SML Parody: Jeffy's Murder Mystery!

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flaming hot Cheetos mac and cheese can I have some please like Messier oh I'm sorry is my Mac and Cheese done it has this freaking done it looks delicious doesn't it yay that looks so awesome Chef BB this is PB okay just take it please oh boy I'll take it right now what what oh my God now I gotta clean this mess oh my God that was annoying I hate Jeffy I have to put this stuff away hey Chef Pee Pee what's up you got my Mac and Cheese ready Junior mac and cheese yeah mac and cheese you specifically said I don't want any mac and cheese wait why did I say that Chef PeePee like literally two hours ago oh well I want to now Chef PeePee so can you make me some no no no no I'm done making mac and cheese for the day but what do you mean today you already made a mac and cheese well for Jeffy which one did he give him Chef Pee Pee Joy I think it's pretty obvious which one I gave him it better not have been the flaming hot one Chef Pee because that's the only one I like junior is really obvious [Music] ly yes Joiner I want this one Jeffy no no you don't even like that one you always tell me oh it's too spicy no no I want this one chip even give it to me now come on okay give it to me no it's empty Junior well I want mac and cheese well too bad I'm done I told you that already no no no listen Chef baby you're gonna make me mac and cheese flaming hot mac and cheese right now no I'm not making you any mac and cheese right now are you sure about that oh yeah I'm positive what about these ones over here no I'm done for the day I told you no what are you doing all right Junior I'm this is not gonna work oh my God you make it you just add water first it's never gonna turn out right all right maybe there's just not enough I can't make something you can't mix them up oh my God look it's gonna explode or something so you're gonna make me this mac and cheese right now and if it's not ready in five minutes I'm gonna give you a spanking like yeah all right see you should be no no no why is everybody so annoying today I'm not making this oh my god well if I had to throw that away no way that was ever gonna come out right hey chef oh dinner well I was cooking up some mac and cheese that was a disaster and I thought about you so I may do this it is some fruit salad yummy yummy what are you trying to say Chef baby I'm not trying to say anything I know you've been washing your weight and you know you care about eating healthy so I made you this are you oh my gosh you could eat whatever you want to eat the mac and cheese yeah now you're calling me a pig no no you're not a pig you're not oh my God what's happening this is ridiculous I want to speak to your manager manager I don't have a manager Bowser yeah literally listen I don't have to cook for you for Jeff V for Mario I'm only supposed to cook for Bowser and Junior I'm just being nice follow me I'll just let you know I'm only worth like 37 cents oh my god did I just witness a Karen freak out in my own kitchen you see something new every day peepee what is it Rosalina a pig oh my God why would your baby do that how could you do that because it's ugly oh my God okay here's the question are you still in the mood no oh my God should I put me hmm I think I might eat this myself should I paint it how can you do this to me one more I didn't do it yes you did you called my girlfriend a fat ugly disgusting oh Beast stinky deformed ugly disgusting Pig Mario I didn't say it like that so you didn't say it you just said it differently oh my God Chef PeePee I can't believe you did this to me my girlfriend she was in the mood tonight you understand that she was in the mood Mario I don't think she ever gets in the mood exactly it's the first time she's been in the mood for a whole year now she's not gonna be in the mood again for another whole year sorry Mario it's really not my fault yes it is your fault you're dead to me Chef peepee bye oh my God how hey Chef BB I'm hungry can I get some breakfast I really want some chop s what do you mean he's not dead Jeffy yes it is he's laying on the counter and there's blood everywhere and it's on him it's on the counter oh my God no no no there's no way Chef PB just died okay yes he is Daddy please go look on he might be sleeping no he's not sleeping why would there be blood it's a lot darker than ketchup I don't know let's go check it out all right let's just look okay I told you guys this happened look at him oh my goodness I don't know what happened I just came in here and he's just dead oh my God wait I couldn't find my phone this morning wait now that you said that I haven't been able to find mine either should I be fine I'm trying to light up the moon I heard that people was dead in here baby so guys do you know what this means what is it there's a burger in this house oh my god well if there's a murderer in this house then I'm getting out of here all right guys you're ready to get the hell out of here let's go oh is the door locked yeah it's locked we'll just unlock it I'll twist it all right yeah wait what oh no guys it's locked from the outside oh no what do we do I don't know you know what guys I don't know about you but I'm jumping out the window oh yeah let's go guys come on no we gotta go don't try to leave I agree with that guys what do we do I don't know I'm not leaving yeah I'm not leaving hey guys I got a great idea we should go back to the right couch yeah let's go yeah couch well guys there's a kill in the house and we can't leave oh my God yeah what do we do well there's only one thing to do what is it we gotta find the killer Among Us yeah we gotta figure out who did it well Jeffy you found the body that's yeah what task were you doing before this guys this isn't Among Us okay just listen up okay this isn't a game this isn't Among Us this this you'll murder with real blood and there was a real catastrophe that happened okay our friend is dead for real okay so basically we have to figure out what happened where it happened and with what who did it we have to figure out all this before we even think about leaving because obviously the murder is still in this house it could be you it could be you it could be you it could even be me but I know it's not me because I didn't even do anything all right so basically guys I need to figure out who did this and before we even leave we gotta go straight to the police station when we do if we know exactly what happened all right oh wow crazy we have only one chance to leave because he said don't leave the house so we're gonna vote him out yeah guys did he not hear me all right we're done with the whole Among Us okay so where did we even start well would anybody here even have a reason to kill Chef PeePee I don't think so no I wouldn't have one yeah me neither I don't really have a huge Grudge on him or anything but Jeffy you got you got mad at Chef people yesterday oh yeah he got me sick with his stupid you know mac and cheese he burned your butthole yeah that's a pretty good reason it did hurt but just because he hurt me doesn't mean I would go kill him and called blyde what About You Junior you're really mad at him about the mac and cheese yeah I was it was a stupid reason well I heard you screaming mommy what happened to that he got he called out of them for it wow why would he do that I don't know yeah and I heard Mario screaming last night oh yeah I was mad at him because he called Rosalina that anyone would get mad at him for doing that well so you would beat him up and kill him no no no no actually Junior I mean you get really mad when you don't get your Mac and Cheese you know that oh yeah it sounded really stupid but you know it's you well what about you and your butthole I'm sure you cared about your butthole full I don't really care about my butt oh okay guys we're not getting anywhere with this we all have a reason we hated Chef PeePee yesterday but didn't really narrow anything down you want to figure more out yeah we gotta do some investigating guys investigate station dude not anyone's gonna get that okay listen all right we gotta split up and we gotta figure things out all right first we need to figure out where it happened and then we gotta figure out with what all right the weapon yeah the weapon you know because okay could literally be anything you know maybe it wasn't their fist you know it could be literally anything in this house yeah right probably a weapon it's hard to just punch someone to death yeah so all right everyone let's just figure it out Junior you're gonna come with me we're gonna be a group okay let's go Mary let's go all right Jeffy you notice anything out of the ordinary no Junior I don't notice anything out of the ordinary well Jeff you want to think about this a different way but what is it have you ever seen any of those murder documentaries um yeah I've seen a couple of them why okay well you know how they say like oh even check the places that are least expected because even those types of items could be murder weapons I actually do remember that Junior they said it could even be under our noses and we would never even know yeah you're right I wish we had the clue yeah like a clue to what the murder weapon is yeah I really think it's right in front of our faces well I don't see anything you ready for the next room yeah let's go okay let's find a murder weapon and let's try to avoid looking at that dead Chef PeePee okay all right let's look everywhere what do you find bananas yeah yeah that's not a murder weapon you don't know that you bananas Mario trust me no no no we need something like a knife I don't know a knife okay please stop screaming that's like the third time in this video okay all right so a knife but who could have been I no I suspect Jeffy or Junior what what that can't be us right right no it can't be no it's not us so all right let's not forget about this knife let's keep checking other rooms okay all right all right Jeffy so this is your room yeah it is my room what am I you know checked it out right dinner I am not a knockout all right all right Jeffy let me check around your room for a bit all right Junior there's nothing to see huh happy yeah did you use that lamp over there to do it no Jr that thing's way too heavy how would I do it you're right all right did you kill him with that pillow I'm not even gonna listen to you you're right well I don't see anything so I guess let's just go yep wait it's still doing something hard wait what yeah why is your bed hard I don't know why are you hard but hey don't look down there whatever I'm gonna look under here all right oh my God is that a hammer Jeffy wait what how does this even get here Jeffy did you use the hammer on Chef baby no guys junior junior I promise you I didn't do anything okay oh how do I have Jeffy where were you then well last night I wasn't here what are you talking about remember how after the Mario shorty game I went outside but yeah what were you doing out there oh I wanted to put my pee pee in that tree okay okay I did not need to know that all right so it wasn't you all right let's go all right okay let's check everywhere around the bathroom yeah let's take a look around okay well I did say everywhere well come on this could be a really good place to hide a murder weapon there's literally nothing in there oh they could have flushed it I don't know about that let's go look at the tub okay my goodness it's a giant metal heavy murderous wrench oh my gosh this could be the murder weapon exactly and it's in the bathtub the murderer probably just washed off all the blood exactly what someone could have been fixing the pipes fixing the pipes yeah fixing the bike guess you're right but that's one heck of a coincidence I know I know all right let's check in on Jeffy and Junior okay let's okay let's go okay all right guys let's update each other what do you guys find well in the kitchen I found a knife yeah no crap Mario there's knives in the kitchen wow so amazing so maybe you use the knife to kill shot baby makes you think that well you're trying to brush off the knife Junior well he has a point though you know there's a bunch of knives in the kitchen but it was all out in the opening really big oh drop me open okay that makes a little bit more sense yeah yeah okay I can't understand that one well basically what we found is we went to jeffy's room and we found a hammer inside his bed yeah we did a hammer inside your bed Jeffy yeah yeah it was inside my bed we don't know how it got there well Jeffy you do Break Stuff with a hammer all the time I do it was my hammer but I just don't know how it got there but in your bed that's really suspicious okay well listen he had a really good Alibi on how he wasn't there last night yep do I want to hear it yep really I put my peepee in that tree outside I did not want to hear that and 100 believe Jeffy about that one yep so it wasn't him well what else did you guys find well and he found a really really big wrench oh really big wrench yeah yep wait so like that you use for a car well no I think someone might have been doing Plumbing there oh Plumbing oh well that kind of makes sense but where did you guys find it it's a bathtub oh in the bathtub that's interesting um did you guys see any like blood stains there or anything no but I think he might have rinsed off all the blood in the bathtub wow this guy's really smart because we didn't see any blood either whoa well I'm trying to think if we found anything else but I can't think of anything yeah we tried to go in the living room we couldn't find anything it felt like something was under our nose but couldn't figure it out me neither all right then I guess we don't have anything are we sure we checked every room yeah I'm positive yeah yeah me too hmm well not every room wait oh yeah we didn't check but Bowser's room oh my God now there's this room oh my God we didn't check my dad's room we didn't even think about Bowser wait I get it good Bowser gonna did it wait what for not The Killers then that just leaves him what yeah because it's not you it's not you it's not you it's not me show me if he's dead the only other person in the house is Bowser pick up we gotta go check on them okay guys guys it can't be my dad right have you ever seen what he looked like all right let's go yeah all right guys let's go into my dad's room shut up Junior we gotta proceed with caution yeah we don't know what you're right to be a murderer yeah maybe we should just check inside real quick okay we'll just take a peek all right dance Charlie I'm dancing okay yeah we're good he's completely harmless yeah yeah he's doing nothing all right guys let's go let's go all right there's enough dancing back under the car yeah oh yeah guys we didn't have to jump in that's not necessary yes today is die he's a murderer we need to make sure he can't get us murder what's going on here guys we know what you did Dad oh yeah we do what did I do tell him die oh you murdered Chef Pee Pee didn't you yep murder shut baby yep what are you trying to say are you guys trying to tell me that Chef peepee that's not true no not at all we don't believe you one bit yeah Bowser B we all had a reason to shut people yesterday so we thought it was one of us four but we totally forgot about you so where were you yesterday I was watching Charlie you look like always guys yeah whatever that's not working here not gonna buy it I always watch Charlie and then I I needed some help with the TV it wouldn't turn on well the remote was on the other side of the room I didn't want to grab it and Chef baby came in he accidentally brought my baby what an [ __ ] right hate that guy he broke my titty I didn't even care if it's an accident God hey guys that sounds like motivation to me oh no you would definitely kill for that reason yep he can't label I didn't mean for it to come out like all right guys seriously I I bought a new TV up for real Junior break out of the house and go to the police station we can't find our phones all right if I'm down no no no you're gonna believe me all right does anyone else you say that he's not the murderer boy what's up losers I am Jake [ __ ] what Jeffy language no no I excuse that language it's totally acceptable given the situation thanks guy but explain yourself Chef PB well I thought you guys would be celebrating them not dead so where's all the love honestly kind of wish that you were wait I kind of wish you guys were dead because yesterday was crap I was so annoyed it was like hell you call me a fat pig I know I did oh my God this is why I did it I wanted the mess with all of you and get some Revenge wait so what did you all do well last night I got up really late at night and then I know I went into everybody's bedroom except for Mario's he was sleeping on the couch and then silently I took everybody's phones and then I went outside and I locked the door from the outside and I even put up a little spooky sign and then I hit around some secret weapons you know just random weapons so you guys would go crazy during the day and then I got my brother sha poopoo to play me dead it turns out he's really good at playing dead and I just put on some blood all over him and that guys that is what I did guys I think we learned a very valuable lesson today what is it Jeffy I think Chef PeePee should actually be dead wait what guys get him foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 1,284,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2021, sml parody jeffy's murder mystery, jeffy's murder mystery
Id: YFhwOza6ot0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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