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[Music] all right Dad this is the first time I've ever played fortnite with you you better be a good teammate Jeffy how dare you even suggest I'm not a good fortnite player oh yeah have you ever played fortnite before Jeffy I'll have you know when rose leaves the house I'm always on there cranking some 9s well only a real fortnite player would say that you know what I believe you all right where do you think we should land daddy it can be somewhere that everyone always goes to all right how about we go to flush Factory that sounds good chiffy it's not bad idea all right marking it on the map and three 2 Let's Go Daddy all right Daddy are you ready to crank some 90s and kick some behind oh I'm so already Jeffy all right deploying parachutes in three 2 1 what I just step in that doesn't matter daddy we got to get this win we got to get this dumky yeah let's get this Victory Royal it it's Royale dadddy oh oh my bad oh there's a really cool building over here we can get some stuff in there there's definitely loot in there oh let's do it Jeff let's do it all right daddy there's got to be a lot of loot in here just look on the ground there could be some guns there could be some Shield potions I know how to play fortnite well I don't believe you daddy cuz you said Victory Royal instead A Royale I decided to tell you Jeffy what is it now I played a lot of fortnite I just never won a game oh great so I know we're going to lose oh my God Jeffy speaking of L look down there what there's a chest down there daddy we should go get it I call dibs wait wait what all right Daddy I wonder what's going to be in this chest what is it all right let's see oo a pistol I want the pistol and look there's a shield potion in there too Daddy oh can I at least have that chy CH now I feel nice and protected Daddy I got a gun and I got Shields why I feel bad and unprotected Jeffy what am I supposed to do well we can go find you a gun come on let's go daddy fine come on come on come on where's a gun this really bad we can find an enemy anytime soon we got to make sure we can find a gun for you CH look at that gun oh my God it's a pump shotgun Daddy I want that gun no you wanted that gun so I'm getting this one but but I'm really good with shotguns Daddy I don't care Jeffy this one's all mine fortnite battle pass I just out my ass what you promis if I was your partner you wouldn't be weird I'm sorry Chef peee that's the fortnite anthem what what are you talking about anyways we're going to get this fortnite Dev ski all right shfp okay whatever Cody let's do it all right we should scare people around see if they'll come out oh yeah let's do some warning shot warning shots oh yeah I got a big ass gun let's go oh this is stupid daddy I wanted that shotgun oh shoot oh what what is happening do not hear those those gunshots daddy there's people nearby and they can kill us wait Jeffy I mean we got guns now shouldn't we be fighting too you're right we need to get this Victory Royale and the only way to do that is to kill people come on Daddy let's go eat some butth holes okay I think I heard some movement from that building shpb Let's Go For It Go all right daddy over there is XX hunky man xx and Gordon Ramsey sucks you ready to Ambush him I'm so ready Jeffy all right 3 2 1 oh shoot daddy they're splitting up if we just stick together we get 2v one them all right okay okay focus on hunky man first get out get out oh you're going down all right we got Huggy man down let's get Gordon R empty socks next okay oh shoot they knocked out C to end them b b b oh some shot let's go let's go shoot shoot shoot shoot oh no Daddy yes I did it I knocked out king daddy 43 let's go let's go oh my god daddy are you okay fortnite battle pass I just got shot in the ass don't worry dad you're just noted I'll take care of them and then I'll come revive you okay just stick here stick tight okay Jeffy nobody knocks my daddy get ra let's go oh we knocked out the team they're done oh shoot I got to revive daddy before he runs out of Health don't worry Daddy I'm here to revive you just stick still okay Jeffy I'm so proud of you all right you're revived daddy you're good oh thank you Jeffy you're pretty low on health though cuz you just got revived here I found something for you a no way Jeffy thank you so much drink it up and we're going to go okay got get out of here all right we should be good to go Joseph yeah think about it dude there's probably a lot of teams that just dropped here so we need to get loot fast yeah we definitely need to Jan where's your bib oh my bib oh I left it on the battle bus cuz I was thinking if the bib's flying around my face everywhere I'm not going to be able to land my shot oh that's smart dude I like it all right let's go get some loot split up all right where's some loot where's some there's a chest okay open her up come on come on it's so heavy oh my God this is a gun and there's a shield potion all right time to get this stuff time to get it oh dude it's the garbage the garbage I'm good looted here dude actual loot are you kidding me okay okay let's see what's in here oh my God we got a gun okay perfect perfect D and D we got two of let's go Perfect Dude guess we're that guy dud guess what I got I got this revolver and I got a shield potion well I got this pistol and two Shield potions dude you're shielded up I know dude I'm looted up we are going to so win this game right Joseph yeah dude let's go okay but another team could be here any minute we got to get some cover dude we are in this Pavilion though oh we are under cover right all right let's just stick here okay all right honey I got this golden scar oh look at you no fortnite terms and such honey I have more wins than you do I'm better than you you may have more wins but you ain't got marked JS that those are the same thing honey maybe to you it is maybe to you oh Joseph there's players behind you oh my gosh it's BBG 445 and I like BBG 445 all right I'm going to send a shot their way oh crap they're trying to shoot at us let's get them baby waa waa W honey where did you get that real gun from I I stuck into the game don't ask questions huh just start shoot it junior junior it's okay I'll revive you to I promise no Joseph you're really low on health and he still got two people left you got to run you got to go dude I can't leave you don't get eliminated you got to go you're only chance are you sure do go okay oh god oh you knocked one honey go get the other one while I go finish off the one that's knocked the Lord baby I got you sayara Penelope is ba bam okay he's eliminated the other one ran but I got to go I got to go I'm low don't worry Junior I'll get that Victory Royale for you baby baby the other one we tra it I know I got the other one out though and I'm at 20 Health we got to go get me some Shield potion okay let's find them right now let's go go let's go okay baby we need to find your potion or something I know baby I'm super low it's really bad yeah yeah yeah I know but we have to T the towers come on there got to be some good L here I know but that means there's also a lot of people here only one shot and I'm dead baby oh damn you're right but we got no choice come on we got to enter the Tilted tow all right let's go all right daddy hide behind this really dirty car okay okay so you know the deal volent Towers right yeah yeah a lot of people around just stay in the same spot until you're ready to fight yeah exactly speaking of what there's another team over there you're ready to fight daddy well I'm not ready to fight yet Jeffy okay well I'll wait okay I'm ready all right let's do it let's do it okay all right got to sneak around and then fired at it C oh shoot baby we're getting shot at oh that was sick oh no tyone baby cakes don't worry honey I'll avenge you but I got to go I'm at 20 Health all right Daddy I just downed BBC 445 I'm going to go end them so then they can't bring him back to life I think we're good I think we're good going F motherf hey there Mr BBC 445 aka Big Black chicken 445 what doing down there I'll have you know BBC actually stands for big black CS all right time to go back to Daddy all right daddy we're doing really good for this game we're doing really good D you're really really good I'm so happy okay there's only four people left and we're two of them and the other two are Solo people we got this we so got down get him get him bam oh crap they noticed me I got to go Daddy I'm losing health I I'm grabbing you let's go let's go a Jeff you're so freaking heavy oh god daddy I'm at 10 health help me help me okay we're lazy links me stop talking okay I'm feeling better okay all right good oh my God okay we're pretty safe here it is lazy links nobody comes here yeah yeah yeah yeah all right maybe we should keep looking for loot all right sounds good split up all right I'm fully healed up and I should be good to go oh it's those two over there the ones that killed my hubby all right take this I'm not see anything come on I need something oh God I'm low again I got to go no I'm not letting you get away this time bam I got to make it to those trees oh yes I did it I got her there's only one person left let's go we're going to get this Victor up oh oh Jeffy Jeffy I'm down Jeffy Jeffy king daddy 43 you think you have a chance but I'm going to do this for junior H I wanted some Buri treasure in the sand what am I talking about there's no bury treasure in fortnite hey you oh what's up Jeffy fart 69 you looking for something or should I say someone if it isn't the feet muncher wait a second you said someone you didn't do what I think you did did you if you think what I did is eliminate your partner then you're exactly right and you're coming nextest cuz I need that Victory Royal well then you went after the wrong person first if you're going to shoot the queen make sure the King's dead first all right so you want to do this the hard way let's do it bam bam bam bam bam bam bam w let's make this more interesting RI to go what dude come on I'm following you to that Rift all right where am I going where am I going oh I can go to wailing I'll go to wailing Woods all right deploying parachute now okay he's right behind me I got to go I got to go oh my God this is getting bad I only have 60 Health oh God this is bad where are you Jeffy F 69 I'm coming to get you Jeffy fart 69 where are you what heard him breathing back there what the freak see you later feet muncher oh my God I did it I got B let's go let's go I did it D I got us the win you got us the jump Hey Dad are you proud of me no
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 774,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, 2021, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2023, jeffy's fortnite, jeffy's fortnite battle pass, jeffy's fortnite battle royale, fortnite, fortnite battle royale, fortnite og, fortnite eminem, fortnite eminem event
Id: VZcAjfAFn7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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