SML Parody: Junior Cheats On Penelope!

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I love you I love you more no no I love you more no I love you to infinity and beyond no I love you to double infinity and beyond wait what's that my dad's texting me oh what is he saying I got to go home what you have to go home already but I'm going to miss you for the next week yeah but well the trip sounds really cool at least for the first week and then my parents are sending me home so they can rekindle their marriage you yeah and I still got to figure out how I'm even getting home H all right well I guess I'll see you next week mhm all right bye [Music] I'm going to call Joseph and Cody I want to hang out with them what's your what up Junior yeah he sounded really upset on the phone that's cuz I am really upset guys penel was just here and I'm still really upset at her seriously you're still upset at her dude of course she's still upset at her don't you remember what she did to us yeah exactly she had us doing that fake girlfriend prank on Jeffy for a month just for to backfire on us you ready to hear about operation revenge on Jeffy yeah you're going to find Jeffy and pretend that you have a a friend that is interested in Jeffy and wants to go on a blind date with him and then one of you two is going to be the girl we're not getting a real girl for this all right well I guess Joseph's going to be the girl yeah let's go oh my gosh hey Jeffy this is my friend Josephine nice to meet you Jesse what if we went on a couple more dates and got them attached ND we got you you such good Revenge oh I know what do you mean you fools I've known pretty much the whole time well after the first date Penelope told me you guys are planning on leading me on for more dates and so you know she felt really bad so then I figured it out and so I decided I'm just going to lead you guys on instead Mak you guys think that you were pranking me it was great it was great yeah I remember that and to be honest I think she did the right thing I mean after the first date it was really funny but once you kept going with more dates that was just kind of mean no it wasn't I think it was great dude it's all penelli be fault if she wouldn't have snitch I would have dressed up as a girl for six days in a row for nothing no you were going to do that anyways you're just mad that it didn't work out for you guys whatever shut up dude there's got to be a way to get back at her wait you're not thinking of pranking your own girlfriend are you that's a great idea Cody I'll do a prank on my own girlfriend well no you're not supposed to agree with that I like this sh the all right here's what I'm thinking guys we're going to be doing a cheating prank what let's go all right so here's what's going to happen Penelope is gone for a week so what we're going to do what no no no don't say we cuz I'm not a part of this okay I am not doing this whatever shut up shut up anyways what we're going to do is Penelope's gone for a week and then we're going to have someone go get her and bring her back here who we going to get to do that it's going to be Jeffy but we're not going to inform him of the prank because I'm still really mad at him and then she's going to walk up to my room and she's going to find me and Joseph in bed together dude what but the but but but the yeah you're going to be in the girl costume don't worry I have to go in the girl costume again yeah yeah yeah you know you're just going to lay there like after sex I am not following yeah you're just going to lay there oh okay I can do that yeah it's pretty easy all right so now I just got to figure out a way to get Jeffy to agree to do this all right huddle up everyone I think we should Jeffy put in the back I'm just going to go home run week later oh my God today's the day oh my God today's the day all right I got to head down to shf peipi CHF [Music] peipi hey shf peipi what are you up to what do you want I was just about to take a break well I need you to make a chicken dinner for me like right now can you do that what what do you mean right now I need you to make a chicken dinner for me you think you can do it please why okay well basically I'm doing a cheating prank on my girlfriend Penelope today and I need you to make the chicken dinner to lure Jeffy in here so then you can tell him to talk to me about picking up penel from the airport today junor yeah what kind and the backwards logic is all that bull crap well what are you talking about I think it's a pretty good plan no no no it makes no sense and why are you going to cheat on your girlfriend well I'm not actually cheating on my girlfriend it's a prank that me and Joseph are doing because she messed up me and Joseph's prank on Jeffy earlier okay still that still sounds stupid though well can you just make the chicken dinner please I don't want your opinion about the prank fine and not cuz you want it because I now want to chicken all right well thanks CH peipi I'll see you later oh my God not winner winner chicken dinner more like loser loser Junior's a goober all right that's good and all I got to do is just wait for [Music] Jeffy good morning world oh my God what does that smell smells amazing I need some of that hey SHP what doing in here I'm just finishing up this chicken oh my God can I have some chicken CH BBI no no no you're a loser loser go well I want it I want some chicken no no not chicken for you it's my chicken but I want the chicken Jeffy speaking of chicken Juno wants to talk to you when you get a chance what what does I have to do with chicken don't worry about it just don't don't do it all right see you Chef peipi save me some chicken for me no no get get get sh wow jeffy's taking a long time to come talk to me hey Junior what doing oh hey Jeffy I need a favor from you you need that gooo Junior what I just restocked no I just need you to pick up L from the airport for me tonight wait seriously yeah yeah can you think you can do that for me oh yeah I can totally do that for you you don't want anything in return nah dude I'm bored today I can do that anyway I'll see you later all right see you Jeffy thanks man perfect perfect now I called Joseph and Cody over and we can get things going guys get in here get in here what is it Junior today is game day let's go waitting for no no no it is not game day yes it is the cheating prank is happening tonight let's go guys you need to stop this this is stupid don't do this no we need this Cody we need this Cody how long of a stick is up your butt uh well I think earlier this morning it was like 5 in whatever just shut up Cody okay whatever Cody can you get me ready as a girl I am not being a part of this prank okay I'm dress me up as a girl do my makeup no if you guys don't back up from this prank I am leaving you know what screw you guys they're being stupid I don't need this whoa Joseph take a look at what we did to you I know dude I'm feeling kind of sexy though oh yeah you really rock that dress uh junior you wer supposed to agree with me oh come on K the man just compliment his homies every once in a while whatever dude can we just play Roblox until it's time yeah yeah yeah hold on let me go get my [Music] laptop hey Jeffy hey Peli what doing you ready for us to go back to our place and you can see your boyfriend yeah I miss him so much I wonder why give me one second I'm going to call him all right dude look at all that poop oh my God there's so much poop I'm going to click the poop button dude add more poop oh look at it fell up dude okay but who actually plays this game seriously who plays this game well if you look up here it's just that guy has 1,500 hours of playtime wow that that that's kind of crazy oh my God I'm getting a phone call let's see oh it's penel it's Peli all right hey baby hey penel are you with Jeffy right now yeah Jeffy grab me we're heading back right now all right lovey doy I'll see you in a little bit love you can't wait to see you bye oh no can you guys last the next 25 minutes before we get home Jeffy you wouldn't understand Panella PE PE I got hoes in different area codes all right I don't need to understand what is wrong with you a lot all right Joseph we need to go upstairs but D the poop fell to the top but she's on her way we got to go now okay let's go okay let's go all right Joseph are you ready to do this we don't have to do anything weird right no no no no we're not doing anything weird you're just going to be pretending to sleep okay I got this okay you got this go ahead go ahead then basically she's going to walk in here and she's going to scream and everything is going to be wait are you actually asleep Joseph wake up what dude don't actually fall asleep what if I'm going to do this prank can I at least sleep until she gets here okay fine whatever go back to bed I'll wake you up just play on my phone then stupid all right Penelope you ready to go see him now yeah I'm so ready I missed him so much all right well let's go inside oh by the way I forgot to ask how'd your trip go I kind of sucked my parents just fought the whole time maybe it'll get better during the rekindling no normally it's even worse they just have hate sex for a week and then they don't talk for two weeks oh well I try to make it better I give up oh God she's here Jose wake up what it dude she's here okay just pretend to sleep now okay okay okay sounds good he's not responding where could he be maybe he's got a night of romance plann for you upstairs ooh I like the sound of that ooh I like the smell of that chicken I can't wait to feel Junior's warm embrace I wonder what he has planned hey Junior oh my God Junior hey P I didn't know you were coming over tonight um uh I'm sorry sh baby all I want is just one piece of chicken I don't care this is I want the chicken CH give me the chicken give me the chicken J what is that um well either Penelope is getting murdered or she's getting murdered oh d yeah well I'm going to go check it out I'll be back CHP what you you perect Junior how could you do this to me I thought we had your love we were going to get married what in the world is going on in here what the freak well I guess I was wrong he wasn't planning a romantic night well I guess I wasn't completely wrong he was planning a romantic night just not with you Penelope J how could you do this to me I I thought we had real love look I'm sorry I just I got lonely and I missed you a lot so I needed some warmth and attention and she was there for me you know don't worry it didn't go any further than the tip all right there's nothing wrong here yeah there's nothing going on then why are you covering her up she's cold I don't care if she's cold or not you're in bed with another woman yeah Junior that's not cool at all Jeffy what the hell are you doing you're one of my best friends you're supposed to be on my side well you know about my mommy cheating on my daddy as much as she did you really think I'm going to be okay with this junior thanks for standing up for me Jeffy no problem home girl well you don't have to worry about that because you got pranked you got PRS we got you yeah buddy be wait dude I just can't believe he would do this to me I know I don't know what he was thinking I don't know what world he thought that was going to end in a positive way F I'm really sorry please forgive me I would never actually cheat on you yeah but how could I know it could just be a cover up I promise you I would never cheat baby you're really messed up here junior shut up Jeffy I don't want to hear from you please please just forgive me I promise I'd never cheat yeah dude he would never cheat I've known him my entire life he wouldn't do something like that I just need some time to think we could talk about this eventually okay baby I love you hey hey hey get back here what you just left I'm going to need to talk to both of you on the couch come with me okay dang bro guys guys guys but what is it Jeffy what is wrong with you guys how can you pull such a stupid prank oh come on where's Mr prankster at in there yeah dude I thought it was funny I thought you like pranks anyway I love pranks but there's limits to pranks but what limits are there what rule number three of pranking if the real deal can ruin someone's life don't do it oh yeah but what about the condom thing that you did to me a couple of months ago I'm going to give you this condom right here so let's do this all right let me put this on okay oh my God what is happening I was about to have my first time with pill and it was going to be a great milestone for a relationship I mean yeah but did the condom prank ruin your life well no if anything it made Penelope want me more cuz she had to wait longer exactly so I hope you learned your lesson and you become a better prankster in the future I will I promise and honestly Junior just personal advice be ready for anything to happen because honestly I think he just ruined your relationship with Penelope oh come on I can't be that bad right Joseph nah dude I'm sure in like a couple week she'll forget about it and I'll be fine yeah we'll be lydy in no time yeah anyways you want to play more Roblox let's get the boo yeah [Music] Bo
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 119,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, 2021, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2023, sml parody junior's cheating prank, rose the cheater, sml parody rose the cheater, jeffy cheating in minecraft
Id: 7eQKJTV-atE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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