SML Parody: Jeffy's Discord Server!

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I kind of rant you about something real quick but what Jesse hold on wait what are you doing these day these things where did you get these Jeffy no I don't even know but they're green beans and I hate them well I I thought hey green beans why do you have some well because Green Giant has a new ingredient in these green beans and they change it up and now they suck even worse okay just hear me out smell them oh God oh my God yeah right you smell terrible well yeah yeah but why do you care so much about these guys I care so much because it's a hate interest of mine I'm interested because I hate them look guys what the heck even are these they're all shriveled up why are green beans even called beans they're just green sticks so I don't get it okay this is one of your grieving expert right I've been a green bean expert since day one I even got them beans before remember okay yeah but anyway and I these things suck just look at them who would even eat these like I don't know anything look at them they don't even look ripe they look like they're picked prematurely after plant what you know that they just trust me and in fact don't even get me started on the green bean commercials why aren't even be marketing this crap to kids kids are looking to dance there all right guys I'll go talk to somebody who does care oh okay good luck with that Cody I can't believe they banned me off of Reddit again again Junior what do you do this time I just posted my feet Junior you're 14. you can't be doing that correct hey guys can I rant you about something real quick uh yeah sure hold on again this this right here green beans I hate them yeah yeah we know that Jeffy yeah well listen here all right Green Giant change one of your ingredients in their green beans oh hold on a second it's a green bean what other ingredients are there ingredients in the DNA DNA or a pesticides are used wow that is like so interesting that I don't care yeah I'm a nerd and I don't care at all who am I supposed to talk about hated green beans which you could find an anti-green Bean Group well where am I supposed there's probably a Discord server for it a Decor sucker what that okay Discord is an app where you can find different groups for different topics and I'm sure there's one on there well you gotta be careful though because that's for losers who never touch grass but I use Discord exhibit a ah all right well if it means I can talk to people about hating green beans I'll give it a shot all right sounds like a plan I love Discord all right thanks Cody no problem you're not gonna thank me Jeffy what what contribution did you make to that conversation other than calling me a loser that's exactly what the contribution was now to find an anti-greenbeat Discord sucker oh shoot I gotta make sure this computer subscribe to smoytp looks like we're good subscribe to I smell YTP so we can get 800k all right back to this so now I gotta find anti-green Bean dick corn sucker all right what what the heck there's no anti-green being Discord sugar you know what that means I'm just gonna have to make my own perfect let's get started all right I made a sucker of my own welcome to anti-green Bean server now just go away from people to join [Music] one person choice one person joins this can be so much fun now I can talk to people about hitting Green Bay oh my God this is so much fun talking to people about how much they hate green beans imagine having a bunch of people in here talking about how much you ate green beans I know exactly how to do it all right so I got one here and that guy what is this join the anti-greenbeat Discord server today ah this is the perfect place for me to promote my anime fans I'm gonna joining right now and here and here and oh this would be the ultimate place all right I'll cover the entire stop signing Flyers so now when people stop they'll stop and look at my Discord server speaking of be sure to join the smly to be Discord server Link in description below let's try to get to a thousand members all right now back to my server ah it says the Flyers weren't no I got a full-blown dick Court sucker now I gotta make sure people are following the rules so I can't leave this computer at all hey Jeffy there's some food downstairs come and eat diet can't a managing my dick cord right now what did you say dick cord what the hell is this crap my soccer day whichever what kind of stuff are you doing on the laptop come on it doesn't matter I can't leave so if you think what is the talk about your pee pee all the time I'm not that it doesn't matter I gotta Focus what's up you what are you gonna eat now what am I gonna eat right here today what are you gonna drink right hair dye I got her all covered you're not eating that crack who are you coming downstairs with me come on guys oh come on Jeffy you're helpless uh I'm leaving all right back to my get Court several days later oh yeah I got some great conversation going on here Jeffy even after way wow please oh yeah green beans tastes like uh that's so true what the hell's going on but why does it smells so bad yay quit bothering me I'm trying to focus what's going on this robot who is that right there yeah oh that's my anime waifu girlfriend that Jeffy is that a body pillow yeah yeah it is and she stays by my side 24 7 die unlike any girl you ever had this is just getting weird you have so many Doritos oh my God damn please answer this when's the last time you took a shower a shower day yeah what you don't know I have no idea and I can never ever get a shower again oh my gosh they bought his computer okay no I can't leave so you guys later please come on also why you got this glue spin on your nose this smells like ass up here dash making me self-conscious I'll kill you all right whatever three hours later oh no I'm running out of Doritos shoot I'm gonna have to run this door to get more all right dick Court sucker get more Doritos hey what's up baby what the heck what do you want my name's Roxanne and I want to know would you like to have a good time tonight uh no I'm in a rush and I have a girlfriend uh seriously I will fight this chick and she's better than you oh yeah bring her in here all right what what who's this this is my girl and she's better than you she stays by my side 24 7 and she does anything I want you're a loser come on babe let's go some more Doritos that should be enough what the what what the heck do I do Breaking All the Rules how dare they I can't believe this until it was awesome hey what the heck hey what the frick you what are you doing you're Breaking All the Rules in my sucker you're freaking out this mess all of our discords [Applause] about this oh my God oh my God Cody they keep denying my appeal stop trying to get unbanned Junior they're not gonna do it hey guys I need your first of all screw you guys for sitting on my red couch but uh I take that back because I really need your help what is it yeah what's up well basically Jeffy is so addicted to a stupid Discord server he hasn't showered for like days he's eating nothing but Madden doing Doritos and is an anime body pillow like a screaming his ass off up there it's really bad oh Jesus that's exactly what I said he should have never been on Discord in the first place this is a one-time thing all right not every Discord owner is like this well has he touched grass probably not but oh definitely not what do you need us to do well I'm thinking if you guys can distract him like get him out of the house I can get on his laptop and delete his Discord server oh yeah yeah we could definitely do that wait you sure that's a good idea I mean I was so sad when my Reddit got deleted come on Janet let's go let's go oh I know you're spamming in the gym what do I do hey guys I'm just trying to moderate my Discord server right now yeah yeah hey Jeffy Jeffy what you wanna you wanna come animate body pillow shopping with us yeah yeah I already got one I gotta stay loyal but Jeff you could get a third you know yeah you mean like one two three way yeah yeah like a Trailway yeah yeah all right let's go let's go let's go all right now's my time this is it this is finally it Jeffy gonna be finished success is gone oh what an anime body pillow store didn't even exist all right what what where's my server Daddy finally Peace at Last oh God oh my God you know what what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make a bigger better stronger more powerful Discord sucker now boy no no oh god oh yeah this has got ten times worse oh my God I need Junior I need Cody so Cody can I use your redness no but just you're ready no hey guys I really need your help again ah you booted us off the red couch and now you need our help what is it yeah we're just jumping to a fake store well hey you gotta understand everything's worse okay Jeffy wants to make another server he's just like addicted to Discord server being a mod and the owner and all that and he smells so bad I don't know what to do I think he has owner's curse the what yeah yeah the owner's curse basically he got so invested in the Discord then now that's all he can think about because the smell traps all of the thoughts inside he can't get any other thoughts inside yeah and like I guess the smell just like reminds him of his identity yeah well what do we do we have to get him to shower it's probably the only way Cody yeah cause then the thoughts can be free wait wait wait so we just jump him yeah we gotta jump him and force him in the shower all right let's go oh guys come on oh baby what am I gonna do I just gotta figure out this new server what am I gonna name it oh hey guys I'm just trying to figure out this new shirt clean yeah oh it's gonna take me hours to get clean two hours later wow that took a while yeah oh my God two hour shower jeez wait what even happened you got the owner's curse Jeffy don't worry yeah that's when you get so invested in the Discord that you can't think of anything else because of your stink oh so now you're not allowed to use Discord ever again never again oh supposed to talk to people about how much I hate green beans Reddit I mean that could make a pretty good video honestly okay but it doesn't mean you guys shouldn't join the smogp that's good [Music]
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 148,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, 2021, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2023, sml parody jeffy's discord server, jeffy's discord server, sml discord
Id: ywn7Bd9cq5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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