SML Parody: Jeffy's Cereal!

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[Music] i'm not going to bed um not going to bed i'm not going too bad i got this diaper on my head oh his diaper feels great maybe daddy wants to watch my show kind of getting hungry though hey daddy time to get up i hate my life breakfast daddy come on dad let's get up oh he's not getting up i think i'm gonna have to go wake him up myself maybe he wants to watch my show i'm gonna go get him well guess it's time to wake up and start my miserable life [Music] jeffy what do you want it's too early for this hungry daddy you're hungry you don't want breakfast that's why you woke me up this early because you're hungry well and cause i wanted to show you my show but mostly because i'm hungry fine you know what i knew this was gonna happen so i got you something i hope it's cheerios you can have toasted oats or if you don't want that you can have honey toasted oats what is this daddy it's cheerios that's what you wanted these aren't cheerios these are these are fake knockoff cheerios how much you pay for these 1.50 but that doesn't matter there's still cheerios no no wonder you got the fake kind daddy i'm not eating this i'm not doing anything i'm not letting you go back to bed until you go to store and get me real cereal so you want me yeah to go down in the store at three in the morning yup to get you cheerios because you don't want these yup and if you don't i'm gonna poop in the sink fine fine i guess i'll go down to the store i'll get you your stupid cheerios because apparently you're too good enough for these what a brat you better much much much later oh man where's daddy with my cereal if he didn't get here soon i'm gonna go poop in the shank jeffy i'm home all right jeffy i'm back from the store i went to three of them by the way because two of them were closed and guess what after sitting outside waiting for them to open none of them had cheerios so i got you this instead you're gonna have cinnamon toast crunch cinnamon toast crunch daddy i hate that i thought you might sit so i also got you this if you don't want cinnamon toast crunch you can have froot loops oh i hate that fine cocoa puffs nope lucky charms nope oreos nope free pebbles nope tricks nope bran flakes nope three hours later nope nope nope nope nope sorry jeffy then what you want i want cheerios we don't have cheerios and you better go get me some i can't get you some what were you me to do make your own stupid cereal i don't care just whatever you do don't let me up cause i'm going back to bed maybe that is right i can make my own cereal i'm gonna do that [Music] all right got everything ready time to make the best cereal ever except i uh i i don't know how to make cereal hey jeffy what are you doing making another pizza no pizza morty i'm trying to make cereal no you're making cereal i'm really good at making cereal are you really cause you weren't good at making that pizza but but that was you you were the one that screwed that no more you put like weird stuff in it like that green stuff and the goldfish was kind of weird whatever wha what's with the pot of water i i don't know like i said i don't know what i'm doing oh well i'm really good at making some serious so i'll make some for you really yeah that would be really good just try to kind of make it like cheerios because i really wanted cheers but daddy couldn't find any okay i'll try to make it really good just go sit over there i will do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] wait a minute what am i doing i'm just making a mess this isn't how you make cereal at all i guess i'll just put a bunch of marshmallows in a bowl and call it a day all right jeffy here's your cereal hope you like it morty oh my look at that that's the most amazing thing i've ever seen well it's not really anything that special you know it's just a party i i i i gotta give this a shout out morty let me smell it i think i'm ascending morty i haven't even tried it yet but this is the most amazing thing i've ever seen do you do you think you can make another well yeah i can make another it's really easy to make because it was just a bunch of marks whatever i i need to make in there for daddy he's gotta try this it's gonna taste so good all right morty i'm gonna give this a shot for real okay i'll go make another one daddy daddy wake up daddy daddy what do you want i got some cereal for you to try that's it yeah it's super good morty made it oh it's so good why would i want to eat the cereal you're the one that's been complaining about it all morning well morty made me some new cereal that it'll change your life it won't get rid of you well no it won't that that was really harsh i didn't like that very much don't do that again try this cereal that you're gonna love it if i try we go away uh yeah sure we'll go away all right fine i'll just take one bite oh you're gonna love it so much yeah yeah how's it taste oh it's good isn't it yeah morty made this yeah this is amazing it's the best year i've ever had morty how did you make that dog well it's nothing special you know i just put a bunch of money no no tell him morty we can't let him know it's our secret oh okay you guys got to sell this thing we could call it jeffy o's why not mortios well morty it just i like jeffy was way better sorry all right i guess i mean you make this cyril i sell a cereal dad what do you think well i think that's a good idea you guys make a lot of money off of this i'll go make the box come on maury we gotta go okay oh man morty i don't think they have it here oh shoot maybe they sold out because look there's no cereal up here oh yeah you're right jeffy look oh they got my cereal morty yeah wait wait what your cereal no it's our cereal i helped make it look at the box morty that's my cereal well yeah but i'm the one that makes the cereal boy let's not argue here we got to get a box before they're all gone yeah i don't want to miss out all right let's get a box okay wow morty it looks as good as always yeah i guess i'm still mad at you for taking all the credit though more look at the box it says jeffy oh he's not mortyos yeah but it's a team effort i make the cereal and you market it well you should put in more effort than you brat oh whatever just take the bite i can't wait to eat it again hey guys good news what is it daddy we got a food crit coming to town he wants to try your cereal you hear that morning a food critical if he says it's good then we're gonna get so many more sales yeah you're gonna use all those good sales to market your cereal right because it's not our cereal don't be a brat morty just make the cereal you want me to make the cereal so you can take all the credit well i'm not gonna do it i'm not making the cereal i quit daddy what am i gonna do i don't know you know the recipe right i no i don't well you better figure something out fast cause uh oh i think he's here look i'll stall for time you better figure out your cereal fast go what am i going to do i don't know how to make this well that's probably the food critic i better stop for times that jeffy can get that cereal ready hey buddy brooklyn guy hi uh i'm actually here to arrest your son wait for what well illegally selling cereal of course but no he's not it's on store shelves nah i'm just pulling your leg i had nothing else to wear so i wore my police outfit don't find whatever just get in here and get on the couch all right so uh where's the cereal uh well uh you said you wanted it fresh right so uh chuck is making it fresh just for you you know i'm busy today i expected the cereal to be kind of ready when i got here so uh that's gonna be points off uh well it should be too much longer right jeffy well i guess i gotta make the cereal now oh man i really wish morty put the ingredients on this side of the box all right time to make something i hope the food critic likes it [Music] oh brain flakes [Music] all right food's all ready no i think your food's ready so why don't you go eat it all right great i'll eat that cereal okay oh i i i it's this way it's that way yeah it's that yeah right right right sorry sorry yeah what what in god's name is that oh oh why do i do this myself why do i do this to myself oh well time for the first bite oh man i'm gonna regret this oh wow he's actually eating it oh well that wasn't so bad i guess oh daddy you think he liked it i think he's dead oh wait what oh we gotta call a doctor then he is the doctor oh [Music] i'm not turning this crap off i'm going to the end of time well yeah the moment the camera turns off kid you go back in the budget
Channel: Kable10
Views: 1,790,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lG9FErM26WI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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