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I am going to open the hospital here in Brook Caven so first of all we probably should let everybody know that the hospital is actually open because not a lot of people usually work here so let's going to get a sign up there we go that should work and let's go to type in hospital open perfect and bro there's tons of people there all right if anybody needs Street let me know let me know so let's going to go over to the Des here and see if anybody is going to be needing help or what oh look at that somebody's actually showing up here all righty let's go to see what this girl needs help with my leg hurts all right well follow me then follow me let's go to do a checkup on you so her leg is hurting I think this safe thing to do is probably put her in the X-ray machine so we can scan her cuz it's kind of difficult figuring out what's wrong without a proper scan so there we go she is in the X-ray machine and it will probably pop up if she got any problems here and yeah bro look at that both of her legs and her hip is kind of messed up all right man come with me H come with me so let's go to get that fixed real quick not weird that her leg was hurting she had a lot of problems so I was going to lay her on this table right here and get her fixed up so she's going to be a lot more healthier and that chicken actually feel fine soon go let going to check this with the uh machines we got here all righty well I think we should be done right now all right ma'am come with me come with me you should be fine you should be fine so what I had to do is basically pop her leg into the places again they were kind of like tired and she had like muscle cramps and stuff like that and also let's go to give her some medicine so she can lay here and rest and hopefully feel better soon how long will it take to heal uh around one day ma'am so you should be fine soon here take this medicine okay thanks Doc yep no worries and she got their medicine and we can go and close up the curtain for some privacy okay so that was a pretty successful first patient of today I think I'm actually going to be getting an ambulance so we can actually pick up other people in case they need help so I got to get the ambulance bond in and also let's go ahead and equip the job so people can call me me all righty pretty successful and now we got the ambulance right here and we should probably go to change those speeds and stuff just so our respond time will get quicker and bro I got to say the ambulance is looking pretty cool man I like the new ambulance they added in Brook Haven but that's like long long long ago that's like 4 months ago I think but anyways it's really really cool though I haven't really gotten to use it a whole lot so this is going to be exciting I guess for now we could probably just go ahead and patrol around the city of Brook Haven and see if anybody needs help and yo I'm already getting a call okay so this Co is coming from way over here I was actually driving in the right direction and yo what do we got here holy cow okay so it seems like we do got a car crash and yeah we got a little scene we got to make here ouch yeah hold on Bossman hold on okay so we got a scene here and we should probably go and put out some cones because yeah we got to protect this Lane make sure that no cars are driving over me and also a little blinky sign there we go perfect okay this lane is closed up right now and let's go to get the back opened up and first of all I should probably going to check if his vitals are okay okay his vitals are fine which is pretty good so it's not like super dangerous situation but we got to get him fixed up oh let's go and get the flatbed out of the back here and get this uh yeah get this poor dude on the flatbed let going to drop inside of the truck right here and close up the back perfect and we should probably even put out the fire because the fire is a safy aard awesome okay we got the fire extinguisher let's go to put out the carfire here because we don't want the tunnel to blow up that would have been terrible okay so there we go the the carfire is gone perfect and let's go to collect our cones and the blinky light perfect nice okay this is actually super successful so far we're doing a pretty solid job now we're just got to bring this poor dude over to the hospital get him checked out in the X-ray machine and yeah hopefully fix him up and we're going to see how serious the damages are I'm not really really sure what's going on with him but his lungs were okay and his heartware okay so that's the most important thing so let's go and park our truck right here and we're going to get the bed out there we go perfect let's going to bring this dude over to the X-ray machine okay we got the X-ray machine right here let's go drop him and into the X-ray it goes okay I'm really curious of where this dude is hurting let's go to see though he's soon going to come out and yeah then we're got to get him fixed up so we can feel better let's see okay it's coming out of the X-ray machine okay so it seems like his ribs and shoulder is kind of messed up but we're going to get that fixed up okay sir come with me come with me my man we're going to get you fixed up inside of the surgery room so it's going to bring me over to the surgery room right here perfect and yeah we're going to bandage him and get him stitched up and all that good stuff okay there we go putting some bandage on him we're stitching him up as well and boom I think it should be good now okay come with me my man come with me come with me so I think this guy can actually go out of the hospital he doesn't have to stay in the bed okay sir take these once a day for one week and then you should feel better it will help with the pain and the healing process all right thanks yep good luck best of luck to you my man okay perfect face so that was really really successful we got that patient right there and we got it fixed up so what we can go ahead and do is clean up the vle right there we can go to close up the back and we can turn off the lights wow man pretty intense day so far here working at the hospital dude it's definitely not an easy task being all alone working here at the hospital s Luke's hospital and why is nobody else working at the hospital dude it's kind of weird man I think it's good to try and help people it feels great it's kind of rewarding and also it's really really exciting I don't know man but dude we got a a ton of commotion over here by the police station dude I kind of want to check out what's going on here let's go and see man wa man a lot of weird stuff is going on wa man this guy is kind of like spaning out on the floor we should probably go and put him on the bed no wrong dude wrong dude wrong dude yo bro get on the bed man are you okay I think we're just got to bring this guy over to the hospital no look at that it's always no no no no no we're losing him we're going to bring him over to the hospital ASAP okay I think we're just going to bring him into the surgery room and get him fixed up real quick let's going to drop it on the table right here there we go okay we're going to start performing a surgery on this guy because we don't want to lose him I'm not really sure what happened if it was shot or not but he was kind of like sping out on the floor okay there we go let's going to bandage him a little bit and boom I think that should be better can we actually put him on the bed right now I kind of want to put him on the stretcher bed so we can bring him over to the uh bed so he can rest all righty I think this room should be available yep let's go and drop it in the bed okay sir please take it easy for the next couple of days you should be fine though and bro there's ton of people here in the hospital what's going on okay it seems like we do got another patient here holy cow okay what a bu a day dude okay get on the bed get on the Bed Man wa no wrong wrong person wrong person and yeah I'm not really sure I can't really pick this guy up yo bro okay so I think they both of them are just going to chill in the bed and yeah I got to get to work man holy cow we might get other calls uh-oh I'm getting a call and it's from way over by the mountain there so the yeah the ambulance won't work I think we got to run over to the police station and borrow a helicopter real quick we do got the emergency rescue helicopter so we can definitely use that for this situation that's why we got helicopters it's because we got some specific situations sometimes kind of like this one so that's going to change to the rescue library on the helicopter and respond to this call right here and holy cow dude what you doing up in the mountain that's insane dude so we're got to go full speed over to the mountain I'm not really sure how critical the situation is but yeah we kind of have to see once we arrive by the here and it seems like it's a lonely dude up on the mount right here he's been going on the snowmobile no dude a regular motorcycle dude this guy's crazy Hey sir what happened are you okay I fell off my bike I see can you maybe walk or are your legs uh yeah not working my man yeah I can walk okay hop on in the helicopter then sir we are going to bring you over to the hospital so there we go we just rescued this guy he fell on the bike what are you doing on a normal motorbike on top of the mouth like this of course it's going to end like in a crap people are crazy here in Brook aid but anyways luckily wasn't that far off the hospital so let's go to land in the parking lot right here there we go a little parking lot landing and this guy said he can walk okay well I still want to see him in the X-ray machine just in case he got some damages I haven't seen yet so there we go he's rolling into the X-ray machine Let's goad and check out what's wrong with this guy and soon he will be going out of the x r machine dude this is actually taking some time now and okay so his head is kind of damaged and and yeah his neck and arm okay sir it doesn't seem like anything too serious because you don't have any fractures and stuff it's basically like missiles and all that good stuff so yeah just take it take it take it easy a couple of days Roger that doctor and yeah no more biking in mountains my man yeah I think you get the memo now dude don't bike in a mountain like that especially alone dude people are crazy here okay well that was a super busy day working here in the hospital but pretty exciting day as well so yeah guys that's going to be it for today's episode I really hope you enjoyed this one and if you did make sure to hit the like subscribe button and I'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: ZourChip
Views: 124,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brookhaven RP, Brookhaven roblox, Brookhaven rp roblox, Roblox brookhaven rp, Brookhaven RP Roblox, Cop, Robber, Police, Medic, doctor, ambulance, brookhaven premium, houses, cars, premium, update, secrets, Brookhaven update, penthouse, military, gym, gangster, Dentist, shelter, tow truck, phone update
Id: QRe0agoarf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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