SML Parody: Jeffy's Weird Prank!

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so Junior how's your relationship with Penelope been oh it's been pretty good I think dude that's cap yeah yeah you're definitely lying through your teeth well I'm not lying through my teeth because I don't even have teeth well then you're capping Junior yeah you're capping dude no I don't even have a water bottle how can I have to cap J just shut up already you're lying to us yeah why you always you're lying why you always lying well I'm not lying to you guys you definitely got dumped Junior what what do you mean I got dumped dude got dumped yeah how come we haven't seen Penelope around here in a while well we just been keeping our relationship private right yeah right she's definely other yeah exactly shut up guys we didn't break up in speaking of which that's my phone I bet it's Penelope I bet it's not Penelope definitely not dude well it happens to be Penelope guys we put on speaker Junior hear this okay fine whatever here we go all right hey baby what's up hey Junior I'm ready to have sex with you oh uh you're ready to do do the deed you ready to do the thing yeah I want you over here as soon as you can oh yeah I could be over in like an hour or two is that okay yep that's good see you then okay bye babe what oh my God that's crazy I knew it was coming oh my God Joseph our boy's losing his vard look at him over here yeah look at this dude guys stop jeez oh this is a big deal I know God I'm about to lose my v card never thought i' sh the day dude but wait I'm not prepared what do you need Junior I need a condom and I know where I'm going to get one you need a condom yeah yo Jeffy I really need you for something hey Cody what doing I know you're always loaded with these so do you think I can use a condom from you me and Ken want to do a little bit of an experiment well I don't want to know what the experiment is but you always know I got one here you go Cody a thanks dude I really appreciate it have fun wait Jeffy you just carry around condoms like that why did you stay stra wrapped up like that well you never know guys a random girl could come up and you know anything could happen dude something tells me that nothing ever happens you're right I just want to feel special a Jeffy you're definitely special wait Jeffy Jeffy you think you can give me one of those conds real quick no can do junior but why not Jeffy because Junior you owe me 10 bucks but seriously Jeffy you're still hung up on the 10 bucks I'll give you that 10 bucks yeah you said that Junior 2 weeks ago and I haven't still got a single that but come on Jeffy I I'll give it to you soon okay please I just need the condom now no can do junior 10 bucks and I'll give you a condom deal come on Jeffy please this is my first shot that I got with Penelope and I really want to take it please Jeffy watch out meet me over there dude what meet you over there just meet me over there okay sounds good I'll be right back Junior please think about it please what's up Joseph Jeffy we could totally use a condom Joseph I'm not interested dude not like that too strong my gosh no dude I'm talking about we could totally prank Junior with a certain type of condom what a certain type of condom yeah dude if we got him like a weird condom it would ruin his first time wait what if we got him a fake condom exactly dude that's what I'm saying oh my God that we so pee PE no no no dude it it wouldn't be pee pee oh yeah right there would be no pee pee I got an idea Joseph he'll be so hilarious you just need to distract Junior I'll go get it okay I'll distract him dude hey shpep what do you want Jeffy you think you can get me some mac and cheese real quick oh yeah whatever chy here you go oh thanks CH peipe I appreciate it you going to make it for me uh no you'll make it yourself oh okay thanks your peipi wait what are you doing you're not going to make it no then why do you ask me to make it I don't even know oh my God what an idiot whatever you do dude just make sure you don't put it in the wrong hole I made that M shake before and just say you that the raccoon didn't like it hey Junior oh my God Jeffy please tell me that you're going to let me use the condom well Junior I thought about it and even though I want the 10 bucks really really badly I mean really badly I'm going to give you this condom right here thank you so much Jeffy oh my God and I got you an extra large size cuz I know you're packing down there buddy oh thanks Jeffy now I have the best time of your life Junior oh I'm definitely going to thanks Jeffy I owe you one you owe me a 10 Buck Bill Jeffy what's your problem we're going to be pranking him real hard with that one what are you talking about dude you're supposed to give him a fake condom oh that was a fake condom wait what yo guys have you seen Juni anywhere I haven't seen him anywhere and I really want him to join in on something no I'm sorry dude he just left wait where'd he go dude he went to Penelope's house to try to get it on for the first time wait really well that's what he think she's doing what are you talking about I gave him a fake condom wait you gave him a fake one dude you still haven't told me what kind of fake condom you gave him yeah what did you give him hold on let me go get it real quick I wonder what it is look at G him I gave him a cheese packet oh my God no way J that's Savage Oh my God he's going to have a big surprise of that one yeah dude a Cheesy surprise oh yeah and I've been there before it's not great Cody you ruined it you ruined it dude shut up I would pay to see his reaction when he opens that thing meanwhile hey Penelope I finally made it hey Junior h that's so crazy that your dad's actually allowing us to be in your room alone yeah it was so hard to convince him so are we going to be trying to do the thing tonight you know uh yeah that's the only reason I called you over right well I guess we could just get started then hey YouTube listen I know this the first time I'm letting you guys in your room alone so don't make me regret it all right and Junior if I find out that anything happened in this room I'm going to kill you penel are you you sure we should be doing this oh come on he doesn't mean it yes he does I've seen him kill people with my own two eyes don't worry about it let's just do this I mean are you sure I mean I I've seen the guns on his wall and he's about to go to work shut up and kiss me okay a few moments later Junior I'm ready all right I came prepared Jeffy hooked me up with one of these let's do this all right let me put this on okay okay okay there we go um Junior yeah you should probably look down oh my God what is happening oh my God what is that did you already no I didn't it would have felt better if I did oh my God what is that I don't know I don't know what in the world are you guys screaming about in here oh everything's fine yeah everything f everything everything's good yeah uh what were we doing uh we were uh looking at an offensive meme on Twitter yeah yeah getting real mad right y just like snowflakes yeah yeah big snowflakes oh really uh what was the offensive thing about oh it was uh what was it um it was oh yeah it was what is the difference between a pimple and a priest I don't want to know the answer I I'm not doing this today just please keep it down oh my God pel this is really bad what are we going to do I don't know I have a cheese penis and then if you're dad ask me why I have a cheese penis I can't lie to a cop he's going to kill me okay well then just go wash it off well I mean you know we could uh you know no I'm not going to do whatever you're about to suggest no it's worth a try I just got to get to the bathroom then um you know what I'm taking this and I'm going to go all right I'll I'll be right back okay okay all right just going to go to the bathroom and hey Junior what's up man oh hey Penelope Dad I'm just going to the bathroom what's with the towel skirt oh it's a new trend at our school you know all the guys are wearing towel skirts it's something for pride month I think I don't know that's what I thought I'm going to get Peli taken out of that school she's clearly not learning anything just just go to the bathroom all right all right thanks sir and I'm definitely not doing anything weird what was that about I don't care watching my soaps on it's got to come off it's got to come off okay let's check it out oh no the stain is still really big oh man okay I don't think I'm going to be able to wipe it off I'm going to have to go home and get these washed a man my first time sucks all thanks to Jeffy Joseph and Cody this sucks oh man okay well I guess I better just go to penel and tell you what's going on just get this back on all right Penelope I'm back okay did you get it out no I didn't get it out there's still a giant cheese staining on my pants does that mean we can't do it well even if I got it out we couldn't do it anyways because I don't want to have a real condom oh man this sucks this is supposed to be a big moment for us it was our first time and my friends had to ruin name oh that's it I'm calling him I'm calling him right now I'm giving a piece of my mind dude I love the hard noodles what the oh my phone's ringing hold on oh my go junior Here way dude it's about to Che oh yeah hold on let me put on speaker all right I'm here hey Junior what's up hey why did you guys give me a cheese packet instead of a condom what what are you sing about what are you guys laughing about what what right this is a prank hey you better get over here right now oh that was amazing guys work so well that was amazing FR prank of all time they hung up on me that's stupid don't worry I'll wait for you there's always next time well I hope you wait for me we're in a relationship but that doesn't matter I just have to go home and watch my pants I hope you get home safe all right bye babe oh hey Junior do you maybe want to hey where you going man oh I guess you didn't want to watch my soaps with me how could you guys possibly do this to me this is the worst prank you guys could have ever done on me I was about to have my first time with Penelope and it was going to be a great milestone for a relationship and then you guys pulled me your stupid cheese packet prank and it ruined everything you guys ruined my first time I hate you guys well we're sorry Junior we didn't mean it we thought it would just be fun well I hate you guys how about that I don't care about your stupid apologies not going to wash out these pants I'll be back in a couple of hours what what are you guys looking at me for why didn't you apologize yeah dude what's your problem why was I supposed to apologize that wasn't even a part of the prank will you watch us do it you're a bystander dude and that's even worse have you guys ever apologized for something you saw in a movie no I guess I haven't whatever guys we have to make this up to him shal yeah we really do I don't know what to do guys don't worry I'll take one for the team I'll take his VC card what dude I was thinking more like getting Trisha to come over I have a better idea than both of you guys what is it here howle how what eventually hey ex friends I finally got my pants unstained no thanks to you guys hey Junior we really want to make up for what we did so here you go go get him tiger wait you guys are giving me one now yep that's a real one Junior whenever you get another shot pull it out and use it you got this my dude well thanks guys I appreciate it but I'll be honest I think things are going to be pretty awkward between me and Penelope that was a really bad first wait is that my phone let me let's see hey baby what's up hey Junior I'm ready to try again you want to try again yeah my dad left for work so you better hurry sorry guys I got to go see you later well she wanted to try again pretty dang fast yeah that's crazy I thought it was awkward between them I guess she not as awkward as was between them as she thought yeah either that or Juni just so irresistible that she can't resist the urge have to resist the urge all the time shut up just shut up stop
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 165,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, 2021, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2023, sml parody jeffy's weird prank, jeffy's weird prank, sml cheese, sml cheese prank, sml prank, jeffy prank
Id: DADG-WrxYws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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