SML Parody: Junior's DUMB Ideas!

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so Junior what you got P for us today dude yeah you usually have everything figured out by the time that we get here well guys what you really should be asking me is what seven things are we doing today you have seven things planned for us to do today wait do you actually I actually do guys I haven't made a whole list for it oh my God I love list go get the list all right sounds good wait here guys oh my God I can't wait to see what we're doing today yeah what you going to be dude all right guys Fe your eyes on Junior's ideas list boy to see what we're doing first tell Jeffy his dad died why the hell would we do that it would be really funny don't you think Joseph dude that's amazing I love it I know it's going to be so fun dude I did you look at his face when we tell his dad dad he'll be like Joseph I think you're projecting your feelings about your non-existent parents onto Jeffy no dude shut up it's just a prank yeah exactly it's just going to be a fun prank are you in or not no Junior and if everything else on this list is as dumb as that I'm not doing any of it I'm just going to sit back and watch free entertainment for me for the day all right Joseph you in the Stewart door all right let's go this will be entertaining dude I always supp to wake him up watch this what the freak D hey guys what doing we have some unfortunate news that we need to tell you Jeffy we hate the be bad news yeah I'm sorry guys did I poop my pants again stink up the house I'm trying my best to stop sleep pooping but it's not working no it's not that it's worse dude it's way worse oh my god did I put my diaper it got through the pants Forest field no it has nothing to do with you pooping Junior how do we shadish I I don't really know no it's it's about your dad Jeffy oh my God is he making me eat green beans again I told that bastard that I'm not having any more green beans no dude you it's a how do we say it I don't even know just tell me your your dad he's dead he died this morning oh okay well let me know when food's ready all right wait Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy wake up you're not you're not sad at all about your dad's death no he was an old [ __ ] I was kind of waiting for it let's just leave dude wow guys that looked like it went very well just shut up yeah let's go come on oh guys so stupid he didn't even react I know well guys I told you it was a dumb idea you told us it was a dumb idea because you thought he would be sad not because he wouldn't be sad whatever what's next on your stupid what's next what's next all right ruin chef pe's meal you guys ready for that oh yeah let's go I'm pretty sure he already does that on his own his cooking is ass no no I mean like we're going to completely obliterate it dude as long as he reacts better than Jeffy it's going to be worth it I know guys this is stupid it's just a prick bro exactly whatever I get the front row seat come on guys let's go let's do it I'm excited for this okay pasta is looking good I just have to add the secret ingredients okay SK it's going to be rainbow pasta I'll finally be able to Taste the rainbow I got to mix this up for a long time now holy macaroni this is amazing I got my red 40 yellow five blue one purple 17 and orange 96 pasta hey jpip we wanted to give you a knock knock joke knock knock all right who's there laundry DET what oh my no Junior I'm going to bit your ass you w invol with this to scool you bats that hurt so bad spit on us too who knew a spatula could hurt that much I know oh God wait Cody wasn't here where is he where's he at hey guys what's up Cody you just watch us get her Ash be I know and it's pretty fun too dud what's wrong with you you all right let's go back to the couch my dude where do you even get popcorn from oh SHP made me it dude freak you whatever oh Joseph my head still hurts dud he pounded me bro see if I was beat up that's probably something that I would say yeah you weren't beat up why didn't you help us you're beat bro why didn't you help because you never interrupt the play duh whatever you don't even deserve to be doing this with us yeah exactly what's next change dad's Charlie ooh this one's going to be fun what do you mean by that Junior well what we're going to do is we're going to go onto my laptop we're going to chomecast something else onto his TV dude that's great what are we going to put on there yeah I'm actually curious on what you're going to put on there you remember how a year and a half ago when I was a hacker I put that FNAF farting video on there FNAF farting yeah like golden Freddy the farting yeah yeah that one okay dude I give to be epic we're going to put that on let me go get my laptop what are are you guys talking about dude are you uncultured yes okay just got to get that up perfect it's ready are you ready to Chromecast it ready bro all right here we go okay let's go let's go fall asleep in the bathtub [Music] again oh who who where Charlie go where's Charlie what wait this stuff again oh yeah oh yeah oh oh yeah just sit back and relax this is the only thing I'll accept other than Charlie yeah huh I never saw this plot was coming come on guys let's go I can't believe it my dad actually likes that stuff well that backfire dude I got to get it okay anyways what are we going to put on the TV that'll actually make him mad dude I don't even know I'm not helping you guys h oh I know what if we put a hucker do video on dude I hate the hucker do yes screw the hucker D here we go okay perfect now we're going to send a hucker Doo video up to his TV well actually kind of like Timmy hucker Doo shut up dude shut the freak up come on let's go this [Music] time hello hello wait where' the FNAF farting go no not the hooker dudes I hate the hooker dudes bring back the FNAF farting oh golden Freddy farting yes let's go you guys made it work come on let's go oh yeah Joseph that worked out high five let's go yeah wow guys something actually worked for you guys the idiots needed a Redemption Arc at some point shut up you're getting old bro yeah exactly all right let's see what's next take Shrek's cheese cake oh boy that's great I'm sharing yeah man I'm getting real hungry do you think some cheesecake sounds good right about now I think some cheesecake sounds really good right about now I think popcorn sounds pretty good right about now yeah you and your stupid popcorn all right let's go all right oh Don get oh this is the biggest [ __ ] of all time oh I don't know if I could have you yet my favorite Cheesecake oh I got to come back for you oh my God it's right there right there okay let's go okay uh Hey Shrek we weren't doing anything to your cheesecake yeah we should do oh no oh no now you're going to get get over hey donkeys would you like some chocolate cake oh all right here you go I'm Ling the drama of this show well guys how'd that feel not very good man I want to die dude all right well did you learn your lesson yet no we got to continue Joseph the next thing that we got to do is jump off a bridge dude I'm not doing this [ __ ] anymore but why not man it's super fun dude I'm with Cody now I'm sorry oh my God thank God someone has a brain here yeah dude I rather eat popcorn Can I some popcorn Cody yeah man you can have some popcorn all right let's go whatever you guys suck you get to watch me jump off a bridge then let's go you're going to see where the real Fun's at let's go all right all right guys here we are at the bridge and I'm about to jump off it Junior there's no way I wanted to see if you actually going to follow through but dude we're not going to let you do this yeah exactly are you sure guys do you really think you're going to stop me yes Junior we would f physically stop you if you were to go oh Sho no Junior oh no Junior's dead I can't believe it what happened all right P junior he died of his own stupidity I think we need to go get his body yeah she can retrieve his body so we can bury it no Junior oh my God so young I know so close to the water too it could have broke the fall damage this isn't Minecraft Joseph that's not how that works in real life dude still what are you guys talking about what Junior you're alive are you okay yeah I'm perfectly fine but no injuries at all n I'm good I was just sleeping hold on hold on hold on run this by me for a second not only are you alive but you're perfectly fine yep dude but wait hold on a second this plot armor is absolutely insane dude the plot armor is made a NE right what are you guys talking about you know what never mind let's just go Junior okay come on the freak Junior you're an idiot do you realize how stupid you are junior yep I'm told that every day woo guys look at this Trail you want to go down the trail all right Justin what are we thinking do we want to go down there dude as long she not jumping off a bridge I really don't care Junior I got a question for you yeah is this part of your stupid list no well then let's do it come on guys let's go ah this is relaxing isn't it I know yeah this is a nice break from all this list crap yeah really you're right Cody guys look behind me it's kerit the frog is actually kerit the Frog think it's actually kerit the Frog oh my God guys we should totally get an autograph from we should guys this is on my list what getting an autograph from a celebrity no pissing off a celebrity junor you don't plan on going over there and pissing him off do you you can't do that dude he's next to everybody I'm going to do it all right Joseph let's go get some popcorn dude I'm right behind you hey kerit I need to talk to you hi ho I'm kerit D frog what do you need kid I want to let you know that your wife is a pig ha I know that uh uh on your friend's a cow yeah I got one of those too uh okay I got one your career is dead get over here kid see I told you this was fun yeah dude all right guys I got jump off a bridge and piss off a celebrity off my list and I only have one thing left to go oh thank God yeah really is only one thing left all right all I got to do is ask Jessica the weird girl out wait Jessica yeah Jessica is she the girl that brought the PJ crunch's Halloween party yeah I think it is the girl with the purple shirt good luck understanding her answer you can never understand what she sh well it's worth of a shock cuz she's hot as hell if you guess so all right guys let's go where are we going so Junior why are we at the park yeah and why this park specifically because Jessica's right over there Junior how did you know she was going to be here I might or might not know her daily schedule no she's not that hot anyways guys watch me I'm going to get her number whatever you ready to have the rest of that popcorn oh you know it dude uh hey Jessica do you want to go out with me you want to go out with me what the [ __ ] are you saying shut up so no head oh last P let's go no no no that's mine what do you mean it's yours yeah it's mine I started the ball so I should be able to finish it well you're way more popcorn than I had today so I deserve that piece but you didn't get into it as early as I did I was grandfathered into it but that's stupid Cody give me that pie all right everyone move out of the way I'm sad wait what happened I got rejected oh we missed it got rejected yeah well technically I made her run away and cry wait Junior what could you have possibly said to make her run away and cry well I asked her what the freck she was saying and told her to shut up dude this was a really bad idea Junior what's wrong with you okay let's just go home all right this is so weird this is a weird day yeah it is dude last P go dude what the freak oh guys I'm so relieved that this whole list thing over a the free entertainment's over yeah that sucks all right let's go over everything that we did today okay we told jeffy's dad died we ruined ch's meal changed dad's Charlie took shreet cheesecake jumped off a bridge pissed off a celebrity asked just get the weird girl out and oh shoot guys I think we missed one wait what is that we missed one guys it's tell Cody he's honky wait I don't remember that being there it was there the whole time Joseph don't you remember there was always this sa thing there I know yeah Junior you got to tell Cody he's honky you're honky Cody all right thanks see you later junior junior why do you say that I mean it's pretty true wait [Music] what
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 118,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, 2021, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2023, SML Parody: Junior's Dumb Ideas!, junior's dumb ideas
Id: nfneOcbanX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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