not trying to find out so i'm not going well but jiffy you don't have to hang out with just bully bill you know there'll be other people that you can hang out with daddy if you want me to go so bad why don't you just go cause he didn't invite me he invited you it'd be weird if i showed up i'd rather just play fortnite no you can't just play fortnite all weekend like you always do well all you do is watch tv all weekend yeah but i balance it out by going to work at target still doesn't matter i don't want to go well jiffy there might be cake and ice cream and candy i know how much you like all that stuff i mean if you stay here you just got these green beans well if i go and boy bill starts to make fun of me i will not hesitate to drop kick him and then you have to bail me out of jail what you're not gonna go to jail for drop kicking somebody jeffy but you shouldn't do it i will throw hands daddy i will throw hands what does that mean and done hey chippy what are you doing oh just making a card for billy bill's birthday did you get invited no no yeah i did get invited to that oh well are you going uh well i mean uh maybe oh well i hope you go maury so that way i'll know one person there uh yeah sure i guess so um have fun with the card and at the birthday party that i may or may not go to bye maybe see you later see you maury all right time to go his birthday party oh man i actually found your right house i was hoping to use the excuse that i got lost oh well bear get this over with oh somebody's here finally oh man i wonder who it is i bet it's yoshi or a cuphead oh i can't wait to see hello what the hey no loser you made it i i mean uh oh great loser you're here whatever i guess you can come inside if you want or don't i don't care all right all right loser what do you think my super awesome super dope birthday party it's fine i guess yeah it is it's way better than your birthday parties now listen if you want some pretzels just take them from here and put them on your plate oh and loser wear this stupid hat because it'll make you look stupid oh boy built where is everybody else they'll be here all right they're just late uh but the party started at 12 o'clock yeah i know but they're just fashionably late it's three o'clock boy bill well you were late well i was trying to get lost i didn't want to come here what well you know what bully bill i think i'm a head out no no you can't lose it we're uh we're gonna have so much fun we'll we'll play board games and and bully each other and my grandma's making cookies hey granny where are the cookies at don't worry bitty your cookies are on your way oh sweet cookies i can't wait to wait a minute i didn't want cookies grandma i wanted brownies you literally just said you wanted cookies well i changed my mind grandma make me some brownies now well if you don't want them bully bill and i'll just eat them no only the birthday boy gets to eat all the snacks you get the stupid stale pretzels boy bill i'm not gonna lie i really want to go home right now whatever loser let's go play a board game or something all right loser are you ready to play candyland oh yeah boy bill i love candyland it's gonna be so fun so good all right let's get this thing open why don't we just play fortnite i brought my ps5 i don't want to play fortnite i want to play a board game grandma put pretzels in the board game again grandma you messed up my board game and where are my brownies all right here's your brownies all right cookies grandma i wanted cookies not brownies oh damn whatever you stupid and grateful brett oh boy bill do you just want to play candyland and get this over with no i don't even want to play anymore ah this is the worst birthday ever well maybe not the worse they get worse every year you know my parents don't even remember my birthday they say every year oh we'll zoom call you but they just go to paris and they forget about me and they go gambling and wherever they go they never call me they never say happy birthday they just forget about me and leave me with my stupid grandma and you know every time i invite people to my parties they never show up they always say they'll be there but they don't and uh you're kind of the first person that's ever been to my party's loser so like you're kind of cool for that but don't tell anybody because you're still a loser wait loser loser please answer please answer please answer come on daddy pick up oh hello jeffy is that you yeah daddy i need you to come pick me up from the birthday party it's getting really weird what was that i can't hear you the music at target's really loud today i don't care you need to come pick me up right now i don't want to be here anymore wait pick you up yes from the birthday party no jimmy i can't pick you up right now i'm really busy what what busy well i don't care because if you don't pick me up i'm gonna end up walking home well jeffy look i can pick you up tomorrow how about that what tomorrow i'm not waiting till tomorrow's no way i'm staying here overnight jeffy kermit's getting mad at me i gotta go oh no what am i gonna do [Music] what the hmm where did you go granny get back i'm worrying you oh there you are loser you thought you could run away what the granny what are you doing come on shannon come get your breakfast ugh back off granny only i can bully the loser come on let's go do something else yeah whatever yay twerk sorry about my grandma loser she gets a little weird past three o'clock boy bill can you please drive me home fine loser you can go home but can we just do one last thing so my birthday isn't completely miserable i really don't want to play pretzel candy land we're not playing pretzel candyland we cannot i have a trampoline a trampoline yeah sure i'll show you come on okay ah see loser this is pretty fun right oh yeah it's kind of fun well i can make it better watch this double bounce me i'll do a bunch of flips okay boy bill here it goes wow boy bo that was actually kind of cool oh oh everything hurts well at least we did something actually fun for once yeah let's do something else okay oh man bully build it pretzels are all gone i was gonna have some uh i bet my stupid grandma took him dude we should play a prank on her you right you right how should we prank her though i don't know we kinda maybe oh i got an idea okay all right bully bill you're about to see the greatest prank call of all time oh prank call i like your style so what are you gonna say oh you'll see call her up all right [Music] who is this don't you use that language in me young man i gotta teach you some manners that's it if i ever see you in real life i'm gonna whoop you that's right yeah a loser that was so funny she got so mad i know i do the best prank calls yeah now come on i'm gonna show you my favorite thing to do ever is it eating chocolate cake i really want chocolate cake no we don't have chocolate cake my grandma blew the budget on pretzels come on i'll show you it's even better okay all right loser this is my favorite teepeeing house let's throw a bunch of toilet paper at their windows wait boy built this is my house well yeah but it's my favorite house yeah but daddy's gonna lose his mind so what i don't care and you shouldn't either come on let's throw something see wasn't that awesome don't you want to try it i i mean i guess i'll give it a shot but daddy's not gonna be happy if he sees this oh come on oh wow wasn't that fun loser uh i guess it was fine but i know daddy's gonna make me clean it up later so i don't really care to do it again hey you don't know what you're talking about watch this one it's gonna go so high ah oh no they're here what who's here well well well look who's tping houses now well it sure looks like you two are having a grand old time tping houses huh yeah totally not illegal in any way what are you gonna do arrest us well i've already got warrants out for jeffy here so he's gonna be going away for a long time uh sure i'm not jeffy my name is jefferson smith what so then who's jeffy this is jeffy right here he's in the bullet bill costume he's trying to fool you and get away what you loser oh yup this is jeffy right here he tp'ed my house he's trying to get away no no i'm not jeffy oh i see nice bullet bill costume jeffy yeah you're gonna be going away for a long time thanks for your help mr smith i'm sorry this guy was tp'ing your house we'll take him in thank you officer no no no but i'm not jeffy i'm not yeah tell it to the judge what a loser i'll get you for this loser happy birthday boy bill [Music] bye
Channel: Kable10
Views: 669,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: t5X5qWOS9vE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 16 2022
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