SML Parody: Junior's Break Up!

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oh jeez hey Junior what's up you doing all right dude I'm just really nervous guys what it have to do with Penelope yeah it do to do a Penelope she hasn't texted or called me since Joseph and I pulled that prank on her I'll do a prank on my own girlfriend we're going to be doing a cheating prank she's going to walk up to my room and she's going to find me and Joseph in bed together hey Junior oh my God Junior hey Penelope you got pranked you got pranks we got you yeah buddy we could talk about this eventually okay baby I love you hey hey hey I mean Junior that was completely your fault there is no way you did that prank and didn't think something bad was going to happen oh shut up Cody I know she's going to forgive me it's just the suspense is killing me have either have you heard from her in the last week no I haven't heard from her on man Jun Junior junor Penelope's here she wants to talk to you oh my God she's here now I can go out there and talk to her we're going to be all lovey doy again it's going to be all good all I can do is wish you luck Junior you got this dude go get him dog thanks Joseph I appreciate it I'll be back guys I don't think this is going to go well for him Joseph so why not he's a ladies man yeah if he was such a ladies man we would not be dealing with this right now hey Penelope what's up Junior we need to talk outside uh okay let's go hey baby I miss you so much come here no Junior what why not I thought you came over here to fix things up no I've been doing a lot of thinking the last week what have you been thinking about I want to break up with you but you want to break up with me but why yeah you're a horrible boyfriend what type of person would cheat on their girlfriend and then still expect to be loved well it wasn't real cheating I I just threw a prank you know Junior it's not funny I've had enough of this but but but I've been apologizing over and over again I don't know what else I could do you can't do anything I'm going to go now bye junior but but but I can't believe I I just got broken up [Music] with I told you this would happen Junior but what do you mean Jeffy I told you this remember what I told you you're in bed with another woman yeah Junior that's not cool at all well you know about my mommy cheating on my daddy as much as she did you really think I'm going to be okay with this junior be ready for anything to happen cuz honestly I think he just ruined your relationship with Penelope in the end Junior you kind of got what you deserved shut up Jeffy just leave me alone I don't want to hear about this he'll get patch this eventually what's wrong dude yeah what's up Junior I just got dumped guys what I know I can't believe I got dumb dude are you kidding me yeah I'm not kidding you bro can't do that dude you're D the best boyfriends ever best did it's your fault Junior and nobody else's shut up Cody why would you say that problem dude so unsupportive man can you say that something right now get out of here well Junior you may not realize it yet but soon you'll realize what you did and what you lost I'm going to go home I'll see you guys later no I'm just going to sit here and cry for the rest of the week no you're not dude I got a full damn fun lined up for us what is that first thing we're going to do freak Cody wait do we need to like you know no no no no no no no no forgot I said that okay real first thing we're going to go to the arcade the arcade yeah dude let's go okay let's go come on all right Junior you ready to play big ass wheel yeah I think I'm ready to play big ass wheel Let's do let's this sh the cards all right dude you ready do 3 two go all right I got it better than you Joseph I no way D no way oh yeah I got it much better than you Che I got dude it go that's awesome dude he still got a good amount ah okay okay you still got 40 wait you got a free jackpot spin oh my God you know what I'm going to do it oh my God this let's do this get the jackpot dude come on jackpot jackpot jackpot come here please please damn an extra 30 that's pretty good dude all right dude have about some ski ball oh yeah let's play some ski ball yeah yeah let's do it come on dude oh my got good another th come on I got 3,000 oh come on 10,000 4,000 oh what the freak dud oh who's coming back another 4,000 and come on 10,000 give me 10,000 all right 20,000 is pretty good oh yeah Joseph I just won let's go Fred Junior good job dude thanks dude all right I'm going to find us another game let's go yeah totally didn't just let him win all right Joseph if you're ready to play this giant claw machine dude is that the big one yes it's the big one we should totally win some big balls Joseph dude I'm so down all right let's go let's go okay dude what are you doing with it dude I'm trying to get that one right there okay dude you got it dude yeah come on come on come on come on I think I got this come on come on oh my God going it's going up on a give oh my God please please please my God please give me oh my god dude open it up dude come on open it open it dude it's the big one it's the big one oh my God oh my God I'm having so much fun I totally forgot about panel oh now I just remembered it just think about Big Balls yeah big balls I love big balls all right let's play another game okay dude all right Joseph you got this okay dude but understand this this is a game of skill not strength all right let's see it are you ready yep come on you got this oh dude what the freak you said it was a thing of skill not strength Joseph I did do it but it's a scam whatever I'm getting kind of bored you want to go do something else yeah sure dude let's go all right let's go okay dude we're at the park now all right we have 5 hours until sunset you want to play 5 hours a tag dude let's play tag until we get dehydrated and pass out and die from a heart attack oh let's go tag you get back here no no I'm coming through the door get back you can't get me you can't get me can't get me no no I'm coming for you I'm coming for you I'm coming to get you Joseph we can levitate we're puppets what time no I'm coming get back here D dude tag I'm coming Joseph I'm coming I'm coming wait out what is itone steing your phone dude you're trying to distract me so you can run away no seriously look they're steing your phone right now I'm not going to believe it Joseph dude look oh my God my phone come on Joseph we going to go catch me if you can losers we're coming we're oh my God Joseph I'm out of breath dude I'm dehydrated I think I'm going to have a heart attack sh oh no that tag was a really bad idea now my phone just got stolen dude what are we going to do I don't know I think we're going to have to go home and call the cops let's do it okay let's go all right Joseph you think could use your phone to call the cop take it take it take it all right okay hey somebody call the cops oh my God thank God you're here Brooklyn guy my phone just got stol when we were at the park yeah dude I shot off my own eyes oh well that sucks well you think you can help me get it back no why would I help you what why won't you help me because I know exactly what you did to my daughter Junior she told you yes that prank was awful what type of boyfriend does that to somebody you're lucky that I don't arrest you for hurting my daughter's feelings so much I'm sorry well I'm going to leave now wait no no no wait but you're not going to help me no I'm not going to help you get your phone back sucks for you see you D F12 I can't believe it my phone's just gone this is stupid wait why is your phone going off dude I don't know on it's an unknown number hello hey man uh it's the guy who stole your phone here you know I was snooping through your phone and I know how there's 30 desperate text messages sent to your ex and I felt kind of bad you're going through enough right now so I'll tell you what I'm behind the McDonald's on Seventh Street if you come by in the next 10 minutes you can have your phone back oh okay thanks I'll be there bye who was that that was the crook that stole my phone wait what yeah since you were on my emergency contact list he called you to say that if we meet him at McDonald's he'll give me my phone back wait dude that's so lucky yeah it might be other than the fact that he saw my text with Penelope and he fell back bad for me so that's why he's giving me back the phone dude have you been texting Penelope maybe a couple of times I'm sorry okay seriously dude I I'm sorry we've been spending the day trying to take your mind off of this and you text her well I'm sorry okay you're right I I will text her again I just I need my phone back okay let's just go get my phone okay hey man sorry for inconveniencing you during a hard time uh here's your phone it's fine uh bye bro all right man I just got the phone back and we can go back now perfect let's go home now dude all oh let's go what what all right Oreo McFlurry let's dig in oh they didn't give us any straws oh frick what are we going to do I think I have an idea what's that we could use our mouths oh yeah Junior what are you looking at oh give me a second Joseph wow you moved on really quickly Junior what are you doing here I know he's mad that we're on a date right now he's a little jelly I'm not jelly okay it's just you knew that she just dumped me and you already swooped in for the kill what are you going to do about it nerd tinkle in my sprinkle you know what we're going to have a fight right here right now and whoever wins gets Penelope's life no no fighting oh yeah fine by me all right let's go get over here get C not even not to try you guys have fun on your date so where were we we're going home Joseph let's go I'm sure you had to go through that dude I would say it's okay but it's not I think I just need to walk to think about things and getting the right head space I understand man I'll be back dang I can't believe she already moved on I mean it's like she never even loved you in the first place hasn't even been a day life is pointless hi there chipperoni and cheese oh hey monkey man what you doing here oh you know just hanging around oh well that seems fun you seem down what's the problem well I am down you see my girlfriend broke up with me this morning and so I already saw with another guy a you know you know but hey I might have some old wisdom to share with you old wisdom I would love some old wisdom monkey man you should join the Dark Side what's the dark side what's the dark side man okay do you have any other advice I'll use that as a last resort well you said she's already moved on yeah she already moved on I saw her would bully at McDonald's then why not move on yourself wait you're right if she moved on from me I could just move on from her that's a really good idea please don't touch me sorry I'm going to go but thanks buy man I appreciate it my first idea is definitely join the Dark Side the inner minations of my mind are an enigma Joseph Joseph I need to talk to you real quick dude you seem extra happy that walk must have worked oh yeah it did I need you to do me a favor yeah call that Trish girl and hook me up with her my boy let's go I got you oh yeah go call him okay 5 minutes later hey Junior I heard about what happened to you and I can make you feel better oh well how do you think you're going to be able to do oh yeah you like this swimsuit I wore for you you oh yeah I really like it a lot come a big boy oh yeah yummy wait what what what did you just say Penelope oh uh did I I think it was an accident you're in way too deep what what do you mean listen once you get pasted that I can't live without her stage then call me wait wait no wait I can't do this anymore hey Chef peee do you think you can make me some food real quick wait so what's wrong well been having the worst day today shfp what happened well Penelope dumped me this morning because of the prank I pulled like I thought would happen and then I saw her on a date with bully shortly after probably a better man than you and then I was trying to kiss this girl to move on and she left because I accidentally said Penelope's name rookie mistake I'm just really upset and I don't know what to do shf peei everything seems so pointless Junior chill out dude like come on you're only 15 years old you don't need to worry about dating right now but but but sh peee I I I I miss my girlfriend and I like girls attention you'll find someone new there's tons of fish in the sea Junior come on relax I know but I just want girls like right now preferably Penelope specifically Jun it's going to be okay just take some time to heal you'll get back in the dating soon enough don't worry no I'm going to start right now I don't want your stupid advice shpe PE bye what the freak A whatever at least I don't have to cook him anything Junior's getting more action than me all right Joseph you can move over I'm back how's it going dude did you tear it up no I didn't tear it up Joseph what happened dud she wanted you so bad I know but I fumbled the bag I said Penelope's name while we're making out Junior what's your problem I'm sorry I still miss Penelope all right and when I saw her with bully it really messed me up I just don't know what I'm going to do I just miss her too much dude you're just going to need to get over her I know and one day I might it's just some miracle would have to happen in order for me to do it is that the doorbell hold on J stay here I'm going to go get it but I've been staying on this couch for half the video who's at the door hey Penelope what are you doing here can you step outside real quick uh yeah sure okay what do you want Penelope I know I was really harsh earlier and it probably wasn't good to see me with bully but I'm really sorry wait so are you saying we're getting back together oh my God come here I miss you no no no that's not what I'm saying wa then what is it I'm saying we can be friends we've been friends for so long what you want to be friends yeah I don't want to lose you in my life um can I h i mean I think I could do it yeah yeah are we going to be friends awesome okay dude what am I going to be useful again hey Joseph I'm back who is at the door it was Penelope oh my God are you guys back together no she just came over to make sure that we were still friends with benefits no not with Benefits just normal friends a dude what the heck are you going to be able to deal with that I mean you're going to be seeing her all the time and SCH and it's just not going to be the shame I know it's just when I saw her in person again and got to talk to her I just I didn't want to lose her in my life and even if I don't get to be with her I still want to be her friend I still want her with me in life you know yeah dude that's really mature of you yeah but you know what that means Joseph what dude now that I know I can't get Penelope anymore let's go crazy dude we're going to get SD yeah w
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 140,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, 2021, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2023, sml parody junior's break up, junior's break up sml, sml junior
Id: u83K7fbFqYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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