SML Movie: The Remote [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] oh man guys i can't believe chef pee pee got us happy meal i know right dude i love happy meals me too yeah i can't wait to get heart disease by the time i'm 50. yeah obesity yeah all right guys before we eat our happy meals let's turn on some tv give me that angelica please don't take my reptile and what are you gonna do about it you're nothing but stupid babies chucky do something okay tommy what are you gonna do about it finster [Music] she deserved it right angelica definitely deserved that because she's mean and she also always carries around that stupid doll yeah just like cody today's word kids is burn spell it with me b-u-r-n-d burr junior that's not how you spell burned yeah it is no it's spelled b-u-r-n-e-d b-u-r-n-e-d cody that's not burned that's bernadette yeah cody that doesn't sound right yeah that's burnhead cody hey joseph does this make sense uh hey joseph my house burned to the ground oh no junior let your house burn it to the ground it burned into yeah let's just let's just forget about it we don't want you doing that okay all right all right so let's just calm down and eat our happy meals all right let's open it up oh man i got some nugs i love me some nugs check it out junior i gotta go you got a gert oh i got a girt well hold on i don't have one of those well of course not junior only cool kids get yogurt we don't have time to just sit around and eat normal yogurt with a spoon we got places to go so we grab our girt oh man i wish i was that cool sucks to be a square junior oh dude look at my toys what kind of toy is that i don't know it kind of looks like a basketball hoop oh that cody what's up what'd you get now let me take a look oh junior i got my little pony that's dumb junior that's not dumb that's rainbow dash don't you be talking snizz about my dashie yahashi hey dude what did you get junior oh let me see what toy i got that'll be cool a tv remote dude why did they give you a tv remote where's your toy yeah where is my toy why'd they give me a stupid tv remote i already have one junior i think they ran out of toys so they just gave you the closest thing they could find yeah dude no basketball who for you so lame all right this is stupid i don't want a tv remote i want a cool toy like you guys well junior at least see if it works with your tv i mean that way if you lose this remote you still have another one yeah i mean i guess if this remote works at least i'll have two remotes all right i'll i'll try to pause the tv okay but it worked see look it paused the tv show you see that guys guys did you see that it paused the tv oh i get it you guys are gonna ignore me now because i didn't get a toy with my happy meal oh that's what it is i'm not cool enough i'm not cool enough for you guys to talk to me huh is that it is that it joseph we've been friends for years but you guys are going to ignore me because i didn't get a toy in my happy meal huh cody cody joseph all right guys that okay you want to ignore me then fine leave get out of my house i don't want to be friends anymore leave why aren't y'all listening to me leave i'm going to go tell chef pee pee that y'all won't leave y'all ignoring me ah chef pee pee my friends are ignoring me and they're being mean and i want you to tell them to go home chef pee pee chef pee pee don't ignore me too why is everybody ignoring me chef baby chef pee pee's ignoring me my stupid friends are ignoring me you guys can leave we're not friends anymore leave why are y'all ignoring me you know what i'm just gonna watch tv oh i guess it didn't work junior dude the batteries must be low oh now you guys want to talk to me now that i unpause the tv you guys want to be best friends well i'm not having it leave what are you talking about junior yeah dude when i paused the tv you guys stopped talking to me you started ignoring me no when you paused the tv nothing happened you don't remember no no no when i hit that pause button you guys started ignoring me and so did chef pee pee that no one was moving what what are you talking about try it out cody look hit the pause button and see for yourself okay junior i don't understand junior joseph guys oh yeah hey oh yeah yeah okay i think i'm ready here we go oh oh god oh what happened oh dude my my butt hurts yeah mine does too oh yeah that's cause you guys were sitting on the couch for so long that's that's what that is i'm winking behind my glasses oh oh cody uh did you see what i was talking about yeah yeah yeah i definitely saw what you're talking about junior this remote controls time it controls time yeah when you hit the pause button it stops time really yeah well how long did you keep it paused for oh oh god like like five years five years what'd you do for five years oh what didn't i do i i mean i i did everything i mean you name it i did it everything i could think of oh well so you're telling me that with that remote i can pause time and do stuff to people yeah yeah and they won't know nope so i can pause time go punch chef peepee in the face and he won't do anything yep i'm gonna try that i can't believe you're not those kiddies that i may have stupid mutts hey chef pee pee junior get your mic from out of the kitchen he's making a mess no what oh okay chef i want to punch you in the face oh my god oh cool oh my god what happened what happened to your face yeah i don't know i'm trying to figure it out it must have been that stupid mutt i know it is i know it is guys guys i paused time and i punched everybody in the face over and over and over and he didn't even know it was me wow that's messed up dude yeah junior i don't think you should be using your remote to do bad things well you paused the world for five years yeah but i didn't do anything bad you know well i want to keep pausing time there's still stuff i want to do no junior this remote has too much power we need to get rid of it get rid of it it came in my happy meal it's my happy meal toy junior that was a mistake you're not supposed to have this oh okay you're just really jealous because you got a stupid rainbow dash toy junior i am not mad about my dashie now you need to get rid of this remote you're going to do something stupid and mess something up you know what cody i don't like i don't like your your language you're speaking you know what i'ma change the language of spanish you sound like a robot talking about spaghetti or something right dude yeah you know what i'll change your back buddy junior do not ever do that again fine but i'm gonna keep playing with my remote what do you think this fast forward button does junior it probably fast forwards time okay okay so you guys are mad that i hurt chef pee pee so how about i make it up to him see there's a mess downstairs that my dog made so how about i fast forward him cleaning up the mess huh it'll help him out i guess yeah dude i didn't help okay i'll do it i can't believe you stopped me as mess hey chef what are you doing should you get out of the kitchen i'm trying to clean up this mess that your dog made okay [Music] oh chef pee pee you're all done well wow that that was really fast yeah yo you're welcome chef pee pee huh okay guys i made it up to chef pee pee i fast forwarded him cleaning up the mess and now he's happy okay great junior now we can get rid of that remote but cody i don't want to get rid of the remote look there's a fast forward feature i can fast forward through anything i don't want to sit through like uh school and uh school oh dude what about school yeah school i hate school me too i i actually kind of like school because you're a nerd cody a big nerd junior i don't care what you want to fast forward through we need to get rid of that remote oh okay okay how about this cody well make a deal if you can give me a long detailed scientific explanation on why i should get rid of this remote then i'll get rid of it but really yup i mean it's gonna be really long and boring oh i wanna hear it oh okay well junior i think you should get rid of this remote and that junior is why you should not have that remote dude that was so cool really you thought my explanation was cool no it was cool because i fast forwarded through your whole stupid explanation yeah the junior you didn't hear anything i said this is exactly why you shouldn't have the remote well go yeah it was really long and boring i didn't want to hear it so i fast forward to do it well judy i told you it's going to be long and boring uh cody how about this holiday okay i'm sorry i did not mean to do that it was just a joke okay look same deal if you give me that long explanation one more time i'll get rid of it no junior you're just gonna fast forward with me no i i swear i will not fast forward through it this time i swear i will not if i fast forward through it then you can punch me in the face and break this remote really you promise yeah yeah wait he's gonna break the room come on so yeah just give us the explanation i i promise okay junior i think you should get rid of that remote because you're dude i know you can't hear them what happened i i muted them oh yeah i put them on you so now you guys make any noise you should have did that a long time ago i know he's just non-stop talking cody cody we can't hear you it doesn't matter what you say we can't hear you cody you're not making any noise he's so stupid he's not even going to hear you but unmute me junior no cody no okay i'm not going to how about this cody quickly go if you're a loser don't say anything oh okay cody okay cody oh look oh i'm mute you ugh there you go junior oh my god junior this is exactly the kind of thing that you shouldn't be doing because you don't need this remote okay okay look look we have not used the rewind feature that's the last feature i want to use and i'll get rid of the remote okay junior what could you possibly need the rewind feature for um i know what i would use it for um i know i know okay i know what i want to use i'll be right back uh hey dad what junior what do you want i'm trying to watch tv um i want to make a bet oh a bet what kind of bet well i want you to think of a number between one and ten and if i guess it right then you have to give me a hundred dollars but if i guess it wrong i have to give you two hundred dollars okay we can do that looks like i'm about to make two hundred dollars easily okay think of your number oh that's kind of hard oh okay i got it okay uh is it one nope looks like you owe me two hundred dollars oh okay i got it is it two nope it looks like you owe me two hundred dollars oh okay i got it is it three no it looks like you owe me two hundred dollars oh okay i got it is it four nope it looks like you owe me two hundred dollars oh okay i got it is it five nope it looks like you owe me two hundred dollars oh okay i got it is it six nope it looks like you owe me two hundred dollars oh okay i got it is it seven nope it looks like you owe me two hundred dollars oh okay i got it is it eight oh how did you guess right well i guess i'm just a psychic dad pay up oh my god here's your stupid hundred dollars all right thanks dad it's a ripoff junior whenever i hear that i know something's bad guys guess who just made a hundred dollars how did you make a hundred dollars with that remote oh let me think for a second oh let me just think oh because i'm a genius yeah dude if you got a hundred big ones out of it yeah 100 big ones smackaroonies okay great junior you had your fun now we need to get rid of that remote for real okay cody how do you expect us just to get rid of this remote you think it's just going to vanish no we could like break it or maybe there's a self-destruct button a self-destruct button uh no there's a rewind a pause oh what about this parent or control button no junior don't press you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 658,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, the, remote
Id: _nta1AXa0Ac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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