SML Movie: Chef Pee Pee The Robot [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] burn mac and cheese my favorite chef vivi what are you doing on cookie burnt mac and cheese like you asked burnt mac and cheese no no no chef pee pee i'm not eating that again you cut the same thing over and over again you like a robot all you do is cook the same thing clean and do it over again well that's what you asked for me you want me to be a robot i'll be a robot oh man i can't wait to eat burnt mac and cheese you're right balfour i am a robot people boop i'm chef pee pee and i'm a robot yeah you are you are a robot chef people with a big stupid robot what should people use a robot should be just a robot oh my god i gotta call cody and joseph wrong with you guys yeah junior you sounded really scared over the phone yeah all right guys what i'm about to tell you is completely true okay what is it get it out chef pee pee he's a robot junior what makes you say that no way he can't be a robot dude guys guys listen listen i was going to the kitchen because it's burnt mac and cheese night and i was like hold on tonight is burnt macaroni and cheese night yeah junior you mean to tell me chef pee pee was making burnt mac and cheese and you didn't invite us over for dinner yeah dude that's the best oh well guys i was just trying to have it all for myself junior i'm gonna need a bowl of that burnt mac and cheese if you're gonna finish your store uh me too dude fine guys i'll get you a bowl yes i love the crunch right um it's great but guys i know chef pee pee's burnt mac and cheese is the bomb but we have a bigger problem on our hands what chef pee pee's a robot well you know now that you mention it i think only a robot could burn macaroni and cheese this good yeah he has to be a robot well guys this is what happened i walked into the kitchen and i overheard chef pee pee telling my dad i'm chef pee pee i'm a robot beep boop beep boop and then my dad was like yeah chef pee pee you are a robot oh he really said that out loud yeah although he admitted it oh okay okay well let's just ask your dad first before we just jump to conclusions okay yeah you're good thinking cody i'm gonna go ask my dad if chef he really is a robot yeah uh you guys just keep eating your burnt mac and cheese you can do okay don't ask me twice charlie and friends was filmed in front of a live audience oh hi guys i'm charlie today i'm gonna do a handstand oh yeah i just got in the shower now you want to see me do a handstand guys watch this wait wait wait wait i'mma do a handstand without any hands look at this one [Applause] oh charlie you can't do a handstand without hands you need them all right dad what junior um can i ask you something what you gay yep you gay just go ahead and tell me you're gay so i can disown you now no no no dad i'm i overheard you telling chef pee pee that he was a robot well damn he might as well be all he does is the same thing over and over and over again yeah like a robot yeah he is a robot you know what just go to his face and tell him he's a stupid robot yeah he's a damn robot oh my god [Music] guys guys guys hold on junior i ate the whole bowl what about that one little burnt noodle right there oh trying to hide from me are you coming out of you oh josh did you eat the whole bowl oh dude i ate all of it i'm stuffed i almost feel like throwing up but you know because it's burnt yeah yeah but guys my dad basically confirmed it chef pee pee's a robot really yeah my dad said chevy he's a big stupid robot no yeah guys so so what am i gonna do i didn't know i was living with a robot this whole time dude that's weird yeah so i think we should go try to communicate with chef pee because he's a robot you know like talk to the robot yeah see if we can like tell he's a robot like you know look him in the eyes and stuff yeah oh yeah let's do it dude all right guys come on oh man i can't wait to eat some of this burnt macaroni and cheese oh chef pee pee what do you want julia oh oh you want some burnt macaroni and cheese don't you oh i'm empty oh no no thank you um oh well what do you want um we just uh we just um i've never seen a robot before me either um we just want to stare at you yeah what why stop it why are you looking at me who made you chef pee pee my mom and my dad oh he thinks he's a person did they make you in like a laboratory no they made me in the bed but that's naked where did they get the parts for you look a baby is made when a man and a woman and nine months later a baby is born wait wait wait so you need a woman to do that yeah are you gay wait wait wait wait so girls have two butts what no junior oh my god just get the hell out of here um chef pee pee well then do you poop yes i poop what kind of question is that well like do you poop batteries what the hell would i poop batteries junior does it look like i put batteries up my ass well well that's how you get i get a charge right no i don't get a charge like that what the hell is wrong with you you think i'm a weirdo well how do you get a charge then i mean you can get a charge many ways you can go in outside and hit an old lady and get a charge whoa he gets charged up by hitting old ladies who would make a robot like that the only way you get charged no you can get like a lot of charges doing illegal things i mean murder you can get a charge uh maybe burglary you can get a charge i mean you can burn stuff and get a chocolate burnt stuff or mac and cheese you get the chocolate making cheese that makes sense now oh why should she be why would they make a robot that gets charged during crimes i know that's awful um how do you take a shower yeah i mean just like every other person i take off my clothes and get in the toilet what do you mean but when the water hits you do you like short circuit what kind of stupid ass question is that junior do i look like a robot i swear to god these kids are stupid what are you doing junior guys i have one more thing that'll prove chef pee pee's a robot what more proof do you need yeah what is it guys if he can't do this he's truly a robot okay come on let's take a drone [Music] i'm chef pee pee oh what do you want julia i'm trying to eat my burnt macaroni and cheese uh can you do me a favor what now can you do this capture on this website that says i'm not a robot sure i guess what are you doing on this website i watch minecraft videos look you're not watching anything on here you know what i'm gonna take your laptop wait wait wait why couldn't you do the capture for me because i'm not going to do it on that website he's a robot he's not doing anything he's a robot dude he's a robot just go to your room you're not getting your laptop back okay he's taking my laptop for spare parts i got him oh he's a robot you're a guy robbing the robot oh my god these kids are stupid guys so it's official chef pee pee's a robot yeah you think you know a guy yeah dude it's so weird yeah i know this whole time these last few years i've just been living with a robot i can't believe it i know it just doesn't make any sense who's that let's go see who that is who could that be [Music] hello what do you want you want to buy this rock what a rock 10 why would i want to buy a rock it's a good rock i don't want to buy a damn rock okay i don't care if it's hard or not i can find a rock outside okay 20. i'm not about to buy a damn rock look just go leave please go and take a rock somewhere else man i hate people i wish they all died oh my god oh my god i don't know i don't know guys guys guys it's up to us to save the world yeah yeah we're the only one that knows about this we have to stop chef pee pee the robot yeah how are we gonna do it though i don't know um water you're right yeah water would would kill him yeah let's try water let's try water chef pee pee what thigh robot guys he's short circuited i think i got him why would you throw water in my face i died i thought you must have thirsty are you i'm not thirsty you oh guys why did water work i don't know dude maybe his skin is hiding his circuits and everything yeah yeah like it's protecting it yeah so we have to like rip his face off right oh yeah rip it off all right let's try to rip his face off yeah let's try that oh why is julian being so stupid today uh chef pee pee what now junior can i touch your face what no but i really just want to grab your face i'm cleaning right now can i just grab your phone no no well that didn't work yeah you just get really mad how are we gonna get his flesh off his face maybe we could take like a baseball bat and just whack his circuits out of him yeah yeah dude and then we get some burnt room and walk just submerge him yeah that would kill him yeah yeah we got a plan joseph go fill up the bathtub let's go robot let's go okay cody their chef could be doing dishes like a freaking robot yeah so i want you to hit a home run okay okay hey got him you got him junior why would where are you going joe jr just no no no no no [Music] he's dead he's dead guys what's wrong dude that baby's dead yeah what's up well i just went on vacation on christmas and i just came back but you but you were a robot no no i bought a robot that looked just like me so y'all wouldn't get mad because i was on vacation but and how did he do did he do good did he look just like me he act like me didn't he i know i know just come look just come look okay you're destroying my damn robot well we thought you were a robot we thought you were going to kill everybody no no that was a good robot i rented that robot how can you destroy something i read it i'm sorry chef baby oh my god what am i going to you do something for me real quick chef pee pee what now junior um can you do the caption on this website so i can sign in we got we got chef pee pee's world famous burnt mac and cheese three days old is it hot it's good right that's what that face means oh yeah you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 931,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, chef, pee pee, the, robot
Id: K0vnApGVl5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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