SML Movie: The School Bus! *FULL MOVIE*

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oh man I'm so sick hey Danny can I skip school today no Jeffy don't touch me with your dirty boogers Jeffy you cannot skip school you got to go didn't take me Jeffy I feel so sick can you just ride the bus what's a bus you don't know what a bus is no it's a it's a big thing that takes kids at school oh so like an airplane well kind of it just doesn't have wings so then how did it fly it doesn't fly it's a bus so then why did you say it's like an airplane I said it's kind of like an airplane cuz it would kind of look like one if it had wings but it doesn't it's it's yellow oh so like a taxi but it's really long like a limousine but it's a truck a trim isine there's no such thing as a triazine Jeffy yes there is well then go outside and get on the triazine it'll take you to school well how am I supposed to know where it's at uh don't worry it it'll find you how will it find me is it stalking me no no uh Santa Claus tells it where you're at Santa Claus can I give Santa Claus my Christmas list well Santa Claus won't be driving it it'll be one of his elves well then can I give the elf my Christmas list well no you cannot let the elf know you know it's an elf because then he'll disappear like it's an elf and they're undercover trying to see a kids are good or bad that's how Santa knows if you're good or bad so be really good on the bus okay okay Daddy so go outside and get on that triazine or bus or whatever you want to call it okay I can't believe my dad's going to make me take the bus hey Junior Cody you're taking the bus too yeah my mom said she wouldn't drive me to school anymore because she found out gas was made from dinosaur fossils and she wants to save the dinosaurs I tried to tell her they were already dead but she wouldn't listen but the school bus uses gas no believe me I tried to tell her that too but she said if the dinosaurs died for learning it was worth it what's up dudes Joseph you're taking the bus yeah I always take the bus dude I didn't even know there was a bus me neither hey guys Jeffy don't tell me you're taking the bus also yeah my daddy told me he won't take me to school anymore that's what my dad said the bus is coming wait that's the bus it's a short bus come on guys let's get on okay dude the bus is so fun hey get on the damn bus we ain't got all day guys let's get on uh where do we sit you can sit anywhere dude let's sit in the back no I'm not Ro Parts dude I'm going to sit right here and I'm not moving well why don't we just sit in the back no okay damn I'm I'm sit in the back I can't wait to sit in the back back off nerd this is my seat Well I thought the seat was empty no I was just down here I like to scare people oh well Penelope can I sit with you no Junior this is my seats but there's enough room for both of us get your own Junior there's plenty of other seats well I'm going to sit right here no then I have to look at you deal with it uh can I ride up front I get car sick I don't give a [ __ ] just sit your ass down yes ma'am don't call me ma'am it makes me feel old call me sweet cheeks okay sweet cheeks damn right all right bran listen up my name is barara and I'm your bus driver but you can call me Babs on this bus there's a few rules rule number one absolutely no talking I got a wicked hangover and talking activates my schizophrenia and it'll cause me to drive this bus right now oncoming traffic rule number two absolutely no cologne cologne messes with my allergies and I'll sneeze my tampon right out of my body uh can I roll down my window and absolutely no rolling down Windows okay we got AC for a reason and speaking of AC I'm turning it off okay it's a cool 98° outside so you'll get over it and if I catch you rolling that window down I'll pull this bus over and beat the [ __ ] out of you see that camera up there it doesn't work so I can't get caught and if you Tred telling your parents I'll I'll tell them that you did it to yourself cuz you're emo now let's rock I'm already getting sick hey Junior I'll bet you five bucks I can hit the bus driver with this paper ball uh I wouldn't do that she going to get mad I'm going to send it don't you ever throw another paper ball at me I have eyes in the back of my head she thought it was Cody hey shut the hell up I said no talking you're going to make my schizophrenia act up sorry yeah shut up I'm not trying to die today but it was Jeffy he threw the paper ball hey Window Licker what you're ugly you're ugly yeah well if the seat wasn't here I'd fight you well I can jump over the seat yeah me too well it's go then they're fighting oh fight fight fight fight a fight oh hell no I want a piece of that wait wait who's driving the bus where get the hell along get back to your seats if I catch you fighting again you both are going to leave here in body bags yes sir that's right sick of these damn kids can you please just drive the bus hold on I need to take a sip of my yooo put your yooo down and drive the bus how about you get pregnant at 15 years old drop out of high school and become a bus driver then you can make the rules okay oh what a why am I getting pulled over probably because you weren't driving the bus well my son is a police officer I'm getting out of this ticket can't wait to see what this is about open the door ma'am can you please explain to me why no one was driving this bus but Mom why are you driving a bus I knew my own son would be the one to pull me over Mom you weren't driving the bus there's kids in here you can't do that well there was a fight in the back and I had to break it up well then why didn't you just pull over and you're not even supposed to be driving your license got suspended because you get too many DUIs well I got to make money somehow are you going to pay my mortgage no all right then get the hell off my bus okay but look if you get pulled over again I can't help you that's all right this Force loves me okay all right sorry about that kids that was my son trying to pull me over and give me a ticket so if you love your mother and you grow up don't be like him now let's see if I can get you to schools on time so you can get it edacious hey Joseph what are you doing dude I got to get ready for school got to smell good well she said Don't Spray cologne dude she'll never know a you all right that's it which one of you sprayed the cologne I just sneezed my tampon out was it you I'm throwing up oh I'm going to find who sprayed that cologne and when I do I'm going to throw you off this moving bus dude she's coming what do we do with it get rid of it throw throw it was it you do you guys have the cologne uh no I think it's back there yeah all right I'm coming what is this aha I got you what are you talking about you're the one with the cologne no I just found it uh-huh likely story you're coming with me you're coming up this bus get off my bus I'm calling my Dad did she just throw off the bus she did dude she did at least it wasn't me cuz my life matters mhm that's it Bratz you've broken every rule you started talking you had cologne I swear you guys are on the last strike oh no my bag's full of throw up I got to roll the window down that is it what did I say about rolling the window down I am pulling this bus over right now what did I tell you about putting the window down but I had to throw up well next time you throw up in your mouth and swallow it but my throw up bag was full oh your throw up bag is full well come on with me we're going to go outside and dump it on the ground and you're going to eat it man Jeffy this bus driver is mean bet me five bucks I won't steal this bus bet oh man how do I drive this thing let's listen to this baby purr you guys ready to go home no score for us today we can't leave Cody we tell him to get on your bus Joseph what's up dude tell Cody get on the bus we're stilling this thing oh hell yeah all right dump it right here on the ground and eat it please don't make me do this I said eat it Cody hurry up and get on the bus we're stealing it Oh no you're not you get back here she's right behind me Jeffy close the door you kids better not steal my bus oh I'm going to kill you kids we left her all right guys we're home thank God get me off this bus yeah oh man I hate that bus well I like driving it well what are we going to do with it we stole it we should blow it up why would you go park in your driveway but what if someone sees it I don't even know okay look I don't want to be a part of this yeah me either Marvin I got you DayQuil oh thanks so much baby I just want to lay down take my medicine and watch TV hey NY Jeffy what are you doing here you're supposed to be at school that was the meanest elf driving that school bus what elf what is he talking about oh daddy told me that one of Santa Claus's elves would be driving the bus and that's how they know where to pick me up at Marvin why would you tell him that why am I getting yelled at Jeffy is skipping school Jeffy why are you not at school right now because the elf was being so mean that I kicked her off the bus and I stole the bus and it's parked in your driveway want to see it you stole the school bus there's no way you did that there was absolutely no way you did that morvin look the news breaking news M K this student has allegedly stolen a school bus if you have any information on his whereabouts you're asked to contact the police look daddy I'm on the news I'm famous Jeffy when you get out of jail from stealing that school bus you are so grounded how did we raise a criminal I was just trying to save Santa Claus's reputation cuz that elf was really really mean oh no who's at the door what if it's the cops hello hey there you know anything about a missing school bus uh no no I don't really come with me uh what's that a school bus why would you lie to me I thought we were friends but buddy we are friends don't touch me I don't want to be touched by Liars look I'm so sorry but my son stole the school bus I know he did he's an idiot cuz he stole it from my mom your mom what oh come on what are we in Middle School mom jokes really your mom how about that no no I mean like you stole it from your mom yes he did and you know what that is Grand Theft Auto 6 where is it it's been like 9 years I mean I mean I know Grand Theft Auto 5 is good and all but it's not 9 years good I'm ready for another one so where is it huh huh tell me where is it I don't know I know you don't why would you you don't work for Rockstar let's go talk to your son okay Jeffy the police officer wants to speak to you I'll plead the fils okay Jeffy look I know you stole the bus we all know you stole the bus but I can't arrest you why can't you arrest them because if I arrest Jeffy then I'd have to arrest my mom your mom okay are all of you that immature that you're still making mom jokes your mom how about that all of your moms are L how does that feel not great huh all right yeah I can't arrest Jeffy cuz I'd have to arrest my mom for driving without a license and apparently letting kids take a bus your mom's an elf okay if one of you makes another mom joke you're all going to jail look look look okay so jeffy's not getting arrested no but I'm just going to have to let him go with a slap on the wrist so let me see it ow I would have rather went to jail yeah I know I'm a good slapper so who's going to drive the bus if your mom's not driving it it's going to be somebody very responsible with kids come on down wait wait no that's that's the John Cena music how does the prizes right music go like no that's je that's Jeopardy shut up it's it's like it's like no that's that's popey okay shut up this McDonald's just you know what just get in here it's me I'm going to be the one driving the bus until we find a new bus driver I didn't see that coming neither did I well it looks like everything worked out just fine but where is Grand Theft Auto 6 though I mean seriously let's have that conversation it's been like nine [Music] years Marvin I got the Doritos thank you baby hey Marvin thanks for inviting me over to watch the bowl you know I hate watching it at my house my wife just asked too many questions like what does the yellow line mean and why are there Foot Locker employees on on the field and why did they get six points if they only scored once and why is it called football if they play with their hands I don't know Karen shut up I asked those questions too Marvin can we go to a bar no I want to watch the game on my couch at home okay fine I hate both teams anyway I mean the Kansas City Chiefs I mean come on they should be canceled and have to change their name that's offensive to Indians and the San Francisco 49ers is offensive to people who aren't 49 unless it's like 49ers like 49y olds hey Marvin how many 9-year-olds you think you could beat up in a fight what yeah like if you got attacked by a bunch of 9y old or or maybe if they all stood in like a single file line and came up one at a time so you had to fight them why would they do that I think I could beat up 10 I think I could do 15 Marvin do we have any other snacks I thought we could grill hot dogs oh speaking of hot dogs you guys see Drake's penis wait what oh yeah it's massive it's like a snake he was just wiggling it around I think he was trying to get control of it honestly I'm glad mine's not that big mine's nice and Compact and simple it's fun-sized yeah I'm actually over here because my wife and I got in a huge argument when she saw Drake's penis she was like why can't you penis be as big as DRS and I'm like I'm sorry Karen it's not my fault that some men just have everything he's got a big penis he can rap he's got a big penis he can sing he's got a big penis he's Rich did I mention how big his penis is I was hoping it would be small because then at least things would even out somewhere but no he just has to have a big penis and have everything it's not fair baby what team are you going for uh Taylor Swift's team she doesn't have a team she's just banging one of the players okay everyone just calm down oh look the Super Bowl commercials are starting ooh goodie oh my God doctor how's my son is he okay your son my son you were just operating on him oh him yeah he's dead what yeah he died oh my God oh my God you couldn't save him he got hit by a bush it dragged him like five block what do you think was going to happen there wasn't anything you could do to save my son oh my God oh my God my son mhm listen using really up so I'm going to give you this prescription for some anti-depressants thank you Doctor Doritos Doritos it'll make you forget about your dead son oh my God man that sure is a bangable doctor I bet he has a penis like Drakes I'd bang that doctor Marvin you'd bang that doctor Rose bang the doctor bangable doctor I think he's a pretty bangable doctor oh look another starting oh this one's my commercial you have a Super Bowl commercial yeah watch what a clear September day and here I am stuck in the stupid plane God I hate flying sometimes I just want to crash this plane right into a building no no no no you know what I'm just going to eat a Snickers that's good yeah that's much better now I don't feel like crashing a plane into a building so what do you guys think huh you know that's actually based on a true story yep September 10th and then imagine my surprise the next day when I saw what happened God If Only They had a Snickers right see now they're required to keep Snickers on the plane in case that happens the air marshall has one um how did you get Snickers to approve that commercial oh it wasn't easy it took me 22 years and they kept saying nope nope it's too early it's too early and then now this year since it's been 22 years and Taylor Swift has a song called 22 they said now's the year air that [ __ ] mhm You're Not Afraid Snickers going to get canceled no no I mean it's not like people are going to stop eating Snickers Snickers oh look there's another commercial coming on Tyrone our relationship's getting stale I want something Double Stuffed full of cream yeah you right baby that's why I invited my homeboy over super mega D and I thought you could be the cream in the middle of this situation oh well I was thinking more like double stuffed Oreos milk's favorite cookie we can eat them later you about to get double stuffed right now baby okay yeah come on super de get the back I suddenly want Oreos right now do you think they have triple stuffed okay Marvin cheer up look at at this Skittles commercial get in there boy please let me out no you got to meet your new cmate rainbow rainbow what's up cutie come over here taste rainbow oh God get on your knees boy taste that rainbow why would he spit the Skittles out what a quitter Marvin Marvin Marvin Marvin can can you go check your mail real quick it's Sunday the mail doesn't come on Sunday I I think I think they delivered mail today can you go check I I don't think their mail is here you know what never mind never mind you're my buddy I wouldn't do that oh look a Jimmy Butler commercial a it's not even about basketball hi I'm two-time NBA Finals loser and zero time NBA champion Jimmy Butler when I'm not out on the court losing I'm at home making coffee which is my real passion now I know I've made over 200 million playing basketball but now I want to make $200 million making coffee so if you gave me the choice between winning six championships and having one cup of big face coffee you know I'm taking that coffee and if I had the choice between 10 championships and one BBC I'm taking that BBC that's big black coffee so please buy my coffee so I can stop playing basketball damn it Jimmy focus on playing [ __ ] basketball nobody wants any of your shitty coffee o look another commercial what the hell was that Captain Captain we hit an iceberg the ship's going down we're taking in water how much water's coming in it's G in Captain it's a heavy floor we'll take these tampons and stuff them in there great idea captain captain captain it worked the ship is safe I told you tampons can solve any flow whoa I need to get that brand hey Marvin you think they really could have stopped the Titanic from sinking using tampons no Liars at least my 911 commercial was true oh guys look a Burger King commercial w w w w McDonald's is clear better there's no way anyone would eat this [ __ ] at di CK your boot tastes like dick hey everybody it's me Ronald McDonald and there's no way in [ __ ] that you thought Burger King could afford a Super Bowl commercial this [ __ ] cost $7 million every 30 seconds and I bought 2 minutes that's $28 million B King hasn't made that in his whole career I make that [ __ ] every second let's try it w let's let's see let's give it a chance what is this [ __ ] I got to get this this taste out of my mouth look at that double quarter pound of a cheese is [ __ ] C come here get closer I thought get closer look at that look at all that meat all that cheese it's about to make me act up oh look at you oh let me just it doesn't even make you want to chew you just want to swallow that [ __ ] what what's that you call your brother hold on hold on let me oh hey it Big Mac oh look at you oh look at you big mac oh you look so delicious with extra meat an extra bun well you guys got to try this [ __ ] go to McDonald's buy my [ __ ] we put crack in it and it's good D I want McDonald's now do you think Drake eats McDonald's a no now all I can think about is big floppy wiener just flopping around all over the place someone's at the door oh if it's Drake tell them to go away nobody wants to see it except for maybe my wife hello hey there Tom Brady let me in quick we don't have a lot of time okay who's at the door Marvin Tom Brady Tom Brady that's right what are you doing here Tom Brady well that stupid Patrick Mahomes is back at the Super Bowl I thought I sent his ass home crying three years ago when my Buccaneers bent him over you did well yeah but now he's back at the Super Bowl and if he wins this one he's going to have three rings so yeah you have seven well I don't want him catching up to me so if he loses this one he'll be two for two and he'll never catch up yeah it would be really hard for him to catch up if he loses this one exactly so what I need you two to do is rig this game and make sure he loses how can we rig the Super Bowl I have a couple ideas oh everybody shut up my Super Bowl commercial's on I'm retiring it's over for me Mr buy Mr buy what do you want kid I I just wanted to let you know you're the greatest of all time yeah kid whatever Mr Brady would you like my Coca-Cola you you really mean it yeah you can have it he'll take it gee thanks kid you know you remind me a lot of my son yeah that's right get it Tom more tongue you know I did that last take 58 times we got it right on the first try I just wanted to do 57 more that was just a random kid rig that super Bowl damn it so how are we going to rig the Super Bowl I have an idea I'll be right back all right I'm back and I got Patrick mahomes's Jersey how'd you get his jersey well I dressed up like a Kansas City Chiefs player and I snuck into the locker room and stole it wait you went all the way to Las Vegas and back yeah and I got to hurry if I want to get back there before the game starts well the national anthem starting right now oh [ __ ] singing the National Anthem ping and pong thank you so much for having us here today to sing at the Super Bowl peace [Music] pinging pinging oh [ __ ] we got to hurry I bet the national anthem would go for at least 2 minutes you can bet on the national anthem oh yeah you can bet on anything like I bet Tor whip would break up with Travis Kelce if they lost no she only wants to date a winner so how can we make the Jersey bad well the same as last time we just take this skunk and we spray it on the Jersey so now the jerseyy is going to be so stinky Patrick Mahomes won't be able to focus on the game that and his dad got his third DUI so I'm sure that's on his mind but if he smells so bad won't the other players not want to tackle him maybe but this is all we can do for right now oh you could tie his shoelaces together I will try that if I can get close enough you know what you should do you should pose as one of the receivers so when Patrick Mahomes throws you the ball you can drop it on purpose oh they already have cadarius Tony they don't need me for that all right I'll be back okay I'm back and that was close too cuz as soon as I got in the locker room I saw Patrick Mahomes and he was like where's my jersey man hey Travis where's my jersey coach Reed do you know where my Jersey is hey Travis can you ask Taylor where my Jersey is please my jersey man my jersey so I gave it to him and then he was like thanks for my jersey he sounds like Kermit the Frog oh well at least you didn't get caught yeah let's watch this game so score predictions anyone o o Taylor Swift's team 22 and the other team two so you think the final score is going to be 22 to2 uh-huh so one team is going to get a safety and that's it and then the other team is going to score three touchdowns and go for two for no [ __ ] reason what's the saf can we please go to a bar no guys the game is starting we got to watch it everyone be quiet Yay Taylor Swift team won oh no the Chiefs won you think Brady's Mad God damn it boys what the hell was that I told you to rig that game we tried to we sprayed Patrick Mahomes Jersey with a skunk yeah and I got his dad arrested for a DUI last week how did you do that well I bought him a bunch of drinks and I handed him his car keys and told him to drive home as fast as he could and then I called the cops on him but that still wasn't enough now he's 3 in one in Super Bowls damn it I'm just so dang mad where's my son I need to give him angry kisses get over [Music] here okay guys you ready to play greeny granny yeah dude it's been forever since the last time we had a game night and tonight's the perfect night for it cuz it's raining outside how do you even play this game will you spin the spinner here and whatever number it lands on that's how many times you press this button and you try to steal a treat from granny but if she wakes up and spits her teeth out you lose she looks dead oh trust me she's not dead she's when a greedy granny all right Cody you go first okay um looks like I have to press it once okay your turn Junior okay how many times do I got to press it uh one time can you press it for me okay okay get your treat can you grab it for me why do I have to do everything because you're right there okay your turn Joseph all right my time to shine o two times oh can you pressing for me dude okay ah that was kind of a delayed reaction Jeffy well I'm missing a chromosome so it takes my brain a second to process the signal Marvin did you just hear Jeffy scream I think so well what if he's hurt go check on him Jeffy stop screaming you goober Marvin go check on him he's fine but Cody you lost yeah yeah you lost Cody how did I lose because you pressed the button for Joseph mhm but it was Joseph's turn but it was your finger that made her wake up yeah it was the pressure of your finger dude yeah if Joseph would have pressed it it wouldn't have went off but since you pressed it so hard you wanted Joseph to lose it was going to go off no matter who pressed it you have a problem with Joseph you pressed it hard so she would wake up what no this is stupid I don't want to play this game anymore why cuz you cheated to make Joseph lose cheater what you guys are cheating oh all right listen we'll just play a different game but Cody no more cheating I'm not cheating come on get it together oh there's someone at the door oh you'll get up to go check the door but not on Jeffy hello hey buddy we're here for the surprise blay where we don't worry about that Karen you know what you just stay right here while I finish getting your surprise ready what's going on shut up let me come inside Karen you stay here so what's going on oh I screwed up really bad man today's my wife's birthday but I totally forgot but I told her that I didn't forget and that I had a big surprise plan for her so what's the surprise well see that's the thing I don't really have a big surprise I lied you lied yeah so I thought we could just set up a birthday party here and I could tell it was a big surprise party that I planned a long time ago you want us to lie yes exactly a big convincing lie yeah but we don't have the stuff for a party here well exactly and that's why I brought for $60 for your wife to go buy party supplies while we distract my wife I don't want to lie [ __ ] please just help me out here it's not that hard okay look it's not even a lie if we really do it well what kind of party supply you know like balloons and cupcakes party [ __ ] I don't know go okay just okay Jesus how do you even deal with her oh how do I distract your wife I don't know do you have anything fun well the kids are playing board games downstairs yes that's perfect okay just ground all of them and we'll take their board board games and play them with my wife is board games enough to distract your wife oh yeah absolutely my wife is an absolute dunce okay a complete Nome poop okay so I'll go get the board games and you go get your wife yes I will go do that what are we supposed to do Cody I think you're supposed to bend over in front of it let it floss your butt crack I'll pass what are you kids doing we're playing board games well Jeffy you're grounded for screaming earlier I was scared well it hurt my ear so grounded well at least we can keep playing no all you kids you better go upstairs or I'm going to tell your parents you doing drugs ah snitch What's your deal dog well we're having an adult party downstairs and there's no kids allowed well I want to go to the adult party I'm Ain no it's my house so you got to listen to my rules Jeffy so all the kids upstairs gez now okay hey Karen bu it's raining outside my hair's going to get all frizzy well it's going to be worth it when you see a surprise come on hey you ready yeah I got a bunch of board games oh that's perfect hey I grabbed a beer out of your fridge I hope you don't mind B where are we oh you can take your blindfold off now Karen buy what is this surprise surprise it's a surprise party Bo you threw me a surprise party I thought you forgot no no I would never forget your birthday but look we're going to play board games before your party board games I love board games yeah I know so just pick one uh let's play this one mhm stir the pot it says it roast your friends for you yeah it's great game super fun you played it before no but we totally should yeah let's do it so how do we play this game Bo well you draw a card and whoever the card describes the best gets to keep the card oh how fun I want to go first who is most likely to talk through the whole movie that'd be you Karen I do not boy yeah you do take the card let's see what I got let's see who has the shortest attention span that's another card for you Karen that's not true oh my God I love this wall color it's so orange yeah I'm just going to give you this Discord all right my turn all right who comes the least prepared that's you because you forgot her birthday shut the [ __ ] up oh it's my turn again let's see who needs a mute button that sounds like you again Karen Bo that's not very nice yeah well it's true you need to be quieter all right let's see who has the most annoying voice another card for you Karen wow you're good at this game I don't like this game Bo it's kind of me oh I love this game all right it's my turn again all right let's see who never shuts the [ __ ] up wow caring another card for you you should go pro okay you know what it's my turn again I'm going who is most likely to get offended by a joke well that one's for you point I don't get offended I don't get offended at anything I love jokes I laugh at jokes all the time I don't know what you're talking about well I'm going to go again let's see who is most likely to get checked into Anga management oh that's another one for you pointy I don't have Anga problems Karen I just need to be away from you okay let's see what we got whose phone do you want to go through the M let me see your phone B oh you're never going anywhere near that damn thing I want to see your phone party no I'm going to draw a card now let's see who is most likely to start an argument for no reason well that sounds like you K cuz you're starting [ __ ] no I'm Bo you started this a whole argument during the card game hold on hold on I I got a card I got a card how about how about this um who would [ __ ] out there Grandma for not giving them enough birthday money oh yeah that'd be me yeah gam gam only gave me $5 for my 37th birthday she knew I needed rent money she's loaded she can afford it but gam gam is a stingy [ __ ] I hope you [ __ ] die gam Gam you know what I don't want to play this game anymore it's making me pissed off about game game Bo maybe you should stop drinking actually I was just thinking I need another one I'll get a different game stupid Ken starting [ __ ] hey you're yelling at your wife on her birthday yeah she started it well what are you doing I'm getting more beer it's the only way I'm going to get through the rest of this party well just try to calm down you're being kind of crazy yeah well that's up to her okay I'm back a b you brought a be for everyone good joke Karen you should be a comedian no these are all for me well I went ahead and picked out the next game it's called spin the Dare and you spin the arrow whoever it lands on picks up a card and they have to do the Dare okay cool well I'm going to spin to go first well it doesn't matter who spins first Karen it doesn't matter who spins as long as it's whoever it lands on Bo it's my birthday I'm spinning first oh Bo it landed on you you get to draw a card and do the danare okay let's see here uh let another player go through your camera roll for 2 minutes that's not happening oh I'll go through your phone Bo you're not going through my phone Karen what do you have to do it that's the Dare well how about this how about we can all Skip One dare but only one I'll remember that Bo okay so I have to do this dare let's see invite the last person you called who isn't already here to come join in on the fun oh hell no who was the last person you called it was Jonathan but I only called him to tell him to stop calling me Bo invite your brother over call him that's not happening then let me go to your phone I guess I'm calling Jonathan okay it's ringing hey bling guy you unblock my number no this is for a dare that's the only reason I called you I knew you didn't hate me oh I do but we're playing this game and it dared me to call you and invite you to Karen's birthday party Karen's birthday party I'm on my way oh that's him hello where's Karen cuz I heard there was a fire in my bed is that my fireman outfit stop it stop stop stripping I said stop it oh why doesn't Karen want a sexy stripper for her birthday yeah maybe if it was a sexy one look just go home change into a normal outfit wash my fireman outfit because I'm assuming you're not wearing underwear nope okay yeah wash that and then come back and I'll let you in oh okay okay he's here so I win the Dare so where's your birthday girl I'm right here catch it oh I caught it why' you catch it Karen I don't know Bo so have you gotten your birthday spanking yet cuz I'm going to give you 18 cuz there's no way you're a day over 18 A B did you hear that he thinks I'm young yeah wait I didn't miss the part where Karen get in her birthday suit did I okay Jonathan just calm down and let's play this game okay it's called spin the Dare okay so so you just draw a card and you do the Dare that's on the card and it's your turn but Bonnie you got to spin it yeah we're not doing that anymore it's Jonathan's turn now pick a card Jonathan oh okay ooh this one's spicy reveal who you f marry and kill using people from the group will I kill buing guys thanks and then I would marry Karen a and then I would F Karen over and over and over and over and over fing your P okay Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan okay stop stop okay we can all skip a dare and you're skipping that dare okay pick a different dare oh okay oh this one's juicy take a selfie kissing the person to your left on the lips and posting on social media Puck her up baby okay okay I don't want to play this game anymore we're we're going to stop playing no that's not fair you can't do that there not R is car birthday we're not doing that Jonathan let's play Twister instead oh hell yeah twister can do no no twister the game oh yeah it's going to be a game okay let's set up the game so what are the rules for twister well you spin this spinner and then whatever body part and color it lands on you put that body part on that color but Bo we don't have feet so what happens if it spins on left foot or right foot oh I know I'm going to fix your board I'll be right back all right so I fixed your board so now it says Karen's butt or Karen's boobs we're not playing this go ahead and spin Karen oh okay butt butt butt butt butt but butt green dang it Rose says the part's ready oh thank God Karen it's time to put your blindfold back on o great idea B guy that way she doesn't see where she's sitting no no it's for the party come on Karen okay the part's ready wow this party actually doesn't look too bad I did a good job Bo I can't see where I'm going I'll help you just back up over here oh Jonathan stop spanking my wife well she needs her birthday spankings anyway 17 more Karen you can take the blindfold off oh okay oh stop it Jonathan 16 more Bo you set this up just for me yeah yeah I sure did I I said all this up months ago cupcakes a stale as [ __ ] Bo all those mean jokes you were making were just to distract me from you setting up a surprise birthday party for me yep that all of the things you just said all of that is right yeah yeah so we should light these candles o Karen I bet if you just touch the candles they'll set on fire cuz you're hot damn it Jonathan stop spanking heart I'm going to go get the lighter okay lit the candles let's sing a happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to Ken happy birthday to you A J that was beautiful no give me a pie of cake I wish B would give me a big kiss that's really weird you said John seem wrong come here py give me smooches oh you taste like beer Bo I know I love you Bo thank you so much for my party it's the best birthday ever yeah i' love you too [Music] Karen it is cat piano time performed by The penist Jeffy it's pronounced pianist that's why I said penis now shut up and watch me perform a masterpiece oh God it sucks so bad Marvin he's just being creative no he sucks he doesn't even know how to play the piano poop break Marvin that gives me an idea what if we got Jeffy piano lessons oh oh no I'm not going to waste money on piano lessons for Jeffy but Marvin if he takes piano lessons he might learn how to act play piano and then when he plays it'll sound good I mean you're right I mean right now it sounds bad but if he knew how to play at least we'd listen to something that sounds good Jeffy do you want piano lessons hold on Daddy it's almost out all right I think I got it all out but my turd cutter is a little bit dull so I think I need to sharpen it Jeffy do you want piano lessons I don't need piano lessons I'm already good watch me play Mary head little tits no no Jeffy Jeffy you are good but imagine if you were better that could be better yeah so where do we even get piano lessons doesn't the neighbor's wife across the street get piano lessons you mean Hank hucker's wife yeah yeah I do think Suzanne gives lessons you know what we're going to go to her cuz maybe she'll give us a discount since we're neighbors come on Jeffrey we're going to go to piano lessons we got bring my own piano no you don't need this one you're going to learn on a real piano all all right Jeffy you be on your best behavior what do you want Marvin came bu to borrow a cup of sugar or a BT bowl no I was wondering if your wife could teach Jeffy how to play the piano oh sure my wife teaches people to play the piano all the time she'll have your son playing the piano fast as [ __ ] honey Marvin's at the door just say Marvin hello Marvin what can I do for you well that's weird as [ __ ] I was wondering you give Jeffy piano lessons anything for you Marin how much will I owe you oh you don't have to pay me one cent well now honey how are we going to pay the bills if you keep giving away piano lessons for free H up Hank all right fine I guess I'll just go take a [ __ ] and place sedu for 2 hours make sure you stand up so you don't get blood clots in your knees where were we Marvin the the piano lessons oh yes don't you worry about a thing by the time jeffy's done he'll be playing like Boven I hope so and maybe later I can give you flute lessons or trombone I I don't have any of those instruments yes you do maavin yes you do okay Jeffy we have fun with your lessons all right Susie ready [Music] go that sounded a little flat maybe try it like this that's what I did um well maybe try it one more time ready [Music] go oh perfect all right you two go to your room so I got to give Jeffy a piano lesson but mother tonight's supposed to be my night for piano Liston don't back talk me you little [ __ ] and now go to your rooms yes ma'am all right Jeffy have a seat on the bench all right Jeffy time to start your piano lesson but I already know how to play the piano you do well why don't you show me what you know okay it's called Mary had little tips what Mary had little tits oh my God please stop it's horrible horrible Jeffy do bad yes Jeffy do bad I'm going to teach you how to play Mary Had a Little Lamb the right way Timmy get your ass in here but you told me to go to my room mother I know what I said I need you to Sing Mary Had a Little Lamb for me on key or you're grounded yes ma'am all right go Mary had a little lamb little lamb little lamby had a little lamb oh mother you're messing up I know I'm messing up Timmy your voice is distracting me get out of here yes ma'am all right Jeffy why don't you try again okay uh Jeffy what's wrong I'm used to my cat piano making cat noises what what yeah I have a c piano at home and every time I hit the key it goes meow okay Jeffy but this is a real piano but I want my C piano this is a Yama okay Jeffy why don't you just try again all right Jeffy you keep practicing and I'll be right back Mary hand little tits little tits little tits Mary hand little tit they were small as [ __ ] what do you want honey I'm [ __ ] with the door open Hank I can't teach that child he just doesn't get it well then send his ass home I can't do that Hank I can't disappoint mobin what I I mean I mean no think I can't give up on a child uh well why don't you just get the lady that taught you how to play piano Mrs Nesbit sure hey that's one of the best ideas you've ever had yeah great well can you get me some commode paper I'll get your toilet paper in a second Hank I got to call Mrs Nesbit don't stop that hey don't stop that good Heavens what is a terrible noise Mrs Nesbit meet your new student Jeffy we meet again you parent NOS [ __ ] oh good Heavens now Jeffy you listen to everything Mrs Nesbit says she's the best all right Mrs Nesbit now Mrs Nesbit please teach Jeffy everything you taught me are you even good I didn't know pianos existed when dinosaurs did am I good I will show you exactly how good I am this is the Turkish [Music] March now with my nose and the buttocks Leia and the titties wow you're really good she's the best so Jeffy would you like to learn how to play like that yeah well it will take years of practice and dedication well I don't have years right now well show me how to play C wrong no hit D wrong I am hitting my D Suzanne lock Us in this room and he will not leave until he has an expert pest yes ma'am Marvin we haven't heard from Jeffy in like 6 months I know isn't it great don't you think you should go check on him no he's fine I like the quiet hello Marvin Jeffy is finally a master pianist he is that's wonderful wait where is Jeffy he's still over at the house playing on that darn piano I can't get him to stop you should come and see uh me go over there with you uh I think I'll just stay here Marvin go check on Jeffy yeah Marvin come over okay but just to get Jeffy jeffy's in here no Jeffy play The Nutcracker I'm me to crack the [ __ ] out of these nuts [Music] yes very good Jeff now with the toes ball sack left testicle right testicle btics left ear right ear Head Shoulders Knees Toes now back to the fingers I got to poop hold it [ __ ] yes Jeffy oh my God that was amazing of course it was he learned from the best she is the best now that'll just be $150,000 $150,000 you said it was free that was if I taught him but I had to call in an expert I don't have $150,000 well if you don't have the money you will burn in hell oh my God it's the devil bigone Satan West Southern Baptist what are you doing here well I thought Jeffy H to play the piano so now you owe me $150,000 or you will go to hell I don't have $150,000 come on man I really need $150,000 I am in crippling credit card date just because I live in hell doesn't mean I can't still freeze my cards well look I don't have that kind of money I don't even know where to get $150,000 wait wait a minute the annual really good at piano competition that's conveniently at my house with my piano tonight and the prize is $175,000 $175,000 if we enter Jeffy in that competition and we win we could pay you the 150,000 and we get to keep 25,000 or or you guys could just not enter the competition then I could enter and win and then you guys don't have to owe me anything I know but if Jeffy wins we can pay you the 150,000 and we get to keep 25,000 no I understand that but I'm telling you that as long as you guys don't enter and I enter I can easily win and then you guys are fine and you don't even have to go to hell but but then we don't get to make $25,000 no no I I I get that but look I taught Jeffy how to play the piano I'm very good I am going to win okay so as long as you guys don't enter it's totally okay we're all good here you don't have to go to hell or pay me or anything but if Jeffy wins we get to keep $25,000 after paying you I I feel like I'm going crazy am I am I not being clear here okay okay listen listen you guys don't enter I enter the competition and I win okay okay even if I lose okay it'll be totally fine you don't owe me the money you go home you don't have to go to hell everybody's happy but we could make $25,000 if Jeffy wins okay how about this how about if you enter Jeffy into the competition and lose then you still owe me the $150,000 and if you don't pay me you go to hell okay deal you're on we're going to win that $25,000 come on Jeffy what the [ __ ] are you talking about why would you take that hello and welcome to the annual really good at playing piano competition held at this random household today's contestants will be competing for $175,000 we only have two contestants today Craig the devil and Jeffy Craig is up first hello everybody I am Craig and I am the devil and today I will be playing the Entertainer let's [Music] [Applause] [Music] begin that's all suck my red hot balls everybody wow very good Craig Jeffy is sure going to have to do a lot better than that if he's going to win this competition all right Jeffy you got this all right I'm going to be playing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star by Jeffy twinkle twinkle little star Twinkle Twinkle Little Star what how I wonder what the [ __ ] you you are up above the world so high 21 I hit that [ __ ] right in her eye Mama Twinkle Twinkle Little Star what I have chocolate cake let's eat in my car thank you Connecticut [ __ ] yeah my God that was just that was amazing Jeff you're the winner get this man some money wait I won here's your money Jeffy oh my God look at all that money Jeffy no no no this is [ __ ] he played the stupid little kitty baby song well I like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star $175,000 all ours well you still owe me 150,000 so here here's your 25 I am keeping the rest we still won $25,000 Jeffy what's this we [ __ ] [ __ ] this is all my money Marvin look at all that money we can finally run away together what you talk about stop King me [Music] Bo why was this wet microphone in the toilet Karen that's not a microphone it's a toilet brush speaking to the my bu they can't hear you Karen get that out of my face it smells like poop wait you said it's a brush let me brush your hair get that away from me it's wet from all the piss water it's a toilet brush you use it to clean toilets why wouldn't you just flush Bo well you use it after you flush in case there's leftovers ew what do I do with it now I don't know throw it away at this point yeah that's just great that's great Karen you know sometimes I think my life would be better without you you don't mean that Bo yes I do look how fast I'm nodding that's how much I mean it pleas be what the hell is that [Music] shut up what the hell was that was that a flashbang wait wait they just kidnapped my wife oh my God what am I going to do wo yeah shake those knockers let me motorboat this the best day [Music] ever oh man H that was great well I guess I should probably call the cops and report my wife kidnapped he mate you called the cops yeah guy what's going on somebody kidnapped my wife your wife yeah we were just sitting on the couch minding our own business and I was telling her how much happier I would be without her and then all of a sudden these two random guys broke in and they threw a flashbang at us and they kidnapped her and then I went to the strip club to grieve well why didn't you call us first well you know I had to go to the strip club you know to grieve wait a minute gu didn't you take out a huge life insurance policy on your wife just a few days ago well yeah but that's because she got her third car accident and I figured hey if she's going to die I might as well make some money off of it well you know M that does sound suspicious what no no no you guys don't actually think I hired somebody to kill my wife just because I told her I would be happier without her and I took out a big life insurance policy on her and I went to the strip club to celebrate I I mean grieve all right M put your hands behind your back no no come on I didn't even do anything well let the judge decide that guy oh come on this is so bogus order order order order I am the honorable Judge poer and today we will be hearing the case of Brooklyn guy who is being accused of arranging the kidnapping of his own wife but first I'd like to thank our courtroom sponsor for today Dragon City yes that's right today's trial is sponsored because our federal funding is quite limited so everybody please direct your attention to the TV on the wall so we can watch an ad by Dragon City hey there Dragon Masters I'm back with more Tales from Dragon City just wait till I tell you what's new in the dragon realm my dragon Empire has grown massively we're not just talking about a few dragons here and there we're talking a full-blown Dynasty and the Dragon City roster is constantly adding unique creatures it's like every time I log in there's a new Dragon waiting to join the Cody Kingdom but being a dragon Overlord isn't just about collecting it's also about creation the game's constantly evolving with even more magical habitats and buildings and for the competitive players out there the PVP battles are epic Arenas built just for us I've been defending my title and climbing higher and higher on the leaderboard if there was a dragon master Crown it'd be sitting right here in my little puppet head and the game wouldn't be the same without their challenges that require some real mental power there are Realms within Realms each with Mysteries that'll test the limits of your dragon Squad in the Social Clubs trading dragons has become the new stock market there are also alliances that feel like being part of an exclusive Club where everyone's just as Dragon obsessed as I am and yes I still sneak peeks at the other cities to make sure mine stays top tier so if you haven't tried Dragon City yet Now's the Time click the link in the description or scan the QR code to join you'll get a special bundle with 15,000 food 30,000 gold and the legendary Neo isumi Dragon to kick off your journey with a bang go build your own dragon Empire now thank you Dragon City so we can proceed with the case so did you kill your wife or what no your honor I would never do anything bad to my wife I mean yeah there are some days I wish it was legal for me to hit her and there are some days I want to suffocate her with a pillow on her sleep the sweet feeling of her gasping last breath as she dies to be the greatest feeling in the world but every husband feels that way about their wife sometimes right M yes I can agree my wife can get on my nerves sometimes too but I'm a little confused though when you realized your wife had been kidnapped you went to the strip club why didn't you call 911 oh well I thought whoever kidnapped my wife would probably bring her back after 5 minutes cuz she's annoying as hell also there was this stripper I've always wanted to p and I thought this would be my only chance to go to the strip club without my wife calling me asking me where I was well it's just a little suspicious that you didn't call the police it's almost like you were celebrating that your wife had been kidnapped oh come on your honor I would never celebrate anything bad happening to my wife you can ask anybody they'll tell you I love her like sim Simmons don't I love my wife no don't don't listen to Simmons he doesn't know what he's talking about ask anybody else all right then let's ask your daughter Penelope would you say your father hates his wife would he ever cause harm to her oh my dad hates her he always says she's annoying and he's always being mean to her my dad likes to play Grand Theft Auto and run over women with a car and he pretends it's his wife he would definitely hire someone to kill her I see oh come on nuh-uh your honor I plead nuh-uh look if you just give me a chance to clear my name I promise I will do that H okay I'll tell you what I give you 12 hours to prove you Innocent but if you can't prove you didn't do this I will Bing this gble so hard and sentence you to the electric chair deal your honor out of my way Marvin I want to get my nails done baby we're puppets we don't have nails oh man hey guys you just walk into our house without asking or ringing the doorbell yeah it's really important I'm in a lot of trouble what's going on well my wife get kidnapped oh no well your wife got kidnapped who would do that I don't know but the worst part is everybody thinks I did it and now I have 12 hours to prove my innocence or I'm going to get the electric chair what evidence do they have that you did do it well none really but I mean hey we need a problem right okay so who do you think would kidnap your wife who would want her I don't know I don't know who would want her I don't even want her I guess that's why I'm the prime suspect I don't think anybody hates my wife more than I do hell maybe did do it and I just don't remember H did you do it no no no no I couldn't have done it well is there anyone that hates you and is trying to frame you hates me me I'm Brooklyn te guy I carry these videos look at any top 10 list I guarantee I'm number one and if I'm Number Two it's right after this bozo like come on look at him I mean I carry those videos no nobody hates me where am I on the list oh you're not even top 10 you're not even top 20 you're right at the bottom right under Mr Pig and corn dog a okay let's stay on track who do you think would kidnap your wife I don't know I don't even know where you go to hire goons to kidnap wives oh hold on my phone's ringing maybe my wife okay guys what I was trying to say before I ran out like a babbling idiot and definitely didn't forget my line is hopefully they let my wife go and that's her calling me but I can see from the caller ID it's not my wife it's my exwife uh-oh why would she be calling that's so wacky hello o hey there Brooklyn guy it's me Deborah dimple ass hey there Deborah hey look at me she sounds like Mr me CU we didn't have a lot of options for voices Deborah what do you want I I was just wondering if you picked up Penelope from school today yes I did Deborah oh we thank you and I I saw what happened to your wife and she got kidnapped oh what a shame who would do that not me guys I'm starting to think maybe Deborah kidnapped my wife oh so I was wondering if maybe you wanted to get back together there's the motive hey Deborah I think maybe you should come over so we can talk about this o is it going to be food yeah there's going to be food oh is it going to be a lot of food yeah a lot of food ooh we can do okay just call me when you get here actually you know what you don't have to I'll hear the dump truck pulling in okay guys my ex-wife's on the way wait why is she coming here well because I'm 99% sure she at my wife so if we can just record her admitting it I can show that to the judge and I won't get the electric chair hopefully he'll give her the electric whale tank cuz I don't think she's going to fit in a chair okay so what can we use to like motivate her to tell us oh food well what kind of food does she like oh any food it doesn't matter anything with calories and fat lot of fat lard mayonnaise butter I mean you she'll eat anything you put in front of her she's like a goat I saw her eat a can one time like a can of food yeah like a can of Spaghetti O she couldn't open it so she just ate the whole damn can she's ate the whole can yeah the whole thing she has a stomach like a trash compactor okay well don't we need to grab some food yeah let's go get the food okay Marvin I got the food whoa is this for all of us to share oh no this is just for Deborah she can eat all this Marvin this is like a light snack for her she's probably going to complain cuz there's not enough food I got five triple Whoppers with cheese and onion rings and bacon on them and I got a bowl of ketchup to wash down her plate of french fries and I got a chocolate shake and she's probably going to complain cuz it's not filled all the way to the top and just to be safe I got two beefy five layer burritos and two chalupas from Taco Bell I just don't understand how she can eat all this oh yeah she makes Joey Chestnut look like a chump she's banned from all eating competitions all around the world because of her bottomless stomach well do you think this food's going to be good enough for her to admit that she kidnapped your wife I hope so wait Marvin do you hear a dump truck backing up I think she's here oh Marvin Marvin look the ketchup's jiggling she's off the dump truck she's heading this way she's coming what would we do there's nothing you can do Marvin okay she's at the door I'll answer it because she eats people when she gets startled hello hey booklyn guy it's me Deborah I know Deborah hey it's good to see you have you lost weight no I've gained 20 lb actually oh well you know that's that's not surprising wait is is that a beverage from Taco Bell yeah I got hungry on the way here so I ordered a little snack thank you for that yeah I ordered 12 chalupas cuz I was so hungry oh your normal order well that's great cuz you knew you were coming to dinner so it's great that you ate first come on in O we I'm starving oh yeah those 12 chalupas didn't hold you over Noh o is all this food for me yeah I got you a whole Buffet just the fattest junk oh are those triple Whoppers with cheese and bacon and onion rings just like you like them see Brooklyn Guy this is why we need to be together you know my favorite Whopper yeah I think I think anybody could just look at you and guess it's the biggest one I have a question when did her voice start sounding like Mr Meeks well ever since she saw that one episode of Rick and Morty she thought it was really funny and decided to sound like that for the rest of her life it's me look at me I'm Mr meink look at me to be fair it is a very good impression but to keep that up for the rest of her life is quite a commitment if only she could commit to losing weight that much okay well we have to get her to admit to kidnapping your wife I know I have an idea hey Deborah I think we should play some truth or dare oh are you going to DARE me to eat all this food no cuz you're going to do that anyway I was going to ask you a truth oh are you going to ask me my weight no 600 lb okay well that doesn't count what I was going to ask you is did you have my wife kidnapped no way no see with the Mr me's voice I can't tell if she's being sarcastic or not like was that serious oh hold on my phone's ringing who is calling me hello hey party what Karen where are you are you safe I'm back at home at home but where have you been the kidnappers dropped me off B they said I talk too much do you think I talk too much I don't think I talk too much I talk a little B oh my God shut up give me the B damn hey man listen I'm sorry for Flash banging you I we were going to kidnap your wife and ask for ransom money but holy [ __ ] she's the most annoying thing I've ever seen in my life so good luck me and my partner we're going to turn ourselves in wow yeah she is pretty annoying isn't she oh yeah oh thank you well my wife is safe wait so your ex-wife didn't kidnap your current wife no no no no no she's fine wait oh but that means I just bought my fat ex-wife five triple Whoppers and a whole bunch of junk food and made her think I want to get back with her o is this the part where I take all my clothes off hey Deborah I heard crispy K cream is offering three dozen donuts to the fattest person I win ooh I've never seen her run that fast the table's shaking yeah yeah it's going to do that for a while she's still running she's about a seven on the RoR scale and a 600 on a regular scale anyway I'm going to go tell the judge my wife is home you might want to get under a table or something well well well Brooklyn guy you actually did it you proved you were innocent I guess you're free to go hit H hooray woohooo yippee thank you again to Dragon City for sponsoring this video don't forget to click the link in the description for your special bundle of [Music] Rewards
Channel: Queen Roblox
Views: 43,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, boxer, jeffy the boxer, floyd mayweather, mayweather, logan, logan paul, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, friends, friend, joke, lance, charleyyy and friends, charleyyy, charley, goodman, money, cash, hilarious, entertainment, puppet, puppets, SML Movie: The School Bus! *FULL MOVIE*, The School Bus!
Id: GfckbOh1dnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 40sec (3760 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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