PS5 vs Whistlindiesel

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I have a PlayStation 5 for uh fragil that's fragile oh it's for Cody hey uh your your PS5 showed up oh really yeah it's a the front door here is it all today we're going to be durability testing the allnew PlayStation 5 now I'm a big gamer boy okay this bad boy just showed up fresh off the presses in Beijing are they not no Japan this bad boy is fresh off the Japanese press they call it a PS5 cuz it's 5-year-old Japanese kids that build that it's 825 megabyte G this thing is Absol play like never before and we're going to play like never before we're going to do an unboxing one thing that I'm curious about is the packaging on these because it has to withstand shipping pretend that I'm a FedEx worker and there's a desperate child on the other side of the oh well we unboxed our new PlayStation and don't drop this is going to be C everything looks to be pretty much intact stop spinning stop just stop quality now we're going to see if the PS5 still works so I have my TV here all right we're just going to boot that up so we're going to be playing some fortnite today the cool thing about the PlayStation is that it's really compatible with 8,000 in flat screen TVs actually I'm scooted up I can't really see it push push push push I can't find my guns where's my handgun oh it's over there there's people on my right no that's fine guys that's just for looks you need to be more gentle things next time let's move on to the next test which is not going to be casually playing it on an 8,000 in flat screen TV [Music] just going to play some real quick before I got to go to work why would you put it in the pond calm down I'm trying give me a seconden is language I'm scared to pick a language I don't know let's just go to well I don't know any of these languages I can't see anything it's freaking a thousand lumens out Chihuahua I like dogs I feel like I'm in the living room at home like it feels like I'm in nature you are in nature oh we need to use letters numbers hyphens and underscores I just spent forever typing out moldy biscuit 3 and you tell me that oh look he's looking at dinosaurs yeah they let you beat the crap out of 5-year-olds 2 seconds into playing the game with no repercussions home for moldy biscuit 3 home for moldy biscuit 3 it's inviting I have to say shut up why does it not stop talking this entire time we have tested and made sure that the Playstation still works even out in the water here and this is a high moisture environment you know like if you were a really sweaty player this would be a good test to prove that that would not hurt your PlayStation first of all I don't think you're supposed to unplug this without properly turning it off let's get this thing out of here so the guys are in the shop working on the truck and I'm doing a PlayStation durability test I have to simulate a rage quit and what they don't know is that I'm about to Chuck A PS5 at them full force and then we're going to see if it still works walk in there and just be like why are you interviewing [Music] me where's hey what's up what are you filming for are your boots like all muddy and whatnot no just chilling out nothing's going on I mean you see ncy is everything all right yeah dude this thing Stills one piece there is no actual damage just the covers popped off I feel like we could actually still get this thing to power on so let's go plug this back into our pond okay we're we're showing some sust some St sustaining sustaining we're sustaining some damage obtaining some damage we're obtaining damage you checked it okay hey uh Tyler's wondering where all the saw blades went I don't know are you sure it's plugged in up there something wrong I plugged it in I found the problem told them pluged in yeah you got power nothing nothing was wrong oh it's working now uh-oh no way after repair is complete your PS5 will automatically restart it had to repair something dang dude the controller is working too what there wires hanging half of it's missing is it still vibrate yeah it's still shaking and everything police have been trying to get a hold of me all day the police yeah for what they said someone stole electronic from Walmart what what what they steal what PlayStation 5 and a white [Music] controller FBI open up I'm going to set this up in the worst possible spot in the shop where everybody's working and we're going to see how it stands now he's not going to like that what do you even doing what's wrong you can play anywhere else on the entire property and you choose to play I'm trying to download fortnite systemware hey could you not please man okay that's that's really funny let me play Cody why are you playing with cuz cuz it's my shop I think someone getting lasic eye sh he got a couch everything well he doesn't want to play it on the couch he wants to play it right there why by his monster truck right my way [Music] double jump ah you had to double jump I just fing killed myself dude can you not dude what's more important playing games or putting this in hey watch that core that's we still got the game downloading Cody's going to get mad if you touch that cord we got to get to the back of the truck fuel T yeah that's what I'm doing stop I will second degree murder I don't think that's it' be first for sure no I think it's an accidental secondhand murder is two hands and firstand murder is you kill him with one hand so if it's a gun is that one hand or well if you're holding a pistol I got prob two hands but if it's like a shotgun you're like a badass bro is the yron 7,000 why are we doing this what the this is absolutely unacceptable oh I forgot to put [Music] hey whoa e why are you playing right here unfortunately we are not able to break this by casually tipping it over it's just not going to happen should fire back up yeah something's wrong something got messed up but it's all in one piece I can't get it to like display images anymore I'm going to see what it takes to break it into multiple pieces now still in one piece hey wa where's my there's copper in this thing oh we could scrap this I would say your PlayStation is good for like up to a mild car accident that looks like a radiat liquid cooled yeah it is that was a lot Lamer than I expected does the controller still work yes we still have blue lights W I'm not seeing light I don't know it's like they're durable but they're not Brady are you the one grinding why cuz I want to go home everyone's going to think you're joking it's actually Christmas Eve what Chistmas what could be more festive than participating in the festivities at work hanging out with family friends you know opening presents family would want you to be successful uh could you write down we do need a new PlayStation for the shop I did I did break it I'm not your anymore if you could add a controller to he's not listening
Channel: WhistlinDiesel 1000
Views: 2,135,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: t6BkLxo7kTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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