SML Movie: 2 Tickets [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] [Music] that was the hit single tito come outside you're listening to 102.7 the splash oh man i'm so glad my dad got me this boom box it's so cool all right listeners it's the top of the hour so that means it's time for us to play what's in my pants what's in this bag what's in this what is it somebody what's in his pants whatever game is that if you call in and successfully guess what's in my pants you can win two tickets to punch in the face-a-thon where you and a lucky friend can get punched in the face punching the faces dog i want to win those tickets here are your two hints for what's in my pants it's big but not too big and it has a hole on top i'll give you just one more hint i'm wearing some pretty big pants the lines are open call now oh i can call and answer that oh what's in his pants um it's big but not too big and has a hole on top of it um it can't be his penis that'd be the obvious answer um how what could it be i know a baby whale where's my phone oh man please answer i really want to win those tickets uh hello who's the lucky caller wait oh my god am i on the radio right now yes you are oh my god okay guess what's inside your pants please do my pants are getting pretty uncomfortable oh okay okay so what i think is inside your pants is i i think it's a baby whale ding ding ding he got it i have a baby whale in my pants oh my god wait wait wait wait wait wait so i won yes you did looks like you and a friend are going to punch in the face-a-thon oh my god i can't believe i won but how'd you get a baby whale in your pants huh i have some pretty big pants oh my god i can't believe i actually won oh i'm gonna i'm gonna call joseph and cody and we're gonna go to punch our faces down oh my god i can't believe it i won oh it looks like the police are here they've they've come to ask about the whale in my pants you can't come in here you don't have a warrant joseph cody guys get over here really quick the most amazing thing has ever happened in my life just happened get over here quick right now okay bye oh man wow that was fast they're already here wow guys you got here really fast wait the cops what are you doing here oh i just came here to give you your tickets to uh punch in the face-a-thon how was that legal my tickets uh why are you giving me the tickets oh well you see we had to arrest the guy that works at the radio station for uh putting a baby whale down his pants yeah he he stole it from an aquarium and that's uh that's animal cruelty oh well thanks for the tickets oh this is amazing you have fun with it i can't believe i got my two tickets to punch in the face i found this is so cool oh that must be my friends guys look i got two tickets to punch in the face like oh jesus do you always answer the door like that just yelling at people wait wait what are you doing here oh well you see i i really hate to ask but uh can i use your bathroom like you see i just i've been working all day and i really got to go and i just can't really hold it anymore and i figure i'm already here you know and i gave you tickets and everything so i mean i guess you could use the bathroom thanks man that's great okay hey man i really appreciate you letting me use the bathroom you know most people don't let a cop just walk around in the house uh so so what so where is the bathroom uh well there's one downstairs and there's one upstairs oh i'm gonna use the upstairs bathroom i i like to i like to feel like i live here uh okay okay that has to be my friends guys i got two tickets to punch in the face why no way junior dude is sold out yeah junior how did you get tickets yeah guys come on inside i'll tell you all about it because we're going okay so junior how did you get two tickets to punch in the face-a-thon yeah dude this was sold out for weeks months well you see guys i was sitting here listening to my radio why yeah who listens to the radio anymore dude i was bored but anyway i was listening to the radio and they were giving out two tickets to punch in the face-a-thon to whoever could guess what was inside this guy's pants and i guessed it right oh what was in his pants yeah dude what was in it uh it was a baby whale well that's illegal oh baby will how did he fit it in his pants i don't know it must have been some pretty big pants yeah it's a pretty big pet some huge pants but anyway i won two tickets to punch the face-a-thon so we're all going to punch in the face of dogs we can't all go huh wait are you not allowed to go no i'm allowed junior it's just that there's only two tickets and so well there's two tickets and there's three of us i don't get what you're talking about yeah i don't get it cody are you blind like i i understand you need glasses but are you blind like what's going on junior no shut up there's two tickets and there's there's three of us yeah and we're all three going yeah we're all going with the punches we're not all three going only two of us can go wait joseph you can't go what no no no i can't go i can't yeah i can go and you can go so all three everything no junior there's only two tickets how do you not understand you're coming you're coming off stupid code i don't understand why explain it i'm coming off stupid okay how about this this is my ticket right yeah you can have tickets i'm not saying i'm not sharing or just this is a ticket no junior we need three tickets one per person well i don't understand yeah we have the tickets you guys you don't see it we each need a ticket yeah look you have one and you have one junior this is stupid okay fine how about this how about this you have two apples right okay and you want to give those two apples to three people all right okay what do you do uh uh you you cut them in half oh yeah okay bad example that was a bad example you're the one talking about apples nobody's even watching an apple yeah yeah we're talking about tickets here you can bring up a metaphor you bring up apples all the time at your fetish or something like this this is the first time i've ever talked about apples well why are you even talking about apples yeah we should be talking about punch in the face i thought all right junior three minus two equals one one good good he's not totally stupid okay try again three minus two equals one one good good you're doing good junior now now now three sticks minus two sticks equal one stick one stick yeah yes good good great okay okay now you see these three people here right yeah they're happy right there's three happy people good um there's two tickets do you see that it's your tickets two tickets he does not have a ticket so he is sad oh no he says he's sad because he didn't get punched in the face like these two would punch in the face-a-thon yeah because he didn't have a ticket because he didn't have a ticket yes that that good now do you see why we can't all go to punch in the face-a-thon i mean i see why they can't go but we all can go because we can we're like damn it junior they're drawings all right that that back to the board back to the board okay okay so you see these two circles have tickets uh-huh this black circle does not have a ticket so because he's black no junior he can't afford it no yeah yeah that's racist that's cool but we'll try words we'll try words three people right and there's two tickets and there's one person with no ticket who who can't go because another ticket yes yes junior great great okay okay let's tr let's try the pie chart try the pie chart right okay so this is people who don't wait cody stop stop stop i understand you want to make pie charts and you want to do math because you're a nerd but we should really be getting ready for punching the face-a-thon no junior two of us should be getting ready one of us can't go cody are you trying to say you don't want to go because you don't want to go just tell me junior i really really want to go okay then shut up and let's get ready come on let's go hi junior pass out the tickets all right i'll pass out the tickets uh all right cody here's your ticket thank you junior and joseph here's your ticket oh thanks dude all right so wait yeah what what i don't have a ticket yes yes he finally sees it it's a miracle there is a guy you don't have a ticket to order after i gave cody's ticket and i gave you your ticket i realized that i only have two tickets and one of us can't go yeah yeah how about that jenny it's what i've been trying to say wait what are we gonna do then dude i don't know if cody wasn't distracting us with this stupid match we would have realized this early and we could have fixed it junior i've been trying to explain to you that you don't have a third ticket all right guys look we can fix this uh why don't we just buy another ticket huh dude this was sold out for weeks months even okay well then why don't we uh sneak one of you guys in junior it's punch in the face that's on the security's gonna be insane yeah cody has a point dude it's gonna be crazy well guys i really want to take the both of you but i can only take one of you who do i take oh dude you're going to take me right i'm your best friend remember yeah i'm your best friend no no no he's long he's known me way longer than you cody well other times he told me he's been better no no no i come over here like all the time dude he doesn't even like you well when you're not around he calls me on the phone and he moans into it and stuff and then one time we touched wieners but it wasn't gay good guys guys we can fix this easily why don't we like flip a coin or rock paper scissors oh i know what to do what how about you get the tape measure and we whip it out whoever's peeing is the shortest that's who gets to go and i'll have you know joseph my penis is microscopic well god god god guys we're not we're not gonna do that look how about uh whoever can do the coolest thing for me in the next five minutes i'll take them okay uh okay you're on josh i'm gonna beat you cody oh man i really hope we don't hate each other after this yeah here you go junior thank you a chocolate fudge cake packed full of fudge packed it myself well cody you made me a cake yeah cause i know you like cake junior cause we're best buds what butt buddies forever junior and cody yeah that's us we're butt buddies what's a butt buddy means i got your butt you got mine i eat yours you eat mine and we go to punch-a-thon together well thanks for the cake cody looks really awesome junior look what i got you what is that oh it's a sign baseball autographed by harriet tubman no it's not joseph well what is it then cody it's a normal baseball that you wrote harriet tubman on in sharpie no it's legit cody you wouldn't know oh yeah what teams she played for the underground railroads no she played for the yankees yankees weren't even around when she was alive how would you know oh and besides i'm pretty sure she didn't misspell her first name what wait how is it misspelled code harriet has two r's [ __ ] whoa she was a slave she didn't have any freaking knowledge look she was busy building underground railroad well my cake is way cooler than your stupid baseball you know what look i'll really jump in but yeah yeah really he's gonna take me to the frickingness but look i don't care anyway where is it where is it god where is that cake it was just right here five minutes ago oh no it just disappeared on me chef pee pee oh what do you want junior wait did you take my cake i know you took my cake i hate chocolate well i didn't take your stupid cake chef pee pee it was cody oh i need your opinion chef pee pee what junior um okay so i won these two tickets to punch in the face-a-thon and both my friends really want to go but i only have two tickets so who do i take wait wait wait put punch in the face-a-thon yeah no it can't be wait those stickers are sold out how did you get those tickets junior i want him on a radio thing i had a contest i had to guess what was inside a guy's pants okay well junior i have to go with you i really have to go you don't know how much this means to me i always wanted to go to the punch in the face-a-thon ever since i was a little boy but you just said you hated me chef pee pee why would i take you instead of one of my friends no no no i don't hate you buddy you're my best friend you know that come on you said you hated me no no no no he must have alzheimer's or something i don't hate you junior you're my best friend give me that damn ticket i'm not going to take you chevy my friends are actually trying to do stuff to make you take me like you want to go but what you what do you want me to do junior do you want me to throw some x i'll throw some eggs i throw it all around the kitchen guys oh yeah yeah you see that i'm making a big mess yeah we're doing here oh wait what what do you want me to do now do you want me to uh bring my head today yeah yeah i'll bring my hair out oh everybody wants to go to punch in the face-a-thon but i only have two tickets i guess i'm going to ask my dad what i should do hey hey what the cop yeah yeah could you come here oh yeah is everything all right uh yeah can i have some toilet paper you don't have any in here i'm uh i'm thinking of a storm and i'm making a butt baby oh yeah i'll get you some toilet paper i guess okay thanks but don't forget okay i'm not gonna forget oh what should i do about the punch in the face at dawn today is the day father's day man i've been waiting on this day all year and it's finally here oh i hope chef pee pee is done with my father's day cake hmm i wonder what junior you got me for father's day oh hey dad oh hey junior you're the one i wanted to see now let me hear it what hear what uh look at the calendar uh father's day today's father's day yeah today's father's day now tell me what you got me for father's day son uh uh i um you didn't forget did you no no no i didn't forget i i got you uh one of these i didn't get you either wait wait two tickets for punching the face of time yeah yeah you actually thought about me i mean i deserve it i know i deserve it you know i do so much for you oh my god i can't believe you got me tickets to go to the bunch of defensive thoughts i mean yeah dad i i did get them for you for father's day oh man you're the perfect son you know what i'm a well on your ass so hard so get this ticket you're going with me son all right dad let's go together just me and you yeah let's go son i'm gonna beat your ass oh my god dude oh that put you in the face that's always so amazing yeah i was really fine look look i actually know do you think dad i can't see i have two black eyes that's the way it's supposed to be at the bottom yeah i had a really fun time dad me too this was the best father's day ever look i'm gonna go on my side of your friends you just know stay out of trouble uh okay well at least my dad was happy hey there yeah i had to use my shirt as toilet paper because you forgot but it looks like you had fun so i guess that's all that matters i'm sorry oh you're sorry no that's great yeah well uh i clogged up the toilet trying to flush my shirt so you have fun with that oh okay okay now baseball is always dumb as you guys will describe it but this is actually good no thank you or whatever hey guys whoa junior what happened to you yeah dude i just got back from punching the face-a-thong you didn't take me or me dude nope guys i decided to take my dad cause today's father's day oh oh today today's father's day yeah i didn't even know but i saw the calendar oh man my dad's gonna be so mad it's gonna be like punching the face on at my house my dad's dead so i don't care oh well i decided that family comes first so i decided to take my dad and we had a fun time yeah uh that's good joseph uh my dad really likes history can i can i have that baseball oh i thought it was stupid cody yeah but so is my dad no well okay then yeah all right guys well i'm sorry i didn't get to take you guys but i had to take my dad oh that's all right dude you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 341,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, two, tickets
Id: a_W9CebXP9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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