SML Parody: Jeffy Juice!

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you guys want to go to the playground at wai econo smart middle school yeah [Music] my god i'm so thirsty and dehydrated yeah and i'm just tired i have no energy after all that oh i wish there was something to drink yeah guys i got an amazing idea stay right here what all right so junior says that he's dehydrated and joseph says he's tired all right now it's done don't wait no it needs one more thing something to make it my drink all right there we go now it's ready all right guys i made a brand new drink for you guys yeah yeah it has electrolytes for you and energy for you well i'll just drink anything at this point i'll give it a try [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] oh what the frick what do you call this thing what are you doing in my life yeah what do you call it uh jeffy juice optimus prime roll out what the frick all right whatever one hour later hey rosalina you think chef pee pee made i said anything to eat i really doubt it he's been visiting his dying grandma oh [ __ ] dying grandma well you think he prepped something for us so when he's gone we'd have something to eat i really don't think so let's at least check oh my god look him in a soup it looks more like chef peepee's pee than soup oh he made it for us let's go to slurp city [Music] your face looks like an egg why you got banana on your head you have a worm on your face uh hello wait what are you guys doing here hey jeffy we heard you made like your own juice if you want to try it i'm going to try some i wouldn't drink jeffy's juice yeah yeah hold on i'll make you guys some real quick huh look used to be interesting oh it's like isn't that the type of juice i was expecting all right guys you dig in have fun wow people are loving this even more than i expected this will fly off the shelves oh god more people wait oh hey steve's dale burger what doing hey there jeffy hello i would like to turn your jeffy juice into a huge company wait what a huge brand but but really yep you heard that right i want to put jeffy juice in every store in america wow i can imagine it now yep all that just for a 90 steak in your company well here's the problem i don't know i don't know if i want to do that it's it's my drink and i don't know how i feel about that oh i see it's your drink and you don't want to feel like you don't own it or something yep that's exactly it well i got a solution for that but what is it how about i open your very own jeffy juice store right outside your house yes yes i would love it i would love that but how long would that take well let's see you're gonna need to tell me the ingredients okay uh we'll have to start the production all right and we'll have to build your store okay ah probably about six and a half hours six and a half hours later all right come get your jeffy juice at the brand new jeffy store what are you thinking japan i think this is really pee pee wow and just look at that giant line ready to rumble holy crap we're waiting do you know right about now everybody around the world is enjoying your jeffy juice everybody oh my gosh goofy they are the jeffy juice we've been looking everywhere for this come on let's go inside gorge of course mickey we got the last two haha keep my wife's name out the [ __ ] to go hey yo jim what's up what's up brother you ever having this jeffy juice jeffy yo you know what i say if it ain't a protein shake then i don't want it bro you gotta try it gotta try once it one [Music] holy crap it's actually pretty good [Music] [Music] 1000 [Music] bro that stuff worked i'll do that and i gotta support my brother i gotta drink it up slip me up and look at oh [ __ ] everybody's loving your juice you see if i put a different secret ingredient in there that'd be really sus okay well you have fun i'm gonna go back to the factory to check on production all right have fun all right everyone come get your jeffy juice only four dollars and twenty cents a bottle all right first customer oh yeah yeah yeah all right you want some japanese yeah i want the jeffy juice wait a second are you homeless and poor well yeah then how you gonna buy jeffy juice i've been saving up all right then why do you want to buy jeffy juice well i'm gonna buy your whole stock okay then i'm gonna resell it they're all gonna want it so i'm gonna sell it for like 10 times the price i'm gonna make a 4k about that it's two per customer because of high demand what yeah only two per customer oh dang it well i could still make a fortune off of that i could buy myself a house and get me off the streets all right eight dollars and forty cents all right next oh yeah my turn next all right jeffy can i get some jeffy juice yeah you can four dollars twenty cents per bottle uh see can we make a deal oh what's the deal how about i post a picture of me drinking the jeffy juice on my instagram story well how many followers you got [Music] what are you even doing social media well i'm a football quarterback what do you play for nobody okay back to the question how many fours you got maybe a thousand get out of here all right next oh you can't cut the line my product is way better than yours no way your drink doesn't even have any energy it doesn't need energy electrolytes are not educated it's not energy oh we got his assistant who are you what are you doing here well i'm the ceo of gatorade and i'm the ceo of monster oh hey guys really big fan of your guys's work uh you guys want any jeffy juice i'll give you half off because you guys are my inspirations how about you give us all of your jeffy dudes okay yeah yeah i can do that just for you guys for your entire store wait what for free because you're using our [ __ ] but no no no no no no you guys can't do that we're going to shoot you i'm going to shoot guys at least try my product first you may like it you stole my monster you never stole my gatorade just try it please give it a try yeah let's go all right let's see what the hoopla is about yeah let's see what all the ruckus is about hey you stole my phrase you changed one word no how about you shut up hey screw you both of these nuts i hate you and i've always hated you i've always hated you too i'm just gonna drink it okay i bet i could drink it faster than you shut up my name is mr gator what about you you want to be fresh fresh yeah wow i need this mustard can i eat your face yes yes do you want to go out to get some food yeah let's go well i got rid of them well i lost two of my inventory but doesn't matter cause it's clear next oh man i'm glad to be home everyone around town was acting so strange stupid for that matter anyway everybody at home my grandma died back anyway i'm home guys guys where's everybody i thought everyone would just be waiting for my return what's going on hello anybody huh what the heck nobody's here oh what's this don't mind if i have a suit no you're not drinking that what you're the only smart person left in this house please do not drink that wait what's wrong cody what are you doing here anyway well i've been waiting for junior and joseph for hours and they've been gone wait hold on what's wrong with drinking this it just looks like uh i don't know slightly greenish lemonade no it's jelly juice what did you just say what the hell is that i said jeffy juice basically jeffy made a drink and it's a worldwide success well it can't be that bad if everyone's drinking it oh it's bad you know why what's why it makes anyone who drinks it stupid you can't be serious yep look at the news [Music] jeffy juicy everyone in the united world of europe is drinking jeffy juice eating it up like that i told you god that explains so much i mean as to why everyone's acting so stupid yep i just don't know how it happened i mean how does one drink make everyone so stupid well do you know what's in the drink well i know that there's gatorade and monster in it it can't just be that there has to be like something they added in there but something they added but what could it be we gotta figure this out cody yeah i don't know where to even start you and me i think we're the only smart people left on the planet no don't say that don't say that wait hold on a second you know chef pee pee if we're the only two smart people left on earth we kind of gotta reproduce you know what the hell cody what those that doesn't work oh my god even if i wasn't to you it doesn't work like that you know you want t-shirt peepee that's besides the points okay well we gotta figure out what to do with this i think we can do this if we just think what could it be there's got to be something that added i don't know it wait chef pee pee is that the doorbell oh it is well who's gonna get it we're the only two left in the house ah dang it responsibilities how could this be hello there i'm looking for jeffy because i need some of his spit in order to make more jeffy juice what that's the secret ingredient no wonder what's going stupid actually i was just with jeffy and if you want i can get him to make you a big glass of spit oh that would be fantastic alrighty yes sir i'll be right back stay right there hey cody cody i know this is gonna sound really weird and i apologize for that but this could save everything what is it chef baby okay if you just i'm sorry i know this is weird but if you just spit in this cup and uh i think it might fix everything well that's no problem chef pee pee what i could do it just for you what all right let me get started okay oh oh my god cody that was the worst five minutes of my entire life i don't know i thought it was pretty good how do you have so much spit well i've been holding it back for a few years chef pee pee i never spit take that in consideration chef pee pee i might go take this up to him all right okay mister i got a full glass of jeffy spit nice and fresh wowza that is surely a lot that'll last us at least a couple hours at the factory okay then i'm gonna hand it out to you sir here you go thank you oh crap rolling down the three left hey there jeffy i got you a fresh new load of your juice oh my god yes yes i've been running out business has been booming yep that's amazing to hear and this is fresh from the factory a brand new batch get more wrecks yep what are we doing here yeah what happened scatter's confused wait where'd you get this that didn't taste good as it normally does yeah i'm going home yeah it was all right i was just missing something oh what the heck jesus christ jeffy they just swallowed your load and left oh my god ah i loved producing those loads oh there's no way this could get any worse no there's not not so fast it could get much worse after i got double sir oh my god oh my god are those the ceos of monster and gatorade how they are and they're here to show me what was going to show the sue jeffy well he is gatorade in the drink and that is my property and he used to master that's part of my property it's much energy please don't sue me i can't even legally watch corn up wait a second it's not just gatorade and monster jeffy also added a secret ingredients wow what's that secret ingredient damn really curious well let's take a look why don't we let's check out the label check out the label right about at the bottom jeffy's spit way so you're telling me that we drink jeffy spit [Music]
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 1,034,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2021, sml parody jeffy juice, jeffy juice
Id: cyBWtXoS3x8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 04 2022
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